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    These Are America’s Favorite Italian Dishes

    By Stephanie Harper,

    23 days ago

    Americans love eating food from all around the world. No two regions are known for creating identical tastes. Tons of Americans get stoked at the prospect of chomping down on Italian food. There’s nothing quite like making homemade pasta. There is also a large Italian community across the United States. There are countless eateries in nearly every American city that serve delicious pasta.

    Pasta with vodka sauce is a popular Italian dish that Americans salivate over. While the recipe calls for real vodka, there’s no alcohol in the sauce after it’s cooked. It’s vital to cook the sauce at a high temperature. Heat is what causes the alcohol’s taste to disappear. However, it still offers quite a kick that people from the United States adore.

    Pasta isn’t the only dish from Italy that Americans stuff their mouths with. Margherita pizza is arguably the most well-known and beloved Italian pizza dish Americans are head over heels in love with. It’s easy to find large pieces of mozzarella cheese on top of the pizza. Basil leaves and freshly peeled tomatoes also are vital to the taste of the pizza. For many Americans, it tastes like you’re actually in Italy. For more food content, click here to read about the fast food items you should avoid.

    For full disclosure, taco salad was listed as the seventh most popular Italian dish Americans love. However, taco salad is widely considered a Tex-Mex dish and isn’t included on this list. To compile this list of America’s favorite Italian dishes, 24/7 Tempo reviewed a survey conducted by YouGov.

    20. Pasta puttanesca
    Pasta puttanesca is a popular Italian dish to make at home.

    Americans love racing home whenever pasta puttanesca is on the menu. The dish has tons of different vegetables inside from anchovies to plum tomatoes. At Italian restaurants, it’s oftentimes served with salad on the side. Restaurants aren’t the only place to order pasta puttanesca, though.

    People who enjoy cooking love making the dish for get-togethers whenever people come over with wine. However, make sure you start cooking before people come over. Be ready to cook for around a half hour when making pasta puttanesca at home. Whenever any guests walks through the door, their smelling senses will undoubtedly fire off.

    19. Pasta with vodka sauce
    There’s no alcohol in pasta with vodka sauce.

    Cooking a family meal with vodka as one of the main ingredients might sound strange to some people. However, pasta with vodka sauce is an amazing meal for everyone of all ages to enjoy. While recipes call for real vodka in the sauce, the heat at which it’s cooked at ensures that the alcohol is burned. Kids don’t have to be left out of a family meal purely because there’s vodka in it.

    There are tons of different additions you can freely add to pasta with vodka sauce. The two most common meats toppings are chicken and sausage. The sauce is creamy enough to help even the driest meats go down easily. This is just one of many different types of pasta with a special sauce on it that Americans love.

    18. Pizza Margherita
    Pizza Margherita is one of the most popular Italian pizzas.

    While pasta is one food Italy is best-known for, it’s not the only delicacy Americans obsess over. Italian pizza has a special taste that seems to hit people’s tastebuds differently. Margherita pizza has flavors and toppings American taste buds adore. The pizza consists of large pieces of mozzarella cheese, fresh basil, and tomatoes on top of the pizza dough. The outside has a thick, somewhat burnt crust that Americans love.

    People from the United States have taken pizza and added countless different things to the top of it. Admiration for pizza by Americans appears as strong as ever, so it shouldn’t come as a shock to continue seeing Margherita pizza as one of the most popular Italian dishes.

    17. Pasta with pesto sauce
    Be careful when serving pasta with pesto sauce to someone with a nut allergy.

    Americans love adding different sauces to their pastas. A popular sauce to drizzle on happens to be pesto. Pesto sauce is something that seemingly can be added to every dish. Anyone with a nut allergy needs to think twice before ordering anything with pesto sauce on it, though. That’s because pine nuts are a popular addition to pesto sauce. While most people with nut allergies are typically aware of what they eat, pesto sauce is something people with nut allergies need to be more cognizant of.

    As is the case with plenty of other types of pasta, it’s normal to include things like chicken or sausage to the dish for extra protein. Drizzling pesto sauce ensures that the person won’t be chomping down on dry meat at all. In the future, society might change the recipe so pesto sauce doesn’t have pine nuts anymore. If that happens, people with nut allergies will also have the chance to try it.

    16. Bruschetta
    Bruschetta is a great appetizer.

    Americans who enjoy cooking as a way to relax will likely enjoy preparing bruschetta. The only things required from the grocery store are bread, tomatoes, garlic, cheese, and basil. Once you get home from shopping, simply add each ingredient to the top of the bread and you have yourself some fresh bruschetta. Anyone who’d rather enjoy a night out at a restaurant is still in luck.

    Bruschetta isn’t a filling dish for one person to eat. However, if you’re out with a group of friends, it’s a great appetizer to get at an Italian restaurant. It’s the type of dish you can make delicious memories with. It is very filling, which means it’s best to enjoy one or two before your meal. The last thing most people want to do at a restaurant is fill up on the appetizers before the main dishes come out.

    15. Macaroni salad
    It’s normal for macaroni salad to be served cold.

    Most pastas from Italy are served warm with breadsticks on the side. Macaroni salad isn’t like most Italian pastas, though. Instead of serving macaroni salad from the stove, it actually is served straight from the refrigerator. The groceries necessary to make macaroni salad are elbow pasta, various vegetables, a hard boiled egg, and a mayo based sauce.

    There are plenty of different occasions to bring out macaroni salad. Make sure you give yourself extra time while making the dish. Since it’s served cold, after you’re done heating up the pasta, you’ll have to cool it down. If you’re thinking of bringing this dish to a friend’s house, make sure that nobody who’s lactose intolerant eats the salad.

    14. Angel hair pasta with shrimp
    People love combining shrimp with angel hair pasta.

    Enhancing angel hair pasta by throwing shrimp on has become a dish that Americans can’t get enough of – especially those who live near the coastline. People from the middle of the United States love it as well. However, getting fresh shrimp to the central part of America is a challenge few companies desire to take on. Yet, shrimp is only a small factor for why people love angel hair pasta with shrimp.

    The flavor angel hair pasta has when it’s fully cooked is second to none. Each munch of pasta contains bits of garlic and and various other herbs. When you tap into your inner chef and make angel hair pasta with shrimp, it’s important to remember that neither the shrimp or pasta should overpower each other. Some of the people you’re cooking for might have a preference about which flavors they want more of. It’s best to remain certain you’re tasting every part of the dish.

    13. Stuffed manicotti
    Stuffed manicotti is a delicious Italian dish.

    Turkeys at Thanksgiving aren’t the only foods that are stuffed. A historically Italian dish that Americans have attempted to mimic is stuffed manicotti. The dish is filled to the brim with various ingredients. It’s normal for people to add plenty of cheeses, garlic powders, and other herbs to the inside of stuffed manicotti. Professional cooks at the fanciest restaurants in town occasionally add small pieces of meat, like sausage for extra protein and taste.

    The reason so many Americans’ eyes light up at the idea of stuffed manicotti is that the person who’s ordering it can request whatever they think will taste good. There’s no right or wrong answer when it comes to the portions and flavors inside each bite. The exploration of different sauces and ingredients is a detail Americans will always adore. It’s as safe as a layup on a basketball court to assume stuffed manicotti will always have a place on this list.

    12. Baked spaghetti
    Some people add sausage to their baked spaghetti.

    It’s rare to find an American who hasn’t tasted baked spaghetti at some point in their life. This specialty dish is made from small, thin pieces of pasta that are doused in different cheeses and sauces. The impression that “Spaghetti-O’s” left on the hearts and minds of different citizens is one of the multitude of reasons why people finish their evening with a plate of baked spaghetti.

    Baked spaghetti isn’t just something to enjoy while watching a show. Tons of patrons order the dish while at nice Italian restaurants. The dish typically pairs well with a salad and breadsticks. There are tons of wine enthusiasts around the world who advise adding wine to a baked spaghetti dish. One awesome mention of spaghetti was in Disney’s “Lady and the Tramp” animated movie.

    11. Tortellini
    Americans love eating tortellini.

    Another Italian pasta people from the United States adore is tortellini. Like manicotti, tortellini is typically stuffed to capacity, which means each bite is filled to the brim with different flavors. Most insides of tortellini are filled with gooey cheeses, tender meats, eccentric herbs, and anything else the person eating it might want.

    There are plenty of different tortellini brands sold at stores with ingredients already included to put into the middle of the pasta. That way, the person making the dish only has to heat it up. The fresher the soft tortellini shells are, the tastier it is. Because it’s so easy to make at home, people from America love picking up the necessary ingredients, cooking it for 10 minutes or so, and serving it to their families.

    10. Baked ziti
    It’s becoming more common to not have meat in baked ziti.

    Most of the time, baked ziti is filled with tender, seasoned meat. It’s a dish for people looking to bulk up with extra muscle for the summer months. However, as time has gone on, more people in the United States have taken a hiatus from eating meat altogether. Some might think it’s a sign that people aren’t as interested in baked ziti anymore. Those people would be wrong.

    There are tons of meatless variations that people are adding to their baked ziti instead of meat. Americans generally love how small the pasta pieces are, and how much cheese is used as a top layer. Oftentimes, bread sticks are served alongside baked ziti. Baked ziti will be popular as long as there are people looking to add meat options to their pasta.

    9. Pasta with chicken and garlic sauce
    Chicken is a common meat to add to pasta.

    People in the United States look for any rationale to add garlic to a multitude of various dishes. One of the most conventional ways to do it is by cooking pasta and adding seasoned chicken and delectable garlic sauce to the dish. The garlic adds a certain “ooomph,” but it’s important to avoid sprinkling too much. Garlic can take control of the pasta and rest of the dish if you get too heavy-handed when adding it.

    In 2024, people aren’t just adding fresh-off-the-grill chicken to their pasta dishes anymore. While it’s still popular to add that type chicken, people in the United States have been experimenting with fried chicken on top of their pasta. While it’s not as healthy as grilled chicken, the flavor of fried chicken is second to none for loads of Americans.

    8. Caesar salad
    Caesar salads are a basic type of salad.

    Most Italian restaurants offer caesar salad in some capacity on their menus. Americans love caesar salad for a slew of different reasons. For starters, folks who desire the taste of lettuce enjoy how simple the salad is compared to other variations. All it takes to master a caesar salad is dressing, croutons, cheese, and sometimes chicken.

    Another reason caesar salads are so trendy in the United States is how easily they enhance other Italian dishes. Most salads have a plethora different ingredients on them that take the center of attention on a plate. However, caesar salad doesn’t take up too much room and adds the correct portion of flavor to any Italian dish.

    7. Fettuccine Alfredo
    Alfredo sauce is popular to add to pasta.

    Fettuccine Alfredo is among the top dishes ordered at any restaurant – not just Italian ones. Alfredo sauce has become so popular that people don’t just use it for pasta anymore. In fact, people love using Alfredo sauce on top of their chicken because of how creamy and savory it tastes. However, the creamy sauce isn’t the only reason people in America would seemingly die for fettuccine Alfredo.

    The pasta that goes along with fettuccine Alfredo is a lengthy, thick type of pasta that seems like a black sheep compared to other types of pasta. It’s fills those who indulge in it a lot swifter than other pastas. It truly doesn’t take years of culinary school to make fettuccine Alfredo at home. The pasta is also filled with tons of melted cheeses and toppings mouths water over. Don’t eat fettuccine Alfredo if the thought of heavy foods disgusts you, though. The pasta, but mostly the sauce, is one of the heavier options on this list from Italy.

    6. Pasta with tomato sauce
    Tomato sauce is popular to add to pastas.

    One of the most basic, yet highly sought-after Italian dishes is pasta with tomato sauce. The Italian dish, which is as legendary as Michaelangelo, comes in as the sixth most enjoyed Italian dish in America. While it might seem confusing and stunning that something pretty basic is so high on the list, it actually makes sense. The dish that people in America chase after follows the idea of, “If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it.”

    Sometimes, keeping the same recipe over the course of time is what gets stomachs churning. Pasta with tomato sauce is a recipe that seemingly even the worst cooks in America can handle. For anyone looking to cut spending as much as possible, it’s one of the cheaper menu items at Italian restaurants to order. Given how long it’s been devoured by Americans, it’s safe to assume that people won’t stop enjoying pasta with tomato sauce in the future.

    5. Ravioli
    Ravioli is a stuffed type of pasta.

    Another type of stuffed pasta people from the United States salivate at the thought of eating is ravioli. Most ravioli is filled to maximum capacity with different types of cheeses. On the outside, there are limitless combinations of different sauces people can add to their pasta dishes. It’s normal to include basil leaves to the top of ravioli to make it more aesthetically pleasing.

    Like a lot of the other pastas on this list, ravioli is something even a child could hypothetically make at home. Stores sell pasta shells that anyone can fill with ingredients they like. For those who want to do little to no work while making ravioli, there are boxes with pre-made portions of the pasta. Restaurants typically have ravioli as an option for penny-pinchers to order since it’s typically cheaper, which is another reason Americans appreciate it.

    4. Spaghetti with meatballs
    Americans love eating spaghetti and meatballs.

    There are few foods as simple, yet satisfying as spaghetti and meatballs. As is the case with baked ziti, there’s a chance people will stop eating spaghetti with meatballs since so many Americans have gone either vegetarian or full vegan. However, there are countless different meatless meatball options to pair with spaghetti.

    It’s also one of the easiest forms of pasta to make. All that’s required is the cooked pasta and meatballs. Some people use tomato sauce when it comes to spaghetti and meatballs. There are also others who prefer avoiding sauce altogether when making spaghetti and meatballs so they can fully taste the meat in each bite.

    3. Macaroni and cheese
    Plenty of Americans grew up on macaroni and cheese.

    Many kids in the United States have eaten macaroni and cheese at some point in their lifetimes. Even as adults, the same people love going to the store for pasta with cheese packets to bring back childhood memories. This makes macaroni and cheese is one of the most beloved Italian dishes in the eyes of Americans.

    It’s rare to find someone who doesn’t like the gooey cheese that comes alongside a macaroni and cheese dish. However, the problem macaroni and cheese has is the amount of lactose intolerant people that are popping up across the United States. They’re going to need to find a way to replace the cheese with a ingredient everyone can have if they want to survive.

    2. Lasagna
    Lasagna can be filled with nearly anything.

    The second most popular Italian dish Americans love is lasagna. Like plenty of other pasta types on this list, there’s no right or wrong way to make lasagna. It all comes down to the person who’s making it. There are meat lasagnas, cheese lasagnas, and even vegetarian lasagnas.

    Interestingly enough, lasagna made its way to the pop culture side of America. In “Garfield,” the cat is recognized for his love of lasagna. Be ready to take your time when making lasagna, though. There are tons of layers within the dish that need to be properly filled. Even though there are multiple layers, the effort is typically worth it in the end.

    1. Garlic bread
    Tons of Americans go to Italian restaurants only for garlic bread.

    The most popular Italian dish that Americans love is garlic bread. For many people in the United States, a big reasons to enjoy Italian restaurants is gaining access to freshly baked garlic bread. In fact, stores now sell frozen garlic bread that people buy to heat up in between times they’re able to make it Italian eateries.

    It’s crucial to be careful when eating garlic bread, though. There are countless funny stories online about people who eat too much garlic bread before their meals and don’t have enough room for their actual entrees. For more food content, click here to read about the most popular dessert the year you were born.

    The post These Are America’s Favorite Italian Dishes appeared first on 24/7 Tempo .

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