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    Scorpio Monthly Horoscope for July 2024

    Scorpio Monthly Horoscope for July 2024 By Miss Knockout NewsPhoto bygraphics by miss knockout

    Scorpio Monthly Horoscope for July 2024

    By Miss Knockout News

    It’s Miss Knockout News here, ready to deliver your captivating, spot-on horoscope for July 2024. But before we dive into the celestial insights, I need your help to reach my goal of 100 registered followers. Your support means the world to me, so if you enjoy these horoscopes, please hit that follow button and share with your friends! Now, let’s get into the stars and see what the universe has in store for you, Scorpio.

    Lift the Veil: Embrace Candid Conversations

    Lift the veil, Scorpio! Your normally tight-lipped style gives way to refreshing candor as the Sun makes its annual trip through Cancer and your outspoken ninth house until July 22. This expansive month could bring opportunities to travel, study, or broaden your horizons in a meaningful and inspired way. Craving a summer vacation or homesick for a family visit? Go now, even if it’s just for a night or two. Any opportunity to get away from the familiar promises to pay major dividends.

    While the intensity of Gemini season might have found you dodging the spotlight, you may readily welcome it now. Shake off any lingering moodiness or pessimism and focus on what's on tap for Cancer season: an unscripted and exciting adventure.

    Expanding Horizons: Jupiter's Influence

    Why, other than being a mysterious Scorpio, have you been so consumed with your private world? On May 25, abundant Jupiter moved into Gemini and your eighth house of intimacy, shared resources, and ventures, beginning a year-long stint that sparked a resurgence in your business collaborations and deepest commitments over the last couple of months. It’s a once-every-12-years activation intended to grow your faith in your own power. Jupiter’s expansive influence helps you think big, new, and bold—about every kind of investment, from financial to emotional.

    Jupiter’s stint in Gemini can bring wealth and transformation, but it will also be easy to get lost in the depths. Good thing, then, that we have Cancer season to balance it all out. With the Sun now traveling through your global ninth house, don’t be surprised if you find yourself connecting with like-minded people all over the world—perhaps on a life-changing retreat—or exploring possibilities far outside your comfort zone. Creative Scorpions would benefit from setting aside time for a visionary project or long-term business planning. Follow your inspiration wherever it leads you, and don’t feel obligated to commit to concrete plans just yet.

    Revisiting the Past: Neptune's Retrograde

    One of those explorations could be a return to an abandoned creative project or possibly an old love. On July 2, hazy Neptune begins its annual retrograde through Pisces and your fifth house of self-expression and play until December 7. With Neptune joining Saturn and Pluto in the outer-planet retrograde brigade, you’ll do well to step back and evaluate which projects or hobbies bring you the most joy.

    While you’re ordinarily a capable juggler, Scorpio, Neptune’s backstroke can clarify what’s worth your time and energetic focus. It’s a great time to dust off an old passion project that got put on the back burner. Could there be a totally novel, attention-grabbing approach that’s worth including in those long-term business plans?

    Emotional Clarity: Navigating Relationships

    Retrogrades rule the past, and with Neptune rolling back the fog in your provocative fifth house, an ex could resurface, sending mixed signals. You may be the one getting cold feet about a love affair under fickle Neptune’s spell. Perhaps you've been idealizing someone and now see their human side a bit more clearly. Nobody's perfect, Scorpio (present company included), so work on finding compassion for their flaws—and your own. Don’t be surprised if you’re more thin-skinned and quick to react defensively between now and early December as Neptune’s backspin tends to stir up all kinds of intense feelings.

    Since the fifth house also rules children, committed Scorpios might find themselves reconsidering family planning, asking, How do we REALLY feel about having kids at this point in our lives? Is this something we truly want, or are we adhering to social norms and denying our own preferences?

    New Beginnings: Cancer New Moon

    With a powerful Cancer new moon activating your ninth house of travel, expansion, and future possibilities on July 5, intentions set now could unfold over the next six months. Launch a business? Take a bike tour across a couple U.S. states? Dream as big as you want, then follow up with action. Sometimes a leap of faith is all you need to create a brilliant new perspective on life.

    The ninth house also governs religion and personal beliefs. The Cancer new moon could also herald a fresh start around your spiritual journey, especially in tandem with Neptune’s retrograde in Pisces. You might explore the powers of plant medicine or a plunge into a metaphysical topic.

    On a deeper level, the Cancer new moon will boost your self-love and ability to be vulnerable about your needs. You’re a loyal friend, Scorpio, but it’s important to recognize where you habitually lean in to caregiver mode at the expense of your own emotional security. This new moon can encourage you to draw better boundaries with your inner circle, facilitating more time for you, your interests, and more aligned relationships in the process.

    Powerful Partnerships: Mars and Uranus Convergence

    Prepare your perch for a powerful partnership that could develop soon after the new moon—thanks to the rare July 15 convergence of unstoppable Mars and rabble-rouser Uranus in Taurus and your seventh house of one-on-one commitments. You could suddenly join forces and make an alliance official or, on the flipside, finally put an end to a long-standing relationship that you’ve outgrown.

    Get ready for shifts in your inner circle under this electrifying and explosive aspect. If a partnership isn’t “meant to be,” it could blow up or face a challenge that demands a speedy response. And if you’ve been dragging your feet around making things official, you might be forced to make a quick decision.

    This planetary convergence echoes back to August 2022, the last time courageous Mars and liberator Uranus connected in Taurus. Uranus has been plodding through this sign (and your relationship-focused seventh house) since May 2018, shaking up any unions you’ve been clinging to out of fear and insecurity. Is “the devil you know” really better than the one you don’t, Scorpio? The Mars-Uranus meetup will uproot codependent and even toxic ties. This will be their last-ever meetup in Taurus in our lifetime, making this a significant release point for stagnant contracts and lingering trust issues.

    Empowered Communication: Mars Moves into Gemini

    By the time energizing Mars moves into perceptive Gemini and your psychological eighth house on July 20, you’ll feel much more empowered to speak your peace and engage in honest dialogue. Mars immediately forms a harmonious 120-degree trine to powerful Pluto in your fourth house of home, personal myth, and family. This will galvanize your confidence to speak truthfully about what’s bothering you or holding you back from living your happiest life. Mars in Gemini encourages communication while Pluto in Aquarius helps uncover secrets, setting the stage for productive dialogue.

    You’ll get the chance to talk all about it this July 21, when the Capricorn full moon lights your communication zone and hands you the mic. This is the second of a rare pair of back-to-back Capricorn full moons this summer (the first was on June 21). Get ready for the sequel to what kicked off near the summer solstice.

    With the full moon shining a spotlight on your third house of communication and community, conversations and projects that you’ve been exploring all year could reach a turning point. You could team up with a kindred spirit or finally get the green light from decision-makers. A sibling, neighbor, or colleague could figure into events. If you've got a message to share, get it out there, both locally and on social media. Under these brazen beams, you're all fired up, and you've got something to say to the world. Pass the mic!

    Navigating Conflicts: Pluto's Opposition to the Sun

    Just be wary of word choices that could burn bridges, Scorpio. Mars has a way of escalating situations—it’s named for the mythological god of conflict and strife, after all! Ignore the keyboard warriors and swiper vipers spilling hate all over your comments section. Tuck that deadly Scorpio stinger away before you do permanent damage to a relationship—especially one that you genuinely care about. Cruelty and callousness will leave a deeper wound than you realize.

    While it might be tempting to put people in their place, lean into curiosity around your enragement instead. Mars’ transit through Gemini and your eighth house of patterns might cause knee-jerk reactions to triggers from childhood wounds that you’re ready to put to bed. Emotions could boil over when your ruler, powermonger Pluto, forms its annual opposition to the Sun on July 23, the day after Leo season begins.

    It all starts out great when the Sun shifts out of Cancer into Leo and your ambitious, goal-driven tenth house for a month. All those grand ideas you had during Cancer season can now be set to an achievable plan.

    Balancing Ambitions and Relationships

    But first, we interrupt this good news with a left hook from the underworld. On July 23, a standoff between your professional and personal priorities could lead to a major meltdown as Pluto activates your personal-life sector and stares down the Sun in your career zone. People could get aggressive today. Even worse? The most hostile among them could be close members of your family or friend circle. Maybe you shouldn’t share your budding career plans or latest achievements lest an insecure relative throw cold water on those dreams.

    You know how that goes: You're at a family gathering and decide to vulnerably open up about a big change you're considering in hopes that your loved ones will validate this move and cheer you on. Instead, you get peppered with skeptical and protective questions: "But have you thought of (insert imaginary way everything could go wrong)?" coming from someone who still sees you as the shy kid who got stage fright during their third-grade choir solo instead of the powerful and autonomous grownup you've become.

    Since the tenth house also rules men and fathers, this opposition could energize your relationship with a key guy in your life. You may have to clear the air of unresolved anger or competitiveness. While things might feel tense, the Sun-Pluto opposition presents a meaningful opportunity to break through your power struggle instead of breaking down.

    Once you’ve hashed things out, it’s time to refocus on your mission—especially with the Sun and wealth magnet Venus in Leo for the rest of the month, heating up your ambitions and making you an attractor for power players. Home in on your highest-priority goals and pursue them with gusto. Just be careful not to come on TOO strong under this aggressive influence.

    Pursuing Goals with Gusto

    But don't hold back! If you want something (or someone) that badly, put it in life-sized skywriting instead of secretly hoping they'll get the hint. Let your natural creativity and charisma shine. A well-deployed effort could earn you major points with the powers that be. If a high-profile opportunity comes your way, it won't last long, so strike while the iron is sizzling!

    With all this career opportunity, however, burnout could creep in. You may be a force of nature, Scorpio, but just because you CAN perpetually operate on a half tank doesn’t mean you should. On July 26, healing Chiron turns retrograde (backward) in Aries and your work and wellness sector, calling for a more balanced approach to daily routines.

    It's smart to read up on the benefits of a plant-based diet and foam rollers, for example. But if you're approaching your practices from a place of fear, use this cycle to turn the tide. The same goes for any micromanaging that you're doing. Are you afraid everything will fall apart if you don't keep a tight grip? Where are you able to fight for more personal time in your schedule? Seek a more empowered way to deal with this matter before Chiron pivots forward on December 29.

    Scorpio, make July a month of transformation and growth. Remember to follow your passions, set ambitious goals, and navigate your relationships with care. And please help me reach my goal of 100 registered followers by hitting that follow button and sharing this horoscope with your friends. Together, we can explore the stars and create a brighter future!

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    What travel or love ? No need read fruitful what abundant is coming give hope, love travel are expenses and fake don’t mention them even if it is written.It’s time to grow
    Mary Jane
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