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    The 20 Cities With the Dirtiest Air Right Now

    By Luxia Le,

    4 days ago

    Everyone needs air to survive. Thus, the air we breathe must be of good quality. According to the American Lung Association, b reathing in poor-quality, polluted air can cause health problems , especially for people who belong to certain at-risk groups. Pollution is split into several categories. Living in one of the cities with the dirtiest air can be hazardous to all people, whether they have a pre-existing lung condition or not.

    Air Pollutants: What Are They?
    There are multiple types of air pollutants.

    The primary two pollutants we look at are particulate pollution, referred to as PM2.5 and PM10, which comes from wildfires, wood-burning stoves, coal-fired power plants, diesel engines, and other sources of combustion products. High PM2.5 pollution levels can trigger asthma attacks, cause heart attacks and strokes, and are associated with lung cancer. When we look at cities with the dirtiest air, we typically look at both short-term PM2.5 levels and year-round averages.

    The other type of pollution we look at is ozone pollution. Ozone is a powerful respiratory irritant that can cause severe distress to your lungs. High ozone levels can cause chemical burns in your lungs. Inhaling ozone can cause shortness of breath, coughing, and asthma attacks, and could even shorten your lifespan. Other major pollutants include nitrogen dioxide and PM10 (fine particulate pollution.)

    Let’s examine the cities with the highest pollution levels and see what experts recommend you should do for your health if you live in one of these areas. (After this article, check out Clearing the Air: 20 Tips for Better Home Air Quality .)

    We took the primary data for our article from IQAir . However, since IQAir lacked data about different types of pollution and the levels of pollution in each city per type, we supplemented the data with studies done by Plume Labs and AccuWeather . We also looked at expert opinions on what residents of highly polluted cities should do to mitigate the effects of pollution on their overall health and well-being.

    1. City with the Dirtiest Air: Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo
    Kinshasa currently ranks as the city with the dirtiest air.

    IQAir rates Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of the Congo as the city with the dirtiest air at the moment. It has a U.S. Air Quality Index (AQI) of 179, which is in the “unhealthy” rating. The city’s PM2.5 pollution levels are around 95.5 µg/m^3, which is 19 times the World Health Organization (WHO)’s guidelines for safe air. Kinshasa has a PM10 pollution level of around 67.0 µg/m^3. The nitrogen dioxide levels in Kinshasa are around 8.0 µg/m^3 and the ozone level is around 19.0 µg/m^3. Experts on air quality would recommend that people in areas with this level of air pollution limit outdoor activities, avoid bringing young children or old people outside, and utilize an air purifier to ensure that their home isn’t filled with pollutants.

    2. Kampala, Uganda
    Experts recommend restricting outdoor activities in Kampala.

    The second-place city with the dirtiest air in the world according to IQAir is Kampala, Uganda. The city’s U.S. AQI is 166, which is classified as “unhealthy.” It has a PM2.5 concentration of around 77 µg/m^3, which is 15.4 times the WHO standard guideline for clean air. For PM10 levels, you’re looking at around 54.0 µg/m^3. Nitrogen dioxide and ozone levels are 9.0 µg/m^3 and 15.0 µg/m^3 respectively. Experts recommend similar precautions for Kampala: restricting outdoor activities, using air purifiers, and avoiding unfiltered air if you belong to any of the at-risk population groups.

    3. Jakarta, Indonesia
    Ozone levels are very high in Jakarta.

    The third-place city with the dirtiest air in the world during IQAir’s 2023 study was Jakarta, Indonesia. The city had a U.S. AQI of 163, which places it in the “unhealthy” category for air quality. Jakarta’s particulate pollution was relatively bad with a PM2.5 index of 72.2 µg/m^3, which is 14.4 times the World Health Organization’s recommended guidelines for particulate pollution levels. Its PM10 levels were 84.7 µg/m^3. Nitrogen oxide levels were lower than others at 3.2 µg/m^3. However, ozone levels were very high at 66.4 µg/m^3. Like in the above cities, experts recommend using air purifiers and limiting outdoor activity, whether you’re in an at-risk group or not. At-risk populations should avoid unfiltered air in Jakarta as best they can.

    4. Batam, Indonesia
    Batam’s worst air quality issue is its particle pollution.

    Another affected Indonesian city is Batam, Indonesia. It had the fourth highest pollution levels according to IQAir’s 2023 study. The U.S. AQI for Batam was 159, which places the city in the “unhealthy” category. Batam’s particulate pollution is its worst problem. It has a PM2.5 index of around 66.4 µg/m^3, which is 13.3 times the standards set by WHO for acceptable air quality. Its PM10 pollution levels are quite bad as well, registering around 71.3 µg/m^3 at the time we checked the area. The nitrogen dioxide levels in Batam could be hazardous to one’s health as well, with a level of around 57.9 µg/m^3. Meanwhile, the ozone level in Batam is 59.9 µg/m^3. Air purifiers are a must and outdoor exercise should be limited to prevent damage to the lungs from breathing the air.

    5. Dubai, United Arab Emirates
    Those with preexisting conditions should avoid breathing unfiltered air in Dubai.

    Coming in fifth place for the world’s most polluted area, according to IQAir, is Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. The city ranked highly with a U.S. AQI of 152, which places it in the “unhealthy” category for air quality. The particulate pollution in Dubai is relatively bad. Its PM2.5 levels are around 62 µg/m^3, which is around 11.5 times the guidelines set by WHO for acceptable air quality. In terms of PM10 pollution levels, you’re looking at around 76.0 µg/m^3. Nitrogen dioxide levels are high as well, sitting around 34.0 µg/m^3. Additionally, Dubai has high ozone levels, with a concentration of around 36 µg/m^3. Residents of Dubai are recommended to avoid outdoor exercise and use air purifiers to ensure that the air in their homes is safe to breathe. Those with preexisting conditions that affect the lungs, such as asthma, should avoid breathing unfiltered air when possible.

    6. Dehli, India
    Dehli’s AQI places it in the “unhealthy for sensitive groups” category.

    Another city with poor air quality is Dehli, India, which came in 6th for worst air quality in the world according to IQAir. The city’s U.S. AQI was around 137, which places it in the “unhealthy for sensitive groups” category. Particulate pollution in Dehli was bad, but not as bad as some of the other cities on the list. Its PM2.5 level was around 47 µg/m^3, which is 9.4 times the guidelines set by WHO. Dehli’s PM10 pollution levels were much worse, with a reading of around 229 µg/m^3. Nitrogen oxide levels were moderately high at around 11.5 µg/m^3. Meanwhile, ozone levels were similar, with a reading of around 10.5 µg/m^3 at the time we checked. Dehli residents with pre-existing breathing conditions are recommended to avoid breathing outdoor air and use air purifiers to remove toxins from the air.

    7. Beijing, China
    Bejing contains high levels of nitrogen oxide.

    The seventh most polluted city that IQAir had readings for was Beijing, China. The city had a U.S. Air Quality Index of 114, which places it in the “unhealthy for sensitive groups” category. Particulate pollution in Beijing is problematic for residents and visitors alike. The PM2.5 concentration in Beijing is around 41 µg/m^3, which is around 8.2 times the standards set by WHO’s air quality guidelines. The city’s PM10 pollution was around 47.0 µg/m^3 at the time we checked it. Nitrogen oxide levels were quite high, with a reading around 26.0 µg/m^3. Ozone levels were similar, with a reading around 96.5 µg/m^3. Beijing residents who belong to at-risk groups for air pollution, such as those with asthma or COPD, should limit outdoor activities and use air purifiers to remove the pollutants from the air in their homes.

    8. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
    The capital of Ethiopia lies in the “moderate” category for air pollution.

    Addis Ababa in Ethiopia ranked eighth for the worst quality air in the world according to IQAir. The city’s U.S. AQI was 93 when we checked, which put it in the “moderate” category for air pollution. Particulate pollution was a relatively large contributor to the city’s poor air quality, with a reading of around 31.9 µg/m^3. This reading places the city 6.4 times above WHO’s standard guidelines for air quality. PM10 pollution in Addis Ababa was worse than PM2.5, with around 47 µg/m^3. Nitrogen dioxide levels were around 10.0 µg/m^3, which is significant, although not as high as some other areas. The ozone levels were in a similar situation, sitting around 12.0 µg/m^3 at the time we looked at the readings.

    9. Lahore, Pakistan
    PM10 pollution levels are extremely high in Lahore.

    Lahore, Pakistan is another city with relatively bad pollution on a global scale. IQAir rates the city as the ninth worst for pollution in the world, giving it a U.S. AQI of 85, which places it in the “moderate” category for pollution levels. The particulate pollution in Lahore is bad, even if it is not as bad as some of the top players in the world. At the time we looked at IQAir’s readings, Lahore had a PM2.5 concentration of 27.5 µg/m^3, which is 5.5 times the WHO guidelines for clean air. PM10 pollution levels were around 134.0 µg/m^3, which is extremely high. According to Plume Labs, nitrogen dioxide levels in Lahore were around 20.0 µg/m^3, making them significantly higher than what we consider healthy. Ozone levels were significant, but much lower at 12.0 µg/m^3.

    10. Busan, South Korea
    Busan ranks 10th on our list of cities with the dirtiest air.

    Moving back over to Asia, Busan, South Korea took the tenth-place spot on IQAir’s list of cities with the dirtiest air in the world. The city had a U.S. AQI of 86, which places it in the “moderate” category for air pollutants. Its PM2.5 levels were higher than Lahore, sitting at 28.0 µg/m^3 at the time we looked at the information. PM10 levels were significantly lower than the previous city at 45 µg/m^3, which is still very high. Nitrogen dioxide levels were also high in Busan, with readings sitting around 54.5 µg/m^3. Ozone levels were very high with a reading of around 119 µg/m^3. Residents of Busan should utilize air purifiers in their homes to ensure that the air in their homes is safe to breathe.

    11. Baghdad, Iraq
    Limiting outdoor exercise in Baghdad is not necessary for those who do not have certain preexisting conditions.

    According to IQAir, the eleventh most polluted city is Baghdad in Iraq. The city had a U.S. AQI rating of 79 at the time we checked, which places it in the “moderate” category of air pollution. Particulate pollution in Baghdad is problematic, with readings at the time we checked sitting around 24 µg/m^3, which is around 4.8 times the WHO standard guidelines for air cleanliness. PM10 pollution was very high in Baghdad, with readings around 83.0 µg/m^3 at the time we checked. Nitrogen dioxide levels were significant, though not as high as some other areas on this list, with readings around 12.0 µg/m^3. Ozone levels were higher than nitrogen dioxide levels. Readings at the time showed a level of 19.0 µg/m^3 for ozone pollution. Particulate pollution in Baghdad can be lessened in one’s home by using an air purifier. Limiting outdoor exercise may be helpful for people with preexisting lung conditions, but is not necessary for an otherwise healthy person.

    12. Kolkata, India
    Ozone levels in Kolkata are extremely high.

    IQAir rates Kolkata, India as the twelfth most polluted city in the world. The city has a U.S. AQI of 92, which places it in the “moderate” category for air pollutant saturation. Particulate pollution in Kolkata is highly problematic. PM2.5 pollution levels were around 31 µg/m^3 at the time we checked, which is 6.2 times the WHO standard guidelines for clean air. PM10 pollution levels were even higher, with the readings sitting around 58.2 µg/m^3 at the time we checked. Nitrogen dioxide levels were significant, though below many of the bigger players on this list. The reading at the time we checked was 12.0 µg/m^3. However, ozone levels in Kolkata were extremely high, at 30.6 µg/m^3.

    13. Accra, Ghana
    Engaging in vigorous outdoor exercise in Ghana may make you feel slightly ill.

    Coming in thirteenth for the world’s cities with the dirtiest air is Accra, Ghana, according to IQAir. The city has a U.S. AQI of 94 according to their information, which places it in the “moderate” category for air pollutant concentrations. Particulate pollution in Accra is very problematic. It has a PM2.5 level of around 32 µg/m^3, which is 6.4 times the WHO standard guidelines for clean, breathable air. PM10 pollution was also significant, sitting at around 25.0 µg/m^3. Nitrogen dioxide levels were relatively low. The reading at the time we looked was around 5.0 µg/m^3. Ozone levels were in line with most other cities that had somewhat significant concentrations in the air, reading around 13.0 µg/m^3. The high levels of particulate pollution in Accra necessitate the use of air purifiers to ensure that the air is safe to breathe. You may feel short of breath or slightly ill if you engage in vigorous outdoor exercise in this location.

    14. Cairo City, Egypt
    Cairo is the capital of Egypt.

    The fourteenth place out of the cities with the dirtiest air in the world according to IQAir’s surveys was Cairo City in Egypt. The city had a U.S. AQI of 70 during IQAir’s last survey period, which places it in the “moderate” category for air pollutant concentration. Particulate pollution in Cairo City is problematic. PM2.5 pollution levels in Cairo City were around 19.5 µg/m^3, which is 3.9 times the standard guidelines set by the World Health Organization regarding clean air. PM10 pollution levels were higher at 34.0 µg/m^3. Nitrogen dioxide levels in Cairo City are worse than many above areas, with readings from Plume Labs sitting around 23.0 µg/m^3. Ozone levels are significant, though moderate overall, at 15.0 µg/m^3, according to Plume Labs at the time we checked.

    15. Jerusalem, Israel
    Particulate pollution is not the main problem in Jerusalem.

    The pollution levels in Jerusalem are unique on this list as particulate pollution in the city is not as problematic as in many other cities on the list. The U.S. AQI for Jerusalem was 80, which places it in the “moderate” category for air pollutant concentrations. At the time we checked, the PM2.5 concentration in Jerusalem was just 3.8 µg/m^3, which meets the guidelines set forth by WHO regarding clean air. PM10 pollution levels were significant in the area, sitting around 45.0 µg/m^3. Nitrogen dioxide levels were also very significant in Jerusalem, with readings for the pollutant sitting at 32.9 µg/m^3. Ozone levels were the most problematic type of pollution in Jerusalem, with levels in the area sitting around 196.8 µg/m^3. The extremely high ozone levels in Jerusalem should be taken into consideration when moving around the city. Air purifiers should be used at home to ensure that the air is safe to breathe, and outdoor activity should be limited. Ozone concentrations at this level could cause severe damage to the lungs.

    16. Karachi Pakistan
    Karachi is the largest city in Pakistan.

    The sixteenth most polluted city in the world according to IQAir’s readings was Karachi, Pakistan. The city had a U.S. Air Quality Index rating of 79, which places it in the “moderate” category for air pollutant concentrations. Experts consider the particulate pollution in Karachi to be very problematic. The PM2.5 pollution levels in Karachi were reading around 24 µg/m^3 when we checked, which is 4.8 times the standard set by WHO regarding safe-to-breathe air. PM10 pollution in Karachi is a huge issue, with levels reaching 112 µg/m^3. Nitrogen dioxide levels in Karachi are low, reading at 3 µg/m^3 according to Plume Labs. Ozone concentrations in the air are significant, albeit lower than in some other cities, at 12.0 µg/m^3. Particulate pollution in Karachi can be remedied at home using an air purifier. If you start to feel short of breath while in Karachi, find an area with an air purifier to rest in.

    17. Chengdu, China
    Those living in Chengdu should use air purifiers.

    The city of Chengdu in China was IQAir’s seventeenth most polluted city in the world. Chengdu has a U.S. AQI of 71, which places it in the “moderate” category of pollution levels. PM2.5 levels in Chengdu were around 20 µg/m^3 when we checked, which is four times the standards set by WHO for breathable air. PM10 pollution was around the same level at 29 µg/m^3. Nitrogen dioxide concentrations were significant at 18 µg/m^3. Ozone levels in Chengdu were very high, with concentrations according to Plume Labs being around 40.5 µg/m^3. The high levels of air pollutants in Chengdu indicate that those who live there should be using air purifiers to filter the toxins out of the air. Limiting outdoor exercise is encouraged but not required.

    19. Phnom Penh, Cambodia
    Phnom Penh is the capital of Cambodia.

    The city of Phnom Penh, Cambodia is the 19th most polluted city in the world according to IQAir’s surveys. Phnom Penh had a U.S. AQI of 70 according to IQAir, placing it in the “moderate” category for air pollutant concentrations. Particulate pollution in Phnom Penh is relatively problematic. At the time we checked, the city had a PM2.5 concentration of 19.5 µg/m^3, which is around 3.9 times the standard set by WHO for clean, breathable air. PM10 concentrations were slightly less problematic, with a concentration of 12.0 µg/m^3. Nitrogen dioxide levels were relatively low in this city, registering around 3.0 µg/m^3. The ozone levels in Phnom Penh were significant, though not as high as in some other cities. The readings for ozone from Plume Labs showed a concentration of around 12.0 µg/m^3. It is not necessary to limit outdoor exercise in Phnom Penh, but air purifiers can help you ensure that your lungs remain healthy.

    20. Dhaka, Bangladesh
    Dhaka, Bangladesh is the final entry on our list of cities with the most polluted air.

    The 20th most polluted city in the world according to IQAir was Dhaka in Bangladesh. The city’s U.S. AQI was 75 according to IQAir’s study, which places it in the “moderate” category for air pollutant concentrations. Particulate pollution in Dhaka is highly problematic. PM2.5 pollution levels in the city were around 22.0 µg/m^3 when we checked, which is 4.4 times the standards set by WHO regarding clean, breathable air. This statistic puts it in the running for the cities with the dirtiest air in the world. PM10 pollution levels were similar to PM2.5 ones, with readings sitting at around 27.0 µg/m^3. Nitrogen dioxide levels were significant in the area. Readings for NO2 in Dhaka were around 19.0 µg/m^3. Ozone levels are higher than safe, but not as significant as in other regions. Readings for ozone in Dhaka were around 6.0 µg/m^3.  You can exercise outdoors in Dhaka unless you have a pre-existing condition that affects your lungs. However, experts recommend using an air purifier indoors to ensure that the air in your home is safe to breathe. (Next, read about how Air Pollution Is Clogging Our National Parks .)

    The post The 20 Cities With the Dirtiest Air Right Now appeared first on 24/7 Tempo .

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