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  • Greg Wilson, CFA

    ChatGPT Reveals: 23 Traits That Instantly Identify a Boomer


    This article was originally published on, a site my wife and I own. AI was used for light editing, formatting, and readability. But a human (me!) wrote and edited this.
    Elderly man with white beard and glasses, sitting on a beige sofa, looking surprised at a laptop screen.Photo byDepositPhotos

    Have you ever wondered how to pick out a Baby Boomer in a crowd? As someone who's always been curious about generational differences, I found myself pondering this question recently.

    With their unique upbringing and cultural influences, Boomers often stand out in ways that younger generations might find both endearing and intriguing.

    To satisfy my curiosity, I decided to ask ChatGPT: "What are some ways to spot a Baby Boomer?" What followed was an enlightening and amusing list of traits that many Boomers share.

    Now, before we jump into this lighthearted list, it's important to remember that these are general trends, not hard and fast rules. Every Boomer is unique, and not all will fit every characteristic.

    With that in mind, let's take a fun look at some common Boomer traits that ChatGPT highlighted.

    What do you think? Do you agree with this list? Let us know in the comments!

    They Love a Good Phone Call

    In a world dominated by instant messaging and social media, Boomers often stand out with their preference for good old-fashioned phone calls. They grew up in an era when hearing someone's voice was the next best thing to face-to-face conversation.

    For many Boomers, picking up the phone and dialing a number feels more personal and direct than typing out a text. They appreciate the nuances of tone and the immediate back-and-forth that phone calls provide.

    So, if you notice someone opting to call instead of text, especially for longer conversations or important matters, you might just be dealing with a Boomer.

    Cursive Writing is Their Jam

    If you come across someone whose handwriting looks like it belongs in a historical document, chances are you've spotted a Boomer. Cursive writing was a staple of education for this generation, and many still take pride in their flowing script.

    Boomers often use cursive for personal notes, cards, and signatures, viewing it as a more formal and sophisticated way of writing. This skill, which was once considered essential, has become less common in younger generations, making it a distinctive Boomer trait.

    Next time you see someone effortlessly penning a beautifully scripted note, you'll know you're likely in the presence of a Boomer.

    "Back in My Day..."

    One telltale sign of a Boomer is their fondness for reminiscing about the "good old days." Growing up in the post-World War II era, many Boomers experienced significant social and technological changes.

    They often enjoy sharing stories about how things were different, and in their view, often simpler or better, when they were young. This nostalgia can cover everything from the cost of living to social norms and technology.

    While it might sometimes seem like they're stuck in the past, these stories often offer fascinating glimpses into a bygone era. So, if you hear someone start a sentence with "Back in my day..." get ready for an interesting tale from a likely Boomer.

    Facebook is Their Social Media of Choice

    In the vast landscape of social media platforms, Facebook reigns supreme for many Boomers. While younger generations flock to Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat, Boomers have found their digital home on Facebook.

    They adopted this platform as a way to reconnect with old friends, stay in touch with family, and share life updates. For many Boomers, Facebook serves as their window into the online world, allowing them to bridge the gap between traditional and digital communication.

    They often enjoy sharing photos, participating in groups, and keeping up with news through this platform. So, if you notice someone spending more time on Facebook than other social media sites, you might just be observing a Boomer in their natural online habitat.

    They Might Still Have a Landline

    In an age where smartphones seem like extensions of our hands, Boomers often stand out by maintaining a landline phone at home. For them, a landline represents reliability and tradition.

    They grew up in an era when the household phone was a central hub of communication, and many find comfort in keeping this familiar device around. Landlines also often feel more secure to Boomers, especially for important calls or emergencies.

    So, if you visit someone's home and spot a corded phone on the wall or a cordless handset on the coffee table, there's a good chance you're in a Boomer household.

    Radio is Still Cool

    While podcasts and streaming services dominate audio entertainment for younger generations, many Boomers still tune in to traditional radio. They grew up in an era when radio was a primary source of news, music, and entertainment.

    For Boomers, there's something comforting about flipping through stations or listening to familiar DJ voices. They often enjoy talk radio, news broadcasts, and music stations that play hits from their youth.

    Radio also provides a sense of community and real-time connection that resonates with many Boomers. So, if you notice someone regularly tuning into AM/FM radio in their car or at home, you might be in the company of a Boomer.

    Classic Rock and Oldies Rule

    Music preferences can be a big giveaway when spotting a Boomer. If you hear someone jamming to The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, or some classic Motown tunes, chances are you're listening to a Boomer's playlist.

    These genres were the soundtrack of their youth, representing the revolutionary music of the 60s, 70s, and 80s. Many Boomers have a deep emotional connection to this music, associating it with significant moments in their lives.

    They often prefer these familiar tunes over contemporary pop or hip-hop. So, next time you hear someone passionately singing along to "Stairway to Heaven" or "Dancing in the Street," you may well be in the presence of a music-loving Boomer.

    Email is Their Digital Home

    In the world of digital communication, email holds a special place in the hearts of many Boomers. While younger generations might prefer instant messaging apps, Boomers often stick to email as their primary form of online communication.

    For them, email represents a bridge between traditional letter-writing and modern technology. They appreciate its formality and the ability to compose thoughtful messages.

    Boomers often check their email regularly and may even print out important emails to keep physical copies. So, if you notice someone relying heavily on email for both personal and professional communication, you might be interacting with a Boomer.

    Cable TV with a Channel Guide

    In this age of streaming services and on-demand content, many Boomers still enjoy the traditional experience of cable TV, complete with a channel guide. They often find comfort in the familiar act of channel surfing and following a set TV schedule.

    For Boomers, cable TV offers a curated selection of content without the overwhelming choices of streaming platforms. They might even keep a printed TV guide handy to plan their viewing.

    So, if you visit someone's home and see a cable box with a remote nearby, or spot a TV guide on the coffee table, you're likely in a Boomer household.

    Wristwatches Never Went Out of Style

    While smartphones have become the go-to timekeepers for many, Boomers often sport classic wristwatches. For them, a watch is more than just a tool to tell time - it's a statement piece and a link to tradition.

    Many Boomers view their watches as cherished accessories, sometimes wearing the same timepiece for decades. They appreciate the craftsmanship and reliability of a good watch. Boomers might even own multiple watches for different occasions.

    So, if you notice someone constantly checking the time on their wrist rather than pulling out a phone, you may well be looking at a Boomer who values the timeless appeal of a wristwatch.

    Face-to-Face Chats are the Best

    Boomers often show a strong preference for in-person conversations. They value the personal connection that comes with sitting across from someone, reading facial expressions, and sharing immediate reactions.

    For many Boomers, face-to-face chats feel more genuine and meaningful than digital alternatives. They often go out of their way to meet up for coffee or invite friends over for dinner, rather than relying on text messages or video calls.

    This preference stems from their upbringing, when in-person interactions were the norm for both personal and professional relationships. If you notice someone constantly suggesting meet-ups instead of virtual chats, you might be dealing with a sociable Boomer.

    Strong Political Views

    Many Boomers hold passionate political opinions, shaped by the transformative events of their youth. They lived through significant historical moments like the Civil Rights Movement and the Vietnam War, which often formed the basis of their political ideologies.

    Boomers tend to stay informed about current events and enjoy engaging in political discussions. They're likely to vote regularly and may even participate in local political activities.

    If you find yourself in a lively debate about government policies or social issues with someone who draws parallels to historical events, you might be conversing with a politically engaged Boomer.

    Socks with Sandals? Why Not!

    Fashion choices can be a fun way to spot a Boomer, and the infamous socks-with-sandals combo is a classic example. For many Boomers, comfort takes precedence over current fashion trends.

    They see no reason why they can't keep their feet cozy and ventilated at the same time. This practical approach to footwear often extends to other clothing choices as well. Boomers might prioritize comfort and functionality over the latest styles.

    So, if you spot someone confidently rocking socks with sandals at a casual outing, you may well be looking at a comfort-loving Boomer.

    Checks are Still in the Checkbook

    While digital payments dominate today's transactions, many Boomers still rely on good old-fashioned checks. They often keep a checkbook handy for paying bills or making larger purchases.

    For Boomers, writing a check feels more tangible and secure than online transactions. They appreciate having a physical record of their payments.

    Some Boomers even balance their checkbooks regularly, a practice that's become less common among younger generations. If you see someone pull out a checkbook to pay for something, especially when electronic options are available, you're likely observing a Boomer's financial habits in action.

    Print Newspapers are Still a Thing

    Despite the rise of online news sources, many Boomers still enjoy the tactile experience of reading a print newspaper. They often start their day with a physical paper and a cup of coffee, savoring the ritual of flipping through pages and catching up on world events.

    For Boomers, print newspapers feel more comprehensive and trustworthy than digital news feeds. They might even clip out interesting articles to share with friends or family.

    If you notice someone regularly purchasing newspapers or subscribing to print editions, you're likely observing a Boomer's traditional approach to staying informed.

    Brand Loyalty is Strong

    Boomers often demonstrate strong loyalty to brands they've used for years. Once they find a product or service they trust, they tend to stick with it. This loyalty stems from a belief in the quality and reliability of familiar brands.

    Boomers might use the same laundry detergent, toothpaste, or car brand for decades. They're less likely to be swayed by trendy new products, preferring to stick with what they know works.

    If you notice someone constantly choosing the same brands despite newer alternatives, you might be witnessing a Boomer's brand loyalty in action.

    Family Photos Everywhere

    A Boomer's home often serves as a gallery of family memories, with framed photos adorning walls and surfaces. They take pride in displaying pictures of children, grandchildren, and extended family members.

    For Boomers, these physical photos are tangible reminders of important life moments and family connections. They might have entire walls dedicated to family portraits or keep photo albums readily accessible.

    If you visit a home filled with proudly displayed family photos, chances are you've entered a Boomer's personal museum of memories.

    Khakis and Slacks are Everyday Wear

    When it comes to casual wear, many Boomers opt for comfortable yet slightly dressy options like khakis or slacks. They often prefer these over more casual choices like jeans or sweatpants, even for everyday activities.

    This sartorial choice reflects a generation that values a put-together appearance, even in informal settings. Boomers might pair their khakis with polo shirts or button-downs for a classic, neat look.

    If you notice someone consistently dressed in this smart-casual style for regular outings, you might be observing a fashion-conscious Boomer.

    "The Computer" and "The Internet"

    Boomers often use broad terms when referring to technology. They might call all computing devices "the computer," regardless of whether it's a desktop, laptop, or tablet. Similarly, they may refer to "the internet" as a single entity, rather than distinguishing between websites, apps, or online services.

    This generalized language reflects their experience of adopting technology later in life. If you hear someone ask for help with "the computer" when they're actually referring to their smartphone, you're likely dealing with a tech-adapting Boomer.

    Organized Computer Folders

    Many Boomers approach digital organization much like they would physical filing systems. They often create elaborate folder structures on their computers, meticulously sorting documents, photos, and other files.

    This method helps them navigate the digital world in a familiar, organized manner. Boomers might spend time naming files descriptively and creating nested folder hierarchies.

    If you peek at someone's computer desktop and see a neatly arranged system of folders, you're probably looking at a Boomer's digital filing cabinet.

    Impressive DVD and CD Collections

    Despite the popularity of streaming services, many Boomers maintain extensive collections of DVDs and CDs. These physical media libraries represent years of carefully curated entertainment.

    Boomers often take pride in their collections, organizing them alphabetically or by genre. They might prefer the tangible aspect of inserting a disc and enjoying high-quality audio or video.

    If you visit someone's home and spot shelves lined with DVDs and CDs, you've likely encountered a Boomer's treasure trove of physical media.

    The Mall is Still a Hangout Spot

    While online shopping has become increasingly popular, many Boomers still enjoy trips to the mall. For them, malls represent more than just shopping, they're social hubs and entertainment centers.

    Boomers might meet friends for lunch at the food court, window shop, or simply enjoy the atmosphere. They often appreciate the tactile experience of seeing and touching products before buying.

    If you know someone who regularly suggests meeting at the mall or enjoys spending time there, you're probably dealing with a Boomer who values this traditional retail experience.

    Education is Super Important

    Boomers typically place high value on formal education. Many see academic achievement as a key to success and upward mobility.

    This generation often experienced the benefits of increased access to higher education and wants the same opportunities for younger generations. Boomers might encourage their children or grandchildren to pursue college degrees, emphasizing the importance of good grades and continued learning.

    If you encounter someone who frequently discusses the value of education or proudly displays academic achievements, you're likely interacting with a Boomer who prioritizes learning.

    Wrapping It Up

    Well, there you have it, 23 fun ways to spot a Boomer, straight from ChatGPT! Remember, these traits are just general trends, and every Boomer is unique in their own way.

    The cool thing about Boomers? They're masters at blending their classic habits with new technologies, creating their own special mix of old and new.

    It's fascinating to see how different generations adapt to life's changes. Boomers have lived through some incredible shifts in technology and society, and these experiences shape their view of the world today.

    Next time you're out and about, keep an eye out for these Boomer traits. But more importantly, take the time to chat with people from all generations. You might be surprised at how much you can learn from each other!

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    Yep, because 99% have common sense that doesn’t exist in younger generations.
    Lou Cummings
    They actually know how to be cool and enjoy life.
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