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  • Greg Wilson, CFA

    Millionaire Mindset: 23 Things They Never Waste Time On

    6 hours ago

    This article was originally published on, a site my wife and I own. AI was used for light editing, formatting, and readability. But a human (me!) wrote and edited this.
    Woman in a yellow sweater sitting on a gray couch, smiling, with a wooden wall and fireplace in the background.Photo byDepositPhotos

    Most of us dream about becoming millionaires, picturing lives filled with luxury and ease. But the reality of how millionaires actually live and work might surprise you. 

    Many successful people don't flaunt their wealth. Instead, they shop at regular stores, live in modest homes, and drive ordinary cars. This practice of living below one's means is commonly referred to as Stealth Wealth.

    What truly sets millionaires apart isn't just the size of their bank accounts, but their approach to managing time and resources. The National Study of Millionaires surveyed over 10,000 wealthy individuals, revealing a surprising finding.

    A remarkable 93% of the participants said their financial achievements came not from luck or huge paychecks. Instead, they pointed to smart money habits and using their time wisely as the keys to their success.

    In this article, we'll take a closer look at 23 things millionaires avoid to stay productive and successful. These habits help them make the most of their time and resources. 

    Let's learn their approach and see how we can apply these lessons to our own lives, regardless of our current financial situation. 

    Negative Thinking

    Millionaires don't let negative thoughts hold them back. They face problems head-on and look for solutions instead of dwelling on what went wrong. When challenges arise, they ask themselves, "How can I fix this?" 

    This positive attitude helps them spot opportunities and keep moving forward. They train their minds to see setbacks as chances to learn and grow, not as roadblocks.

    Unnecessary Meetings

    Time is precious, and millionaires know it. They avoid meetings that don't serve a clear purpose. According to a study by Harvard Business Review, 70% of meetings hinder employees from engaging in productive work. Millionaires take this to heart. 

    If an issue can be resolved through a quick email or phone call, that's what they'll do. They make sure every meeting has a specific goal and a set timeframe. This approach helps them stay focused on important tasks and avoid wasting time on unproductive discussions.

    Networking with the Wrong People

    Successful people are careful about who they spend time with. Millionaires seek out relationships that help them grow and learn. They surround themselves with motivated, positive individuals who share their drive for success. 

    They limit their time with people who complain a lot or don't have similar goals. This selective networking helps them stay inspired and focused on their objectives.

    Watching TV Excessively

    While a bit of TV can be relaxing, millionaires don't spend hours in front of the screen. Instead, they use their free time for activities that add value to their lives. They might read books, work on side projects, or learn new skills. 

    This doesn't mean they never watch TV, but they're mindful of how much time they spend on passive entertainment. They prioritize activities that help them grow personally or professionally.

    Engaging in Office Gossip

    Millionaires steer clear of office gossip. They know it's a waste of time and can create a negative work environment. Instead of participating in rumors or idle talk, they focus on their work and building positive relationships. 

    They understand that gossiping can damage their reputation and distract them from their goals. They choose to use their energy on productive conversations and tasks that move their career forward.

    Complaining Without Solutions

    You won't hear successful people constantly complaining without offering solutions. Millionaires take a proactive approach to problems. When they notice an issue, they think about how to fix it. They ask questions like, "What can we do to improve this situation?" 

    This solution-focused mindset makes them valuable team members and effective leaders. It also helps them overcome obstacles more quickly and efficiently.


    Contrary to popular belief, doing many things at once doesn't make you more productive. Millionaires understand this and avoid multitasking. Studies show that multitasking can decrease productivity by as much as 40%

    Knowing this, successful people focus on one task at a time, giving it their full attention. This approach helps them produce higher quality work and complete tasks more efficiently. They break big projects into smaller, manageable parts and tackle them one at a time. 

    Comparing Themselves to Others

    Millionaires understand that everyone's journey is unique. They don't waste time comparing their success, possessions, or lifestyle to others. Instead, they focus on their own goals and progress. 

    They know that constantly measuring themselves against others can lead to unhappiness and distract them their own path to success. This mindset helps them stay motivated and focused on personal growth rather than getting caught up in what others are doing.

    Pursuing Perfectionism

    While striving for excellence is admirable, millionaires know that perfectionism can be a trap. They aim for high-quality work but don't get stuck trying to make everything flawless. They understand that perfect is often the enemy of done. 

    Instead of endlessly tweaking projects, they focus on making steady progress. They set realistic standards, do their best, and move on to the next task. This approach allows them to accomplish more and learn through action. 

    Neglecting Health

    Millionaires understand that their health is their most valuable asset. They make time for regular exercise, eat nutritious meals, and prioritize getting enough sleep. They see these activities not as luxuries, but as essential investments in their productivity and longevity. 

    Many successful people start their day with a workout or meditation to boost their energy and focus. They know that neglecting their health can lead to decreased productivity and increased healthcare costs in the long run.

    Overindulging in Social Media

    While social media can be a useful tool, millionaires are careful not to let it become a time sink. A 2022 survey found that 56% of workers who use social media for work agree that it distracts them from their tasks. 

    Successful people use social media strategically, often setting specific times for checking their accounts. They focus on building real-world connections and engaging in productive activities instead of endless scrolling.

    Dwelling on Past Mistakes

    Everyone makes mistakes, but millionaires don't spend time beating themselves up over past errors. Instead, they view mistakes as valuable learning opportunities. They analyze what went wrong, extract the lesson, and then move forward with new knowledge. 

    This approach allows them to grow and improve continuously. They understand that dwelling on past mistakes wastes energy that could be used for creating future successes.


    Successful people know that putting off important tasks often leads to missed opportunities and increased stress. They tackle challenging tasks head-on, often using techniques like the "eat the frog" method, doing the most difficult task first thing in the morning. 

    They break large projects into smaller, manageable steps to avoid feeling overwhelmed. This proactive approach helps them stay ahead of deadlines and reduces last-minute panic.

    Ignoring Financial Education

    Millionaires don't just earn money, they learn how to manage and grow it effectively. They dedicate time to understanding investments, tax strategies, and financial planning. Many read financial books, attend seminars, or work with financial advisors to expand their knowledge. 

    This ongoing education helps them make informed decisions about their money and avoid costly financial mistakes.

    Fear of Change

    In today's fast-paced world, adaptability is crucial. Millionaires embrace change rather than fear it. They stay open to new ideas, technologies, and ways of doing business. 

    When faced with change, they ask themselves, "How can this benefit me?" rather than "Why is this happening to me?" This mindset allows them to spot opportunities in changing situations and stay ahead of the curve in their industries.

    Living Beyond Their Means

    Contrary to popular belief, many millionaires live well below their means. They avoid unnecessary expenses and prioritize saving and investing. This doesn't mean they never enjoy luxuries, but they make thoughtful decisions about their spending. 

    They understand that true financial freedom comes not just from earning more, but spending less than you earn. This habit helps them build and maintain their wealth over time.

    Chasing Every Opportunity

    While it might seem smart to pursue every potential opportunity, millionaires are more selective. They carefully evaluate opportunities against their long-term goals and values. They understand that saying "yes" to one thing means saying "no" to something else. 

    This focused approach allows them to invest their time and resources in opportunities with the highest potential for success and personal fulfillment.

    Arguing Over Opinions

    Millionaires know that not every disagreement needs to turn into an argument. They choose their battles wisely, engaging in discussions that can lead to productive outcomes. When faced with differing opinions, they listen actively and seek to understand other perspectives. 

    They base their decisions on facts and data rather than emotions or personal biases. This approach helps them maintain positive relationships and focus their energy on more important matters.

    Getting Distracted Short-Term Gains

    Successful people keep their eyes on the long-term prize. While they appreciate quick wins, they don't let short-term gains distract them from long-term goals. They understand that sustainable success often requires patience and consistent effort. 

    When making decisions, they consider both immediate results and long-term consequences. This balanced approach helps them build lasting success and avoid risky decisions that might provide a quick payoff but long-term problems.

    Staying in Their Comfort Zone

    Growth happens outside the comfort zone, and millionaires embrace this fact. They regularly push themselves to try new things, take on challenges, and learn new skills. This might mean public speaking for an introvert or learning a new technology for someone less tech-savvy. 

    They see discomfort as a sign of growth and lean into it rather than avoid it. This willingness to stretch themselves opens up new opportunities and helps them stay adaptable in changing environments.


    Millionaires understand the value of saying "no." They carefully consider each commitment and only say "yes" to things that align with their goals and values. They know that overcommitting leads to burnout and poor performance. 

    Instead, they focus their energy on a select number of high-impact activities. This selective approach allows them to give their full attention to their commitments and produce higher quality results.

    Waiting for the "Perfect Moment"

    Successful people know that the perfect moment rarely arrives. Instead of waiting for ideal conditions, they take action with what they have. They understand that starting is often the hardest part, and they push through initial discomfort or uncertainty. 

    They make adjustments as they go, learning real-world lessons. This "ready, fire, aim" approach allows them to make progress and gain valuable experience while others are still waiting for the perfect moment.


    While planning is important, millionaires avoid getting stuck in endless planning cycles. They understand that no plan survives first contact with reality unchanged. Instead of trying to plan for every possible scenario, they create flexible strategies and adjust as they go. 

    They value action and real-world feedback over theoretical perfection. This balanced approach allows them to move forward confidently while remaining adaptable to changing circumstances. 

    Millionaire Mindset: Your Turn

    Now that we've learned these 23 habits millionaires avoid, it's clear that success isn't just about making money, it's about making smart choices with your time and energy. These millionaire-minded individuals focus on productivity, continuous learning, and long-term growth.

    Remember, you don't need millions in the bank to start thinking like a millionaire. You can begin adopting these habits today. Start small: choose one or two areas to improve and build from there. 

    Over time, you'll find yourself more focused, productive, and on track towards your goals. Who knows? With this millionaire mindset, you might just find yourself on the path to financial success too.

    The journey to success is a marathon, not a sprint. Take it one step at a time, stay consistent, and keep pushing forward. Your future millionaire self will thank you for the habits you build today. 

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