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    As DeSantis cuts arts funding, tax revenues will go down, tourists will stay away | Letters

    By Letters to the editor,

    20 days ago

    DeSantis cuts arts funding

    Gov. DeSantis has eviscerated funding for the arts and culture in one uncaring slash. Studies have shown that for every $1 spent on arts and culture programs, $9 more in related spending is generated. Restaurants, hotels and businesses are the beneficiaries of Florida Rep’s location in Fort Myers’ River District. Tax revenues will go down, tourists will stay away, many jobs will be lost, and some nonprofit organizations will be forced to close.

    The Tony-winning playwright of "Stereophonic" recently said, “It’s really hard to make a career in the arts, we need to fund the arts in America. It is the hallmark of a civilized society.”

    And Gov. DeSantis just cut $32M in arts funding.

    Sunny Lubner, Fort Myers

    Veto a disservice

    DeSantis’ veto of all arts funding for Naples and Bonita reveals the level of degradation of this man. Three quotes from your reporter’s article verify it well.

    “This veto is not just a budgetary decision. It is a blatant disregard for thousands of jobs, the educational opportunities and the community enrichment that arts and culture provide.”

    “Funding arts and culture is not a handout. It’s an investment in the economic future of a community.”

    “This is not just about numbers on a balance sheet. It’s about real people − artists, educators, families, and audiences − who rely on these funds to create and experience the transformative power of the arts. Gov. DeSantis’ decision is an outright betrayal of the values that uphold our society, and it is a disservice to every Floridian who believes in the importance of culture, creativity and community.”

    Dorothy S. Kuzneski, Naples

    Reverse the decision

    Governor DeSantis, you could be the hero of our communities if you reversed your decision to cancel funds for the various projects that create entertainment for folks and development of artists. We, as taxpayers benefit hugely from having our money help support the arts.

    Anthony Farina, Fort Myers

    Why the surprise?

    Re: Arts groups stunned after DeSantis slashes $32M. Why is anyone surprised, let alone stunned? Most, although not all Republican politicians are solely interested in their wealthy cohorts. The fact that this veto will impact thousands of "artists" does not concern our governor. If you keep voting this way, for these people, our quality of life will continue to change for the worse. We've seen it in our environment, our cultural institutions, our educational systems, and our societal mores.

    Can't you hear the chip, chip, chip eating away at what once was?

    Milton Goodman, Estero

    Schools-hospital partnership

    In January of 2024, Bloomberg Foundation designated funding $250 million for health high schools as a partnership between public schools and local hospitals as the first step in educating students for health care careers or foundational for continuing education to licensed positions. The Lee County Medicare age population is percentage-wise larger than the national average, exacerbating the health care workforce shortage.

    The Lee County Commission as part of considering approval of Lee Health, a public hospital conversion to not-for-profit status could conditionally stipulate Lee Health in conjunction with Lee County Public Schools establish a formal health high school on the campus of a Lee Health facility akin to the Bloomberg model.

    Peter Young, Cape Coral

    This is a mess

    What a mess! Based on Thursday’s “Debate,” our options for the next president are either a slow old man or a pathological liar with no morals. We can thank both the Republican and Democratic parties and our inept congressional leaders for this mess.

    Donald Switzer, Naples

    Honesty over showmanship

    While I am disappointed in the recent presidential debate, I did notice that every time a direct question was asked of Trump in regard to his policy or past actions he changed the topic and avoided answering. His responses were mostly canned lies from his rallies. He denied what Americans saw and heard with their own eyes. So many of his statements were in reference to events we watched on the news − we saw the nazi rally in Charlottesville and heard Trump call both “many fine people.” He denied calling military personnel “suckers and losers” and instead called General Kelly a liar. We watched in horror at the 1/6 attacks and prayed repeatedly for Trump to come make a statement against it, yet he claimed once again it was Pelosi’s fault. He didn’t answer when asked if he condemned those who stormed the Capitol and complained that the rioters had their jobs ruined because they were punished for committing those acts! Most importantly, he refused to say he would abide by the next election results. And, he was proud to take away a woman’s right to choice and claimed abortions happen for 2-3 days after birth! A ridiculous statement.

    The lies were coming fast and furious and Biden, who was apparently dealing with a cold, couldn’t respond forcefully enough. His cold made him sound weak as he tried to rebut some lies while also calmly presenting some of his policy accomplishments.

    On actually answering questions on policy Trump failed. On giving honest answers and offering substance, Biden won. Many pundits will judge based on perceptions, but the substance given in Biden’s answers is what matters most. I’ll take honesty over showmanship anytime.

    Joan Fanelli, Fort Myers

    Democrats can't be trusted

    I know there will be a lot of discussion about the debate. Biden did this or Trump lied about that. But this misses the bigger picture and I hope people will realize it. When the Hur report came out and said Biden will come across as an old man with a poor memory and therefore won't be prosecuted, the Democrats and the administration insisted he was alert and spry behind closed doors. Many people have been saying for years that Biden is not fit to be in charge of the nuclear codes so it shouldn't be news to anyone in DC. But all the discussion about the debate, Biden, Trump, etc. misses the point. The Democrat Party and the Biden White House have attempted to pull of the biggest charade in American political history by putting a cognitively compromised person in office and lying about it. Although people have their suspicions, no one actually knows who is in really in charge of the country. Even if Biden steps aside, the Democrat Party should never be trusted to hold power again. If EVER there was a threat to democracy.

    Allison Spataro, Naples

    Biden's decline verified

    For the past three and one-half years we have witnessed the physical and mental decline of Joe Biden. We know what we see and hear. Almost everyone has an aging parent, friend, or relative that has suffered a similar decline. It's not funny. It's sad. Most recently his spokespersons claimed that what we were seeing and hearing were some type of artificial intelligence and diabolical "cheap fakes." I assume that what we all witnessed and heard in this most recent presidential debate will put an end to any such speculation. Hopefully Mr. Biden can get the help he needs.John Mcwilliams, Fort Myers

    Trove of wisdom

    The effects of aging aren’t superficially attractive, especially to our ageist culture.But wisdom acquired by empaths, like Biden, from multiple decades of life’s experiences are treasure troves of brilliant jewels inside tattered and time-worn chests.To reject or disregard the treasures inside time-worn chests is the epitome of foolishness.

    J. Cant, Naples

    Donalds embarrassed us

    Congressman Byron Donalds embarrassed himself and all of us, his constituents, in an interview on BBC America prior to the presidential debate on June 27. Give him credit for memorizing all the MAGA talking points, but what a pack of lies! The most offensive, in this writer's mind, was the lie that Trump was not made aware of the charges against him in the recent fraud trial and that Manhattan AG Alvin Bragg was somehow in cahoots with the Biden campaign. Shockingly ignorant of state vs federal laws!

    Peter Johnson, Ph.D., Fort Myers

    Worst of hypocrites

    So, when did the Republican Party, long entrenched in law and order, become so anti-law and order?When Donald Trump and his consiglieres, capos and street thugs came to power, that's when.House Republicans want convicted criminal Steve Bannon's prison sentence dropped.Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson agrees with Trump's plan to pardon all the thugs who beat hell out of Capitol cops.Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said he supports criminal Trump's run for president.Convicted Criminal-in-Chief Trump himself has said he'll jail the prosecutors who convicted him if he's elected.Trump's congressional Cosa Nostra relishes law and order when paddy wagons fill with Blacks and immigrants but not when their white armies of the night are taking the ride.They're the worst of hypocrites, bigots feeding at our public trough and writing our laws.

    Lee Melsek, High Springs

    Civic engagement the key

    In the past decade, we have witnessed the social collapse of many countries, including my own, Venezuela, and the rise of autocratic regimes. This has coincided with dysfunctional governments led by opportunistic populist leaders seeking power, which has caused distrust among populations and our governments. This distrust has led to weakened institutions that are corrupt and unable to govern effectively, exacerbating the gap between governments and the people they are supposed to serve.To address this catastrophic trend of chaos, we need to reconnect with the principle that governments are for the people and by the people, rooting these efforts in civic engagement and public participation. We must work with governments at all levels, collaborating where we can instead of fighting or blaming each other. It starts by humanizing every person, regardless of their background. When there is a lack of respect, there can be no trust, and effective collaboration relies on trust, even amidst disagreements.We have seen the consequences of losing respect for our governments, manifested in violent attacks on parliaments and even the U.S. Capitol in 2021. So, how do we begin to repair this? We start by dropping our biases, stereotypes, and preconceptions, and by seeking to understand others' interests, which is key to mutual gain negotiations. We must talk to each other rather than at each other. Listening is a powerful tool, and treating every personal interaction with respect, empathy, kindness, and compassion is essential. By starting with ourselves and becoming better, more engaged community members, we can improve our lives and the lives of those around us.Participating in democracy means getting politically involved, running for office, being part of an interest group advocating for a cause and working with your representatives. There are many ways you can help ensure that government is truly for the people, by the people, our people.

    Solemi Hernandez, Naples

    Biden created a mess

    It appears to me that all the liberal mailbag writers are going to continue their vile letters about Trump and the Republican Party up until November 5. I don’t think they are going to change anyone’s mind on who to vote for. Biden has created such a mess of his domestic and international politics that our country is going to have a hard time recovering from. The biggest issue is his open border policy and that alone will cost him the election.

    Jim McMenamy, Fort Myers

    Master of mendacity

    Former President Trump has repeatedly declared that he has an undisclosed plan to end the Russia-Ukraine War in “24 hours.” With the deaths, devastation, and billions of dollars being expended on the conflict, it would seem incumbent upon him, as a public service, to reveal his plan so that, if it is viable, it can be implemented to resolve that matter in a day.One would think that Republicans in Congress, reluctant to expend funds to help Ukraine as well as MAGA adherents and America Firsters who do not support the aid would urge the ex-president to disclose his plan to suit their desires.The last presidential candidate to foist a secret plan like this was another master of mendacity: Richard Nixon.  In 1968, he promoted his “I’ve got a secret” concerning the War in Vietnam. After he was elected, the secret was out: there was no plan and the war grinded on for another seven years at the expense of countless lives and funds.Those who would fall for the former president’s secret plan ought to recall that old saying: Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.”It would be a shame if this scam works again.

    Marshall H. Tanick, Naples

    Birthright citizenship

    It’s time for our nation to have a real discussion of the value of birthright citizenship.The idea that foreigners coming into the United States are guaranteed the right to have birthright citizenship granted to their children born here is an old-fashioned idea. The rest of the world has either restrictive birthright or completely refuses to recognize birthright citizenship in their country.One might ask why is this a problem? The answer is it leads to dual citizenship which is conferred on their newborn children. This is not a natural extension of any nation's goals is to have dual citizenship of two nations.We should not have folks with dual interests within the U.S. using their birthright in the U.S. to have the ability to push their parents' homeland interests and values on us. We should be a melting pot that can be achieved through restrictive birthright.An example would be when a person born here and lives here from foreign parents matures, at 18 years of age, that person would be able to choose to become a U.S. citizen. Or the simplest way is for the parents to become citizens of the U.S. and give up their homeland citizenship and then have their children.We should not have two classes of citizenship in the U.S. One for those born here by U.S. parents and another birthright class that enjoys the benefits of the U.S. citizenship and a citizenship in another country.

    Leo Amos, Matlacha

    Israel and terrorists

    Does Israel have a right to exist as a safe haven for Jews or should they go back to “where they came from” and deal with the massive spike in antisemitism? Are Jews safe outside of Israel? If not, then we agree that Jews need a safe place to live. Or do you think Jews don’t have a right to exist? If so, own it. Say it loud and clear and stop hiding behind anti Zionism.If you have hostages locked up in your home, you’re not an innocent civilian, you’re a terrorist who deserves what you get. If you are aware of hostages being held in your neighborhood and you say nothing, you’re not an innocent civilian, you’re a terrorist who deserves what you get.If you invaded a country, killed innocent people, raped women, and abducted others, you’re not an innocent civilian, you’re a terrorist who deserves what you get.If you fire on soldiers as they extract innocent hostages, whether you’re wearing a uniform or civilian clothing, you’re not an innocent civilian, you’re a terrorist who deserves what you get.If you hide weapons in your children’s rooms or allow terror tunnels to be dug in your vicinity and you say/do nothing, you’re not an innocent civilian, you’re a terrorist who deserves what you get.If you voted for a terrorist organization to govern you, and I don’t care what excuses you have, you’re not an innocent civilian, you’re a terrorist who deserves what you get.If you have any info on the whereabouts of innocent hostages and you don’t disclose that info, you’re not an innocent civilian, you’re a terrorist who deserves what you get.And finally, if you openly stand with a terrorist organization and against those who try to eliminate the terrorists, you’re not an innocent civilian, you’re a terrorist who deserves what you get.

    Steve Wolfson, Fort Myers

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