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  • Dr Mehmet Yildiz

    How to Improve Aerobic (Cardiovascular) Fitness in 7 Steps


    Here’s what we can learn about the importance of VO2max training from a healthy and active centenarian who lived 109 years

    This story is for information and awareness purposes. It does not include health advice.

    If you want to slow the aging process and maintain better cardiovascular functionality as you grow older, regularly oxygenating the body, investing in methodical VO2max training, and measuring it regularly might be helpful.

    We face declining muscles, heart function, and mitochondria with age. In general, our health markers sharply diminish starting from the middle ages. Some people even notice a descent in their early 30s.

    After age 50, I learned that VO2max, which is a valuable fitness marker, shows a significant decline. This drop makes prioritizing cardiovascular fitness (strength, endurance, agility) crucial for healthspan and lifespan (longevity).

    The earlier we start, the better outcomes we get. But it is never too late to start and maintain fitness. I significantly improved my VO2max after 50 with methodical and consistent training, including aerobic and anaerobic workouts joyfully.

    Investing in VO2max training with regular exercise can beneficially affect our physical and mental health, enabling us to maintain higher functionality and enjoy a more vibrant and active lifestyle as we age.

    There is significant scientific evidence on the value of VO2max, with over 12,000 reports indexed on PubMed.

    Without going into scientific details, this article aims to introduce VO2max, highlight its importance, and give practical steps to improve it. First, for inspiration purposes, I briefly mention the achievements of a centenarian who popularized the importance of VO2max for health and longevity globally.

    What We Can Learn from a Centenarian Athlete

    Robert Marchand, a firefighter, gardener, and truck driver in his younger ages, was the world record holder for cycling 100 km, and the distance cycled in one hour, in the 100–105 years old age categories.

    At age 105, Guinness World Records recognized him as the world’s oldest competitive cyclist. He stopped riding in 108 due to hearing problems caused by aging and died at the age of 109 in 2021.

    I mention this centenarian cyclist because he leveraged the power of VO2max training. When he was 101, he completed 22.547 km within the designated time frame, surpassing his previous records and showing a remarkable VO2max score.

    In fitness communities, Marchand’s success is attributed to his rigorous training routine using VO2max improvement, which includes a combination of regular cycling (aerobic) and resistance workouts (anaerobic), which I cover in this article with the contributions of these workouts to VO2max scores.

    Medical examinations and VO2max tests have revealed that Marchand’s physiological functioning is comparable to a much younger person. His active lifestyle focus on VO2max and positive outlook are credited for his fitness and exceptional longevity. His story shows that age should not limit our pursuit of fitness and wellness goals.

    The key takeaway from his achievements is that starting or continuing our fitness journey toward optimal health is never too late. We can improve VO2max test scores at any age.

    What is VO2max Testing?

    VO2max testing is a highly accurate measure of aerobic (cardiovascular) fitness, considered the gold standard in the fitness industry. It assesses an athlete’s maximum capacity to use oxygen during exercise.

    This paper informs that “VO2max is a valid index measuring the limits of the cardiorespiratory systems’ ability to transport oxygen from the air to the tissues at a given level of physical conditioning and oxygen availability.”

    VO2max testing requires specialized equipment and expertise, which may not be readily available to everyone. Nonetheless, it is a reliable assessment for determining aerobic fitness levels for those who have the opportunity.

    The literature has different terms regarding VO2max, meaning the same thing. They are “maximal oxygen consumption,” “maximal oxygen uptake,” or “maximal aerobic capacity.” In short, the “V” stands for volume, and “O2” represents oxygen. Therefore, VO2max refers explicitly to the maximal volume of oxygen.

    Oxygenation refers to adding oxygen to the blood and distributing it to the body parts for cellular respiration. This process occurs when the bloodstream carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body.

    The testing process for VO2max involves precise measurement of our breathing, including the oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the air we inhale and exhale. This test is typically conducted on a treadmill or stationary bike.

    Athletes’ VO2max is determined when their oxygen consumption remains constant, even as the exercise intensity increases. Depending on different devices, it is measured in liters per minute (L/min) or milliliters per kilogram of body weight per minute (mL/kg/min/).

    To give you an idea, as documented in this paper, “An elite marathoner exhibits a high VO2max of more than 80 ml/kg/min.”

    VO2max testing provides valuable information about cardiovascular fitness and helps us gauge endurance capacity.

    Measuring VO2max provides a quantitative assessment of our cardiovascular fitness level. It helps identify our current aerobic capacity and can serve as a baseline for tracking improvements.

    VO2max is strongly correlated with aerobic performance. Higher values indicate a better ability to sustain intense exercise and endurance activities.

    Coaches and sports scientists use VO2Max measurements to assess the athletic potential of athletes and optimize training programs accordingly. But they are used for other purposes, too, as I explain in the next section.

    As we age, our heart’s ability to pump blood decreases. This decreases the amount of oxygen that reaches our muscles during exercise and, in turn, lowers the VO2max.

    In addition, as we age, the number and function of our mitochondria decline, which can lead to a decrease in VO2max.

    The Importance of VO2Max for Health and Fitness

    Here is a summary of my research reviewing hundreds of papers on this topic.

    1 — Improving Cardiovascular Health

    Regular exercise, especially aerobic exercise, can improve cardiovascular health. VO2max is the primary indicator of cardiovascular fitness. When we improve our VO2max score, we also improve our cardiovascular health.

    2 — Predicting Athletic Performance

    VO2max is a crucial predictor of athletic performance. Athletes with higher VO2max scores have a better ability to perform high-intensity exercises for extended periods without fatigue. Higher VO2max indicates better cardiovascular endurance and more efficient use of oxygen by muscles.

    3 — Determining Exercise Intensity

    VO2max can be used to determine appropriate exercise intensity. The intensity at which a person exercises can be adjusted based on their VO2max, ensuring that they exercise safely and effectively.

    4 — Monitoring Training Progress

    VO2max can be used to monitor training progress. As a person’s cardiovascular fitness improves with training, their VO2max score can increase. Measuring VO2max over time can provide valuable feedback on the effectiveness of the training program.

    5 — Identifying and Monitoring Health Risks

    Low VO2max scores indicate an increased risk of cardiometabolic disorders and premature death. Identifying patients with low VO2max scores can help healthcare professionals target interventions to improve their health. It can also be used for preventive health screenings.

    6 — Motivation

    VO2max testing provides tangible data and numeric values that can serve as motivation and benchmarks for goal setting like fitness or weight loss. It provides a quantifiable measure of progress and achievements. It helps us set realistic and measurable goals for training and performance.

    Practical Steps to Improve VO2max

    In this section, I provide practical tips based on my personal experience, observations, and literature reviews.

    1 — High-Intensity Interval Training and Sprints

    This review paper informs that strong evidence supports improving aerobic exercise performance and VO2max following sprint interval training, which coincides with peripheral muscular adaptations.”
    Another study concludes, "High-aerobic intensity endurance interval training is significantly more effective than performing the same total work at either lactate threshold or 70% HRmax, in improving VO2max.”

    High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a form of cardiovascular exercise that alternates short bursts of intense exercise with periods of active recovery. HIIT has gained popularity due to its effectiveness in improving VO2max.

    During high-intensity workout intervals, the body requires more oxygen to meet the increased demand for energy. This leads to higher oxygen consumption and cardiac output, stimulating adaptations that improve VO2max.

    HIIT pushes the body to its anaerobic threshold, which is the point at which the muscles rely more on anaerobic energy systems due to the inability to supply sufficient oxygen for aerobic metabolism.

    Regular training at this threshold improves the body's ability to tolerate and clear metabolic byproducts, increasing the anaerobic threshold. This allows us to sustain higher intensities of exercise before reaching fatigue, contributing to improvements in VO2max.

    HIIT can enhance metabolic adaptations, like increased fat oxidation and improved insulin sensitivity. These adaptations can contribute to better utilization of fuel sources during exercise and improved overall cardiovascular health, which is relevant to VO2max improvement.

    ✍ If you are healthy, try HIIT workouts to improve VO2max more effectively than steady-state exercise. You need to improve it gradually and with proper guidance to ensure safety and prevent overexertion.

    2 — Cardiovascular Workouts

    During cardiovascular exercise, the heart pumps blood more efficiently, leading to increased oxygen delivery to the working muscles. This results in improved oxygen uptake and utilization by the body.

    Regular cardiovascular exercise can promote the development of a dense capillary network within the muscles. Capillaries are tiny blood vessels that supply oxygen-rich blood to the muscles. The increased capillary density allows for improved oxygen and nutrient delivery to the muscles, enhancing aerobic capacity.

    Cardiovascular exercise can strengthen the heart muscles, leading to an increase in stroke volume. Stroke volume refers to the amount of blood ejected by the heart with each contraction. When stroke volume increases, the heart can pump more blood with each beat, producing a higher oxygen supply to the muscles.

    Regular cardiovascular exercise improves the muscles’ ability to extract oxygen from the bloodstream. The mechanism behind this is through adaptations like increased myoglobin content (a protein that carries oxygen within the muscle fibers) and improved mitochondrial density.

    These adaptations enhance the muscles’ ability to utilize oxygen efficiently, leading to improved aerobic capacity.

    ✍ If you are healthy, try regular cardiovascular exercises, like jogging, cycling, tennis, or swimming, to improve cardiovascular health and endurance. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week which can lower the risks of cardiometabolic disorders.

    3 — Strength/Resistance Training

    Strength training (resistance training or weightlifting) may not directly target aerobic capacity like cardiovascular exercise, but it can still positively affect VO2max by improving muscles and mitochondria.

    Strength training promotes the growth and development of muscle tissue. With increased muscle mass, the body requires more oxygen to support the metabolic demands of the muscles during exercise. This increased oxygen demand can contribute to improvements in VO2max.

    Strength training can improve the efficiency of movement and enhance neuromuscular coordination. As a result, less energy is wasted during exercise, allowing us to sustain exercise intensity for extended periods.

    This improved energy efficiency can indirectly benefit VO2max by enabling us to work at higher intensities and potentially stimulate adaptations that enhance aerobic capacity.

    Strength training can stimulate the release of hormones like growth hormone and testosterone. The hormonal responses to strength training can influence overall body composition and potentially enhance aerobic performance, including VO2max.

    ✍ If you are healthy and enjoy it, try resistance training to maintain lean muscle mass, which can improve VO2max.

    4 — Cross-Training

    Integrating aerobic and anaerobic workouts (cross-training) can improve fitness, including improvements in VO2max. This approach can benefit VO2max and overall fitness through several mechanisms. I summarize them briefly.

    Cross-training can engage different muscle groups and movement patterns rather than focus on a single activity. By varying the types of exercises, we can stimulate different muscle fibers and challenge our cardiovascular system. This can lead to improved overall muscle strength, endurance, and efficiency.

    Different activities stress the body differently, targeting various physiological systems. By participating in multiple activities, we develop a more balanced level of conditioning and reduce the risk of overuse injuries associated with repetitive movements.

    When we engage in different activities on different days, we can give specific muscle groups a break while still engaging in low-impact exercises. This promotes recovery and prevents overtraining, allowing us to sustain a consistent training routine and progress toward improving VO2max.

    By incorporating activities that challenge different energy systems and intensities, we can optimize our calorie burn and potentially support weight management efforts, indirectly benefiting VO2max.

    ✍ If you are healthy, try various aerobic and anaerobic activities in different days to engage different muscle groups and prevent adaptation plateaus.

    5 — Maintain a Healthy Weight.

    Maintaining a healthy weight is vital for improving and preserving VO2max. Excess body weight can strain the cardiovascular system and limit oxygen delivery to the muscles during exercise.

    Carrying excess body weight can increase stress on the heart, as it needs to work harder to supply oxygen to tissues and organs. This increased workload can lead to reduced efficiency and compromised cardiovascular function.

    Maintaining a healthy weight can reduce the strain on the heart and improve its ability to pump blood and oxygen to the muscles, supporting higher VO2max levels.

    Excess body fat can impair the ability to utilize oxygen efficiently. Adipose tissue produces hormones and inflammatory molecules that can interfere with oxygen utilization, impairing metabolic function.

    Maintaining a healthy weight can reduce these adverse effects and optimize the body’s ability to efficiently use oxygen during exercise, enhancing VO2max.

    By achieving a healthy weight, we improve energy efficiency, allowing us to exercise with less fatigue and strain, consequently leading to improved VO2max.

    Obesity increases the risk of chronic conditions that can harm cardiovascular health and impair VO2max.

    ✍ Maintain a healthy weight to lower the risk of developing these conditions, supporting optimal cardiovascular function and VO2max levels.

    6 — Rest, Recovery, and Consistency

    Adequate rest and recovery allow the body to adapt and repair after exercise. During rest, the body replenishes energy stores, repairs damaged tissues, and strengthens the cardiovascular system.

    Rest and recovery can prevent overtraining, reduce the risk of injuries, and promote optimal physiological adaptations that positively impact VO2max. Without proper rest, the body might experience fatigue and decreased performance, hindering the improvement of VO2max.

    During the recovery period, the body makes physiological adaptations, like increased capillary density, improved mitochondrial function, and enhanced oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood.

    These adaptations contribute to improved cardiovascular fitness and increased VO2max. Consistent rest and recovery periods ensure that the body can adapt and maximize the benefits of exercise.

    Consistency in exercise is vital to improving and maintaining VO2max. Regular and structured training programs can stimulate adaptations that improve aerobic capacity.

    Consistency allows the body to adapt gradually and reach higher fitness levels. Irregular or sporadic exercise routines may impede the progress of VO2max improvement.

    Progressive training programs can prevent plateauing and ensure ongoing improvements in VO2max. However, balancing our limits and allowing for sufficient recovery to avoid overtraining and injury is vital.

    ✍ Consistently allocate sufficient rest and recovery to promote adaptation and avoid overtraining.

    7 — Proper Nutrition and Hydration

    Proper nutrition and hydration are integral to optimizing VO2max and aerobic performance. Consuming a well-balanced diet can support energy availability, muscle function, and overall health, enabling us to perform at our best and enhance our VO2max.

    Insufficient calories and lack of nutrients can lead to fatigue, compromised performance, and hindered improvements in VO2max.

    Dehydration can impair cardiovascular function and increase the strain on the body, negatively impacting VO2max. Drinking water with minerals before, during, and after exercise can replace lost fluids and electrolytes.

    ✍ Fuel your body with a balanced diet of nutrients from whole foods and clean water to support exercise, fitness, and overall health.


    VO2Max is a valuable tool for optimizing exercise intensity and setting personalized training zones. It assists us in determining appropriate exercise levels for specific goals and helps us establish target heart rates and power zones.

    Regular VO2Max measurements can track changes in aerobic capacity, assess training effectiveness, and guide improvement strategies.

    By monitoring VO2Max, we can plan and optimize evidence-based training programs for better performance and fitness outcomes that might contribute to our healthspan and lifespan.

    Although it is ideal for measuring VO2max in a controlled setting nowadays, some smartwatches give indicative scores. You may check this video to learn more.

    Thank you for reading my perspectives. I wish you a healthy and happy life.

    If you enjoyed this story, you might also check out a relevant story on NewsBreak titled Why Blood Oxygen Saturation Levels Matter and How We Can Improve Them.

    Thank you for reading my perspectives. I wish you a healthy and happy life.

    To inform my new readers, I wrote numerous articles that might inform and inspire you. My topics include brain and cognitive function, significant health conditions, longevity, nutrition/food, valuable nutrients, ketogenic lifestyle, self-healing, weight management, writing/reading, science, technology, business, and humor.

    I compile my health and wellness stories on my blog, EUPHORIA. My posts do not include professional or health advice. I only document my reviews, observations, experiences, and perspectives to provide information and create awareness.

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