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    2024 Voter Guide: These are the Madison County races on the ballot for this election

    18 hours ago

    Welcome to the Belleville News-Democrat’s Voter Guide for Madison County races in the Nov. 5 election in Illinois.

    The News-Democrat has contacted the candidates running for county board seats in contested races and asked them to complete a candidate questionnaire.

    While this article has information about Madison County candidates, you can go to this page at to get links to read about candidates running for Congress and seats in other counties.

    Responses from Madison County candidates in contested races and the names of candidates in uncontested races are listed below. (The candidates are listed alphabetically.)

    Use the index menu below to immediately navigate to the races you want to see first.

    See the races:

    • Madison County Board District 12
    • Madison County Board District 13
    • Madison County Board District 22
    • Madison County Board District 23
    • Madison County Board District 24
    • Madison County Board District 25
    • Madison County Board District 26
    • Uncontested races
    • Madison County Board District 12


      Political party: Republican

      Age as of Nov. 5, 2024: 76

      Office seeking: Madison County Board District 12

      Are you an incumbent? No

      Campaign website or social media page: Donald McMaster for Madison County Board Member on Facebook

      Have you run for elected office before? (Please list previous offices sought.) No

      Occupation: Retired

      Education: High school

      Please list highlights of your civic involvement: President of the Madison County Christians for Christ Ministry, Member of Wood River VFW, Vietnam veteran

      Who are your top three campaign contributors? Madison County Republican Party Bill Dettmers

      Why are you running? I believe the people of Madison County are not represented by many on the board. People become politicians and not servants. I want to be a servant to the people of Madison County to do my best to meet their needs and not what I may think is best for them.

      What is the top issue in your race, and how would you address it? The youth, spending and taxes. I have not had the opportunity to look at any programs the board is responsible for.

      Why should people vote for you? I believe the peoples’ voice should come first in all decisions. “We the People” is how the Constitution starts out and I support this. I do not want to be known as a politician but one who votes for the people.

      Did not respond

      Robert Pollard, Democratic incumbent candidate for Madison County Board District 12, did not respond to the Belleville News-Democrat questionnaire.

      Madison County Board District 13

      Brynn Kincheloe, a Republican, and Matthew King, the Democratic incumbent, did not respond to the Belleville News-Democrat questionnaire for Madison County Board District 13.

      Madison County Board District 22
      Jim Trucano Provided


      Political party: Democratic

      Age as of Nov. 5, 2024: 65

      Office seeking: Madison County Board District 22

      Are you an incumbent? No

      Campaign website or social media page: Facebook - Jim Trucano for County Board

      Have you run for elected office before? (Please list previous offices sought.) Yes. Madison County Board District 29

      Occupation: Crew leader at Collinsville Township Highway Department

      Education: High school

      Please list highlights of your civic involvement: Precinct committeeman for 25 years

      Who are your top three campaign contributors? Madison County Democratic Central Committee, Collinsville Township Democratic Precinct Committeemen

      Why are you running? I think the County Board is wasting too much time on non-binding issues when we have real issues that need to be addressed.

      What is the top issue in your race, and how would you address it? I’m concerned about the future of my children. Madison County has a declining population. When population declines, economic growth declines and our tax base decreases. We educate our children and many move away because of lack of opportunity. When this happens, we are losing our most valuable resource, our youth. Madison County’s problem is a regional issue. We must cooperate with other governments in the region to find solutions on how to promote economic and population growth.

      Why should people vote for you? I have lived and worked in Collinsville my entire life. I work well with others and I am forward thinking. As a County Board member, I would put politics aside and work on issues that improve Madison County. Working together is critical to solving problems.

      Linda Wolfe Provided


      Political party: Republican

      Age as of Nov. 5, 2024: 69

      Office seeking: Madison County Board District 22

      Are you an incumbent? No

      Campaign website or social media page: Facebook - Linda Wolfe for Madison County Board

      Have you run for elected office before? (Please list previous offices sought.) No

      Occupation: Retired regional retail manager

      Education: Collinsville High School

      Please list highlights of your civic involvement: Election judge - early voting, mail-in ballots and Election Day Precinct committeeman, Deputy registrar for state of Illinois

      Who are your top three campaign contributors? Family and friends who feel I am the right person for this office.

      Why are you running? I was born and raised in Madison County, my husband and I raised our own family here and now my children are raising their families here. I believe this area has given much to my family and I think it is now my chance to give back. I have an extensive business background that I think will be very useful on the County Board. I am results oriented and budget conscious. I will absolutely use that background to oppose any tax increases and will work to keep the county accountable for how our tax dollars are spent. I have the time and energy to devote to this position and think I will bring a set of fresh eyes and perspective to the board. I also know how to work together and will use that skill to work with other members to do what is best for Collinsville.

      What is the top issue in your race, and how would you address it? As I talk to voters, the number one concern I hear is escalating property taxes and keeping the county budget in check. I want to use my business background and my common-sense approach to make sure every tax dollar is being used wisely for the citizens who work hard to earn those dollars. As a retired retail manager, who managed 60+ employees and was responsible for a $30 million budget, I know how to balance a budget and make thoughtful decisions about spending.

      Why should people vote for you? I am a lifelong resident of Collinsville with common-sense values. I care about our community and am interested in working collaboratively to make things better. I offer a fresh perspective on the board and will use my business skills to make sure our tax dollars are wisely and frugally spent. I promise the voters I will never vote for a tax increase.

      Madison County Board District 23
      Carolyn “Carol” Hogan-Downey Provided


      Political party: Democratic

      Age as of Nov. 5, 2024: 35

      Office seeking: Madison County Board District 23

      Are you an incumbent? No

      Campaign website or social media page: Facebook page: Carol Hogan-Downey for Madison County Board. Instagram: c.hogan.downey4mcb

      Have you run for elected office before? (Please list previous offices sought.) No

      Occupation: Communications & advocacy administrator at Illinois Heartland Library System

      Education: Middle Tennessee State University, BA in English (2011); Mississippi State University, MA in English (2014); Saint Louis University, PhD in English (2022).

      Please list highlights of your civic involvement: For a little more than two years, I’ve been engaged with multiple levels of government as a communicator and advocate for southern and central Illinois libraries of all types at Illinois Heartland Library System. My advocacy efforts have ranged from creating in-depth information guides on applying for specific grants and following new laws, like the Paid Leave for All Workers Act, to drafting infographics and reports persuading officials to include libraries in state broadband expansion plans.

      Who are your top three campaign contributors? 1. The Madison County Central Democratic Committee 2. The Collinsville Township Democratic Precinct Committee 3. The Edwardsville Township Democratic Precinct Committee

      Why are you running? When the board voted to put the non-binding referendum about secession on the ballot, I knew we needed folks to stand up for collaboration, not separation. Our community deserves an ethical, accountable, common-sense government passionate about making constituents’ lives better. My commitment to the people of Madison County is to be a collaborative representative seeking solutions to their issues instead of playing political games.

      What is the top issue in your race, and how would you address it? One critical issue in Madison County is homelessness. Our unhoused population is growing. The encampment bans some cities have enacted only promise to put the problem out of sight; they’re Band-Aids on a gaping wound. I would address this with evidence-based methods. Research shows that robust support services and shelters are better solutions. By securing the proper grants, we can help our unhoused neighbors and ourselves.

      Why should people vote for you? Vote for me for two reasons: I’m qualified, and I’m a team player.

      By “qualified,” I mean that my experience working for school libraries, public libraries and their trustees means that I already have a command of laws affecting the County Board, like the Open Meetings Act and the Freedom of Information Act. Taxpayers can rest easy as I both understand and uphold those laws. I won’t be wasting their hard-earned dollars by provoking lawsuits. Additionally, my academic background gives me the analytical skills needed to see past rhetoric, reveal the heart of an issue and employ the research expertise needed to find evidence-based solutions.

      Qualifications can only get us halfway, though. A board member must be a team player, too. I will collaborate in good faith with all my fellow County Board members to make Madison County a place where everyone can prosper. Even if we disagree with each other, Democrats and Republicans in local government should be on the same team and remain focused on providing for their constituents, not themselves.
      Paul Nicolussi Provided


      Political party: Republican

      Age as of Nov. 5, 2024: 46

      Office seeking: Madison County Board District 23

      Are you an incumbent? Yes

      Campaign website or social media page: Paul Nicolussi For County Board 23 on Facebook

      Have you run for elected office before? (Please list previous offices sought.) I ran for County Board Seat 23 in 2022.

      Occupation: Chemical operator/personal trainer

      Education: Bachelor’s degree from SIUE Class of 2001

      Please list highlights of your civic involvement: Keeping my promises to lower the county tax rate and supporting law enforcement.

      Who are your top three campaign contributors? Israel Sloan, Family members, Madison County Republican Central Committee

      Why are you running? I love serving my community. Representing my constituents is one of the greatest honors of my life.

      What is the top issue in your race, and how would you address it? Quality of life issues are the most important thing to me. Keeping community’s safe should be the first priority of an elected official. The vehicle to do this is supporting the men in law enforcement. As an elected official I voted to increase funding for law enforcement.

      Why should people vote for you? When I ran 2022, I promised to try to keep lowering the county tax rate. I was able to keep this promise. I also promised to support law enforcement. I have by increasing funding for them.

      Madison County Board District 24
      Cheryl Hagerty Provided


      Political party: Democratic

      Age as of Nov. 5, 2024: 63

      Office seeking: Madison County Board District 24

      Are you an incumbent? No

      Campaign website or social media page: Citizens for Cheryl Hagerty on Facebook

      Have you run for elected office before? (Please list previous offices sought.) No

      Occupation: Retired teacher

      Education: Master’s in curriculum and instruction, North Central College, and Master’s in educational leadership, Aurora University

      Please list highlights of your civic involvement: Lead union representative, Glen Ellyn Education Association, Bloomingdale Township Democrats, PC Committeeman, Chairperson League of Women Voters

      Who are your top three campaign contributors? Edwardsville Township PC Committeemen, Edwardsville Township Democrats, and individual donors

      Why are you running? I am seeking a Madison County Board position because I believe serving the community is important. I want to make a positive change and offer a new perspective by prioritizing issues that impact families, health and homelessness. I think there is value in having a more equal and balanced representation within our County Board. Of the 26 County Board members, only five are women. However, 51 percent of voters are women.

      What is the top issue in your race, and how would you address it? On July 18, 2024, I attended the Madison County Partnership to End Homelessness. They shared three primary goals: promote decent housing, provide a suitable living environment and expand economic opportunities. I learned that the county offers warming and emergency shelters, but a non-congregate option is currently missing. The need for non-congregate shelters is especially important for women and children because it offers private rooms and more stability for families.

      The $2.5 million allocated by the American Rescue Plan presented a promising opportunity but it still remains an unresolved issue. The Salvation Army’s proposal for a shelter in Alton, with its existing land ownership and proximity to a high-need population, seemed like a viable solution. Unfortunately, the proposal was denied due to a new NOFO (Notice of Funding Opportunity) restriction requiring the shelter to be within five miles of the County Administration Building.

      The rationale behind this location restriction remains unclear, but this restriction caused a delay in addressing the urgent need for non-congregate shelter options in areas like Alton, Granite City and Collinsville. The new NOFO deadline is December 2024, and this means that goal to provide non-congregate shelters is still not available a year after the original proposal and the only movement forward has been more discussions on educating the county on why this opportunity is important.

      Why should people vote for you? People should vote for me because I understand that I will be a public servant working for the people of Madison County. I will listen to concerns, ask questions and I will do the research providing deeper inquiry so that when it comes time to vote on a resolution, I will know the subject, and that I did my due diligence before acting. Before moving forward on any resolution, I will ask if it is fiscally responsible and beneficial to the community. We deserve board members who take their position seriously and are dedicated to upholding their commitment to those they have asked to serve.

      Did not respond

      Fred Schulte, a Republican candidate Madison County Board District 24, did not respond to the Belleville News-Democrat questionnaire.

      Madison County Board District 25
      Chris Guy Provided


      Political party: Republican

      Age as of Nov. 5, 2024: 42

      Office seeking: Madison County Board District 25

      Are you an incumbent? Yes

      Campaign website or social media page: and Chris Guy on Facebook

      Have you run for elected office before? (Please list previous offices sought.) Elected Collinsville Township trustee in 2013, Elected trustee for village of Maryville in 2017, Elected to the Madison County Board in 2018 and 2020.

      Occupation: Business development & government affairs

      Education: Graduate of Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. Political science, major and business management, minor

      Please list highlights of your civic involvement: Serve as vice chairman of Madison County Transit District and advisor to Intersect Illinois.

      Who are your top three campaign contributors? My donations come from people in Madison County.

      Why are you running? I’m running to maintain common-sense and fiscal responsibility on the Madison County Board.

      What is the top issue in your race, and how would you address it? Property taxes, passing balanced budgets, and fighting back Inflation. For seven years in a row the Madison County Board has not raised its own property tax levy. Property taxes continue to rise, but not the Madison County government’s property tax levy. I will continue to pass balanced budgets without raising the county’s property tax levy. As a board, we continue to find ways to reduce spending during record inflation while maintaining quality services to the residents of Madison County.

      Why should people vote for you? I have a proven track record of honoring my pledge to the taxpayers. I have voted against pay raises for politicians, voted against property tax increases, approved balanced budgets and continue to save taxpayers 10% a year due to my success at reducing the size of the Madison County Board.
      Stacey Lipe Provided


      Political party: Democratic

      Age as of Nov. 5, 2024: 57

      Office seeking: Madison County Board District 25

      Are you an incumbent? No

      Campaign website or social media page: Facebook: Stacey Lipe for Madison County Board 25 Instagram: @staceylipeformadcco25

      Have you run for elected office before? (Please list previous offices sought.) No

      Occupation: Retired Edwardsville School District 7 teacher (2023). I taught 34 years in D7 as third, fifth, sixth and seventh grade teacher. Finished my career as an elementary math coach helping teachers in D7 improve math instruction.

      Education: BS elementary education from University of Illinois; MS curriculum and instruction with an emphasis on reading from SIUE

      Please list highlights of your civic involvement: *Organizing volunteers from the Edwardsville Education Association (EEA) to help pass “Prop E” which increased funds for Edwardsville School District

      * Help register voters through the League of Women Voters

      * Volunteer: Willoughby Farms in Collinsville, Benjamin Stephenson House in Edwardsville

      * Helping local politicians get elected through canvassing, writing postcards, etc

      * Helping national politicians get elected by volunteering with organizations like Vote Save America, Vote Forward, and Postcards to Swing States

      Who are your top three campaign contributors? Collinsville Township Democratic Committeeman - Cash donation from fundraiser for Collinsville Township’s three Democratic candidates; Madison County Democratic Central Committee - in-kind donation - Campaign signs and my first box of walk cards; Edwardsville Township Dems- Cash donation at the beginning of my campaign.

      Why are you running? I am running for the Madison County Board 25 seat because I believe in implementing real solutions that benefit our community. My goal is to work collaboratively with fellow board members, building relationships across party lines, to ensure that our time and resources are used wisely. I’m committed to maintaining a balanced budget, focusing on issues that matter and ensuring that all residents have access to the full range of services and opportunities Madison County offers. My campaign slogan, “Moving Forward, Together,” reflects my belief that progress is best achieved through unity and cooperation. County Board members have a responsibility to work together to address the challenges facing Madison County and to develop meaningful solutions that make our community a better place to live, work and raise a family.

      What is the top issue in your race, and how would you address it? The Madison County Board has spent a great deal of time in recent years on non-binding resolutions. Non-binding resolutions seem to be a significant waste of taxpayer dollars. These resolutions serve as statements of opinion or intent, but they do not have the force of law and fail to result in any real action or change. The time and resources spent drafting, debating and passing these resolutions could be better used on issues that directly impact our community. Taxpayer money should be spent on real solutions that benefit residents, rather than on symbolic gestures that ultimately do little to improve Madison County. Our government should be focused on practical, effective governance, ensuring that every dollar spent delivers a real return for the people of Madison County.

      Why should people vote for you? I am a retired teacher with extensive experience in education and labor relations. I played key roles in negotiating collective bargaining contracts with the Edwardsville School District, demonstrating my ability to work collaboratively and effectively in complex negotiations. My background equips me with valuable skills in communication, problem-solving and advocacy. As a teacher, I understand the dedication and effort it takes to work hard. I am committed to bringing that same level of determination and perseverance to my role as a County Board member.

      Madison County Board District 26
      Jacqueline “Jackie” Day Provided


      Political party: Democratic

      Age as of Nov. 5, 2024: 45

      Office seeking: Madison County Board District 26

      Are you an incumbent? No

      Campaign website or social media page: Facebook: Jackie Day for County Board District 26

      Have you run for elected office before? (Please list previous offices sought.) Yes, I was elected to the Glen Carbon Centennial Library Board of Trustees in 2023.

      Occupation: Scientist

      Education: Bachelor’s degrees in biology and chemistry

      Please list highlights of your civic involvement: Beyond serving on the Glen Carbon library board, I have been active with my church, my daughter’s Girl Scout and sporting teams, and the Spark science outreach teams.

      Who are your top three campaign contributors? Edwardsville Township Precinct Committee Chairs, Edwardsville Township Democratic Club and Madison County Democratic Central Committee.

      Why are you running? For the past several years, our County Board has been stymied with multiple non-binding resolutions and recurring issues. As an attendee of the meetings, I have witnessed that these issues seem to stem largely from partisan politics and find that concerning as a taxpayer. We all rely on the board to conduct our governance in a collaboration that seeks to improve the lives of all constituents. I believe new voices on the board will move our county forward, past the partisanship and into an era of partnership.

      What is the top issue in your race, and how would you address it? Our County Board recently passed a non-binding referendum to secede from Illinois, specifically Cook County, and create a new state or potentially join Missouri. Not only is this a non-starter (it is highly unlikely that our state and national government would move forward with such a proposal), but it also would negatively impact our fiscal health. For every dollar Madison County pays in taxes, we get back $1.42 – Cook County is effectively subsidizing our roads, police and fire departments and school districts. Such resolutions send messages to business and industry considering investing in our county that we are more focused on symbolic, time-wasting performances rather than doing the work needed to provide real solutions. It’s time for new, sensible representation.

      Why should people vote for you? I pledge to speak and vote against token gestures like the secession referendum that will be on our ballot this fall. My attention would be laser focused on solutions rather than partisan symbols.

      Did not respond

      Jason Palmero, a Republican incumbent candidate Madison County Board District 26, did not respond to the Belleville News-Democrat questionnaire.

      Candidates in uncontested races

      Here are the candidates who are running uncontested in Madison County. The incumbent is noted with (i):

      Madison County Board Chair

      ▪ Chris Slusser - R

      Madison County Coroner

      ▪ Nicholas Novacich - R

      Madison County Circuit Clerk

      ▪ Patrick McRae - R

      Madison County Auditor

      ▪ David Michael (i) - R

      Madison County State’s Attorney

      ▪ Tom Haine (i) - R

      Madison County Board District 3

      ▪ Frank Dickerson (i) - R

      Madison County Board District 7

      ▪ Linda Ogden - R

      Madison County Board District 15

      ▪ Terry Eaker (i) - R

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