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    2024 Voter Guide: Meet the candidates running for local office in St. Clair County

    20 hours ago

    Welcome to the Belleville News-Democrat’s Voter Guide for St. Clair County races in the Nov. 5 election in Illinois.

    The News-Democrat has contacted the candidates running for county board chair, circuit clerk, coroner, board of review, recorder and county board seats in contested races and asked them to complete a candidate questionnaire.

    While this article has information about St. Clair County candidates, you can go to this page at to get links to read about candidates running for Congress, state legislative offices and seats in other counties.

    Responses from St. Clair County candidates in contested races and the names of candidates in uncontested races are listed below. (The candidates are listed alphabetically.)

    Use the index menu below to immediately navigate to the races you want to see first.

    See the races:

    • St. Clair County Board Chair
    • St. Clair County Board of Review
    • St. Clair County Board of Review (two-year term)
    • St. Clair County Circuit Clerk
    • St. Clair County Coroner
    • St. Clair County Recorder
    • St. Clair County Board District 7
    • St. Clair County Board District 10
    • St. Clair County Board District 18
    • Uncontested races
    • St. Clair County Board Chair
      Mark Kern Provided


      Political party: Democratic

      Age as of Nov. 5, 2024: 61

      Office seeking: St. Clair County Board chair

      Are you an incumbent? Yes

      Campaign website or social media page: Facebook: Chairman Mark Kern , Twitter X: @ChairmanKern

      Have you run for elected office before? (Please list previous offices sought.) Yes.

      Served as alderman - city of Belleville

      Served as mayor - city of Belleville

      Currently serving as County Board chairman

      Occupation: County Board chairman

      Education: Millikin University — B.S. Business administration, Washington University School of Law — JD, Washington University Olin School of Business — M.B.A.

      Please list highlights of your civic involvement: Air Mobility Command Civic Leader, East-West Gateway Council of Governments Executive Board, Chairman of East Side Health District, United Counties Council of Illinois Executive Board, St. Louis Magazine “100 People Who Are Shaping St. Louis” 2016

      Who are your top three campaign contributors? Self, family, friends

      Why are you running? To continue to lower county tax rates annually while growing the county and protecting our largest employer, Scott Air Force Base.

      What is the top issue in your race, and how would you address it? The top issue is growing jobs and commerce while continuing to improve the quality of life in St. Clair County. Attracting companies like the Boeing Co. to locate here requires dedication and leadership. I have been fortunate to work with our bipartisan County Board to achieve improvements in transportation, trails and infrastructure. All of these things were achieved with clean audits and a balanced budget.

      Why should people vote for you? I am an experienced regional and local leader who works across party lines to continue to shape a bright future here in St. Clair County.
      Ryan Craig Musick Provided


      Political party: Republican

      Age as of Nov. 5, 2024: 41

      Office seeking: St. Clair County Board chair

      Are you an incumbent? No

      Campaign website or social media page:

      Have you run for elected office before? (Please list previous offices sought.) Yes, state representative and alderman

      Occupation: Self-employed contractor

      Education: I’ve been homeschooled. Attended Berean Christian School, Calvary Baptist Academy, Belleville East High School, Northern Iowa University, SWIC, and Southwest Baptist University.

      Please list highlights of your civic involvement: Visiting and singing to the elderly, volunteering with multiple church youth groups, volunteering in food pantries, building a home in Mexico, bus ministries, volunteering my time with non-profits.

      Who are your top three campaign contributors? St. Clair County Republican Party, my wife and my children.

      Why are you running? I have been called by God to be involved in local politics. It started when I was seeking my purpose in 2008 and He told me I was to be a preacher, but little did I know that my platform to preach from would be as a politician. I was shown that the church is not confined by four walls. The church starts within yourself, and then extends outward to your spouse, then your children, your neighbors, your city, county, state, nation, and then unto the whole world. So my reason for running is that I may be able to serve and minister to all who live within St. Clair County. My hope is that we may be a city known for its love of one another. A city set upon a hill, shining its light for all to see.

      What is the top issue in your race, and how would you address it? Caring for the health of our community is number one on my list. This takes many forms. For example, mental health, emotional health, physical health and spiritual health all need to be addressed to have a complete person lacking nothing. Improving our education systems, introducing alternative mental and physical health practices, improving conditions for the poor and our inmates, a more holistic perspective to the county as a whole, lowering stress through lowering property tax, seeking better forms of energy and becoming more self-sufficient are just a few we would discuss.

      Why should people vote for you? People should vote for me only if they believe I’m the best suited candidate for the job. My passion, persistence, courage and determination will show in the actions I take once elected. I’m praying that I receive the opportunity to show people what I can do, not just talk about it.

      St. Clair County Board of Review
      Tyler Thompson Provided


      Political party: Republican

      Age as of Nov. 5, 2024: 22

      Office seeking: St. Clair County Board of Review

      Are you an incumbent? No

      Campaign website or social media page: Tyler Thompson for St. Clair County Board of Review on Facebook

      Have you run for elected office before? (Please list previous offices sought.) Yes I have run for village clerk of Swansea and Swansea village trustee

      Occupation: I am the village clerk of Swansea and an IDNR conservation worker

      Education: I have a master’s degree in biology from Saint Louis University, a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry from Saint Louis University, and I went to Belleville East for high school. I am also in the process of taking classes to get my Certified Illinois Assessing Officers certification.

      Please list highlights of your civic involvement: I have proudly served the village of Swansea as village clerk for several years and I have been a volunteer for many events in the community, such as the Santa House, Police and Fire Youth Academy, Halloween event, and lighted Christmas parade. I enjoy being involved in my community and helping make it a place that people will want to make their home.

      Who are your top three campaign contributors? Currently I am completely self-funded.

      Why are you running? I am running because I feel that there are multiple issues in St. Clair County with the way property assessments are done and with the way appeals are handled by the Board of Review. To start, there are many issues with the mass assessment system in place. The system hits multiple townships every year with unreasonable increases at the same time as state equalization factors. I have heard many cases in which the county’s assessors have claimed basements where there are crawlspaces and outbuildings where there are just sheds. This is not fair to residents and these incorrect assessments most often go unnoticed unless the resident knows to ask the county for their property record card. At the same time, the yearly state equalization factor hits residents and brings their assessments up even if they have not made any improvements to their home. All it takes is for one overpriced house to be sold in a township and everyone suffers, no matter whether they can afford another property tax increase. This hits the most vulnerable residents the worst, especially ones of lower socioeconomic classes and those on fixed incomes, and at times the system seems designed to drive them out of their homes by slowly raising their property taxes every year. Even though there are tax exemptions and freezes available at the county they are not advertised well and for residents who may not have much experience handling bureaucracy this difficulty may be an impassable barrier, not to mention the difficulty of the appeals process. The appeals process requires the appellant to jump through many hoops to have a chance to be heard by the Board of Review, but even then the appeal will likely be denied. In a time of rising inflation, insane housing prices, and almost non-stop property tax assessment and rate raises, this is simply not fair to the homeowners of St. Clair County.

      What is the top issue in your race, and how would you address it? I believe that the top issue in the race is what the purpose of the Board of Review is. I feel that its purpose is to be a source of relief from over taxation brought on by a system that does not consider the needs of many residents. If nothing changes, there will come a point when the taxes will rise so high that many less fortunate residents will be forced out of their homes no matter how long they have lived there, all in the name of more tax money. With the current system, the dream of homeownership is being placed out of the reach of many first time homebuyers leaving families with no choice but to leave the county to actually own their own home. This harms all residents as we lose out on population and economic growth while also causing homes to be bought up by investors and corporations leaving our neighborhoods shells of their former selves. This future does not have to be, thankfully, as there is a system for appealing unfair taxation, the Board of Review. However, this is only if the board views itself that way and does not simply stand as a guardian of the status quo. As a member of the Board of Review I would like to make knowledge of tax exemptions and freezes more known to the public, simplify the appeals process and make it more accessible, and be more accepting of appeals to help alleviate the suffering of residents.

      Why should people vote for you? I believe the county’s residents should vote for me to let their feelings about these unfair property taxes be heard and ensure there is someone in office working for their interests. Change is a slow process but it is a necessary process, and it always begins with a single step. I hope that a vote for me in November will be the step that brings about a change into a brighter future for all residents.
      Amanda Warma Provided


      Political party: Democratic

      Age as of Nov. 5, 2024: 44

      Office seeking: St. Clair County Board of Review

      Are you an incumbent? Yes

      Campaign website or social media page: N/A

      Have you run for elected office before? (Please list previous offices sought.) No, this is my first election.

      Occupation: Board of Review member, St. Clair County. I was appointed to this position in March 2023.

      Education: I obtained my Bachelor’s of Science degree in elementary education in 2003 and a Master’s of Science degree in elementary education in 2012, both from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. In October 2023, I became a Certified Illinois Assessing Officer (CIAO) by the Illinois Property Assessment Institute.

      Please list highlights of your civic involvement: I am currently the Secretary of the St. Louis Delta Alpha Chapter of Alpha Theta Omega Christian Sorority. Over the last few years, we have collected donations for local shelters, served and prepared Thanksgiving dinner for needy families, and volunteered with Mobile Market Monthly Food Distribution program. I am also a member of Living the Word Church in Collinsville, IL. I volunteer with the Kingdom Kidz program twice a month, where I teach Sunday School, create craft projects, and lead the Create-it-Out team. My daughter is a Marching Panther with O’Fallon Township High School, and as a band mom, I have worked concessions at football games and band competitions, filled shifts at their yard sales, and been a key worker at their annual Craft Fair for the past two years. I have also dedicated my time to volunteer at St. Clair County events such as the Chili Cook-Off and Art on the Square.

      Who are your top three campaign contributors? Family members

      Why are you running? I have enjoyed working as a member of the Board of Review over the past year and a half. During this time, I have learned much about property tax law and assessing through my education with the Illinois Property Assessment Institute, and I have utilized that knowledge during hearings with property owners of St. Clair County. I have always been an educator, and I feel like I can use my experience to help our citizens understand the complex rules and vocabulary of property tax law. St. Clair County residents deserve fair and equitable assessments and qualified board members to voice their concerns to.

      What is the top issue in your race, and how would you address it? The top issue in my race is the increase in home market values, high sales prices, and increased property assessments through the county and state. I plan to address it by meeting with residents to explain why their assessments have increased; looking for any errors that could exist regarding their assessment; providing a fair and communicative hearing; and assisting homeowners in applying for any applicable exemptions.

      Why should people vote for you? Over the last year and a half, I have shown a willingness to learn and a commitment to doing my very best. To receive the Certified Illinois Assessing Officer (CIAO) designation, there are six classes that must be completed with the Illinois Property Assessment Institute, encompassing 90 hours of coursework. Through hard work and dedication, I was able to complete all six classes and receive the CIAO designation within the first six months of my appointment. I am fair, honest and will take the time to fully listen to all taxpayers. If I am elected, I will continue to serve our community with integrity and commitment.

      St. Clair County Board of Review (Two-year term)
      Brian Triska Provided


      Political party: Republican

      Age as of Nov. 5, 2024: 42

      Office seeking:

      Are you an incumbent? No

      Campaign website or social media page: Brian Triska for St Clair County Board of Review on Facebook

      Have you run for elected office before? (Please list previous offices sought.) Yes, current precinct Committeeman for Stookey 1.

      Occupation: Self-employed operating our family general contract business for over 25 years.

      Education: Bachelor’s degree from SIUE

      Please list highlights of your civic involvement: Prior to moving to Millstadt in 2016, I was a lifelong resident of the Signal Hill neighborhood in west Belleville where I served as president of the Neighborhood Association.

      Who are your top three campaign contributors? I am self-funded.

      Why are you running? - To bring real world experience to understand property reports and ability to interpret drawings and make comparisons in structures.

      - Realistic understanding of property conditions and values.

      - Working relationships with a broad spectrum of individuals from all different areas, income brackets and beliefs.

      - Firsthand understanding about the importance of exemptions and how it can impact those on limited incomes.

      What is the top issue in your race, and how would you address it? My top goal is education for taxpayers about how to fully understand their tax bills, property report cards, and to ensure they are receiving all the exemptions they are entitled to. In the many discussions I’ve had with taxpayers, and especially the elderly, there is a lot of confusion about what exemptions they qualify for.

      Why should people vote for you? Voting for me is a vote for transparency, integrity and an open-door policy. My sole goal is to give everyone a fair judgment, to assist anyone in need of further guidance and explanation to questions regarding taxation.

      Did not respond

      Irma Golliday, the Democratic incumbent candidate for St. Clair County Board of Review (two-year term), did not respond to the Belleville News-Democrat questionnaire.

      St. Clair County Circuit Clerk
      Kinnis Williams Sr. Provided


      Political party: Democratic

      Age as of Nov. 5, 2024: 64

      Office seeking: St. Clair County Circuit Clerk

      Are you an incumbent? Yes

      Campaign website or social media page: None

      Have you run for elected office before? (Please list previous offices sought.) Board of Review 2020-2022

      Occupation: St. Clair County Circuit Clerk

      Education: High school diploma and some college

      Please list highlights of your civic involvement: Assist with hosting expungement seminars; Host back to school picnics; Trustee at local neighborhood church.

      Who are your top three campaign contributors? 1. Robert “Chick” Fritz Inc.

      Why are you running? To be able to assist the patrons in St. Clair County and serve the people. To provide a voice for the community.

      What is the top issue in your race, and how would you address it? There are no issues at this time.

      Why should people vote for you? I am committed to improving the technology and efficiency of the operations in the Circuit Clerk’s Office, therefore providing better services to the public.

      Did not respond

      Cindi McDonald, the Republican candidate for St. Clair County Circuit Clerk, did not respond to the Belleville News-Democrat questionnaire.

      St. Clair County Coroner
      Dean Darnall Provided


      Political party: Republican

      Age as of Nov. 5, 2024: 54

      Office seeking: St. Clair County coroner

      Are you an incumbent? No

      Campaign website or social media page:

      Have you run for elected office before? (Please list previous offices sought.) No

      Occupation: Chief of police

      Education: Bachelor’s in criminal justice

      Please list highlights of your civic involvement: Member of the American Board of Medicolegal Death Investigators, member of Ainad Shriners East St. Louis, IL, Member of O’Fallon, IL. Moose Lodge 2608, Retired member of the O’Fallon, IL Underwater Search and Recovery Team, Former firefighter with the O’Fallon, IL Fire Department.

      Who are your top three campaign contributors? All contributions are a grassroots effort by donations from friends of Dean Darnall.

      Why are you running? I am running for St. Clair County coroner to utilize my extensive experience and skills to enhance the coroner’s office operations and deliver improved services to the community. My goal is to bring about meaningful improvements and ensure that the office effectively serves the needs of the residents.

      What is the top issue in your race, and how would you address it? In this race, first, I will be bringing back integrity to establish policies and protocols to ensure the integrity of the office. I will make this a top priority to ensure public trust and confidence.

      Second, I will focus on deaths deemed preventable (e.g., overdose and suicide). I will work closely with community members and other organizations to help reduce the number of preventable deaths.

      Lastly, I will focus on addressing Jane and John doe cases in the county. I believe that every family deserves closure, and if elected, I will make it my mission to provide closure to as many families as possible.

      Why should people vote for you? 1. Extensive experience: I have 10 years of experience in the Coroner’s Office and a deep understanding of its roles, responsibilities and protocols. My background as a law enforcement officer and a former deputy coroner equips me with expertise needed to lead effectively. I am a graduate of the Southwestern Illinois College Police Academy, certified lead homicide investigator along with countless hours of training through the Illinois Coroner’s and Medical Examiner’s Association and the Southern Illinois Law Enforcement Commission.

      2. Commitment to integrity: I emphasize the importance of integrity and hard work, qualities I believe are essential for managing the office and building and maintaining trust with the community.

      3. Hands-on leadership: I am dedicated to actively participating in the office’s operations rather than serving as a figurehead. I am committed to directly addressing issues and implementing improvements.

      4. Focus on efficiency: I plan to streamline processes, enhance investigative techniques, and ensure that staff meet high training and education standards, boosting the office’s efficiency and credibility.

      5. Community engagement: I am committed to maintaining transparency and open communication with the community, ensuring that families receive the support and information they need during difficult times.

      6. Proven track record: My previous achievements and familiarity with the office’s inner workings position me well to drive meaningful changes and improvements.
      Calvin Dye Sr. Provided


      Political party: Democratic

      Age as of Nov. 5, 2024:

      Office seeking: St. Clair County coroner

      Are you an incumbent? Yes

      Campaign website or social media page: Re-Elect Coroner Calvin Dye Sr for St. Clair County Coroner on Facebook

      Have you run for elected office before? (Please list previous offices sought.) Just St. Clair County, Illinois coroner

      Occupation: St. Clair County, Illinois coroner

      Education: Bachelor’s degree (Liberal studies) SIU-E

      Please list highlights of your civic involvement: 1. Member of Illinois Coroner’s Training Board 2. Member of Illinois State Police Medal of Honor Board 3. Lifetime member of NAACP

      Who are your top three campaign contributors? 1. Myself 2. My friends 3. My family

      Why are you running? I am running because I am a true public servant and love working with the public. l also want to continue updating and professionalizing the Coroner’s Office.

      What is the top issue in your race, and how would you address it? To keep serving the people of St. Clair County with sincere integrity, compassion, and to keep the Coroner’s Office moving forward professionally with the changing of technology.

      Why should people vote for you? Because of my law enforcement background of 34 years with the Illinois State Police, and 24 of those years in the Division of Criminal Investigations (DCI). I have 49 years plus of law enforcement/ public service. Additionally, I have been the coroner of St. Clair County for eight years and want to continue updating and professionalizing the Coroner’s Office.

      St. Clair County Recorder
      Jason Madlock Provided


      Political party: Republican

      Age as of Nov. 5, 2024: 37

      Office seeking: St. Clair County Recorder

      Are you an incumbent? No

      Campaign website or social media page: N/A

      Have you run for elected office before? (Please list previous offices sought.) Yes, St. Clair County Regional Office of Education Board of Trustees

      Occupation: Marketing executive

      Education: Robert Morris University

      Please list highlights of your civic involvement: Union awareness, homelessness involvement

      Who are your top three campaign contributors? N/A

      Why are you running? To bring awareness and fairness to St. Clair County.

      What is the top issue in your race, and how would you address it? Issues about properties are a hidden issue that many have, access to records need to be revamped and overhauled, and I know I am the man for that.

      Why should people vote for you? Honest and for the people, I’m always available and ready to hear what the public has to say. The better the community, the better life is.

      Did not respond

      Michael Crockett Jr., the Democratic incumbent candidate for St. Clair County Recorder, did not respond to the Belleville News-Democrat questionnaire.

      St. Clair County Board District 7
      Jessica McClelland Provided


      Political party: Republican

      Age as of Nov. 5, 2024: 59

      Office seeking: St. Clair County Board District 7

      Are you an incumbent? No

      Campaign website or social media page: Jessica McClelland for County Board #7 on Facebook

      Have you run for elected office before? (Please list previous offices sought.) Yes, I am a three-term Republican Precinct Committeeman, and ran for County Board in 2020.

      Occupation: Office administration

      Education: High school graduate

      Please list highlights of your civic involvement: I am a three-term precinct committeeman and have been involved in politics for years. I have been standing up for residents of my hometown, doing FOIA requests (because the administration is silent), and informing the residents. People should know where their tax dollars are going and what they are being used for. I believe in informing people and doing the right thing.

      Who are your top three campaign contributors? I am self-funded.

      Why are you running? I love my hometown and the surrounding communities. I am running because I truly care about the residents and the place I call home. The residents need a person who is standing up and making decisions for them, their children, grandchildren and their future. I was once told by a mentor, “If you always do what is right for the people, you will never make a bad decision.” That mindset and saying has stuck with me for many years. Doing the right thing and standing up for others is in my blood, and in my heart.

      What is the top issue in your race, and how would you address it? Definitely crime. I have watched my hometown and surrounding towns become infiltrated with crime. Even my own home was broken into years back, and my car was stolen last October 1st. Criminals are not being held accountable, nor parents of our youth involved in crime. We are grossly lacking police officers and need to increase their ability to protect and serve all of us. Crime and accountability are at the top of the list.

      Why should people vote for you? Let’s face it, politics affect our daily lives. Crime, our roads, our taxes - literally everything in our lives. I ask for your vote because I have common sense, and I truly, from the bottom of my heart, care about people and their lives. Right now the residents of Dupo, East Carondelet and Cahokia Heights have no one looking out for them on a county level. I can and will do a much better job. Truly all you need is to have people’s best interest in your heart and common sense. Again, I will repeat - if you make decisions based on what is right for the people, you will never make a bad decision. I will do what is best for you. I am clearly the better choice.

      Did not respond

      Courtney Moore , the Democratic incumbent candidate for St. Clair County Board District 7, did not respond to the Belleville News-Democrat questionnaire.

      St. Clair County Board District 10

      Scott Greenwald Provided


      Political party: Democratic

      Age as of Nov. 5, 2024: 58

      Office seeking: St. Clair County Board District 10

      Are you an incumbent? Yes

      Campaign website or social media page: N/A

      Have you run for elected office before? (Please list previous offices sought.) Yes, I previously served as an alderman for the city of Fairview Heights. I also serve as a precinct committee person and proudly represent the residents of St Clair County District 10 as a County Board member, a position I have held for the past six years.

      Occupation: Small business owner in the city of Fairview Heights

      Education: Upon completion of my education I successfully own my business.

      Please list highlights of your civic involvement: I believe it is important to be actively involved in the community and often as a local business owner sponsor many events, as well as, volunteer my time in working , set up and helping the event organizers. I have been involved in so many events in the city and county, including many for kids, seniors and veterans. Community involvement is a very important thing. I encourage individuals to get involved in your community.

      Who are your top three campaign contributors? I do not accept campaign contributions, I provide all funding for my campaign personally.

      Why are you running? I have always believed in helping others and as an elected official I listen to my residents and work toward bettering our cities and county and working for the future for our children. One of my top priorities is safety.

      I am a strong supporter of first responders, law enforcement and our military. Safe neighborhoods make for safe communities.

      I believe in developing programs for our youth, seniors and all residents by supporting the parks and recreational facilities and program for all residents.

      I have also served on the county animal board to ensure we have the necessary programs and services for our four legged friends.

      I believe that engaging with my fellow board members, the county chairman as well as, with local elected officials, mayors and community leaders is vital to moving our area forward.

      Fighting for your tax dollars to ensure they are properly being used and working to reduce the tax burden on our citizens is absolutely something I fight for including voting against a raise for board members. I believe in transparency in government.

      What is the top issue in your race, and how would you address it? Public safety and protecting our residents, businesses and communities.

      Streets and infrastructure, as your board representative for District 10, I work toward bettering our district and ensure that our district is getting our “fair-share” of dollars allocated to our district.

      Residential and business growth is important, provided it is balanced and the citizens are protected.

      Seek out new funding opportunities such as grant and development funds for new programs and services without additional taxation on the taxpayers.

      Most of all listening to the residents I represent and responding and following up timely is one of the most important things that I have always focused on as a public servant. I never forget that I work and represent the citizens of District 10!

      Why should people vote for you? I would appreciate your vote and support because like you I am a taxpayer and small business owner. I work for you and work to enhance our communities while fighting to reduce the burden on families.

      I believe in our future and that all of us make a difference. I will continue to work for you, our children, our seniors, first responders, our veterans, local business owners and our taxpayers. I would ask for your vote and support and thank you for your consideration!
      David Loebner Provided


      Political party: Republican

      Age as of Nov. 5, 2024: 52

      Office seeking: St. Clair County Board District 10

      Are you an incumbent? No

      Campaign website or social media page:

      Have you run for elected office before? (Please list previous offices sought.) County Board District 10

      Occupation: Retired U.S. Navy, currently working as facilities and properties maintenance for Hospital Sisters.

      Education: High school grad and 98 college credits but no degree.

      Please list highlights of your civic involvement: VFW and NRA life member, St. Clair County GOP and I volunteer when and where needed or asked.

      Who are your top three campaign contributors? I am self-funded, I have taken no money from anyone.

      Why are you running? To bring some common sense to St. Clair County and to listen to the people in my district and to do what they ask of me!

      What is the top issue in your race, and how would you address it? I want to ensure the taxpayer dollars are spent how we the people of District 10, not the political elite of St. Clair County, want them to be spent. I want to bring back common-sense spending instead of wasting tax money on frivolous things that only put money into politicians’ pockets. The St. Clair County budget is not a slush fund for our elected leaders. As a board member, I will work with the other board members to prevent them from wasting our money!!!! I will listen to what the people of St. Clair County want and do my absolute best to make that happen.

      Why should people vote for you? Doing the same things over and over is the definition of insanity. I have no connection to anyone in the political game so I don’t have anyone pulling my strings except for the people of my district. Also I have a superpower called common sense that is missing in today’s politicians.

      St. Clair County Board District 18
      David Langford Provided


      Political party: Democratic

      Age as of Nov. 5, 2024: 62

      Office seeking: St. Clair County Board District 18

      Are you an incumbent? No

      Campaign website or social media page: None

      Have you run for elected office before? (Please list previous offices sought.) Yes. I was elected to County Board District 16 2020 to 2022 then they moved the County Board line.

      Occupation: Owner Champion Dry Cleaners Inc.

      Education: Associate’s degree in business management

      Please list highlights of your civic involvement: Moolah and Ainad Shrine

      Who are your top three campaign contributors? Myself

      Why are you running? Would like to see what could be done to lower taxes in St.Clair County.

      What is the top issue in your race, and how would you address it? Property taxes. With the housing market way overpriced in most areas, I would like to find out what systems are being used for setting the taxing value on homes. Is the rate based on recent sale prices on new homes in the area? The insured replacement cost? Or actual recent sale price of like model and age homes in the same area?

      Why should people vote for you? I have held local office in the past before the County Board lines were moved after the last census. During that time I did my best to represent the people in my district. As a local business owner for over 20 years , everyone knows that I am both fair and honest in what I do. I will do the best possible job for my district and the people that elect me if elected to the County Board.
      Michael O’Donnell Provided


      Political party: Republican

      Age as of Nov. 5, 2024: 65

      Office seeking: St. Clair County Board District 18

      Are you an incumbent? Yes

      Campaign website or social media page: I can be contacted by phone, email and I am on Facebook.

      Have you run for elected office before? (Please list previous offices sought.) I was a trustee with the village of Millstadt from 1999 to 2006.

      Occupation: Custodian with BTHS District 201

      Education: High school graduate.

      Please list highlights of your civic involvement: Past member of the Millstadt Jaycees. St. James Church, involved in many events while my children attended school there. Past member of the Millstadt Optimist club, where I participated in many fundraising events for both of Millstadt’s grade schools. Current member of St. James Knights of Columbus and Millstadt Commercial Club.

      Who are your top three campaign contributors? I self-fund my campaign.

      Why are you running? To continue to help the people in District 18 that I represent now and be a part of moving St. Clair forward in our future needs that are on the way.

      What is the top issue in your race, and how would you address it? To be responsible to the county residents with fiscal issues and work to keep costs down on improvements that are needed and employment opportunities that are developing in the county.

      Why should people vote for you? I do my best to return calls when contacted by constituents and help them with the issues that face them with county regulations that affect zoning and other county departments that they need help with.

      Candidates in uncontested races

      Here are the candidates who are running uncontested in St. Clair County. The incumbent is noted with (i):

      St. Clair County Auditor

      ▪ Patty Sprague (i) D

      St. Clair County State’s Attorney

      ▪ Jim Gomric (i) - D

      St. Clair County Board District 1

      ▪ Robert Allen Jr. (i) - D

      St. Clair County Board District 6

      ▪ Marty Crawford (i) - D

      St. Clair County Board District 9

      ▪ Ken Easterly (i) - D

      St. Clair County Board District 11

      ▪ Ken Sharkey (i) - D

      St. Clair County Board District 16

      ▪ C.J. Baricevic (i) - D

      St. Clair County Board District 24

      ▪ Kevin Dawson (i) - R

      St. Clair County Board District 27

      ▪ Matthew Smallheer (i) - R

      St. Clair County Regional School Superintendent, unexpired two-year term

      ▪ Lori Costello (i) - D

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    Shawn Riggins
    6h ago
    I wouldn't dare vote for a losey republicant, but I'm also tired of the same ole same ole
    H Hopfinger
    17h ago
    vote out the Dems keep true GOP and independents in office and no Costly Costello's
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    Robert Russell Shaneyfelt11 days ago
    chiefhealthcareexecutive.com1 day ago

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