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    Tennessee House District 96 Democratic primary: Read our Q & A with candidates

    By Brooke Muckerman, Memphis Commercial Appeal,

    6 hours ago

    Early voting for the primary State and Federal Primary for Tennessee begins Friday with multiple contested primary elections. Five Democrats will be vying for the Tennessee House District 96.

    Incumbent Dwayne Thompson is not seeking reelection.

    No Republicans or Independents qualified for the August or November ballots. Whoever wins the Democratic primary will represent District 96 in the Tennessee House.

    The Commercial Appeal reached out to all five Democratic candidates and asked a series of questions to inform voters. Candidate responses have been put in the order they will appear on the ballot.

    Some responses have been edited for length, formatting and clarity.

    Eric Dunn

    Q: What is your background and any experience relevant to this elected office?

    A: As a native Memphian and a dedicated community member, I bring a diverse and robust set of experiences to this role. For the past nine years, I have been deeply involved in the field of education. I have served as the board chair of the Tennessee Bone Marrow Foundation and BioThinker, working to improve health education and awareness in our community. Additionally, my involvement with the Smokey City/Klondike Community Development Corporation has allowed me to contribute to various initiatives aimed at enhancing the quality of life in our neighborhoods.

    As the youngest leader of the Shelby County Democratic Party, I have demonstrated my ability to engage and mobilize our community, working collaboratively to address the issues that matter most to our constituents. This role has provided me with invaluable insights into the legislative process and the importance of grassroots activism...As a father of two, I am deeply committed to creating a better future for our children. My extensive experience in education, community engagement, and public service has equipped me with the knowledge and passion needed to effectively represent District 96. I am dedicated to working tirelessly to improve our schools, strengthen our communities, and ensure the safety and prosperity of all our residents.

    Q: Why are you running for this position?

    A: I decided to run for the position of Tennessee State Representative for District 96 because I believe in the power of dedicated, community-focused leadership to drive meaningful change. My journey over the past nine years in education, community service, and public advocacy has provided me with a profound understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing our district. I am running for this position because I believe that strong, effective leadership can make a difference. I am eager to bring my passion, experience, and dedication to the role of Tennessee State Representative for District 96 and to work collaboratively with our community to create positive and lasting change.

    Q: What issues are the most important to your constituents?

    A: The issues most important to my constituents in District 96 encompass a range of concerns, from environmental justice and public safety to education. Addressing these key areas is essential for improving the quality of life for all residents.

    Environmental Justice:One of the most pressing issues for our community is environmental justice, particularly air and soil pollution resulting from the disproportionate number of chemical plants in North Memphis. These plants have contributed to significant health risks, including respiratory issues and other chronic conditions, affecting our residents' well-being. I am committed to advocating for stricter environmental regulations, enhanced monitoring of pollution levels, and ensuring that chemical plants comply with these standards. Additionally, I will push for initiatives to clean up contaminated sites and invest in green infrastructure projects that can help mitigate pollution and promote a healthier environment for our community.

    Crime and Public Safety:Crime is another critical issue that deeply impacts our community. Ensuring the safety of our residents is paramount. To address this, I support implementing comprehensive community policing strategies that build trust between law enforcement and residents. Additionally, I advocate for investing in preventive measures, such as youth engagement programs, mental health services, and support for families in crisis. By tackling the root causes of crime and providing our young people with positive opportunities and support, we can create a safer and more secure community.

    Education:Education is the foundation of our community's future. As someone deeply involved in the education sector for the past nine years, I understand the challenges our schools face. It is crucial to ensure that our schools are adequately funded, our teachers are supported, and our students have access to the resources they need to succeed. I will fight for increased state funding for our schools, advocate for smaller class sizes, and support initiatives that provide teachers with professional development opportunities. Additionally, I believe in the importance of fostering strong community partnerships with our schools to create a supportive and enriching educational environment for our children.

    By addressing these key issues—environmental justice, crime, and education—we can work towards creating a healthier, safer, and more prosperous District 96. I am committed to listening to the concerns of my constituents and working tirelessly to advocate for the changes that will make a positive and lasting impact on our community.

    Q: How will you work to address the major issues impacting your constituents?

    A: My approach will be comprehensive, collaborative, and community-focused, targeting the critical areas of environmental justice, crime, and education.

    Environmental Justice:

    1. Stricter Environmental Regulations: I will advocate for stronger environmental regulations to reduce air and soil pollution caused by the chemical plants in North Memphis. This includes pushing for more stringent emissions standards and ensuring regular inspections and compliance checks for these facilities.
    2. Pollution Monitoring and Cleanup: I will work to secure funding for enhanced monitoring of pollution levels and support initiatives to clean up contaminated sites. This includes collaborating with environmental agencies and leveraging state and federal resources to address these issues effectively.
    3. Green Infrastructure and Renewable Energy: Promoting green infrastructure projects and renewable energy solutions is essential for long-term environmental sustainability. I will advocate for investments in green spaces, tree planting, and renewable energy sources to reduce pollution and improve the overall quality of our environment.

    Crime and Public Safety:

    1. Community Policing: Building trust between law enforcement and the community is crucial. I will support comprehensive community policing strategies that focus on collaboration, transparency, and accountability, ensuring that our law enforcement officers are partners in keeping our neighborhoods safe.
    2. Youth Engagement Programs: Preventing crime starts with providing positive opportunities for our young people. I will advocate for increased funding and support for youth engagement programs, after-school activities, and mentorship initiatives that help steer our youth away from criminal activities and towards productive futures.
    3. Mental Health and Family Support Services: Addressing the root causes of crime involves providing support to families in crisis and individuals facing mental health challenges. I will work to expand access to mental health services and social support programs, ensuring that those in need receive the help and resources necessary to prevent crime and promote community well-being.


    1. Increased Funding for Schools: I will fight for increased state funding for our schools to ensure they have the resources needed to provide a high-quality education. This includes advocating for equitable funding distribution to address disparities and ensure all students have access to quality education.
    2. Support for Teachers: Our teachers are the backbone of our educational system. I will advocate for better pay, professional development opportunities, and resources for teachers to help them succeed in their crucial roles.
    3. Community Partnerships: Building strong partnerships between schools and the community is essential for creating a supportive educational environment. I will work to foster collaboration between local businesses, community organizations, and schools to provide additional resources, mentorship, and support for our students.

    Collaborative Approach:

    To effectively address these issues, I believe in a collaborative approach that involves listening to the concerns of my constituents, working closely with community leaders, and partnering with local, state, and federal agencies. I will establish regular town hall meetings, create advisory committees, and maintain open lines of communication to ensure that the voices of District 96 residents are heard and their needs are met.

    By focusing on these key areas and taking a proactive, collaborative approach, I am committed to addressing the major issues impacting our constituents and working towards a healthier, safer, and more prosperous District 96.

    Q: What would three of your top priorities be for your district if elected?

    A: If elected as the Tennessee State Representative for District 96, three of my top priorities will be addressing environmental justice, enhancing public safety, and improving education. These areas are critical for the well-being and prosperity of our community.

    1. Environmental Health: Advocate for stricter pollution controls and cleanup initiatives to address the environmental impact of chemical plants, ensuring a healthier community.

    2. Public Safety: Implement community policing strategies and expand youth programs and mental health services to reduce crime and support at-risk individuals and families.

    3. Education Improvement: Secure equitable funding for schools, enhance teacher support, and build strong community partnerships to improve educational outcomes and opportunities for all students.

    Telisa Franklin

    Q: What is your background and any experience relevant to this elected office?

    A: Dr. Telisa Franklin possesses a rich and multifaceted background that uniquely qualifies her for elected office, particularly within the education sector and community leadership roles. Dr. Franklin holds a Ph.D. in counseling, which provides her with a deep understanding of human development, psychology, and educational dynamics. With over 20 years of experience as an entrepreneur, Dr. Franklin has demonstrated her leadership and management skills in various business ventures. Her role as president of the Memphis Juneteenth Festival underscores her commitment to community service, cultural celebration, and educational outreach.

    Dr. Franklin's tenure as a community relations manager in the corporate sector has equipped her with strategic planning abilities, stakeholder engagement skills, and a practical understanding of how to navigate and advocate within institutional frameworks...As an Emmy-nominated voiceover artist, Dr. Franklin has used her talents to shape cultural narratives and deliver positive messages to a broad audience...Throughout her career, Dr. Franklin has consistently aimed to empower individuals and communities. Her contributions have left a lasting impact, emphasizing inclusivity, diversity, and the importance of community cohesion.

    In summary, Dr. Telisa Franklin's extensive background in counseling, entrepreneurship, corporate community relations, and the arts, coupled with her leadership in community organizations like the Memphis Juneteenth Festival, uniquely position her to contribute effectively to elected office. Her blend of academic expertise, practical experience, and commitment to community service ensures she is well-prepared to make a positive and enduring impact in her elected role.

    Q: Why are you running for this position?

    A: Dr. Telisa Franklin's decision to run for this position is rooted in her deep understanding of District 96's diverse needs, opportunities, and challenges. Here are some key reasons why she is seeking to represent her community:

    1. **Community Insight**: Having been a resident of District 96, Dr. Franklin possesses firsthand knowledge of the district's dynamics, demographics, and unique needs. This intimate understanding allows her to effectively advocate for policies and initiatives that address the specific challenges faced by the community.

    2. **Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion**: District 96 is diverse, with a range of cultural, socioeconomic, and educational backgrounds. Dr. Franklin is committed to ensuring that all voices are heard and represented, fostering inclusivity and equity across the district.

    3. **Experience and Expertise**: With over 20 years as an entrepreneur, corporate community relations manager, and president of the Memphis Juneteenth Festival, Dr. Franklin brings a wealth of experience in leadership, community engagement, and strategic planning. This background equips her to navigate complex issues and collaborate effectively with stakeholders to achieve positive outcomes for the community.

    4. **Vision for Community Development**: Dr. Franklin aims to leverage her experience and skills to promote community development, economic growth, and educational excellence within District 96. Her vision is centered on empowering individuals and fostering a supportive environment where all residents can thrive.

    5. **Legacy of Service**: Dr. Franklin's contributions to the community through cultural events, educational initiatives, and advocacy demonstrate her long-standing commitment to making a meaningful difference in people's lives. She seeks to continue this legacy of service by representing District 96 with integrity, dedication, and a focus on the overall well-being of the community.

    In essence, Dr. Telisa Franklin is running for this position because she believes her background, experience, and dedication uniquely qualify her to understand and address the diverse needs of District 96, ultimately working towards the community's collective benefit and prosperity.

    Q: What issues are the most important to your constituents?

    A: The issues of safety, health, education, and economics are indeed important to many constituents. Safety concerns usually encompass crime prevention, emergency preparedness, and community policing.

    Q: How will you work to address the major issues impacting your constituents?

    A: Dr. Telisa Franklin is committed to addressing the major issues impacting her constituents in District 96 through a proactive and collaborative approach. Here’s how she plans to tackle these challenges:

    1. **Community Engagement and Listening**: Dr. Franklin will prioritize engaging directly with constituents through town hall meetings, community forums, and regular outreach efforts. By listening to their concerns and understanding their perspectives, she can accurately represent their needs and priorities.

    2. **Education and Youth Development**: Recognizing the importance of education as a foundation for community growth, Dr. Franklin will advocate for increased funding for schools, support for teachers, and initiatives that enhance educational opportunities for all students. She will work to ensure that schools in District 96 have the resources they need to provide quality education and prepare students for success.

    3. **Economic Development and Job Creation**: Dr. Franklin will collaborate with local businesses, chambers of commerce, and economic development agencies to promote job creation, attract new businesses, and support existing enterprises. She will advocate for policies that foster economic growth, entrepreneurship, and job training programs to uplift the local economy.

    4. **Healthcare Access and Affordability**: Addressing healthcare disparities and ensuring access to affordable healthcare services will be a priority for Dr. Franklin. She will work to expand healthcare coverage, support community health centers, and advocate for initiatives that improve healthcare outcomes for residents of District 96.

    5. **Infrastructure and Public Safety**: Dr. Franklin will prioritize infrastructure investments, including transportation, utilities, and public facilities, to enhance the quality of life for residents. She will collaborate with local authorities and community organizations to address public safety concerns and implement effective crime prevention strategies.

    6. **Cultural and Community Enrichment**: Building on her experience with cultural events and community engagement, Dr. Franklin will promote initiatives that celebrate diversity, support local arts and culture, and strengthen community bonds. These efforts will contribute to a vibrant and inclusive community environment.

    7. **Environmental Sustainability**: Recognizing the importance of environmental stewardship, Dr. Franklin will support initiatives that promote clean energy, conservation efforts, and sustainable practices within District 96. She will advocate for policies that protect natural resources and enhance the overall environmental quality of the community. Overall, Dr. Telisa Franklin’s approach to addressing major issues impacting her constituents will be comprehensive, inclusive, and focused on collaboration with stakeholders. By listening to the community, advocating for their needs, and implementing effective policies and programs, she aims to make a positive and lasting impact on District 96.

    Q: What would three of your top priorities be for your district if elected?

    A: YOUR SAFETY IS #1. Living in unsafe neighborhoods is totally unacceptable. You and your family's safety is my number 1 priority. Our goal is to make our communities safe and supporting our law enforcement and other community safety advocates in making our neighborhoods better.

    PUTTING MONEY BACK IN YOUR HOUSEHOLD. Our goal is to reduce your taxes, fight for high paying jobs, fight for small businesses. I am pro-labor and pro-working class people.

    EDUCATION. Tennessee ranks among the bottom in investments in education. We will fight to increase teacher salaries. We will fight to keep local control of education.

    Gabby Salinas

    Q: What is your background and any experience relevant to this elected office?

    A: I bring a different perspective to the table; not only as a pharmaceutical scientist but also as a cancer survivor and immigrant. My lived experience informs my platform and what I fight for, I have lived the impact of poor legislation. Beyond my lived experience and professional qualifications, I have a strong background in leadership and public service, having served as Chair of the Democratic Party and leading our party to historic wins in Shelby County.

    Additionally, I have served as a board member of Alliance Healthcare Services and Planned Parenthood of TN and North Mississippi, where I've honed my skills in governance and decision-making and gained a deeper understanding of our community's needs and challenges. My diverse background equips me with the knowledge and perspective needed to effectively represent our constituents and address the critical issues facing our state.

    Q: Why are you running for this position?

    A: I am running for this position because Tennessee has given so much to me and my family over the years, and I believe it's my duty to take care of the community that took care of me. Now is my turn to give back. I am committed to addressing the challenges we face and working tirelessly to improve the lives of all residents in our state. I want to make sure people don’t have to pick between paying for food or their life saving medication. I want to make sure every child has the ability to have a fully funded public education and that all families feel welcomed.

    Q: What issues are the most important to your constituents?

    A: Our campaign is centered around listening to the needs of District 96 residents. We have knocked on over 5,000 doors and have had many meaningful conversations. The most important issues for constituents are public safety, education, fair wages, healthcare, and housing.

    Q: How will you work to address the major issues impacting your constituents?

    A: I would like to focus on the intersection of district concerns and bipartisan support. The recent permit-less carry law has disproportionately impacted Shelby County and our safety. Gun permitting has the support of law enforcement across the state and the support of the majority of gun sellers. Restoring gun permitting would go a long way towards helping us curb the rise in gun violence we are experiencing. Gun permitting is the bare minimum we can do, I would also work to pass a “temporary transfer” law (also known as red-flag laws) and universal background checks.

    On the education front, we need to move beyond fighting the dangers of vouchers. Yes, voucher expansion will be back on the legislative agenda and yes we need to once again defeat it but that is not enough. I would like to see larger investments in community schools. We have models of successful community schools here in TN. We can expand those efforts into every community. Increasing the minimum wage to keep up with inflation and passing Medicaid expansion are impactful ways to relieve major stressors facing District 96 residents.

    Q: What would three of your top priorities be for your district if elected?

    A: Ensuring our communities are safe, improving access to quality healthcare, and strengthening our public education system are fundamental to our district's future prosperity and well-being.

    Orrden Williams

    Q: What is your background and any experience relevant to this elected office?

    A: I've been running (for) the office of State Representative since 2014. I have studied TN State legislation ever since I started running. I have focused my attention on the environment committees.

    Q: Why are you running for this position?

    A: I believe I am the most qualified candidate, because I am the most informed candidate. I am a man of the people.

    Q: What issues are the most important to your constituents?

    A: Crime. Protecting the Greenway trails in the Vollentine-Evergreen community.

    Q: How will you work to address the major issues impacting your constituents?

    A: I know the streets and what's going on. Stopping crime is not as hard as it seems. You have to address from community position. We had to invest in neighborhood watches and start community programs that focus on crime

    Q: What would three of your top priorities be for your district if elected?

    A: Controlling crime through curfew policies. Creating opportunities for kids giving the alternatives to crime. Investing in environmental programs to continue to enhance the beauty of our city.

    David Winston

    Q: What is your background and any experience relevant to this elected office?

    A: I have never held a public office, but I have participated in numerous leadership programs. I am a graduate of both the Memphis Leadership program and the Delta Leadership Institute, with a background as a teenage actor in Hollywood, a television producer, a business founder, and a former educator for young people across the Mid-South region.

    Q: Why are you running for this position?

    A: My candidacy is driven by the recognition that Memphis has faced a deficit in effective leadership and meaningful solutions for far too long—15 years, to be precise. As opportunities for our young people to engage in constructive activities dwindle, it becomes increasingly clear that they deserve political leaders who offer not just a hopeful vision, but tangible alternatives.

    It's time for fresh leadership that can provide clear and determined guidance, shaping a future that will benefit the upcoming generation and ensure the prosperity of Memphis and Shelby County for the years to come.

    Q: What issues are the most important to your constituents?

    A: In everyday conversations with my constituents the issue of safety arises constantly. Curbing crime and securing neighborhoods are priorities. Educational access for all to sustain a future employable workforce is crucial to our future. Infrastructure dealing with bumpy and patchy roads affect the ability of constituent’s cars to remain out of the repair shop. Certain Cordova areas do not have sidewalks for pedestrians and students to travel on due to the lack of two-lane streets that were designed not for the expanding population within the area in the last ten years.

    Q: How will you work to address the major issues impacting your constituents?

    A: In order to bring emphasis to District 96 a representative must be a great negotiator with the other members of the House. My constituents want safety, their freedom and educational opportunities for their families. I will engage with my constituents through town halls, surveys, and community meetings to understand their concerns and priorities. I will draft and introduce bills that address the critical issues identified. Collaborate with advocates and other stakeholders to craft effective legislation.

    I will keep my constituents informed about my efforts and the progress of relevant legislation. Use social media, newsletters, and local media to maintain transparency. I plan to ensure that my office is responsive to constituent inquiries and issues. I will cultivate meaningful partnerships with fellow lawmakers, decision-makers, and administrative bodies to bolster the success of my proposed measures. My office will provide my constituents with the necessary tools and knowledge to actively participate in shaping the legislative landscape.

    As State Representative, David Winston will seek out grants and funding opportunities that can bring more resources to District 96 for infrastructure, education, and community programs.

    Q: What would three of your top priorities be for your district if elected?

    A: Resolving educational gaps in our local community. Enhancing our infrastructure. Curbing crime and fostering secure neighborhoods are my top priorities. I am committed to crafting, advocating for and guiding laws that align with our district’s greatest needs. I pledge to make citizen concerns and ideas a central part of our legislative process. My goal is to represent District 96 in the State Capitol, to be your champion in debates and focus safeguarding your freedoms, upgrading our infrastructure and advancing educational access for a more employable workforce.

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