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    2024 PFL 5 Regular Season Play-by-Play, Results & Round Scoring

    By Brian Knapp,



    Professional Fighters League
    ’s regular season marches on with 2024 PFL 5 Regular Season at 5 p.m. ET.

    Brahyan Zurcher (146) vs. Julian Ruiz (145.6)

    Round 1

    A featherweight showcase pitting the undefeated Zurcher (8-0, 4-0 PFL) against the unbeaten Ruiz (4-0, 0-0 PFL) kicks off festivities at the Jon M. Huntsman Center in Salt Lake City. Bearded wonder Mike Beltran administers the law and order. They touch gloves, and we are underway. Ruiz claims the center at the start, as Zurcher gets his jab and leg kicks in gear. Front kick to the body follows. Ruiz answers with a leg kick and jab of his own, then whiffs on a right hook to the body. Zurcher targeting the lower leg with kicks but eats a few overhand rights for his troubles. They trade body kicks. Ruiz counters the jab with an overhand right, then mixes it up with a straight right to the midsection. Ruiz steps into multiple right hands and sprawls on a takedown attempt. Zurcher zaps the lead leg with two kicks. They exchange up top, with neither man gaining a discernible advantage. The pace slows, as they reset. Ruiz continues to hammer the body with right hands and dodges return fire. He sneaks in a left hook upstairs. Zurcher struggling to keep pace with a minute left in the round. The Mexican prospect follows a leg kick into a single-leg attempt, only to get stonewalled. Ruiz responds with multiple right hands. They trade left hooks to the head. Ruiz steps into a right hand. Zurcher answers and follows with a leg kick.

    Sherdog Scores Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Ruiz
    Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Ruiz
    Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Ruiz

    Round 2

    Time to see what adjustments were made between rounds. Ruiz steps forward behind his right hand. Zurcher fires off a one-two. Ruiz, undeterred, moves forward behind punches with both hands. Zurcher connects with a body kick and avoids return fire. Ruiz connects with a one-two and continues to carry his hands low. Zurcher unable to capitalize yet. Then it happens. Zurcher connects with a hellacious left hook that freezes and drops Ruiz where he stands. Utter savagery .

    The Official Result

    Brahyan Zurcher def. Julian Ruiz—KO (Punch) 1:26 R2

    Anthony Romero (156) vs. Sergio Cossio (156)

    Round 1

    Action next moves to the lightweight division, as Romero (12-2, 1-1 PFL) collides with Cossio (18-9-1, 0-0 PFL). Dave Seljestad draws the officiating assignment. Customary glove tap gets this 155-pound party started. Romero advances to the center of the age, as they paw at one another in a bid to gauge distance. Cossio circles on the outside and switches stances before stepping into a left hand to the body and whiffing on a leg kick. Romero cracks him with a kick to the lead leg. Cossio closes the distance, only to be met with a multi-punch burst from the Canadian. Neither man looks all that comfortable yet. A right hand from Romero finds the mark. Cossio clinches. Romero turns him into the cage. They trade knees to the body. Romero gets to double underhooks but fails to sweep the leg. They break free into open space. Cossio lands a left hook to the body and walks into a short-range combination from the Canadian. Romero throwing the tighter punches at this point. Cossio marches forward, lands a few shots and wanders into a clinch. They trade knees to the body along the fence.

    Sherdog Scores Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Romero
    Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Romero
    Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Romero

    Round 2

    Competitive chess match thus far. Cossio steps forward to the center of the cage and wings power punches. Romero settles into the pocket and connects with both hands. The Canadian scores with another leg kick. Cossio clips him with a left hook. Romero answers with a leg kick, as Cossio answers with one of his own. Romero shots and secures a takedown. Cossio gets to a kneeling position and looks to build a base along the base of the cage. He works back to his feet, but Romero scores with a mat return, then starts to threaten the neck. Midway through the round, and Romero has effectively switched gears. He slips behind Cossio but affords the Mexican too much space and allows him to reverse. They stand, with Romero controlling position with a whizzer. An inadvertent low blow from Cossio results in a pause to the action with 95 seconds left in the round. Cossio shoots a left hand to the body upon the restart, and Romero loses his mouthpiece. Cossio steps into an overhand right, his fist glancing off the intender target. Romero clinches and eats a few knees to the body. Cossio grabs a front headlock while standing, forcing a break. They exchange punches at close range. Both men land. The round ends with Romero shooting on a takedown.

    Sherdog Scores Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Romero
    Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Romero
    Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Romero

    Round 3

    Round 3 gets going, and Cossio immediately steps forward with power punches from both hands. Romero manages to avert danger and flows back to the center of the cage. Cossio catches a front kick to the body and drives Romero to the fence. Romero denies his bid for a takedown and forces him back to open space. Romero connects with a leg kick, shoots on a takedown and powers his opponent to the cage. Impatient referee decides to restart them in the center. Cossio connects with a leg kick and narrowly misfires on a right uppercut. Two-punch volley from Cossio, who follows up with a leg kick and another crisp combination. Tide turning a bit here. Romero shoots on a takedown. Denied. Not good optics for Romero. Cossio secures a takedown along the fence and feeds a seated Romero a knee to the body. Cossio settles in top position and applies his ground-and-pound. Romero goes to all fours and tries to initiate a scramble before making a pass at a leg lock. The Canadian hunts a heel hook with 30 seconds left in the match. Cossio scoots closer to him and hammers away with right hands, then takes a dominant position behind him. Nice close to the fight for Cossio.

    Sherdog Scores Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Cossio (29-28 Romero)
    Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Cossio (29-28 Romero)
    Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Cossio (29-28 Romero)

    The Official Result

    Sergio Cossio def. Anthony Romero—Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

    Michael Dufort (156) vs. Adam Piccolotti (155.8)

    Round 1

    Business picks up in the first regular-season bout on the bill, as Dufort (13-4, 2-0 PFL) squares off with Piccolotti (14-6, 0-1 PFL) in the lightweight division. Dufort enters the cage with five points, while Piccolotti remains scoreless. Beltran seizes the reins as referee. They greet one another with a glove tap, and we are underway. Dufort commands the center immediately. The Canadian uncorks a two-punch volley to the head. Slow start for both men. Piccolotti alternating between southpaw stance and orthodox, as he probes for openings. The Californian lands a jab and steps forward behind a left hook and body kick. Dufort answers with a one-two. Low kick from Piccolotti. He then delivers a left hand upstairs and follows with a body kick. Dufort yet to get in gear yet. Piccolotti ducks a right hand and swoops in for a takedown with a little more than two minutes to go in the round. Dufort neutralizes him from the bottom and fires a few knees into his ribcage. The Canadian frames a brabo choke while seated. He transitions to an anaconda choke and surrenders position. Dufort pesters Piccolotti with hammerfists to the back as the round ends.

    Sherdog Scores Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Dufort
    Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Dufort
    Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Dufort

    Round 2

    Dufort again commands the center of the cage. Tight footwork carries him toward Piccolotti. The Californian backs him up with a leg kick, then sweeps his feet out from under him. Dufort misfires on a rear-leg front kick and resets on open space. He fires a low kick and follows it with a right hook upstairs. Piccolotti not nearly aggressive enough considering the stakes. Dufort continues to advance, sticking his jab in his counterpart’s face. Piccolotti slips with throwing a leg kick, somersaults backward and shrugs off a clinch. Dufort connects with a looping right hand. Piccolotti circles away, cuts an angle and fires a right hand. Dufort presses forward with punches. Most of them miss, but the aggression is admirable. The Canadian doubles up on his jab, shoots on a takedown and secures a body lock along the fence. He feeds Piccolotti knees to the thighs and buttocks, then briefly dumps him to the floor. Piccolotti hits a switch, turns the tables and secures a double-leg takedown. Dufort counters with a guillotine, but Piccolotti spins free. Dufort separates into open space as the round ends.

    Sherdog Scores Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Dufort
    Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Dufort
    Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Dufort

    Round 3

    It appears Piccolotti needs a finish at the start of Round 3. Dufort steps forward in the center of the cage and cracks his opponent with a short right hook. Piccolotti out of nowhere drops the Canadian with a clean right hand. He swarms with pressure and attacks a guillotine, then steps back, disengages and returns to the center. Dufort looks to have regained his faculties. He steps into a leg kick, dodges return fire and fishes with his jab. Piccolotti swings and misses with a wild right hook. He counters a leg kick with a left hook. Dufort clinches, feeds the Californian a few knees to the body, then targets the legs. Time becoming an issue for Piccolotti. Dufort continues to score with close-range knees to the legs, occasionally turning to punches upstairs. They separate with 90 seconds left. Blood streaming from a cut near Piccolotti’s left eye. Dufort hammers home a leg kick, then flicks out his jab. Piccolotti answers with a jab. Dufort shoots on a takedown in an effort to keep him off-balance. They meet in the middle with 10 seconds to go. Time runs out.

    Sherdog Scores Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Piccolotti (29-28 Dufort)
    Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Piccolotti (29-28 Dufort)
    Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Piccolotti (29-28 Dufort)

    The Official Result

    Adam Piccolotti def. Michael Dufort—Split Decision (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

    Gadzhi Rabadanov (156) vs. Elvin Espinoza (155.8)

    Round 1

    Focus stays on the lightweight division, where Kill Cliff Fight Club’s Espinoza (10-0, 5-0 PFL) puts his perfect record on the line in a regular-season clash with Rabadanov (21-4-1, 1-0 PFL). Espinoza suits up with four points to his credit, while can be found just behind him the standings with three points. Tyler Tomlinson administers the law and order. No glove tap needed to get this one started. They circle one another on the outside. Espinoza fires a front kick up the middle, missing the target. He lands a low kick, only to be met by a two-punch volley upstairs. Rabadanov doubles up on the jab to the midsection. Espinoza walks into a right hand from the Russian. An eye poke from Espinoza results in a brief stoppage. Jab to the head and a straight right to the body from Rabadanov. The Russian shoots on a takedown. Espinoza cuts him off along the fence and turns him into the cage. Rabadanov secures double underhooks as they jockey for position in close quarters. The action stalls. Espinoza connects with a knee to the head on the exit. Rabadanov continues to bank points with low kicks. Espinoza ups the aggression briefly and hammers away at the body. Rabadanov connects with an overhand right, only to be answered with a knee up the middle. Close round.

    Sherdog Scores Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Rabadanov
    Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Rabadanov
    Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Rabadanov

    Round 2

    More posturing to start Round 2. Rabadanov backs him away from the center with a jab. Espinoza answers with his own. Rabadanov shoots on a takedown and secures it. Espinoza counters with an omoplata. Rabadanov powers into top position. Espinoza sets of a scramble and gets back to his feet with a judo toss. He marches forward behind his jab. Rabadanov doubles up on his jab. Neither man seizing the initiative here. Rabadanov shoots on the hips and secures another takedown. Epsinoza gets right back to his feet. They struggle in the clinch. Rabadanov breaks and resets in the center of the cage. He continues to lean on his jab. Espinoza answers with his own. Rabadanov throws Espinoza off the scent with a leg kick. The round ends with Espinoza misfiring on a head kick.

    Sherdog Scores Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Rabadanov
    Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Rabadanov
    Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Rabadanov

    Round 3

    Rabadanov fires a left hook-right hook combination to start the round. He shoots on the hips and secures a takedown. Espinoza tries to lift him with butterfly hooks, but those efforts prove unsuccessful. Instead, he hunts a kimura. Rabadanov cradles the outside leg and cuts off his advances. Espinoza bails and surrenders his back. Espinoza rolls out of danger and scrambles to his feet. Near miss for Rabadanov there. Rabadanov sprawls on a takedown, moves behind Espinoza and forces him to his knees. Espinoza again scrambles back to his feet. Rabadanov connects with a tight combination, retreats and sprawls on an attempted takedown. They go chest to chest in the clinch. Not looking good for Espinoza at this point. Rabadanov presses him into the fence. Espinoza catches the neck and bites down on a guillotine choke. Rabadanov gives the thumbs up and frees himself without issue. With a minute to go, Rabadanov has taken command. Rabadanov hunts an arm-triangle in the closing seconds, keeping Espinoza pinned to the canvas.

    Sherdog Scores Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Rabadanov (30-27 Rabadanov)
    Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Rabadanov (30-27 Rabadanov)
    Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Rabadanov (30-27 Rabadanov)

    The Official Result

    Gadzhi Rabadanov def. Elvin Espinoza—Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

    Sadibou Sy (205.2) vs. Andrew Sanchez (206)

    Round 1

    The PFL turns back to the light heavyweights, as Sy (16-8-2, 10-6-2 PFL) locks horns with Sanchez (14-7, 1-0 PFL) in a regular-season battle at 170 pounds. Neither man has scored in the 2024 standings. Seljestad serves as the third man in the cage. Sy greets the American with kicks to the head, body and legs. Sanchez needs to close the distance—and quickly. Sy connects with a body kick, then another. Redness starting to show on the Sanchez torso. Sanchez shoots on the hips but goes nowhere. Sy controls him with a whizzer and stays upright. Sanchez settles in the clinch along the fence and buries knees into the Swede’s midsection. Sy answers with knees of his own, the impact lifting Sanchez off his feet. Sanchez eating punishment but has the fight where he wants it. Sanchez connects with a shoulder strike. Not enough offense from the UFC veteran. Sy standing his ground and feeding him knees up the middle with less than a minute left on the clock. Sanchez mixes in a few left hands. Sy breaks free with 20 seconds to go and connects with a glancing wheel kick. The crowd oohs and aahs.

    Sherdog Scores Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Sy
    Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Sy
    Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Sy

    Round 2

    Sanchez presses forward but eats a body kick for his troubles. Sy fires a spinning back kick to the gut and circles away from the American. Sanchez’s notoriously questionable gas tank figures to come into play the longer this goes. Sy lands another kick to the body. The Swede keeping Sanchez pinned on the outside with his footwork and kicks. A push kick to the body lands for Sy. Sanchez missed wildly with a spinning backfist. Two more front kicks to the body from Sy. Sanchez needs to switch gears here. He shoots on the hips, only to have his takedown get cut off again. Sy stymies him with a whizzer. Sanchez feeds him a shoulder strike and a short-range knee. Tremendous balance from Sy, who refuses to go down. Sanchez works close-range knees to the inner thigh and midsection. Sy pops him with a few uppercuts in retort. The referee restarts them with a minute to go. Fans approve. Sanchez likely does not. Sy continues to pile up points with his kicks. Sanchez stuck throwing single strikes. He misses on a winging left hook and a head kick in the closing seconds.

    Sherdog Scores Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Sy
    Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Sy
    Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Sy

    Round 3

    Sanchez probably needs a finish. Sy fighting well on the back foot and keeping the American at bay with kicks to the body. Sanchez follows a left hook into the clinch and unleashes his hands. Sy avoids danger. The Swede fires away with his jab. Sanchez definitely showing more urgency here. No answers for the body kicks, though. Sy gets busy with his jab. Sanchez output suddenly dwindling. He follows a left hook with a takedown attempt. Sy has none of it. Sanchez settles for some dirty boxing. None of his usual tricks have been effective. Sy shuts down another takedown and pumps out his jab, followed by two body kicks. Both men look fatigued, and understandably so. Not looking good for Sanchez with 90 seconds to go. Sy wobbles him with a short counter right hand behind the ear, pins him to the fence and sets his hands free. Another right hand, this time a cross, racks and staggers Sanchez, and the referee steps in to call it off .

    The Official Result

    Sadibou Sy def. Andrew Sanchez—TKO (Punches) 4:01 R3

    Brent Primus (155.8) vs. Solomon Renfro (*156.4: Missed Weight)

    Round 1

    Lightweights close out the undercard, as Primus (13-3, 1-0 PFL) toes the line against Renfro (11-5, 1-2 PFL). Primus heads into his latest assignment with five points in the regular-season standings, while Renfro, who missed weight by 0.4 pounds, looks up at the rest of the field with -1 in the points column. Beltran draws the officiating assignment. Glove touch gets us started. Primus lands a leg kick and covers up against the return fire. Renfro knocks him off-balance with a right hand, then does so again with a left. Primus on skates early. They reset after some brief chaos. Renfro hunting counters whenever Primus throws. He sticks the former Bellator champion with a right hand down the middle. Primus steps into a right hand, drops Renfro to a seated position, powers into full mount and takes the back. Renfro not defending the neck well. Primus rolls into a body triangle with a little more than two minutes left. He continues to hunt the choke in between short punches. Renfro not giving in yet. Primus tries a face crank. No dice. Renfro keeping his chin tucked. Primus feeds him short punches, changes arms and gives up position. Renfro takes top position and drops hammerfists.

    Sherdog Scores Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Primus
    Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Primus
    Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Primus

    Round 2

    Renfro greets his counterpart with a multi-punch volley. Primus bobs and weaves on the outside. He steps into a right hand, only to have it answered with a pair of hooks from Renfro. Primus only firing in single strikes now, making him easier to counter. They trade jabs. Renfro ducks a right hand and shrugs off an attempted clinch. One has to wonder how much energy Primus exerted in that first round. Renfro backs him up with a left hook, follows with a right and staggers him with another left. Primus pops his adversary with a jab. Renfro bleeding from the mouth now. Primus shoots but goes nowhere, as Renfro forces him to reset. Renfro doubles up on his jab, and they trade in the center. Renfro completes a double-leg takedown with 40 seconds left on the clock, perhaps securing the round for himself. Primus looking to neutralize him from the bottom. Renfro passes to half guard and scores with a few short punches.

    Sherdog Scores Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Renfro
    Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Renfro
    Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Renfro

    Round 3

    They meet in the middle to start Round 3. Primus sneaks in a head kick during an exchange and pops Renfro with a jab. Renfro attacks the body with hooks, then fires a two-punch volley upstairs. Primus lands an overhand right. Still leaning on single strikes too often. Now, they exchange. Renfro wobbles him with a left hook. Primus delivers an overhand right upstairs. Renfro appears to be slowing down. Primus ducks his head, steps forward and lands a blind left hook. Renfro answers with a jab, but his shots look labored now. Primus follows a right hand with a right uppercut, drives him to a seated position and scrambles to his back. Primus locks in the rear-naked choke. Renfro refuses to concede initially but has no choice but to tap after a considerable struggle .

    The Official Result

    Brent Primus def. Solomon Renfro—Submission (Rear-Naked Choke) 3:21 R3

    Antonio Carlos Jr. (205.6) vs. Alex Polizzi (203.4)

    Round 1

    Light heavyweights get the line moving on the main card, where Carlos Jr. (16-5, 6-0 PFL) does battle with Polizzi (10-4, 0-1 PFL) at 205 pounds. Carlos Jr. enters the cage with six points under his belt in the regular-season standings, while Polizzi has yet to score. Tomlinson seizes the reins as referee. Glove tap gets us going. Polizzi secures a takedown inside the first 10 seconds. Carlos Jr. breaks free and works back to his feet. Polizzi meets him with a leg kick. Carlos Jr. finds a home for his jab, dodges a left hook and sits him down with a chopping right hand. Polizzi grabs a single-leg, goes nowhere and runs the Brazilian to the fence. There, they clinch before separating. Carlos Jr. delivers two more right hands on the counter. The Brazilian lands a leg kick and proceeds forward. He follows a jab with a thudding right hand. Might be only a matter of time before Polizzi meets his end. Carlos Jr. presses him to the fence and secures a takedown. He maneuvers behind Polizzi, only to get shaken off. Carlos Jr. feints a knee and keeps the American at bay. He lands another one of those short, chopping right hands. Polizzi seems blind to them when he throws his jab. Carlos Jr. content to counter and eats a kick to the gonads with 16 seconds to go in the round, resulting in a brief pause to the action. Polizzi bleeding from a cut near his left eye upon the restart. Polizzi lands a left hand at the bell.

    Sherdog Scores Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Carlos Jr.
    Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Carlos Jr.
    Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Carlos Jr.

    Round 2

    Carlos Jr. triples up on his jab to start the round. Polizzi steps into a leg kick, then another. He snatches a single-leg and backs Carlos Jr. to the fence. The Brazilian crouches down to avoid being taken down and turns Polizzi into the fence. He cranks on a front headlock, bails and shoots on the hips. Carlos Jr. wise to it all. The Brazilian lands a knee to the body at close range and breaks free. He follows a right uppercut with a left hook, then exchanges jabs with Polizzi. The American presses forward with another single-leg, sticks with it through a scramble and grabs another front headlock. He forces Carlos Jr. into a crouching position and flexes his ground-and-pound, then settles into full guard. Carlos Jr. locks in a body triangle from the bottom, as the action stalls. Is Polizzi going to steal this round? Carlos Jr. looks content to stay on his back as time ticks away. Strange strategy from the Brazilian veteran.

    Sherdog Scores Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Polizzi
    Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Polizzi
    Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Polizzi

    Round 3

    Carlos Jr. gets his jab going to start the round. Polizzi answers with a leg kick. Jab-jab-cross combo from Carlos Jr. Polizzi connect with an inside leg kick. Carlos Jr. hunting the overhand right again. Polizzi swings wildly and misses. Polizzi shoots on a single-leg and pushes the Brazilian to the fence, then wrestles behind him. Carlos Jr. counters his efforts, works toward the back and bails after going to high. Polizzi now in top position and figure fours his arms around the right arm of Carlos Jr. Hammerfists from Polizzi find the mark. Upset definitely in play here. Carlos Jr. struggling to come up with answers with 90 seconds left in the bout. He finally frees himself but only for a brief moment. Polizzi scrambles on top. The former Northwestern wrestler is outworking the former PFL champion when it matters most. Carlos Jr. seems resigned to his fate with half a minute to go. Polizzi peppers the body with punches and controls the Brazilian from top position.

    Sherdog Scores Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Polizzi (29-28 Polizzi)
    Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Polizzi (29-28 Polizzi)
    Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Polizzi (29-28 Polizzi)

    The Official Result

    Alex Polizzi def. Antonio Carlos Jr.—Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

    Dovletdzhan Yagshimuradov (205) vs. Simon Biyong (203.8)

    Round 1

    The spotlight stays on the light heavyweights, as Turkmenistan’s Yagshimuradov (22-7-1, 1-0 PFL) puts his skills to the test against Biyong (9-4, 0-1 PFL). Yagshimuradov has already banked six points in the regular-season standings, while Biyong remains scoreless. Seljestad administers the law and order. They touch gloves and get going, both from the orthodox stance. Yagshimuradov slams home a leg kick, then another, to highlight a slow start from both competitors. He lands a wheel kick to the chest. Biyong looks tentative. Yagshimuradov walks through a leg kick, dodges another and the action stalls. Yagshimuradov clubs away with an overhand right and a left hook. Biyong not doing much to exploit his height and reach advantages. Yagshimuradov connects with a low kick and a glancing spinning backfist. Biyong starts to pick up the pace with roughly a minute left. Yagshimuradov steps into a right hand, then entangles Biyong in a body lock. They separate in the waning moments, as Yagshimuradov throws an axe kick before the bell sounds.

    Sherdog Scores Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Yagshimuradov
    Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Yagshimuradov
    Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Yagshimuradov

    Round 2

    They meet in the center of the cage, as Biyong bobs up and down and searches for weaknesses. Yagshimuradov continues to score with kicks to the lower lead leg. Biyong connects with a right hook and nearly spins around his opponent. Yagshimuradov steps into an overhand right. Those leg kicks are taking a visible toll, as Biyong switches stances to avoid further damage. Yagshimuradov shoots a right hand to the midsection. He clinches with Biyong along the fence, content to bleed time and score points with short punches. They separate midway through the round. Another low kick from Yagshimuradov. An overhand right glances off Biyong’s forehead and leads Yagshimuradov into another clinch. Ninety seconds left. They trade knees at close range. One of Yagshimuradov’s shots strays south of the border and results in a pause to the action. They trade left hooks on the restart. Yagshimuradov drives another kick into the lead leg. Biyong needs a momentum shift. Yagshimuradov executes a single-leg takedown in the final 10 seconds and pairs it with some ground-and-pound.

    Sherdog Scores Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Yagshimuradov
    Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Yagshimuradov
    Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Yagshimuradov

    Round 3

    Back at it for Round 3. Biyong misfires on a head kick. He swings for the fences and misses with hooks from both hands. Yagshimuradov completes a single-leg takedown and settles in full guard. Punches to the body follow. Biyong shrimps toward the fence in a bid to get back to his feet. Yagshimuradov clamps down on the legs and keeps his opponent in a seated position. Valuable time ticking off the clock for Biyong midway through the round. Yagshimuradov scores with his ground-and-pound and stays busy enough to avoid a restart. He maneuvers behind Biyong, who works back to his feet. Yagshimuradov neutralizing him in the clinch. A minute to go, and Yagshimuradov looks to have this well in hand. He delivers a few knees to the inner thigh. Referee restarts them in the center. Yagshimuradov completes another single-leg takedown and moves to side control with 20 seconds left. He grinds away with forearms and keeps Biyong pinned to the mat.

    Sherdog Scores Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Yagshimuradov (30-27 Yagshimuradov)
    Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Yagshimuradov (30-27 Yagshimuradov)
    Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Yagshimuradov (30-27 Yagshimuradov)

    The Official Result

    Dovletdzhan Yagshimuradov def. Simon Biyong—Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

    Rob Wilkinson (205.6) vs. Joshua Silveira (206)

    Round 1

    In perhaps the most compelling tilt on the bill, Wilkinson (18-2, 5-0 PFL) goes head-to-head with American Top Team’s Silveira (13-2, 6-2 PFL) in a pivotal light heavyweight pairing. Both men enter the cage with six points in the regular-season standings. Beltran serves as the third man in the cage. They get the glove touch out of the way and get down to business. Wilkinson takes the center and eats a body kick. He shuts down an attempted takedown and lures Silveira into the clinch. They separate. Silveira shots and keeps moving forward after being denied. Again they clinch. Wilkinson feeds Silveira shoulder strike and a few knees to the legs. Silveira breaks free, steps forward with a body kick and connects with a left hook. Wilkinson denies the takedown. Silveira lands a body kick, only to have Wilkinson sprawl on a subsequent takedown. Silveira stays on a single-leg but cannot get his opponent to the ground. Wilkinson fires a knee on the break, then dives into the clinch. Wilkinson secures a takedown, sheds an attempted guillotine choke and settles into the clinch with 25 seconds to go. Knees to the thighs follow. Silveira struggling to find answers so far.

    Sherdog Scores Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Wilkinson
    Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Wilkinson
    Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Wilkinson

    Round 2

    Wilkinson presses Silveira onto the back foot and powers into the clinch. Knees to the thighs follow. Wilkinson in rinse and repeat mode, it seems. Silveira breaks away and throws his hands, followed by a body kick. He shoots on a single-leg. Wilkinson cuts him off in the clinch and scores with some dirty boxing. Silveira once again finds himself with his back on the fence. Silveira gets loose and connects with a left hand, then follows with a clubbing right hook. Wilkinson narrowly misses a head kick and draws the American Top Team rep into the clinch. Knees to the body from the collar tie tip Wilkinson’s spear. He nearly kicks Silveira’s legs out from under him, then wheels behind him and threatens the neck. Silveira stays safe and gets back to his feet. Wilkinson drags him back to the mat. Not the most riveting action here. Silveira escapes and marches forward, right back into the clinch. Wilkinson lands a knee on the break and presses his opponent into the cage. He scores with a takedown with 30 seconds left on the clock. Silveira looking weary on his back, as Wilkinson closes the round with some ground-and-pound.

    Sherdog Scores Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Wilkinson
    Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Wilkinson
    Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Wilkinson

    Round 3

    Silveira might need a finish entering Round 3. Wilkinson meets him with jabs and keeps Silveira at bay. He steps forward behind a jab and wanders into the clinch, then immediately breaks free. Wilkinson secures a takedown, as Silveira tries to bite down on a guillotine. Wilkinson breaks free. Silveira shoots on a takedown and finds himself back in the clinch. They separate. Silveira sidesteps a takedown and nearly takes the back. Wilkinson shakes free and takes top position. Unfortunate exchange there for Silveira. Wilkinson goes to work on an arm-triangle but lacks the space he needs against the fence. He climbs to the back, flattens out Silveira and hammers away with punches. Silveira rolls him into a seated position. Wilkinson hunts the rear-naked choke but allows Silveira to escape. With 90 seconds to go, Silveira maneuvers behind Wilkinson. Now, he goes to work on a face crank. Wilkinson frees himself, dodging disaster for the time being. Silveira secures his position with a body triangle with 20 seconds left. He appears to have run out of time.

    Sherdog Scores Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Silveira (29-28 Wilkinson)
    Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Silveira (29-28 Wilkinson)
    Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Silveira (29-28 Wilkinson)

    The Official Result

    Rob Wilkinson def. Joshua Silveira—Split Decision (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

    Patricky Freire (155) vs. Bruno Miranda (154.6)

    Round 1

    Lightweights finally get some love and attention on the main card, as Freire (25-13, 0-1 PFL) locks horns with Miranda (16-5, 3-2 PFL) at 155 pounds. Neither man has tallied a point in the regular-season standings. Tomlinson draws the officiating assignment. The glove touch gets the Brazilians going. Miranda stuns Freire with a right hook and sets off an absolute brawl. Both men swing wildly. They settle in after a wild 30 seconds or so. Miranda pops Freire with a few leg kicks. “Pitbull” prowls from the center of the cage. He steps into a one-two, then completes a takedown. Freire passes to half guard, then threatens with a tight guillotine. Miranda escapes, only to wind up in full mount. Freire scrambles onto the back midway through the round. He uncorks a knee, as Miranda gets back to his feet. They circle one another in the middle of the cage. Freire might want to revisit the ground game at some point. He clocks Miranda with a one-two. Freire counters a jab to the body with a right hand over the top, then fires a leg kick. Miranda feints a jab, dodges a wheel kick and scores with a one-two of his own. Freire lands a leg kick and they circle each other for the final few seconds.

    Sherdog Scores Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Freire
    Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Freire
    Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Freire

    Round 2

    Round 2 starts, with the Brazilians meeting in the middle. Freire steps forward, commands the center and doubles up on his left hook. Miranda answers with a jab. Freire misses on a flying knee, then stings his countryman with a right hand. He turns more and more to leg kicks. Miranda answers with one of his own. Freire steps forward with a right hook, then loses his balance throwing a kick. Miranda fails to capitalize. Freire looks as though he wants to engage while his opponent circles on the outside. Miranda darts in and out with punches and kicks. Freire responds with a jab. The action slows to a crawl. Freire drives Miranda backward with a jab. Now Miranda gives chase with uppercuts and hooks. He swarms with power punches and has Freire reeling at the end of the round. They trade shots as time expires.

    Sherdog Scores Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Miranda
    Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Miranda
    Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Miranda

    Round 3

    Miranda greets the former Bellator champion with a body kick before an accidental low blow from Freire leads to a brief pause. Freire goes with a jab-jab-cross, then fires a leg kick. Miranda moves in and out of range. Freire clips Miranda with a right hook. Miranda continues with his darting movement. Freire steps into a body kick, then lands a one-two. Miranda catches the chin with a left hook and sets off another wild exchange. Freire catches a knee and bowls over Miranda into a takedown. He works from half guard, as the referee asks for action. Freire powers into mount and looks to move behind the scrambling Miranda. He then settles back into half guard. Miranda losing time and momentum here. Freire peppers the body with short punches and knees. The referee restarts them with roughly a minute left. Miranda gets busy with his punches, then stymies a takedown attempt from “Pitbull.” Freire on his knees, clearly fatigued as the referee beckons him back to his feet. Miranda on the hunt. They throw hands, as Miranda denies another attempted takedown. Miranda throws a cartwheel kick, as the bell sounds.

    Sherdog Scores Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Miranda (29-28 Miranda)
    Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Miranda (29-28 Miranda)
    Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Miranda (29-28 Miranda)

    The Official Result

    Bruno Miranda def. Patricky Freire—Split Decision (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

    Impa Kasanganay (204.8) vs. Jakob Nedoh (206)

    Round 1

    Light heavyweights take center stage in the co-main event, where Kill Cliff Fight Club’s Kasanganay (16-4, 6-1 PFL) zeroes in on Slovenia’s Nedoh (8-2, 3-1 PFL). Kasanganay climbs into the cage with six points in the regular-season standings, while Nedoh remains scoreless. Seljestad seizes the reins as the referee. No glove tap between these two. Nedoh immediately stalks from the center of the cage. Kasanganay circles on the outside. Nedoh steps forward with a right hand. Kasanganay answers with a burst of punches to the head and body. Nedoh paws with his jab, looking to set up something with more oomph behind it. More jabs from the Slovenian. Kasanganay again goes to the body and head. Somewhat tepid start. Kasanganay continues to circle, forcing the underdog to give chase and follow. Nedoh struggling to find a rhythm. Nedoh connects with a right hand, bullies Kasanganay to the floor and unleashes punches. The defending champion weathers the storm. Kasanganay scores with a slapping left look, then blitzes forward with a combination.

    Sherdog Scores Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Nedoh
    Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Nedoh
    Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Nedoh

    Round 2

    Kasanganay shoots on a takedown behind a punching combination upstairs, but Nedoh avoids his advances. Nedoh throwing straight one-twos. A jab from the Slovenian finds its mark. Nedoh lands a right hand, then another, and follows with a knee up the middle. Kasanganay rips punches upstairs and sweeps Nedoh off his feet. Kasanganay swarms with punches. Both men bleeding, as the pace quickens. Nedoh connects with a jab and beckons the defending champion forward. Kasanganay looks a little wobbly. Nedoh lands a knee. Kasangany scores with a takedown, but Nedoh gets back to his feet and. Nedoh delivers a takedown, forces Kasanganay onto all fours and unleashes his ground-and-pound. Blood now streaming for a cut near Kasanganay’s left eye. Nedoh gets back to his jab. Stellar performance thus far from the Slovenian. In an instant, everything changes. Kasanganay clips him with an overhand right hand, drops him with a follow-up shot and swarms. Out on his feet, Nedoh makes it to the bell. The doctor recommends the stoppage between rounds .

    Sherdog Scores Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-8 Kasanganay
    Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-8 Kasanganay
    Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-8 Kasanganay

    The Official Result

    Impa Kasanganay def. Jakob Nedoh—TKO (Doctor Stoppage) 5:00 R2

    Clay Collard (155.8) vs. Mads Burnell (155.6)

    Round 1

    Lightweights close the show in the headliner, as Collard (25-12, 7-4 PFL) looks to book a postseason spot against Burnell (18-6, 0-1 PFL). Collard has five points on the board in the regular-season standings, while Burnell has yet to score. Beltran administers the law and order. They circle each other at the start. Collard jabs at the body and slams home a leg kick. Burnell answers with a push kick to the body. Collard connects with a four-punch volley to the body and head. Burnell lands an overhand right. Collard shoots a one-two. Burnell cuts him off with a takedown, then lands a series of knees to the head from the front headlock. Collard digs to the body. Burnell counters with right hands upstairs. Collard throwing out three, four and five punches at a time. Burnell marches forward, hands high, and dings the Utah native with a left hook. Like many opponents, he may have trouble matching Collard’s volume. Burnell completes a double-leg takedown and threatens the neck but cannot keep the American from getting back to his feet. Collard bounces on his feet and lets his hands go. Burnell secures another takedown but fails to consolidate with control or damage. He returns Collard to the mat in the closing seconds.

    Sherdog Scores Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Collard
    Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Collard
    Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Burnell

    Round 2

    Burnell presses forward at the start of Round 2. Collard continues to dig punches to the body while mixing in the occasional leg kick. Burnell clips him with a counter right hook, then feeds a front kick into the body. Burnell secures a takedown and works his way toward a more advantageous position. Collard gets to his knees, then to his feet. Collard sends a sweeping right hook crashing into the ribcage. He follows with a jab to the head and front kick to the body. A flying knee gives Burnell pause. Collard picking up the pace again. Burnell completes a takedown at the base of the fence. Collard stays composed and starts hatching a plan to get back to his feet. Beltran asks for more action. Burnell moves to the back with one hook in. Collard shakes him off. He threatens a single-leg, then stomps Burnell’s feet. Burnell works toward another takedown as the bell sounds.

    Sherdog Scores Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Burnell
    Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Burnell
    Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Burnell

    Round 3

    Collard greets Burnell with his jab. Burnell steps forward with a front kick to the body and answers a body shot with a counter right hook. Collard strings his punches together in the face of forward pressure. Burnell clips him with a right hook. Collard digs shots to the body. He shows no regard for Burnell’s punches. Burnell shoots on and completes a double-leg takedown two minutes into the round. Burnell works from half guard, then threatens an arm-triangle. Obviously not where Collard wants to be. Collard stays busy from the bottom but fails to throw Burnell off the scent. He hunts the arm-triangle with a little more than a minute to go. Collard effectively bottled up here. He shrimps toward the fence, desperate to get back to his feet. Burnell controls the wrist and cuts off any avenues of escape. He then feeds Collard a series of left hands to the side of the head.

    Sherdog Scores Brian Knapp scores the round: 10-9 Burnell (29-28 Burnell)
    Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Burnell (29-28 Burnell)
    Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Burnell (30-27 Burnell)

    The Official Result

    Mads Burnell def. Clay Collard—Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

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