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    What Human Foods Can Dogs Eat?

    By Stephanie Harper,

    25 days ago

    Dog owners understand how special the connection between man and dog can be. Regardless of the dog breed you might actively be raising, the relationship you have with your pet is probably heaven-sent. Dogs know how to magically bond with their owners with their unfazed love and loyalty. Taking care of dogs is a huge responsibility that shouldn’t be shrugged off.

    To make sure dogs live long, happy, and healthy lives, owners have to be on top of things and educated on the topics that matter. No matter how outlandish your calendar gets, consistent visits to the veterinarian are non-negotiables for the longevity of a dog’s life. Making sure your dog will survive for the long haul means staying 10 steps ahead. Usually, only trained veterinarians can diagnose big diseases in dogs. We’re referring to diagnoses like cancer, diabetes, heartworm, or worse.

    Dogs deserve to have enough space where they’re living, too. Giving your precious pup an ample amount of land to roam freely is another important factor. It’s always quite sad to notice large dogs living in small, controlled spaces without any room to stretch their legs or exert their energy. Another factor comes down to a dog diet. What exactly are you feeding your pet every day? We all indeed want our dogs to enjoy the food they eat, but that’s not all that matters. Knowing that whatever you’re feeding them won’t accidentally kill them is more cardinal than anything else. While we’re on the topic of dogs, click here for 10 things you didn’t know your pup could do.

    To gather this list of human foods that are still safe and healthy enough for dogs to eat, 24/7 Tempo consulted several animal-centered and health-centered sources. These include the American Kennel Club, Better Vet, and Daily Paws.

    Green beans
    Green beans are nutritious and fabulous for pooches.

    Green beans should be considered a healthy treat for your dog. Keep in mind that you won’t want to add any salt or seasonings to green beans before serving them, though. Since green beans are full of fabulous nutrients, can help fill up your dog without without pushing the limits with too many calories. Cooking green beans before serving them to dogs is a smart thing to do since that will make them far easier to digest.

    Pooches can munch down on seedless watermelon.

    Human beings are high-key obsessed with watermelon since it’s one of the sweetest and most refreshing fruits out there. Watermelons with large yellow sun patches on the side are winners. You can share your delight in watermelon with your pup! Owners can’t skimp on removing seeds from every watermelon slice before feeding this particular fruit to their dog, though. If a dog swallows too many watermelon seeds, their intestines could very well get blocked up.

    Unseasoned cooked eggs
    It’s not dangerous to feed unseasoned cooked eggs to pooches.

    It’s completely unsafe to feed a dog raw or uncooked eggs. That’s due to the risk of salmonella. But, cooked eggs are perfectly fine to give your pup. You’ll want to avoid adding salt or seasonings to the eggs before your dog starts chowing down. Cooked eggs that have been scrambled, hard-boiled, or poached are wonderful options for your dog to enjoy when the time comes.

    Cooked oatmeal
    Pooches will adore cooked oatmeal.

    Oatmeal is a treasured breakfast food for human beings across America. Plenty of folks love indulging in oatmeal that’s been decked out with cinnamon, sugar, and decadent pieces of fruit. It’s perfectly healthy to offer your pup oatmeal, as long as sugar and cinnamon haven’t been added to it. Most fruit pieces can be mixed in without causing harm. Choose unflavored oatmeal and cook it with water instead of milk when serving it to your animal.

    Pooches are welcome to munch down on broccoli.

    Dogs can safely consume broccoli in small quantities, but it certainly shouldn’t be something that takes up too much space in their food bowl. If you’re curious to know whether or not you should cook broccoli before serving it to your dog, they can eat broccoli raw without an issue. Cooked broccoli is fabulous for dogs as long as it’s unseeded without any additional oils added.

    Cauliflower is pooch-friendly.

    Just like watermelon, cucumbers have a lovely claim to fame. They’re one of the most refreshing fruits in existence. There’s a reason people love dicing up cucumber slices to add to their water bottles. Cucumbers are superb for dogs to consume since they aren’t on calories and they’re super low on sodium. Next time you dice up cucumbers for a salad, keep in mind that your dog can safely eat any leftover wedges.

    Sweet potatoes
    Pooches are free to eat sweet potatoes.

    Sweet potatoes have famously been turned into delicious fries for decades. They’re served on menus at restaurants and eateries across America. The good news is that potatoes are 100% safe for dogs to devour as well. They’re jam-packed with vitamins, fiber, and minerals, which can be super helpful for dogs – especially regarding your dog’s heart and digestion system. If your dog is dealing with any type of inflammation, sweet potatoes can come in handy there as well.

    Cucumbers are great for pooches.

    Just like watermelon, cucumbers have a lovely claim to fame. They’re one of the most refreshing fruits in existence. There’s a reason people love dicing up cucumber slices to add to their bottles of water. Cucumbers are great for dogs to consume since they aren’t on calories and they’re super low on sodium. Next time you dice up cucumbers for a salad, keep in mind that your dog can safely eat any leftover scraps.

    Lean meats
    Lean meats are pooch-friendly.

    Lean meets are another perfectly safe food for dogs to consume. Typical examples of lean meats would be strips of turkey or chicken. It’s the same type of meat you’d add to a sandwich or salad. Before serving meat to your dog, feel free to bake it, grill, it, boil it, or cook it in any way you see fit. Your dog will be hyped to chow down on a few small pieces added to their doggy bowl at dinner time.

    White rice
    A pooch is welcome to eat white rice.

    It’s perfectly safe for your dog to munch down on white rice. White rice doesn’t have as supreme of a reputation as brown rice since the nutritional values don’t exactly compare. Still, that doesn’t mean you can’t feed your dog white rice at all. White rice is strikingly boring on its own, but you can always make it better. Just add veggies, scraps of meat, and other healthy ingredients for flavor.

    Pooches are welcome to eat apples.

    The old saying goes, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Human beings have been obsessed with apples for centuries, but what about dogs? Apples are crisp, tasty treats dogs can enjoy since they’re known for helping with digestion. They’re also full of extraordinary vitamins and nutrients. Your dog’s internal health will rake in the benefits. If your dog has been dealing with smelly bad breath issues, apples will come in handy in that area as well.

    Carrots are pooch-friendly.

    For the longest time, human beings have been convinced that eating carrots helps improve our vision by keeping our eyes healthier. Do carrots bring any benefits to dogs, though? Carrots are low-calorie snacks that are high in fiber. They’re also jam-packed with other noteworthy vitamins. All that said, it’s perfectly safe to feed carrots to dogs. Just like apples, carrots are remarkable for your dog’s teeth.

    Peanut butter
    Pooches can eat peanut butter without issue.

    Peanut butter is a sweet treat that most dogs would be excited to taste. In most cases, peanut butter is a fun and awesome food to offer your pup. Peanut butter made with xylitol should never be served to dogs, though. Xylitol is toxic and poisonous for pups and on occasion, it can be found as a sugar substitute in popular peanut butter brands. Simply choose to be diligent about reading labels beforehand.

    Pooches can enjoy blueberries freely.

    Blueberries instantly make parfaits and fruit salads so much tastier. Without blueberries, would a fruit smoothie even be complete? Human beings have every reason to salivate over blueberries. The good news is that dogs can safely consume them too. Blueberries are a healthy, low-calorie snack for dogs to munch down on. One benefit of dogs eating blueberries is that they’ll help support your dog’s immune system in a significant way.

    Corn off the cob is good for pooches.

    There are two popular ways to serve corn… On the cob and off the cob. It’s acceptable for human beings to eat corn however they see fit. But for dogs, corn can only be served off the cob. When served in small portions, corn can be a sweet, crunchy treat for dogs to get hyped about. Just like with other vegetables mentioned on this list, you’ll want to avoid adding salt or seasonings to the kennels of corn beforehand.

    Fully baked bread is safe for pooches.

    Small pieces of bread (whether it’s white or brown) are safe for dogs to eat. Still, bread should only be given to dogs in moderation. If the breading question has been fully cooked and doesn’t include any additional ingredients that would be poisonous to a dog, then you’re definitely good to go. Some toxic ingredients that are occasionally added to bread are raisins, seeds, and garlic. Read the label on your bread, bag ahead of time to avoid any serious problems.

    The citrus of an orange is fun for pooches.

    Oranges are one of the sweetest and tangiest fruits a person can taste. Fruits that come from the citrus family have an added layer of vibrancy to them. Feeding orange slices to your dog in moderation is something your dog will undoubtedly get excited about. As a reminder, too much citrus isn’t healthy for dogs so they shouldn’t have too many pieces in one sitting. In addition to that, oranges have tons of natural sugars. Keeping your dog healthy means protecting them from too much sugar as well, even if the sugars are natural.

    Popcorn is perfectly fine for pooches.

    Striped box with popcorn on red background

    It’s valid to question whether or not popcorn is safe for dogs to consume. If popcorn has been thoroughly air-popped, you’re on the right track. If it’s completely plain without butter, salt, or other toppings, then you’re truly good to go. Butter and salt are two aggressively unhealthy ingredients that don’t belong in a dog’s diet. You should also beware that popcorn kernels that haven’t been fully air-popped might still contain seeds. Those pieces of popcorn should never go near your animal.

    Yogurt is a great for pooches everywhere.

    The benefits that flood in from eating yogurt are endless for both human beings and dogs. Easier digestion, relief from diarrhea, and a boosted immunity system are just a handful of wins that may come your dog’s way. Eating a healthy amount of yogurt might be a positive game-changer. Dogs often fall head over heels in love with the smooth texture. Simple yogurts will be your best bet.

    Fish is pooch-friendly.

    If you have concerns about feeding fish to your dog as a pet owner, you’re well within your right to be concerned. Fish is one of those confusing foods that can truly make dog owners question themselves. Fortunately, dogs can eat fish without fail if the fish hasn’t been drizzled in unhealthy oils or seasonings. You also have to make sure that all the bones have been removed.

    A pooch lapping up milk is totally acceptable.

    As shocking as this might sound, it’s actually safe for dogs to drink milk. Human beings rely on milk for a slew of benefits, including the fact that milk is a superb source of calcium. The main thing you have to keep in mind is that milk should only be served to dogs in small amounts. A few tablespoons at a time will be just fine for a pooch who’s thirsty for something other than water.

    Feel free to serve celery bits to your pooch.

    There are tons of fruits and veggies that dogs have the green light for already. Celery also happens to be part of that list. Celery is fabulous for dogs when it’s served to them in moderation. Dog owners should never hand off large pieces of celery to their dogs, though. Celery should be chopped up into small bits and pieces that are easily chewable ahead of time. No one wants to deal with a choking scenario.

    Pooches can safely consume bananas.

    Nearly all things are acceptable in moderation. That rule happens to apply to bananas. Dogs can eat bananas in moderation if you’re eager to feed them something sweet and healthy. Bananas are full of vitamins and nutrients like fiber and potassium. But be careful. If you feed your dog too many banana pieces in one sitting, you’ll lead them down the path of an upset stomach. Now that we know about all the human foods that are safe enough for dogs to eat, click here to uncover the most iconic and beloved dogs throughout history.

    The post What Human Foods Can Dogs Eat? appeared first on 24/7 Tempo .

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