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  • Dr Mehmet Yildiz

    Revolutionary Shifts: 10 Game-Changing Technologies Shaping the World from 2030 Onward


    While certain technologies may not become fully realized during my lifetime, these ten technologies are poised to impact our lives in the coming decades significantly.
    Photo byImage designed by the author

    Welcome to the future from the predictions of a humble futurist. With a background spanning four decades in technology and science, I have observed the rapid transformation of our healthcare and financial landscape. As a technology writer and presenter, my readers often ask me to explore the future of healthcare and investment technologies.

    My predictions are wild but grounded in extensive research and hands-on experience with technological and scientific advancements. I leverage technology and science to enhance health outcomes and invest in technology stocks, drawing from my expertise in emerging technologies that I’ll discuss in this article.

    I aim to offer a sneak peek into what could become commonplace in the coming decades starting from 2030, thanks to emerging technology tools and processes that can substantially impact global health and economics.

    I will concisely introduce each, highlighting critical use cases and the global perspectives surrounding them within a philosophical and spiritual framework.

    Covering ten extensive and extraordinary technologies in a single article is a challenge. Therefore, this post is longer than usual, but I couldn’t shorten the 300 pages of my manuscript without losing key points under 15 minutes.

    I refrain from passing judgment on these technologies as either good or bad. Instead, I present them as they are based on my observations and insights from the literature.

    People have varying perspectives on emerging technologies. I respect all, regardless of whether I agree or disagree. Some view them as concerning, while others see them as revolutionary. As a researcher and narrator, I maintain my neutrality and leave the assessment of these technologies to the discretion of my readers.

    I witnessed that there is invariably a flip side to the coin in scientific and technological advancements. Every invention or innovation carries inherent risks and ethical concerns, which we may detect early on or that may emerge later in its lifecycle, and we need to mitigate them collectively.

    Swift detection and an early cautious approach allow us to achieve more favorable outcomes. Balancing boldness with caution is crucial for the well-being of humanity. In the spirit of Marie Curie’s wisdom, my motto is ‘Nothing to be feared, but to be understood.’ After all, everything is relative to something else.

    AI, quantum, and nanoscale computer chips are pivotal in shaping these ten emerging technologies. You can explore my semiconductor insights in a related article regarding technology shocks. Additionally, I have published several articles delving into artificial intelligence and quantum computing.

    In my two recent books, I have introduced digital intelligence and artificial intelligence from multifaceted angles, viewing them as by-products of our innate intelligence (intellect). Human-centric design thinking can catalyze unlocking the potential and applications of these technologies. However, human intelligence is multidimensional. Intuition, for instance, plays a crucial role in decision-making.

    While certain emerging technologies may not become fully realized during my lifetime, these ten technologies are poised to significantly impact our lives in the coming decades, particularly from the 2030s onward.

    I envision that if you are reading this article in 2050, you will likely find these technologies to be an integral part of our daily lives. After all, just a few decades ago, concepts like the Internet and mobile phones were nothing more than ideas in their infancy.

    He is a summary of my perspective on the tech after the 2030s.

    1 — Regenerative Medicine and Tailored Cognitive Health

    In cutting-edge science and technology, the promise of regenerative medicine and personalized cognitive health is undeniably intriguing.

    For example, stem cells, with their remarkable ability to self-renew and generate various cell types within our bodies, have opened doors to creating and maintaining vital tissues.

    While modern medicine has welcomed this technology with open arms, substantial research investments continue to pour into exploring its full potential. For example, creating temporal bridges in experimental biology for longevity is being explored.

    Cognitive decline has become a pressing concern, with conditions like Alzheimer’s disease casting a long shadow over our aging population. Medical and pharmaceutical organizations have committed significant resources to uncover remedies for these cognitive health challenges.

    The overarching objective here isn’t just addressing these issues but preventing them, making cognitive health a focal point for longevity enthusiasts. Notably, biopharmaceutical companies are witnessing increased demand for unique therapeutic solutions targeting cognitive disorders.

    The idea of organ updates, once relegated to the realm of science fiction, is now becoming a reality, albeit not yet commonplace. We have witnessed astonishing progress, including the development of artificial muscles that surpass the strength of their natural counterparts.

    Neurolink, spearheaded by visionary Elon Musk, is poised to play a pivotal role in the frontier of cognitive health. With the prospect of brain-embedded chips capable of detecting diseases and promptly alerting healthcare professionals, this project holds great promise.

    Moreover, it envisions enhancing cognitive abilities, though ethical questions loom large, particularly concerning the potential creation of artificial super-intelligence through cranial chip implants. In a previous story, I introduced the future of brain-computer interfaces for better cognition.

    Braingate, an ongoing brain implant initiative currently undergoing clinical trials, stands as another beacon of hope. It’s a collaborative effort involving engineers, computer scientists, cognitive scientists, mathematicians, neurologists, neurosurgeons, and neuroscientists.

    The primary aim is to offer assistance to individuals who have lost control of their limbs due to conditions like amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or spinal cord injuries. This project represents a significant breakthrough, providing a valuable tool and process to address mobility challenges, notably benefiting ALS patients.

    2- Bioprinting, 3-D Printing, and Nanotechnology

    The world of 3-D printing has been with us for quite some time, yet its progress has been somewhat measured. Until now, it has primarily been employed to create smaller items, and the widespread automation and integration of 3-D printing have been somewhat limited.

    However, the potential applications for 3-D printing are nothing short of compelling. Imagine a future where we can print the necessary components of valuable objects to assemble entirely new entities, from cars to houses, all at our fingertips.

    Nanotechnology is the linchpin that unlocks the full potential of 3-D printing. With its molecular-level precision, Nanotechnology empowers us to print objects with unprecedented accuracy and intricacy.

    Enter the fascinating realm of bioprinting, a relatively new trend that enables us to print various human tissues, including bones, skin cells, esophagus, and blood vessels.

    Some institutes are placing their medical focus on the development of bionic prostheses that can seamlessly connect with the human nervous system, bridging the gap between biology and artificial technology.

    While the idea of entirely replacing our organs remains uncertain, the concept of nano-suits presents a compelling vision that might become a reality within the next 50 years.

    3 — Advanced Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering

    Biotechnology is one of the fastest-growing industries, driven by its transformative potential. It harnesses molecular and cellular processes to create products to enhance our lives.

    Within this field, remarkable progress has been made in leveraging microorganisms and applying emerging technologies to design and manipulate organisms. A common theme in biotechnology centers around the choice between exoskeletons and endoskeletons, reflecting its wide-ranging impact.

    Biotechnology with information technology has already left its mark on agriculture, health, and the chemical industries, revolutionizing these sectors. It has enabled the development of new plant varieties, improvements in healthcare, and the streamlining of chemical manufacturing processes.

    In tandem with biotechnology, genetic engineering has also made significant strides. One of its most compelling applications of advanced biotech lies in tackling debilitating diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. For instance, gene splicing techniques can precisely remove mutated segments of DNA, with the Nobel-winning Crispr concept being a prominent example.

    The idea of transforming our bodies through technology is no longer a distant dream. Numerous individuals with disabilities have become catalysts for biotechnologists to focus on creating customized body parts, as demonstrated by inspiring figures like artist and model Kelly Knox.

    The notion of cyborgs may spark controversy, but it’s imperative for science and technology to continually explore new horizons, particularly when addressing critical issues like permanent disability. In this context, genetic enhancements appear to be a more widely accepted path compared to bionic enhancements for some.

    4 — Internet of Everything and Internet of Bodies

    Undoubtedly, the Internet has been a game-changer in our lives. Initially, it served as a means of communication. But we didn’t stop there.

    We evolved, ushering in the Internet of Things (IoT) era, integrating the Internet into everyday objects. And now, we’re taking it a step further, exploring ways to connect the Internet to our bodies, forging a more intimate bond with technology.

    The vision of an Internet that spans everything is undoubtedly promising. Pioneering companies like Google are investing in innovative solutions, like using balloons to extend Internet connectivity to remote regions in third-world countries.

    The advent of 5G technology has accelerated the proliferation of the Internet, rendering it more accessible for various digital applications and aspirations. Interestingly, some companies are already working on 6G technology, seeking to enhance the capabilities of 5G further.

    Much like IoT, the Internet of Bodies (IoB) has the potential to bring about numerous health and fitness benefits, enhancing our overall well-being.

    However, the key lies in ensuring this connection is built upon a foundation of ethical design and regulatory governance, as haphazard implementation can pose unprecedented risks and challenges for humanity. After all, no one wants their personal information to be unwittingly disseminated across the vast expanse of the Internet.

    As we have grown accustomed to the safety and security measures governing IoT devices, we will encounter similar concerns with IoB devices. Fitness devices already collect and store data from our bodies in centralized repositories.

    The ultimate ambition for IoB is to incorporate internal AI-powered chips, initially aimed at monitoring our bodies, gathering health data, and transmitting it via the Internet.

    A crucial consideration at this juncture is the emotional dimension of IoB. Some AI companies are actively developing systems to detect and gather data on human emotions, analyzing facial expressions, voice intonations, and other audio-visual cues. This data collection could lead to privacy, safety, and security concerns if not carefully regulated.

    5 — Advanced Home, Business, Industrial Automation

    Automation isn’t a new concept in the industrial landscape. It has been around for a while. For example, I completed my first automation project 30 years ago with the cutting-edge technologies of the time.

    Many large companies have already harnessed its potential, with initial automation driven by traditional technologies. However, the advent of the Internet, IoT, Big Data, and Cloud computing propelled automation into the modern era. Nowadays, every company tries to undertake some automation project as part of their digital transformation strategies.

    Yet, lately, the game-changer in automation has been the emergence of intelligent robots empowered by artificial intelligence technology. These robots are adept at handling complex and repetitive tasks, taking on the role of problem-solvers for us.

    Across various domains, specialized robots have been designed to automate our homes, offices, and factories. Notably, even the food and agriculture industries have welcomed robots into their operations. Some robots, like Sophia, have gained global recognition and, in a remarkable turn, have even been granted citizenship.

    The wholesale and retail sectors have adopted intelligent robots to automate their warehouses. For instance, Amazon has rolled out robotics-driven automation in several of its warehousing operations, revolutionizing the efficiency of these spaces.

    If we maintain the current pace of automation, coupled with the continuous emergence of new technologies, there’s a real possibility that we could eventually automate every aspect of our lives

    6 — Self-Driving and Autonomous Vehicles

    Cars have undeniably brought immense convenience and joy to our lives. However, it’s also a stark fact that they have been involved in millions of accidents, resulting in significant loss of life.

    Paradoxically, the automobile itself isn’t the problem; the misuse and unsafe practices have given rise to these tragic incidents. Nevertheless, this hasn’t deterred them from becoming integral to our everyday existence. Road safety has become a pressing global concern, and advancements in transportation have left a substantial economic imprint.

    Besides the tragic impact of accidents, traffic congestion has emerged as a significant issue in numerous countries. People find themselves spending countless hours stuck in gridlock, a situation that can be highly stressful. In response, shared mobility solutions, including e-bikes, have gained momentum, particularly in large cities like New York.

    Enter self-driving cars, buses, and trucks, promising a potential solution to these challenges. Autonomous vehicles have the potential to not only alleviate road safety concerns but also revolutionize the economy.

    This value proposition hasn’t gone unnoticed, with vehicle manufacturers making substantial investments in the design and production of autonomous vehicles. However, we still have a long way to go globally.

    7— AI-Activated Mobility, Chatbots, Voice & Video Assistance

    Mobile technologies have already become integral to our lives, with affordable smartphones revolutionizing how we conduct business. Although still in its early stages, voice assistance has sped up our communication processes, leading to the adoption of voice tools like Alexa in our homes.

    In the realm of mobility, GPS technology has come to our rescue, making commuting more manageable. AI further enhances GPS systems with innovations like incorporating a simple learning paradigm using velocity profiles to modify GPS navigational systems.

    The proliferation of chatbots is noteworthy, with businesses, educational institutions, and government organizations employing them for various purposes. These chatbots have swiftly become essential communication tools in the business world.

    Anticipate that new inventions will propel these mobility tools to even greater heights. For instance, Microsoft has secured a patent for a system connecting users’ brains to deliver ads. This patent outlines a system that scans a user’s brain activity and other biological signals to ensure they have completed tasks like watching a commercial.

    8 — Cryptocurrencies, Digital Wallets, NFTs

    The advent of blockchain and the rise of Bitcoin have sparked a new economic revolution. Initially met with skepticism from people and governments, digital currencies have since shaken the world. Today, numerous countries are actively investing in digital currencies.

    Our perception of money has evolved significantly over the years, and we are now moving toward the vision of a cashless society. Digital wallets are set to play a pivotal role in realizing this ambition, allowing us to make payments for virtually anything and everything through these digital platforms.

    Closely tied to cryptocurrencies, a novel economic concept is on the horizon, known as NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens). What’s intriguing is that people are selling unusual items and digital assets, some of which are beyond our imagination, leading to a thriving market with astonishing values attached to these one-of-a-kind items.

    9 — Mixed Reality, Online Gaming, and Digital Experiences

    Virtual and augmented reality have applications in various fields, but now technologists push the envelope with mixed realities, incorporating multiple senses into the virtual world. Notably, digital scent technologies have evolved to the point where AI machines can detect and recognize smells.

    In the entertainment world, two industries experiencing rapid growth are gaming and digital entertainment experiences. A substantial portion of the internet is dedicated to these realms, encompassing computer games and an array of digital experiences.

    Digital experiences extend to the realm of intimacy, with the emergence of sex robots that mimic human sexual and emotional behavior. These robots are already available in many countries, giving rise to the concept of digisexualities. Digital brothels and dating sites are being established to cater to this growing trend.

    Online gaming, a thriving multi-billion-dollar industry, has evolved with the internet serving as the primary platform for gamers. Platforms like Twitch have enabled online gamers to enjoy their passion and earn significant incomes by streaming their gameplay. Furthermore, NFT games like Big Time and DeRace are emerging on the horizon, promising exciting new possibilities.

    10 — Self-Healing Buildings in Smart Cities Powered by Quantum Machines

    This topic is more complex than the preceding ones, as it delves into the entire material world, influenced by the principles of quantum physics.

    Global sustainability is a pressing concern, commanding the attention of governments worldwide. Constructing new buildings in densely populated cities has posed a significant challenge. The need for sustainable solutions has never been more pronounced.

    In response, innovative technologies, such as self-healing materials, are in development. These materials can potentially remove harmful elements, such as toxins and mosses, and even prevent cracks while being environmentally friendly.

    Smart cities are utilizing a range of emerging technologies to curtail energy consumption, optimize resource utilization, enhance safety, and elevate the quality of life for residents. Integrating digital twins, the Internet of Things (IoT), big data, and cloud and edge computing is the cornerstone for building these smart urban centers.

    While quantum physics is a well-established field, quantum computing represents a relatively new frontier with exceptional use cases awaiting realization. Yet, quantum technology is undeniably complex.

    The issue's crux is how information is processed in quantum computing. This processing relies on unique quantum states involving intriguing concepts like superposition and entanglement.

    Entanglement refers to a phenomenon in which particles in a quantum state are interconnected in ways that cannot be individually described. Conversely, superposition means that objects in a quantum state can be combined and manifested in another valid quantum state, making nearly anything possible within the quantum realm.

    Current technology systems, even supercomputers augmented with artificial intelligence software, face challenges in efficiently harnessing these quantum states.

    Consequently, quantum technology may take more time to reach mass production compared to the previously discussed technologies. However, a few prominent organizations, like IBM and Google, have already made strides in developing quantum machines, some even for commercial applications.

    I discussed how quantum technologies might create artificial superintelligence in a recent story titled Quantum Computing and the Future of Artificial Intelligence. Here are the six countries heavily investing in quantum computing for artificial superintelligence.

    Conclusions and Takeaways

    The universe, boundless in its expanse, mirrors the endless possibilities for our growth and evolution. However, our aspirations, perspectives, and lifestyles play a defining role in shaping this trajectory and its health and economic impact.

    Consider the choices we make regarding our physical existence. Some find profound joy in embracing their organic bodies, relishing every tactile sensation, sight, taste, and scent. Others seek an enhanced hybrid experience — a matter of personal preference.

    Similarly, the spectrum of desires extends to the duration of life itself, with some content with a natural lifespan and others aspiring to extend it. The notion of ‘normal’ is elusive, as we are all beautifully unique.

    The idea of digital immortality may ignite a desire in some hearts while stirring discomfort in others. These complex decisions cannot be neatly resolved through intellect alone.

    We are multidimensional beings, so evaluating these life-altering concepts demands an array of intelligence. In the grand schema of our potential, technological and digital intelligence constitutes just a fraction — a mere droplet in the boundless ocean.

    Privacy is a universally cherished value. No one wishes for their thoughts and consciousness to be manipulated by external forces. Take, for instance, the promising advancements of Neurolink, which could usher in a new era of health and well-being. Yet, beneath its promise lies profound ethical and existential dilemmas.

    While our flesh is subject to a predetermined lifespan within the realm of current knowledge, the eternity of consciousness remains debatable. As I discussed before, whether it belongs to the individual or the cosmos is a question still shrouded in mystery.

    In essence, technology and science are tools we can wield to enhance or diminish our quality of life. The Earth has sent us urgent signals for over a century, yet we sometimes wield these warnings in bewildering ways.

    While we might temporarily set aside philosophical and spiritual discussions, the potential impact of these emerging technologies on our well-being and the economy remains significant.

    Our collective challenge as humans is to mass-produce these technologies within the bounds of ethical considerations. Some may have missed out on the early benefits of cryptocurrencies due to hesitation, but today's world changes at an astonishing pace.

    As for me, when a technology product resonates, displays economic promise, and my intuition lends its affirmative voice, I would not hesitate to embrace it. An invaluable lesson from my journey as an investor is the importance of diversification.

    I want to highlight William Blake's timeless reminder in the 1800s: “What is now proved was once only imagined.” And I keep the wisdom imparted by Jim Rohn, who reminded us that “without a sense of urgency, desire loses its value.”

    So, in the grand schema of ever-evolving technology, science, and human potential, our desires will remain firm, and our sense of urgency will be unwavering in ethical boundaries in the next few decades.

    Thank you for reading my perspectives. I wish you the best in achieving your health and investment goals.

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