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    French election 2024 live: exit poll shows shock win for left-green alliance as far right falls to third

    By Lili Bayer in Paris (now); Vivian Ho and Sarah Haque (earlier),

    6 hours ago
    Voters react as they listen to the announcement of the projected results of the second round of France's crunch legislative elections. Photograph: Loïc Venance/AFP/Getty Images

    8.00pm BST

    The Ecologists’ Marine Tondelier is celebrating tonight’s projections.

    “Tonight, social justice won. Tonight, environmental justice won. Tonight, the people won. And it’s only just started!” she said.

    7.57pm BST

    Far right politician Marion Maréchal says on BFMTV said that this national assembly is not representative of what the French people think.

    7.48pm BST

    François Hollande , a socialist former French president, is speaking now after having won a seat in the national assembly.

    He thanked all the left parties and the people who are not left wing supporters but wanted to make the election result clear.

    The result gives satisfaction but also responsibility, the former president said.

    Updated at 7.54pm BST

    7.47pm BST

    Pollster Ifop has an interesting breakdown of projected seats by individual party.

    National Rally: 120-130

    Renaissance: 107-115

    France Unbowed: 85-94

    Socialist party: 55-65

    Republicans: 60-63

    7.42pm BST

    And here are the updated projections from Elabe.

    Left-green New Popular Front: 178-205 seats

    Macron’s allies: 157-174 seats

    Far right National Front and allies: 113-148 seats

    Updated at 7.44pm BST

    7.39pm BST

    Several key figures have held onto their seats tonight including the former prime minister, Élisabeth Borne , in the Calvados area and the interior minister, Gérald Darmanin , in the north.

    7.37pm BST

    New Popular Front at 180-205 seats: Ifop projection

    Here are updated projections from pollster Ifop.

    Left-green New Popular Front: 180-205

    Macron’s allies: 164-174

    Far right National Front and allies: 130-145

    Updated at 7.40pm BST

    7.36pm BST

    François Hollande , a former French president, is set to win a seat in the national assembly, according to preliminary data from the interior ministry.

    7.30pm BST

    The far right National Rally’s Jordan Bardella is addressing his supporters now, after projections put his party in third place – despite leading in opinion polls during the campaign.

    He thanked voters who supported the National Rally and its supporters, saying that an alliance of dishonour and dangerous alliances prevailed. These alliances are putting France in the hands of the extreme left, the far right leader said.

    Updated at 7.56pm BST

    7.28pm BST

    More images from around France as voters react to the surprise projected outcome of the second round of elections.

    7.19pm BST

    Olivier Faure , first secretary of the French Socialist party, is now speaking to supporters.

    This vote gives the New Popular Front an immense responsibility, he said.

    Updated at 7.29pm BST

    7.16pm BST

    The first projections have surprised France, putting a left-green alliance in the lead despite opinion polls during the campaign indicating that the far right was set to get the most votes.

    7.14pm BST

    The hard left France Unbowed’s Jean-Luc Mélenchon addressed supporters, declaring that Emmanuel Macron should call on the New Popular Front to govern.

    Updated at 7.19pm BST

    7.09pm BST

    Some more projections, from Elabe:

    Left-green New Popular Front: 175-205 seats

    Macron’s allies: 150-175 seats

    Far right National Front and allies: 115-150

    Updated at 7.09pm BST

    7.03pm BST

    And here are the projections from pollster Ifop.

    Like Ipsos, the Ifop projection also puts the left-green New Popular Front in first place.

    Left-green New Popular Front: 180-215

    Macron’s allies: 150-180

    Far right National Front and allies: 120-150 seats

    Updated at 7.04pm BST

    7.00pm BST

    Left-green alliance takes the lead: first projections

    The polls are closed in France and the first projections have been published.

    France’s national assembly has 577 seats, with 289 seats needed for an absolute majority.

    Here is the first projected seat distribution, from Ipsos. It shows the left in the lead, in a major shift compared to opinion polls during the campaign.

    Left-green New Popular Front: 172-192 seats

    Emmanuel Macron’s allies: 150-170 seats

    Far right National Rally and allies: 132-152 seats

    6.52pm BST

    Just a few minutes until the first projections in the second round of the French legislative elections. Stay tuned for updates, reactions and analysis over the coming hours.

    Updated at 6.53pm BST

    6.41pm BST

    Less than 20 minutes until the first projections.

    6.34pm BST

    In Lyon on Sunday, dozens of shops had barricaded their windows, bracing themselves for the risk of violent protests.

    Around 30,000 police have been deployed across the country as France’s interior minister voiced fears that some would seize on the result to cause “mayhem”.

    6.24pm BST

    France’s national assembly has 577 seats, with 289 seats needed for an absolute majority.

    We’ll know the first projections at 8pm local time.

    6.08pm BST

    We’re waiting for the first projections.

    The projections should arrive in approximately 52 minutes.

    Stay tuned!

    5.41pm BST

    Here’s more of what I heard from voters outside a Paris polling station earlier today.

    Béatrice, a 39-year old voter, said “it’s worrying to see the rise of extremes in France.”

    She said the decision to call an election was not a good one and has “shown a polarisation.”

    “It’s a delicate situation,” she said.

    Natalie, another voter, said “I think the country will be very difficult to govern, because there are two extremist blocs opposing each other.”

    She expressed skepticism about politicians and the state of French democracy. “I have little regard for these politicians, it’s just a job they do to protect their interests, their posts, their privileges – the interest of France slips behind all that, unfortunately.”

    5.23pm BST

    Ipsos is estimating the final turnout at 67%.

    Updated at 5.26pm BST

    5.20pm BST

    ELABE is estimating that the final turnout today will be at 67.1%.

    5.17pm BST

    As everyone waits for results, Emmanuel Macron is set to soon meet allies, including the prime minister, Gabriel Attal .

    5.00pm BST

    View from a Paris polling place: frustration and fear of far right

    Hello from Paris.

    I spent time this afternoon outside a polling station in the city’s 16th district.

    In this area, two candidates are facing off in today’s second round of elections: Benjamin Haddad from Emmanuel Macron’s camp and Louis Piquet , who is backed by the far right.

    In the first round, Haddad led with 47.71%. He was followed by Patrick Dray from the Republicains with 17.7% – who withdrew ahead of the second round – and then Piquet with 17.56%.

    As I stood outside, a steady stream of people came in and out.

    22-year old Adrien said he “voted for the presidential majority.”

    His reason: opposing the far right. “I am descended from Spaniards and Romanians, so there’s no chance I would vote for a party like that,” he said.

    He also said he believed Emmanuel Macron is doing “a good job, even if he gets a lot of criticism.”

    Philippe, an elderly voter, said “these elections could have been avoided.”

    He criticised Emmanuel Macron’s decision to call the elections, calling them a “waste of time.”

    Asked who he voted for, he pointed to a poster of Haddad, a Macron ally, without much enthusiasm. “I did this, but…” he said, not finishing the sentence.

    Next to him, another voter, Genviève, interjected: “He has a good reputation.”

    Philippe agreed on the reputation, but muttered: “It won’t change much.”

    4.46pm BST

    The polls take place two days before France’s football team takes on Spain in the semi-final of the Euro 2024 tournament in Germany.

    Earlier this week, Kylian Mbappé branded the first-round results of France’s snap parliamentary election “catastrophic”, and urged voters to turn out in force and fend off the threat of a National Rally-controlled government when polls opened for the runoff vote on Sunday.

    In the latest of several interventions by members of the France national football team, the influential captain Mbappé warned that the country must take its chance to ensure the far right, anti-immigration party is unable to seize power in what has become a tumultuous political battle.

    “It’s an urgent situation,” he said when asked for his thoughts on a parlous state of affairs that saw National Rally win 33% of the popular vote in the first round.

    “We cannot let our country fall into the hands of these people. It is pressing. We saw the results, it’s catastrophic. We really hope it’s going to change: that everyone is going to rally together, go and vote, and vote for the correct party.”

    His remarks drew a strong rebuke from Le Pen, who said, despite being a “very good” footballer, Mbappe should not “lecture” French voters.

    “French people are fed up with being lectured and advised on how to vote,” Le Pen told CNN in an interview on Friday.

    Updated at 4.55pm BST

    4.24pm BST

    Voter turnout in France election at 59.7%, a major increase from 2022

    The voter turnout in the second round of the French parliamentary election was at 59.71% as of 5pm local time, a drastic increase from a corresponding figure of 38.11% in the last election in 2022, the Interior Ministry said in a statement .

    Very unusually, the turnout was also slightly up on the first round vote last Sunday – 59.39% – suggesting the final figure could be the highest for 50 years.

    This comes as prime minister Gabriel Attal beseeched French voters to stand against Marine Le Pen ’s far-right National Rally (RN).

    “Today the danger is a majority dominated by the extreme right and that would be catastrophic,” Attal, who may be tasked with trying to hold together a caretaker government, said in a final interview on Friday.

    Read more here:

    Related: France on course for highest turnout in decades at pivotal election

    3.51pm BST

    Pro-independence candidate in New Caledonia wins a parliament seat

    In the restive French Pacific territory of New Caledonia, a pro-independence Indigenous Kanak candidate has won a seat in France’s parliament over a loyalist candidate in the second round of voting.

    Emmanuel Tjibaou is a political novice and a son of a well-known Kanak independence leader, Jean-Marie Tjibaou, who was assassinated in 1989. He is the first pro-independence candidate to win a seat in the National Assembly since 1986.

    Indigenous Kanaks have long sought to break free from France, which took the archipelago in 1853. Polls closed earlier in New Caledonia because of a curfew imposed in response to the violence that flared last month and left nine people dead. There was anger over an attempt to amend the French constitution and change voting lists, which Indigenous Kanaks feared would further marginalise them.

    Right-wing candidate and French loyalist Nicolas Metzdorf has won New Caledonia’s second parliament seat.

    3.29pm BST

    French artists, DJs and musicians unite to fight threat of far-right government.

    More than 1,200 artists, DJs and promoters from the French music industry have come together in a bid to galvanise “the world of the night” into political action and to protest at the possibility of the first far-right French government since the second world war.

    Members of the Front Électronique (FE) have organised live debates on video streaming service Twitch and free concerts, and released a fundraising album Siamo Tutti Antifascisti Vol.1 ( We are all Anti-fascists) featuring 38 artists. The compilation is described as a “call to arms”.

    Read the rest of the story here:

    Related: French artists, DJs and musicians unite to fight threat of far-right government

    3.16pm BST

    Here are the latest photos of voters in polling stations across France:

    2.44pm BST

    Voters in Paris concerned about future

    “The individual freedoms, tolerance and respect for others is what at stake today,” Thomas Bertrand, a 45-year-old voter who works in advertising, told the AP.

    Pierre Lubin, a 45-year-old business manager, was worried about whether the polls would produce an effective government. “This is a concern for us,” Lubin said. “Will it be a technical government or a coalition government made up of [different] political forces?”

    Valerie Dodeman, a 55-year-old legal expert, said she is pessimistic about the future. “No matter what happens, I think this election will leave people disgruntled on all sides,” Dodeman said.

    Outside Paris, Frederic Maillard, a doctor from the central town of Tours said, “I’m mad at the government and in particular at the president that they have taken this irresponsible risk.”

    Ranaivoatisan Voahirana, who works in the medical sector, said she voted for the government’s candidate but was “almost certain” the National Rally would win.

    “People won’t bother to hide their racism any more”, she said.

    Frederic Wallet, a construction worker, said he would submit an empty ballot as he couldn’t identify with any of the choices on offer. “Good luck France, it will be a mess,” he said.

    Updated at 2.45pm BST

    2.35pm BST

    ‘Our backs are against the wall’: French grassroots mobilise against far right.

    Activist groups have sprung up across the country in efforts to defeat National Rally in second round of elections.

    “This is the country we love. It’s built us up; it’s made us who we are,” said Akli Alliouat, one of the organisers. “And I find it hard to accept that this France of ours is tipping into hatred, contempt and inequality.”

    Read the rest of the story here:

    Related: ‘Our backs are against the wall’: French grassroots mobilise against far right

    2.12pm BST

    President Macron votes in second round of election

    French President Emmanuel Macron has voted in high-stakes legislative elections that could force him to share power with the rising far right.

    Macron called the surprise vote after the anti-immigration, nationalist National Rally made huge gains in the 9 June European elections, taking a huge gamble that French voters would block the far-right party as they always have in the past.

    But the National Rally instead won a larger share than ever in the first round on June 30, and its leader Marine Le Pen called on voters to give the party an absolute majority in Round 2.

    The elections could leave France with its first far-right government since the Nazi occupation in the second world war if the National Rally wins an absolute majority and its 28-year-old leader Jordan Bardella becomes prime minister.

    Macron cast his ballot in the seaside resort town of La Touquet, along with his wife, Brigitte. Prime minister Gabriel Attal cast his ballot in the Paris suburb of Vanves Sunday morning.

    Le Pen is not voting, because her district in northern France is not holding a second round after she won the seat outright last week.

    Across France, 76 other candidates secured seats in the first round, including 39 from her National Rally and 32 from the leftist New Popular Front alliance. Two candidates from Macron’s centrists list also won their seats in the first round.

    The elections wrap up Sunday at 8 pm (6pm GMT) in mainland France and on the island of Corsica. Initial polling projections are expected Sunday night, with early official results expected late Sunday and early Monday.

    2.01pm BST

    Opening summary

    Hello and welcome to our live coverage of the second round of France’s parliamentary election.

    Voter turnout in France’s parliamentary run-off election on Sunday rose sharply from the last time in 2022, in a ballot that could see the far-right National Rally (RN) emerge as the strongest force.

    Turnout stood at 26.3% by around noon (10am GMT), up from 18.99% during the second voting round in 2022, the interior ministry said, highlighting the population’s extreme interest in an election that has highlighted polarised views in France. It was the highest midday turnout level since 1981, pollster Harris Interactive and Ipsos said.

    Voting closes at 6pm (4pm GMT) in towns and small cities and 8pm (6pm GMT) in bigger cities. Pollsters will deliver initial projections based on early counts from a sample of voting stations at 8pm.

    Although the RN is expected to win the most seats in the National Assembly, the latest opinion polls indicated it may fall short of an absolute majority that would outright hand Marine Le Pen ’s 28-year-old protege Jordan Bardella the prime minister’s job.

    A hung parliament would severely dent President Emmanuel Macron ’s authority and herald a prolonged period of instability and policy deadlock in the euro zone’s second-biggest economy.

    Should the nationalist, Eurosceptic RN secure a majority, it would usher in France’s first far-right government since the second world war and send shock waves through the European Union at a time populist parties are strengthening support across the continent.

    Here’s what you need to know about the election so far:

    • French President Emmanuel Macron took a huge gamble in dissolving parliament and calling for the elections after his centrists were trounced in European elections on 9 June.

    • The first round on 30 June saw the largest gains ever for the anti-immigration, nationalist National Rally, led by Marine Le Pen. Sunday’s vote determines which party controls the National Assembly and who will be prime minister. If support is further eroded for Macron’s weak centrist majority, he will be forced to share power with parties opposed to most of his pro-business, pro-European Union policies.

    • Opposition parties made hurried deals ahead of Sunday’s second round of voting to try to block a landslide victory for Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally in the legislative elections, as she said her party would lead the government only if it won an absolute majority – or close to it.

    • An unprecedented number of candidates who qualified for Round 2 from the left-wing alliance of the New Popular Front and from President Emmanuel Macron’s weakened centrists have stepped aside to favor the candidate most likely to win against a National Rally opponent . According to a count by French newspaper Le Monde, 218 candidates who were supposed to compete in the second round have pulled out. Of those, 130 were on the left, and 82 came from the Macron-led centrist alliance Ensemble.

    • Racism and antisemitism have marred the electoral campaign, along with Russian cybercampaigns, and more than 50 candidates reported being physically attacked – highly unusual for France. Some luxury boutiques along the Champs Elysees boulevard, including the Louis Vuitton store, barricaded windows and Darmanin said he was deploying 30,000 police amid concerns of violent protests should the far-right win.

    • A longtime pariah for many due to its history of racism and antisemitism, the RN has broadened its support beyond its traditional base along the Mediterranean coast and the deindustrialised north , tapping into voter anger at Macron over straitened household budgets, security, and immigration worries. “French people have a real desire for change,” Le Pen told TF1 TV on Wednesday.

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