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  • The Guardian

    Biden says ‘time to outlaw’ AR-15 rifle used in Trump assassination attempt – live

    By Chris Stein (now) and Léonie Chao-Fong (earlier),

    15 hours ago

    10.38pm BST

    Joe Biden is warning the NAACP that a second Donald Trump administration would “undo everything” they stand for.

    The president said he has been “all about working people in this nation my whole career”, and “That’s a stark contrast to my predecessor and his Maga visions. They’ll undo everything, undo everything the NAACP stands for. But now they’re trying to deny it. They’re lying about their Project 2025. They want to deny your freedom, the freedom to vote.”

    10.31pm BST

    The crowd at the NAACP convention has started chanting “four more years!” after Joe Biden vowed to restore the constitutional right to abortion.

    “And, guess what, come hell or high water, we’re going to restore Roe v Wade as the law of the land,” the president said.

    10.26pm BST

    Biden attacks Trump over 'Black job' comment as campaign shifts back into gear

    In a sign that the detente between Joe Biden and Donald Trump will be brief, the president has attacked his predecessor for his comments about “Black jobs”.

    Biden was referencing a comment Trump made during their first debate, in which he claimed undocumented immigrants are “taking Black jobs now”.

    “Of course he thinks of Black jobs,” Biden told the crowd at the NAACP convention. “I love his phrase, ‘Black jobs’, tells a lot about the man and about his character. Folks, I know what a Black job is. It’s a vice-president of the United States.”

    “I know what a Black job is. The first Black president … Barack Obama,” Biden added.

    It was a reversion to form for the president, who had toned down his rhetoric over the past couple of days following the assassination attempt on Trump. Expect the former president to follow suit.

    Updated at 10.34pm BST

    10.19pm BST

    Biden says 'time to outlaw' AR-15 rifle used in Trump assassination attempt

    Joe Biden is commenting at length about the toll gun violence takes on American communities, and singled out the impact of assault weapons such as the AR-15 .

    “An AR-15 was used in the shooting of Donald Trump. This was the assault weapon that killed so many others, including children. It’s time to outlaw them,” Biden said.

    In what was likely a reference to his involvement in passing the 1994 assault weapons ban, which expired 10 years later, Biden said: “I did it once, and I will do it again.”

    Updated at 10.20pm BST

    10.15pm BST

    Joe Biden appears to be making light of the efforts by his fellow Democrats to get him to step aside in favor of what they feel would be a more electable candidate.

    He related the adage, credited to former president Harry Truman , that “if you want a friend in Washington, get a dog”.

    “After the last couple weeks, I know what he means,” quipped Biden, who had earlier described Truman as someone who “was often counted out”.

    Updated at 10.35pm BST

    10.12pm BST

    Biden takes stage at NAACP convention

    Joe Biden is now speaking to the NAACP convention.

    “My name is Joe Biden, and I’m a lifetime member of the NAACP,” the president began, speaking of the longstanding civil rights group.

    Updated at 10.36pm BST

    10.07pm BST

    Derrick Johnson, the president of the NAACP, is introducing Joe Biden, who will address the civil rights group’s convention in Las Vegas.

    He recounted how Black voters were crucial to determining the 2020 election, but noted, “not everyone shares the same investment in a progressive vision”.

    Johnson is singling out Project 2025, the rightwing plan to remake the US government that several officials tied to Donald Trump are involved in.

    “This is a 900-page manifesto that seeks to undermine progress, promote violence, inflict harm on our community. They must know that NAACP, we will be here for that fight,” Johnson said.

    9.48pm BST

    At a lawmaker panel hosted by the rightwing organization Moms for Liberty – a group that has earned a reputation for advancing local book bans – the conversation, which was largely focused on the virtues of private education, shifted to teachers’ unions.

    “You have the teachers, and then you have the union,” said the Florida congressman Byron Donalds , to jeers from the crowd. “The Democrats can’t win elections without the power of unions.”

    Proponents of private education rarely speak so candidly about the political motives behind the push to defund public education. Donalds’ acknowledgment of the electoral power of unions offers a more complete picture of the conservative push to expand private schools, where union density is low.

    Updated at 10.03pm BST

    9.36pm BST

    Former UK prime minister Boris Johnson has said he has “no doubt” that Donald Trump would continue supporting Ukraine, following a meeting with him.

    In a post on X, Johnson wrote: “We discussed Ukraine and I have no doubt that he will be strong and decisive in supporting that country and defending democracy.”

    The meeting comes amid growing concern that Trump could withdraw support for Ukraine and possibly seek a peace deal directly with the Kremlin that may involve territorial concessions.

    Boris Johnson met Trump on the sidelines of the Republican national convention in Milwaukee. He’s not the only former British prime minister to swing through:

    Related: Farage and Truss to attend US Republican national convention

    Updated at 10.04pm BST

    9.27pm BST

    Harris invites Vance to vice-presidential debate

    Kamala Harris has formally invited JD Vance , the Ohio senator who Donald Trump yesterday named as his running mate, to debate, the Biden-Harris campaign said.

    “Vice-President Harris reached out to Senator Vance and left a message to congratulate him on his selection, welcome him to the race and express her hope that the two can meet in the vice-presidential debate proposed by CBS News,” a campaign official said.

    It is unclear when the debate will happen. CBS News proposed 23 July or 13 August, which the Biden campaign has accepted.

    Updated at 9.40pm BST

    9.11pm BST

    Biden to make first public speech since assassination attempt on Trump

    Joe Biden is expected to soon make his first speech in public since a gunman attempted to kill Donald Trump at a campaign rally over the weekend.

    In the aftermath of the failed assassination, in which a rallygoer and the gunman were killed, Biden and Trump have dialed back their relentless attacks on each others’ records ahead of the 5 November election.

    The president is scheduled to address the convention of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People civil rights group in Las Vegas, Nevada, a swing state that could prove crucial to both campaigns.

    Biden is once again late to begin his speech, but we’ll let you know he says when it starts.

    9.04pm BST

    Sharon Yancey, 77, said she has been a Republican voter for 10 to 15 years.

    “He’s a patriot and I’m a patriot. I love America, and he does too. And he wants to make America the best for everyone, all people, that are here, including the minorities,” Yancey, who was wearing a red Make America great again hat, said of Trump.

    “Other groups of people, they vote their conscience and they’re not vilified for it, they’re not looked down on and told to feel like you’re less of a person if you don’t vote Democrat,” she said.

    “One of my son-in-laws is white; he votes the way he wants to vote. And I have another son-in-law who’s Asian; he votes the way he wants to vote. So why am I vilified and called you know, less than a human being, and all those other derogatory things they say about Black people who don’t follow the line?”

    Updated at 10.05pm BST

    8.48pm BST

    Tim Scott, the South Carolina senator who was among the candidates to be Donald Trump’s vice-presidential pick, stopped at an outreach event for Black voters in Milwaukee on Tuesday.

    Speaking at the Wisconsin GOP’s Black coalition headquarters, alongside four local politicians, Scott was more subdued than he had been on Monday night, when he literally roared into a microphone after dubbing Trump an “American lion”.

    As Scott entered the room there were 16 people seated, 10 of whom were Black, and they sat through a rather dry conversation about “opportunity zones”, a bipartisan 2017 program designed to boost investment in lower-income communities.

    There was no mention of Trump, and little mention of the Republican party as a whole, aside from Scott saying: “We have not been as good at marketing the success that’s come out of the conservative movement as we should be.”

    In a room which had portraits of Abraham Lincoln , Martin Luther King Jr , Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump mounted along one wall, some people said they would vote for Trump in November.

    “I’ve just recently made the shift over to being a Republican. My family were Democrat, I think I was just born into it,” said Mario Dickens . A local business owner, he said he became a Republican about a year ago.

    “We just haven’t seen much benefit at all over last four years. And four years prior things were going great for us,” Dickens said.

    Updated at 8.50pm BST

    8.33pm BST

    Donald Trump Jr joked with his father about hair in the aftermath of Saturday’s assassination attempt at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania.

    Don Jr was out fishing with his daughter in Jupiter, Florida, when he received a call from his fiancee, Kimberly Guilfoyle, informing him that Donald Trump had been shot.

    “It was 90 minutes before I even knew he was alive,” Don Jr said at Axios House on the sidelines of the Republican national convention in Milwaukee.

    That was a tough moment and then finally, get hit him on the phone and honestly, considering the heaviness of that moment, sort of give me a window for some levity and I asked him, well, most importantly, how’s the hair?

    The audience laughed and Don Jr proceeded to imitate his father’s voice: “ The hair’s fine, Don, the hair’s fine. A lot of blood in it but it’s fine .”

    Reverting to his normal voice, Don Jr added:

    To be shot and to stand up with that kind of resolve, I just felt like: you’re the biggest badass I know. That was my opening salvo and then we started joking hair and I said, can I call you Evander Holyfield because of the little missing chunk of ear?”

    [Heavyweight boxer Holyfield had a part of his ear bitten off by opponent Mike Tyson in 1997.]

    Don Jr claimed this is why the world was at peace during Trump’s presidency.

    Compare and contrast that honestly to just about any clip of Joe Biden these days.One exudes strength, the other exudes weakness. And when you exude weakness, it’s the nature of predation: predators prey on the weak. Our enemies will prey on us.

    Even so, Don Jr promised that Trump’s Thursday speech will be “toned down” and warned against complacency in the Republican ranks. “People are like, ‘Oh, after Saturday it’s over,’” he told the Axios gathering.

    Nothing is over. There’s no level the other side won’t go. There’s no nonsense they won’t play. This is not in the bag. We have to keep our foot on the gas every second of the day until November.

    Don Jr welcomed the idea of Robert Kennedy Jr serving under Trump in a second term – “Maybe there’s a great place for him somewhere in an administration” – and described his own potential role in a presidential transition.

    All I want to do is block the guys that would be a disaster. I want to block the liars. I want to block the guys that are pretending they’re with you … You guys pick the guy that’s right. I want the veto power to cut out each and every one of those people.

    Asked by interviewer Mike Allen for his “least Trumpy” quality, Don Jr replied: “I don’t play golf.”

    Updated at 8.36pm BST

    8.31pm BST

    The Texas congresswoman Veronica Escobar, a co-chair of Biden’s campaign, said the president will tout his record during remarks at the UnidosUs conference in Las Vegas on Wednesday.

    Among Joe Biden ’s accomplishments, she said, was being the steward of record low unemployment for Latinos. Latinos are also starting businesses at a record pace. Meanwhile, she added, crime is down and wages are up.

    But polls have shown Donald Trump making inroads with Hispanic voters, particularly men. Escobar said the Biden campaign was pouring resources into reaching Latino voters, but that more was needed before November.

    Referencing the Heritage Foundation’s radical plan to reshape the federal government, she said:

    We’ve been talking to Latino communities, I’ve traveled the country to meet with Latino groups, to hear them out, to talk to them about the president’s positive vision for America and contrast that with the incredibly dark, terrifying vision that the Trump-Vance campaign has laid out through Project 2025.

    “There’s a lot of work we still have to do to make sure that Latino voters feel heard and that we inspire them to get to the polls,” she continued. “That’s the work that we have been doing and will continue to do on the Biden-Harris campaign.”

    Updated at 8.33pm BST

    8.30pm BST

    Immigration advocates are pre-empting what they anticipate will be a “dark and dystopian vision” on display during the second night of the Republican national convention, themed “Make America Safe Again.”

    The congresswoman Veronica Escobar , a co-chair of Biden’s re-election campaign, said she wanted to “sound the alarm” on Republicans’ escalating attacks on immigrants.

    As the Democratic congresswoman from El Paso, Texas, where five years ago a white supremecist targeted Latino shoppers at a Walmart in the city, killing 23 people, Escobar said she knows first hand how dangerous rhetoric can have deadly consequences. She told reporters on a call Tuesday:

    The incredibly dark vision that Donald Trump and his running mate and the Republican GOP have in store for America is a throwback to very, very dark days that we have seen in American history.

    She added that Republicans “want the American public to fear and loathe immigrants”.

    On the call, advocates warned that Republicans would likely twist the facts and repeat many of their false claims about immigration and crime. “Here’s what they won’t tell you,” Vanessa Cárdenas, executive director of America’s Voice, said.

    They will not tell you about the essential role that immigrants play in the Wisconsin economy and across the country. They won’t tell you about the fact that there is no correlation between crime and immigration. And they also won’t tell you that despite their anti-immigration crusade and the millions of political ads being spent this cycle on immigration, the support for citizenship is durable and consistent.

    The quote by Vanessa Cárdenas was amended.

    Updated at 10.09pm BST

    8.24pm BST

    Asked about whether the assassination attempt against Donald Trump would alter the Biden team’s messaging strategy moving forward, Biden campaign officials said that it would not.

    “The president and the vice-president have been very clear on their vision when it comes to the agenda that they want to put forward for Americans,” Quentin Fulks, Biden’s principal deputy campaign manager, said at the press conference in Milwaukee.

    And we’re going to continue to draw the contrast of what that work actually means and what it means for the lives of the American people.

    At a time when political violence has escalated to dangerous levels, the senator Cory Booker implored Americans to support a candidate who would help the country heal and unite.

    “In this moment in our democracy, please vote for decency and kindness and empathy and grace. Those are the best American values,” Booker said.

    The thing we really need in this country right now is patriotism. And patriotism is love of country, and you cannot love your country unless you truly love your countrymen and women – all of them.

    Updated at 8.26pm BST

    8.18pm BST

    A police officer has reportedly shot an individual while working in Milwaukee as part of the security efforts surrounding the Republican national convention.

    According to a Columbus Dispatch report , Brian Steel, president of the Fraternal Order of Police Capitol City Lodge No 9 , said details are limited but he was contacted about a possible shooting in Milwaukee involving a Columbus police officer.

    The shooting occurred near North 14th and West Vliet Streets outside the security perimeter for the convention, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, citing law enforcement sources.

    Updated at 8.21pm BST

    8.11pm BST

    Police officers have shot an individual near the Republican national convention in Milwaukee, according to the talkshow host Dan O’Donnell.

    More details to follow.

    Updated at 8.18pm BST

    8.06pm BST

    During their press conference in Milwaukee, Biden campaign officials also defended their decision to move forward with a virtual roll call vote to nominate the president before the party’s convention in August next month.

    The roll call plan was initially formulated to meet a ballot deadline of 7 August in Ohio, but state legislators passed a bill to address that concern. Still, campaign officials said they would continue with their plans, even as 19 congressional Democrats have publicly called on Biden to step aside.

    “We have moved forward,” said Quentin Fulks, Biden’s principal deputy campaign manager.

    We instituted this before they had a fix, and we’re going to continue on that path because we’re not going to leave it up to them to change the rules again.

    8.02pm BST

    Biden campaign officials held a press conference in Milwaukee this morning, where they attacked Donald Trump ’s policy proposals and his selection of JD Vance as a running mate.

    “Donald Trump’s Republican party will always choose big, greedy, anti-union extremists over the working men and women of America,” said Quentin Fulks, Biden’s principal deputy campaign manager.

    President Biden is the most pro-union, pro-worker president this nation has ever seen.

    Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey, who traveled to Milwaukee for the press conference, said Vance’s selection alarmed him given the Ohio senator’s past comments on the 2020 election.

    In an interview with ABC News in February, Vance argued that Congress should not have immediately certified Biden’s victory because of concerns about tainted results, even though Trump presented no substantive evidence of widespread election fraud.

    “Vice-President Pence did the right thing for our democracy,” Booker said.

    And now [Trump] has chosen a vice-president who said that he would not have done that. If he was the vice-president then, he would have marched our country perhaps into its worst constitutional crisis in my lifetime.

    Updated at 8.06pm BST

    7.59pm BST

    The congressman Ruben Gallego, who is running for a Senate seat in Arizona, has joined calls for the senator Bob Menendez to resign in the wake of his conviction on corruption charges.

    “Given today’s guilty verdict, it is clear that Senator Bob Menendez must do what is right and resign,” Gallego said in a statement. “His constituents and this country both deserve better.”

    Updated at 8.00pm BST

    7.32pm BST

    US received intel weeks ago about Iranian plot to assassinate Trump – report

    The United States received intelligence from a human source in recent weeks about an Iranian plot to try to assassinate the former president Donald Trump , CNN reported moments ago, citing people briefed on the matter.

    CNN reported that there was no indication that the 20-year-old who tried to assassinate Trump on Saturday was connected to the plot, the Reuters news agency reports.

    The cable news channel says there appears to be no connection between any such Iranian conspiracy and the attempted assassination of Trump at the weekend by a gunman in Pennsylvania.

    Updated at 7.49pm BST

    7.28pm BST

    Interim summary

    Hello, US politics and Republican national convention (RNC) watchers, it’s been a busy news morning and there’s much more in store this afternoon and evening, so stick with the blog to read about developments as they happen.

    Here’s where things stand:

    • Speakers due to address everyone at the RNC tonight in Milwaukee include late entrant Nikki Haley , the former US ambassador to the United Nations during the Trump administration and the Republican challenger who stayed in the primary contest against Donald Trump longer than any other rival, criticizing him assertively, until she had to cave and then of course threw her lot in with the former president. Also the House speaker, Mike Johnson, and Florida senator Marco Rubio , who was passed over to be the Republican vice-presidential nominee yesterday in favor of JD Vance .

    • The US senator Bob Menendez was found guilty in federal court in New York on all counts, in his federal corruption trial. The New Jersey Democrat, 70, had pleaded not guilty to 16 criminal charges including bribery, acting as a foreign agent and obstructing justice. He had refused to step down from the chamber during his case but after the verdict, Senate majority leader and New York Democrat Chuck Schumer and Menendez’s fellow New Jersey senator, Cory Booker , called on him to resign. Menendez said he would appeal the verdict, but the governor of New Jersey, Phil Murphy , a Democrat, said the Senate should vote to oust him if he doesn’t quit. Arizona congressman Ruben Gallego also called publicly for Menendez to resign.

    • The former first lady, Melania Trump, is expected to attend the Republican national convention on Thursday, when her husband, Donald Trump, will formally accept his party’s presidential nomination, NBC reported, citing a senior Trump campaign official. She hasn’t much been seen or heard from on the campaign trail or during Trump’s criminal trial in New York. But she issued a statement on Saturday after the former president was shot in an assassination attempt.

    • The Democratic National Committee (DNC) is quietly moving ahead with plans to formally nominate Joe Biden as the party’s presidential candidate weeks before the Democratic national convention next month, according to a report. Party chiefs are moving to kill off efforts to force Biden from the party’s presidential ticket by rushing ahead with plans for convention delegates to vote electronically in a week-long roll call starting in late July, Axios reported.

    • Vivek Ramaswamy, the biotech entrepreneur and former Republican presidential candidate, said he is interested in filling the Ohio Senate seat occupied by JD Vance , if the Trump-Vance ticket wins in the presidential election this November and Vance, a US senator from Ohio, has to relinquish his seat. He is a peer of Vance’s at Yale Law School.

    • The director of the US Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle , said that the attempted assassination of Donald Trump at a Pennsylvania campaign rally on Saturday was not acceptable adding that though “the buck stops with me”, she would not resign. “It was unacceptable,” Kimberly Cheatle told ABC News on yesterday evening. “And it’s something that shouldn’t happen again.”

    • Robert F Kennedy Jr , running for the White House as an independent candidate, has apologized to Donald Trump after footage of a private phone call between the two was leaked online. In the video of RJK Jr standing with his phone talking to Trump, the former president can be heard discussing the assassination attempt on him at the weekend. He described the bullet that grazed his ear as feeling like “the world’s largest mosquito”. Trump can also be heard criticizing vaccines, with RFK Jr being known as a vehement anti-vaxxer, and telling Kennedy that “we’re going to win” the election in November.

    • The Republican national convention ( RNC ) headed into its second day in Milwaukee, Wisconsin – now with Donald Trump as the party’s official presidential nominee and Ohio senator JD Vance as his running mate.

    Updated at 7.33pm BST

    7.10pm BST

    The New Jersey senator Cory Booker said that the need for his counterpart, Bob Menendez, to resign after being found guilty by the jury in a federal corruption case was urgent.

    Posting on X, Booker said “with this conviction, the urgency for Senator Menendez to step down and for the governor to appoint a replacement has even more urgency”.

    Phil Murphy, the governor of New Jersey, also a Democrat, will have the duty of appointing someone to fill Menendez’s seat if he resigns or is ousted from the Senate, as the seat would become vacant between elections.

    Updated at 7.19pm BST

    7.05pm BST

    Cory Booker joins chorus calling on Senator Menendez to resign

    New Jersey’s junior US senator, Cory Booker, moments ago joined other senior figures in calling on the state’s senior senator, Bob Menendez, to resign from Congress following his conviction in a federal corruption trial earlier today.

    Booker, a fellow Democrat, to whom Menendez was a mentor, posted a statement on X, formerly Twitter, calling it “a dark painful day for the people of New Jersey”.

    Booker had already called on Menendez to resign once, earlier in the legal process, to no avail, but with Tuesday’s overwhelming conviction on all 16 counts by a jury, Booker joined the Senate majority leader, Chuck Schumer, and the New Jersey governor, Phil Murphy, in issuing calls today for Menendez to step down.

    The junior senator said that Menendez had was afforded his due process rights and able to mount a full defense before a jury of his peers, but was convicted nonetheless.

    Updated at 7.07pm BST

    6.53pm BST

    The US senator Bob Menendez will appeal his conviction at trial on charges related to corruption, after being found guilty this morning in a federal court in New York.

    The New Jersey senator, 70, was convicted on 16 criminal charges including bribery, acting as a foreign agent and obstructing justice.

    The governor of New Jersey, the Democrat Phil Murphy, stated moments ago that if Menendez refuses to resign from his seat that the congressional chamber should vote to expel him, Reuters reported.

    Murphy had posted on X, formerly Twitter, that the verdict “demonstrates that the Senator broke the law, violated the trust of his constituents, and betrayed his oath of office. In America, everyone – no matter how powerful – is accountable to our laws.”

    Updated at 6.56pm BST

    6.23pm BST

    Schumer calls on Menendez to resign after conviction

    Chuck Schumer , the Senate majority leader, has called on Bob Menendez to resign after the Democratic senator from New York was convicted on all 16 criminal counts he faced including bribery at his corruption trial.

    Schumer, in a post to X, wrote:

    In light of this guilty verdict, Senator Menendez must now do what is right for his constituents, the Senate, and our country, and resign.

    Updated at 6.57pm BST

    6.16pm BST

    RNC speakers tonight include Haley, DeSantis, Rubio and Johnson

    Donald Trump ’s presidential primary opponents, the former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley and the Florida governor Ron DeSantis, are expected to speak at the Republican national convention today.

    Among those scheduled to speak on Tuesday are:

    • House speaker Mike Johnson

    • Former UN ambassador Nikki Haley

    • Florida governor Ron DeSantis

    • Florida senator Marco Rubio

    • Florida senator Rick Scott

    • Arkansas governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders

    • West Virginia governor Jim Justice

    • Louisiana congressman Steve Scalise

    • New York congresswoman Elise Stefanik

    • Minnesota congressman Tom Emmer

    • Entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy

    • Republican National Committee co-chair Lara Trump

    • Arizona Senate candidate Kari Lake

    • Ohio Senate candidate Bernie Moreno

    Updated at 6.19pm BST

    6.11pm BST

    I just spoke with one of the protesters, Caroline Smith , who is the executive director of the progressive anti-abortion uprising. They’re standing just outside an outdoor area where Republican attendees are having brunch.

    “There’s this fancy, rich neighborhood with a bunch of people in here discussing the road to 2024 just days, hours, after they have erased the lives of unborn people from their own platform,” she said.

    The GOP is supposed to be the pro-life party and they watered down, completely erased pre-born children from their platform.

    You can faintly hear the protest inside the hotel where the event is set to take place. So far I’ve seen the Republican congresswoman Elise Stefanik and the US Senate candidate Kari Lake here.

    Updated at 6.17pm BST

    6.05pm BST

    Senator Bob Menendez found guilty in federal corruption trial

    The senator Bob Menendez has been found guilty on all counts in his federal corruption trial.

    The New Jersey Democrat, 70, pleaded not guilty to 16 criminal charges including bribery, acting as a foreign agent and obstructing justice.

    Menendez denied accepting bribes – including gold bars, a luxury car and almost half a million dollars in cash – as he promoted Egypt’s interests in his influential role as chair of the Senate foreign relations committee.

    Menendez’s wife, Nadine Menendez, was also charged in the case, but her trial was postponed indefinitely after her breast cancer diagnosis.

    Updated at 6.18pm BST

    5.51pm BST

    The Biden campaign will resume political advertising this week, according to Reuters, days after it suspended ads following the attempted assassination of Donald Trump.

    The Democrats’ presidential campaign, already in disarray amid uncertainty over Biden’s fate after his calamitous debate performance, was plunged into further confusion after the shooting.

    They suspended a $50m advertising blitz and quickly pulled television attack ads, in moves consistent with Biden’s plea in a Sunday night speech from the White House to “lower the temperature in our politics”.

    The Biden campaign also told staff members to “refrain from issuing any comments on social media or in public” and to “pause any proactive campaign communication across all platforms and in all circumstances until we know more”, NBC reported .

    5.48pm BST

    Peter Navarro, the former Trump White House adviser who is currently in jail on contempt of Congress charges, is expected to speak at the Republican national convention after his release from prison.

    Navarro is due to finish his four-month sentence at the federal prison camp in Miami on Wednesday morning.

    According to CNN, Navarro’s fiancee plans to pick him up from prison and drive him to Miami airport, where a private plan provided by his book publisher will be waiting to take him to the convention in Milwaukee.

    Navarro was found guilty in September of contempt of Congress charges for refusing to cooperate with a congressional investigation into the 6 January 2021 attack.

    Updated at 5.50pm BST

    5.34pm BST

    Melania Trump to attend RNC on Thursday – report

    The former first lady Melania Trump is expected to attend the Republican national convention on Thursday, when Donald Trump will formally accept his party’s presidential nomination, NBC reported, citing a senior Trump campaign official.

    Updated at 6.44pm BST

    5.24pm BST

    I’ve just arrived at a hotel in downtown Milwaukee, where Chris LaCivita, one of Donald Trump’s campaign managers is set to speak shortly. Outside, a small group of anti-abortion protesters has gathered.

    Earlier this month, the RNC omitted a national abortion ban from its platform for the first time in 40 years.

    5.14pm BST

    Donald Trump and his running mate, Ohio senator JD Vance, are scheduled to appear in the hall of the Republican national convention every night, according to AP.

    Vance is expected to give his own speech on Wednesday night, and Trump will headline Thursday night’s closing evening.

    5.05pm BST

    JD Vance , a venture capitalist turned Ohio junior senator who rose to fame with his 2016 memoir Hillbilly Elegy, once said he “never liked Trump” and that he was “leading people in a very dark direction”.

    He has now been declared as Donald Trump ’s running mate ahead of the 2024 presidential election. So what changed?

    Here’s our video profile of Vance:

    Updated at 5.44pm BST

    4.48pm BST

    Democrats to push ahead with Biden nomination before convention

    The Democratic National Committee is quietly moving ahead with plans to formally nominate Joe Biden as the party’s presidential candidate weeks before the Democratic national convention next month, according to a report.

    Democratic bosses are moving to kill off efforts to force Biden from the party’s presidential ticket by rushing ahead with plans for convention delegates to vote electronically in a week-long roll call starting in late July, Axios reported .

    If a majority of the 4,000 delegates back Biden, it will make his candidacy technically unchallengeable when the convention starts on 19 August.

    The move comes while the rebellion triggered by last month’s debate fiasco – which prompted multiple calls from within the party for Biden to be replaced as the candidate – has stalled following Saturday’s failed assassination attempt on Donald Trump. Under the plan, the electronic vote would probably start on 29 July and end on 5 August, meaning Biden will in effect secure his candidacy if he can survive the mutiny for another two weeks.

    4.33pm BST

    Ramaswamy interested in filling Vance's Ohio Senate seat – report

    Vivek Ramaswamy, the biotech entrepreneur and former Republican presidential candidate, said he is interested in filling the Ohio Senate seat occupied by JD Vance.

    “I would strongly consider it if I were asked to serve,” Ramaswamy said about the Senate seat that would be vacated if Donald Trump is re-elected to the White House with Vance as his vice-president, the Hill reported. He added:

    I would also want to have a serious conversation with President Trump about the other ways I could have an impact on the country. My top passion is taking on the regulatory state.

    Ramaswamy, who was speaking in an interview with NBC News at the Republican national convention, said he had not discussed the issue yet with the Ohio governor, Mike DeWine , but noted: “I would strongly consider it if asked.”

    He added that he has also discussed with Trump the possibility of serving in a future cabinet, saying:

    We’ve talked about a lot of different possibilities, President Trump and I. I mean, we talk regularly. I spoke to him, actually most recently, it was after midnight on the night that he suffered that injury, tragedy, assassination attempt on Saturday night. So, we’ve talked about different ideas, potentially, in a cabinet or other ways of driving change.

    Updated at 4.43pm BST

    4.28pm BST

    Before Donald Trump chose JD Vance as his running mate, there was some speculation that the junior Ohio senator’s presence on the party’s presidential ticket might boost the Republican Bernie Moreno in his effort to unseat the Ohio senator Sherrod Brown, the Democratic incumbent.

    Republicans are bullish about winning the Senate, and the Ohio race is seen as one of their best opportunities to flip a seat.

    The race was already going to be a challenge for Brown, who will have to attract some of Trump’s supporters to defy the political headwinds in his state. Vance’s nomination is unlikely to change those dynamics, said Kyle Kondik of the Crystal Ball , which has rated the race a “toss up” . Kondik wrote in an email:

    Trump was already going to win [Ohio] and Vance has not been around all that long and didn’t perform all that well in his 2022 race relative to other Republicans.

    He noted that Vance, author of Hillbilly Elegy, faced a stronger Democratic opponent in the former Ohio congressman Tim Ryan than other Republicans running in the midterm cycle, but nevertheless was not viewed as an influential political force in the state.

    Ohio, once a perennial presidential battleground, is now seen as safely Republican. Brown has managed to defy the trend, winning a tough re-election race in 2018. The Democrat’s team is squarely focused on Moreno and is not adjusting strategy in any way as a result of Vance’s nomination.

    Kondik, who authored The Bellwether, an analysis of Ohio’s presidential voting history, said, contrary to popular perception, running mates rarely deliver a home state boost to anymore.

    The last major party vice-presidential candidate to hail from Ohio, John Bricker, may have helped Republican presidential nominee Thomas Dewey clinch the state, Kondik said. But that was in 1944, and he ultimately lost the election to the incumbent, Franklin Roosevelt .

    Updated at 10.10pm BST

    4.22pm BST

    Adam Schiff, a California Democrat running for Senate, warned donors in a private meeting on Saturday that his party was likely to suffer overwhelming losses if Joe Biden remained at the top of the ticket, according to a report.

    “I think if he is our nominee, I think we lose,” Schiff said during the meeting, the New York Times reported.

    And we may very, very well lose the Senate and lose our chance to take back the House.

    Schiff also said during the fundraiser held on Saturday in East Hampton, New York, that Biden and his campaign staff had been generally unwilling to engage the views of outside pollsters and political experts, the report said.

    At least one donor who attended the event said he left dejected, believing that Biden’s chances of winning were now slim and that they should focus on giving their time and money to down-ballot candidates in the hopes of salvaging something for the Democratic party, it said.

    Updated at 4.25pm BST

    4.15pm BST

    Secret Service director says ‘the buck stops with me’ after Trump rally shooting

    The attempted assassination of Donald Trump at a Pennsylvania rally on Saturday was “unacceptable”, the director of the US Secret Service said, adding that though “the buck stops with me”, she would not resign.

    “It was unacceptable,” Kimberly Cheatle told ABC News on Monday. “And it’s something that shouldn’t happen again.”

    Cheatle told ABC in her interview:

    It was obviously a situation that as a Secret Service agent, no one ever wants to occur in their career. The buck stops with me. I am the director of the Secret Service, and I need to make sure that we are performing a review and that we are giving resources to our personnel as necessary.

    She would not resign, she said.

    A former agent, Cheatle was appointed by Joe Biden in 2022 as the 27th director of the Secret Service and the second woman in the role. Some Republicans calling for her to quit have said her appointment was a result of policies meant to increase diversity.

    The Republican-run House oversight committee has called Cheatle to testify next Monday, 22 July. The committee chair, James Comer of Kentucky, said :

    The United States Secret Service has a no-fail mission, yet it failed on Saturday when a madman attempted to assassinate president Trump, killed an innocent victim, and harmed others. Americans demand answers from Director Kimberly Cheatle.

    Cheatle has said she will “work with the appropriate congressional committees on any oversight action” and “participate fully” in an independent review announced by Biden.

    4.05pm BST

    Jack Black has put his rock duo Tenacious D on hold following an onstage comment made by his bandmate Kyle Gass, which seemed to support the assassination of Donald Trump.

    Gass was celebrating his birthday during a concert in Sydney on Sunday, with a cake presented to him on stage. Black told Gass to make a wish as he blew out the candles, and Gass responded, to audience laughter, “Don’t miss Trump next time” – a reference to the failed assassination attempt by 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks at a Trump rally the previous day.

    Black continued with the concert following Gass’s comments, but has now put out a statement:

    I was blindsided by what was said at the show on Sunday. I would never condone hate speech or encourage political violence in any form. After much reflection, I no longer feel it is appropriate to continue the Tenacious D tour, and all future creative plans are on hold. I am grateful to the fans for their support and understanding.

    Tenacious D had been due to perform four more dates across Australia before travelling to New Zealand.

    3.57pm BST

    Senior figures in Britain’s Labour party have rejected comments by Donald Trump’s vice-presidential pick, JD Vance, that the UK could become the first “truly Islamist country that will get a nuclear weapon” under the party.

    Angela Rayner, the deputy prime minister, told ITV that Vance had said “quite a lot of fruity things in the past” and she looked forward to meeting him and Donald Trump if they won the US election in November.

    “I don’t recognise that characterisation. I’m very proud of the election success that Labour had recently,” she said.

    We won votes across all different communities, across the whole of the country, and we’re interested in governing on behalf of Britain and also working with our international allies.

    The jibe is likely to be embarrassing for the UK’s foreign secretary, David Lammy , who has attempted to build bridges with Vance in recent months, comparing their impoverished childhoods. Lammy described Vance as a friend in a short speech he gave at the Hudson Institute in May when he was in opposition.

    Vance was speaking at the National Conservatism conference last week, where he said:

    I have to beat up on the UK – just one additional thing. I was talking with a friend recently and we were talking about, you know, one of the big dangers in the world, of course, is nuclear proliferation, though, of course, the Biden administration doesn’t care about it. And I was talking about, you know, what is the first truly Islamist country that will get a nuclear weapon, and we were like, maybe it’s Iran, you know, maybe Pakistan already kind of counts, and then we sort of finally decided maybe it’s actually the UK, since Labour just took over.

    3.53pm BST

    Who is JD Vance, Trump’s vice-presidential pick?

    The announcement of JD Vance as Donald Trump ’s running mate in the presidential race on Monday marked the culmination of Vance’s stunning political evolution over the past several years.

    Vance was once an outspoken critic of Trump, mocking him as “America’s Hitler” and “a total fraud”. But Vance came to embrace Trump as he sought a Senate seat in 2022, and he eventually won the former president’s endorsement in a crowded Republican primary.

    “He’s the guy that said some bad shit about me,” Trump said at a rally in 2022. “If I went by that standard, I don’t think I would have ever endorsed anybody in the country.” Vance echoed that assessment, telling rally-goers:

    The president is right. I wasn’t always nice, but the simple fact is, he’s the best president of my lifetime, and he revealed the corruption in this country like nobody else.

    Vance first rose to fame in 2016 following the publication of Hillbilly Elegy , which detailed his upbringing in south-western Ohio and his later ascension to Yale law school. The book was later adapted into a 2020 film starring Glenn Close and Amy Adams.

    In the months following Trump’s victory in the 2016 presidential election, Vance’s account of his family’s experiences with poverty and drug addiction came to be viewed by some critics as a revealing portrait into the lives of Americans who helped determine the outcome of the election.

    Read our full profile of JD Vance.

    Related: Who is JD Vance, Trump’s vice-presidential pick?

    Updated at 3.56pm BST

    3.42pm BST

    The Democratic National Committee has released its first media campaign since Donald Trump’ s naming of the Ohio senator JD Vance as his running mate, according to the Hill’s Julia Manchester.

    The DNC issued a statement on Monday that described Vance as having “championed and enabled Trump’s worst policies for years”, adding that he “embodies Maga – with an out-of-touch extreme agenda and plans to help Trump force his Project 2025 agenda on the American people”.

    Let’s be clear: A Trump-Vance ticket would undermine our democracy, our freedoms, and our future.

    Updated at 3.44pm BST

    3.34pm BST

    Here are some of the defining images from day one of the Republican national convention.

    Updated at 3.38pm BST

    3.18pm BST

    RFK Jr apologizes to Trump for leaked video of their private call

    Robert F Kennedy Jr has apologized to Donald Trump after footage of a private call between the two was leaked online.

    In the video, Trump can be heard discussing the assassination attempt on him on Saturday to Kennedy Jr and describing the bullet that grazed his ear as feeling like “the world’s largest mosquito”.

    The former president can also be heard criticizing vaccines and telling Kennedy that “we’re going to win”.

    Kennedy, in a post to X this morning, said he was “mortified” about the leak and said he wanted to “apologize to the president”, referring to former president Donald Trump.

    Related: RFK Jr apologises after leaked phone call in which Trump seems to offer deal

    Updated at 5.12pm BST

    3.10pm BST

    Donald Trump met with the independent presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr on Monday in Milwaukee, just hours before Trump was officially named the Republican party’s presidential nominee.

    The Kennedy campaign confirmed the meeting after reports that Kennedy was planning to drop out of the race and possible endorse Trump, the New York Times reported . The report cites Stefanie Spear, a spokesperson for the Kennedy campaign:

    Yes, Mr. Kennedy met with President Trump today to discuss national unity, and he hopes to meet with leaders of the Democratic Party as well. And no, he is not dropping out of the race.

    She added:

    He is the only pro-environment, pro-choice, antiwar candidate who beats Donald Trump in head-to-head polls.

    The meeting was brokered by former Fox News host Tucker Carlson, according to the report.

    2.51pm BST

    As the Republican national convention kicked off in Milwaukee on Monday, about a thousand people led a spirited demonstration against Donald Trump and his party on the streets outside.

    The March on the RNC gathered in a park a couple of blocks from the Fiserv Forum, where Trump was formally nominated at the Republican candidate for president.

    Armed with pro-Palestinian flags, anti-Trump posters and even a ventriloquist’s puppet of Trump, the coalition of progressive groups marched through downtown Milwaukee, stopping traffic and chanting “Free Palestine” as they walked.

    The group had begun proceedings with a rally at Red Arrow park, where Omar Flores, co-chair of the Coalition to March on the RNC, was among the speakers. Flores told the Guardian:

    Today is about telling the Republicans that they’re not welcome in our city, they’re not welcome anywhere and anywhere they show up, we’re going to show the opposition to their ideas.

    Related: ‘Not welcome in our city’: protesters march on Republican convention

    Updated at 2.56pm BST

    2.47pm BST

    The Milwaukee mayor, Cavalier Johnson, said demonstrations that took place outside the Republican national convention yesterday proceeded “without any major problem”.

    Two arrests were made on Monday, Johnson said, AP reported. One when someone tried to climb a fence into a restricted area and a second arrest when a demonstrator was blocking traffic and did not move when officers repeatedly asked her to do so. Johnson said:

    No one was hurt and there was no significant property damage that was reported as a result of these demonstrations.

    Updated at 2.49pm BST

    2.39pm BST

    Joe Biden was pressed, during his interview with NBC Nightly News anchor Lester Holt on Monday, on whether he had done any “soul-searching” about whether his language could “incite people who are not balanced”. Biden said:

    Look. How do you talk about the threat to democracy, which is real, when the president says things like he says? Do you just not say anything because you might incite somebody?

    Look. I have not engaged in that rhetoric. Now, my opponent has engaged in that rhetoric. He talks about there will be a bloodbath if he loses, talking about how he’s going to forgive all the … actually, I guess suspend the sentence of all that were arrested and sentenced to go jail because of what happened at the Capitol. I’m not out there making fun of … like, remember the picture of Donald Trump when Nancy Pelosi’s husband was hit with a hammer, talking about it? Joking about it?

    Biden suggested that Donald Trump ’s apparent forgiveness of January 6 rioters was also an incitement to violence.

    When you say that there’s nothing wrong with going to the Capitol … putting up a noose for the former vice-president, and then you say you’re going to forgive people for that?

    Updated at 2.41pm BST

    2.30pm BST

    Joe Biden has addressed his previous comments about putting Donald Trump “in the bullseye”, saying he thinks there needs to be more focus on the former president’s agenda.

    During a high-stakes conversation at the White House with NBC Nightly News anchor Lester Holt on Monday, Biden was asked about the language he had used to describe Trump – as an “existential threat”, and, on a call with Democratic donors, that “it’s time to put Trump in the bullseye” – and the consequences for the election of the attempted assassination of his opponent two days ago in Pennsylvania. Biden said:

    I didn’t say crosshairs. I was talking about ‘focus on’. The truth of the matter was, I guess what I was talking about at the time was, there was very little focus on Trump’s agenda.

    “The term was ‘bullseye’,” Holt said. Biden replied:

    It was a mistake to use the word. I didn’t mean … I didn’t say crosshairs. I meant bullseye … I meant focus on it. Focus on what he’s doing. Focus on his policies. Focus on the number of lies he told in the debate.

    Biden fumbled somewhat during the answer, leaving it unclear whether he was apologizing for telling donors to put Trump in a bullseye or whether he was correcting himself after using the word “crosshairs” instead of “bullseye”.

    Updated at 2.33pm BST

    2.26pm BST

    Liz Cheney, the former Republican congresswoman and co-chair of the House January 6 committee, has issued a warning about Donald Trump ’s running mate, the Ohio senator JD Vance.

    Vance has “pledged he would do what Mike Pence wouldn’t – overturn an election and illegally seize power”, Cheney wrote in a post to X this morning. “He says the president can ignore the rulings of our courts.”

    He would capitulate to Russia and sacrifice the freedom of our allies in Ukraine. The Trump GOP is no longer the party of Lincoln, Reagan or the Constitution.

    Updated at 2.34pm BST

    2.14pm BST

    Key takeaways from day one of the RNC

    Just two days after a gunman targeted a Trump campaign rally in Pennsylvania, leaving the candidate grazed by a bullet and one of his supporters dead, the Republican national convention kicked off in Milwaukee in a strikingly normal fashion.

    Donald Trump , who made his first public appearance but did not yet address the convention, has now been officially nominated as the Republican presidential candidate. Here are key takeaways from the day:

    1. As VP, Trump picks JD Vance, Hillbilly Elegy author who once called him ‘America’s Hitler’: For his vice-president, Trump chose 39-year-old JD Vance, a bestselling author who swiftly transformed himself from a self-described “never Trumper” to a Trump loyalist.

    2. Trump makes his first public appearance since surviving a shooting attack in Pennsylvania: Donald Trump looked unusually somber as he emerged from backstage and joined his sons, and his new vice-presidential pick, JD Vance, in a VIP section of the convention hall audience.

    3. Post-shooting speeches focus on Trump’s relationship with God, not blaming Biden: Amid multiple media reports that Trump wanted to strike a note of unity after what he saw as his own miraculous escape from death, Axios reported that “Trump ordered aides not to allow the convention’s prime-time speakers to update their remarks to dial up outrage over the shooting.”

    4. Teamsters president Sean O’Brien praises Trump’s toughness in defiant pro-labor speech: One of the most prominent labor union leaders in the US brought a fiercely anti-corporate message into the heart of the GOP convention, where he wove together a denunciation of corporate power with praise of Trump’s willingness to hear from alternate voices.

    5. Elon Musk is reportedly discussing major donations to a pro-Trump Super Pac: Trump’s choice of former venture capitalist and Peter Thiel protege JD Vance as his vice-presidential nominee already strengthened the link between the 2024 Trump campaign and Silicon Valley.

    Read full story: Trump’s arrival and ‘our God saves’: key takeaways from day one of the RNC

    Related: Trump’s arrival and ‘our God saves’: key takeaways from day one of the RNC

    2.05pm BST

    RNC enters second day after Trump's first appearance since shooting

    Good morning US politics readers. The Republican national convention heads into its second day in Milwaukee, Wisconsin – now with Donald Trump as its official presidential nominee and Ohio senator JD Vance as his running mate.

    Republicans will be looking to keep party members’ energy high on Tuesday after an eventful day, during which the former president made a surprise appearance at Fiserv Forum with a bandage over his injured ear, his first since the assassination attempt against him on Saturday. Trump is expected to give his nomination acceptance speech on Thursday, while Vance is expected to take the stage on Wednesday night.

    The theme for the convention today is “Make America Safe Once Again”, with speakers expected to focus on immigration and border security. Among those we’re expecting to hear from is Nikki Haley, Trump’s former primary rival.

    Here’s what else we’re watching:

    • The Democratic National Committee are moving quickly to confirm Joe Biden as his party’s presidential nominee by the end of July, weeks before the Democratic national convention next month, according to reports.

    • Joe Biden wants to curb rent increases by penalizing landlords who hike rents beyond 5% each year, but he needs the help of Congress to put the plan into action.

    • The House oversight committee will receive a briefing from the Secret Service about the attempted assassination of Donald Trump.

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