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  • Greg Wilson, CFA

    27 Foods That Are Becoming Way Too Expensive For Most Of Us


    This article was originally published on, a site my wife and I own. AI was used for light editing, formatting, and readability. But a human (me!) wrote and edited this.
    A woman in a teal shirt looks surprised while holding a long receipt in a grocery store.Photo byDepositPhotos

    Have you noticed your grocery bills getting higher lately? You’re not alone. Food prices around the world are on the rise, and it’s affecting everyone’s wallets. Several factors are causing this increase, including inflation, supply chain problems, climate change, and conflicts between countries.

    The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) predicts that food prices will go up by 2.3% in 2024, following the big jump of 9.9% in 2022. These changes mean we need to be smarter about how we shop for food.

    In this article, we’ll look at 27 foods that are becoming more expensive. Knowing which foods are pricier can help you make better choices when shopping. We’ll also share some tips to help you save money.

    If you're looking for budget-friendly options, check out our article "18 Cheap & Versatile Foods You Won't Regret Buying" for some great ideas.

    Did any of these price increases surprise you? Let us know in the comments!


    Egg prices have shot up dramatically in recent months. The main reason for this is the outbreak of avian influenza, also known as bird flu. This illness has affected many chicken farms, reducing the number of hens laying eggs. 

    With fewer eggs available, the price for each egg goes up. Some stores have even put limits on how many cartons of eggs customers can buy at once. To save money on eggs, try buying them in bulk when they're on sale. 

    You can also look for powdered eggs, which last longer and might be cheaper. Another option is to use egg substitutes in your cooking, such as mashed bananas or applesauce in baking recipes.

    Wheat and Flour

    Wheat and flour prices have climbed steadily over the past year. The war in Ukraine has played a big part in this increase. Ukraine is one of the world's largest wheat exporters, and the conflict has disrupted its ability to produce and ship wheat. 

    On top of this, droughts in other wheat-producing countries have led to smaller harvests. These factors combined mean less wheat is available worldwide, driving up prices for wheat and flour. To cut costs, consider buying flour in larger quantities when it's on sale. 

    You can store it in airtight containers to keep it fresh longer. You might also try alternative flours like rice or oat flour, which could be less expensive.


    Rice, a staple food for billions of people, has also seen price increases. India, the world's largest rice exporter, has put restrictions on how much rice it sells to other countries. 

    This decision was made to ensure enough rice for India's own population. Bad weather in other rice-growing countries has also affected crop yields. These factors have led to less rice in the global market and higher prices. 

    To save money on rice, look for sales and buy in bulk. Rice stores well, so you can stock up when prices are lower. You might also try mixing rice with other grains like quinoa or barley to make your rice supply last longer.


    Like eggs, chicken prices have gone up due to the avian flu outbreak. Many chickens had to be culled to prevent the spread of the disease, leading to a smaller supply of chicken meat. 

    The cost of chicken feed has increased, which adds to the overall cost of raising chickens. To stretch your chicken budget, look for sales on whole chickens. 

    These are often cheaper than pre-cut pieces, and you can use every part of the bird. You can also try incorporating more plant-based proteins into your diet to reduce your reliance on chicken.


    Beef prices have been on the rise for several reasons. The cost of cattle feed has increased significantly, making it more expensive to raise cows. Droughts in many cattle-raising regions have led to water scarcity, which also drives up costs. 

    Labor shortages in meat processing plants have slowed production, further increasing prices. To save money on beef, consider buying less expensive cuts like chuck or round steak. 

    These may require longer cooking times but can be just as delicious. You can also reduce your beef consumption and substitute with other proteins like beans or lentils on some days.

    Cooking Oils

    Cooking oil prices have surged due to a combination of factors. Severe weather has damaged crops used to make oils, such as sunflowers and soybeans. Political tensions have disrupted the production and export of some oils. 

    The increased demand for biofuels, which use some of the same crops, has also contributed to the price rise. To cut down on cooking oil expenses, try using less oil when cooking. 

    You can use non-stick pans or cooking sprays to reduce the amount of oil needed. In baking, you can often substitute half the oil with applesauce or mashed bananas.

    Dairy Products

    Dairy product prices fluctuate based on supply and demand, but the overall trend has been upward. The cost of feeding dairy cows has increased, which is passed on to consumers. 

    Labor shortages and transportation issues have also contributed to higher prices. To save on dairy, consider buying larger sizes of milk, which often have a lower per-unit cost. 

    You can freeze milk if you won't use it all before it expires. For cheese, buy blocks instead of pre-shredded cheese, it's usually cheaper and lasts longer.

    Fresh Fruits

    Fresh fruit prices change with the seasons, but overall, they've been trending upward. Climate change has led to unpredictable weather patterns, affecting fruit crops. 

    Transportation costs have also increased, adding to the final price of fruit in stores. To keep enjoying fruits without breaking the bank, focus on buying what's in season. 

    Seasonal fruits are usually more abundant and therefore less expensive. You can also consider buying frozen fruits, which are often cheaper and just as nutritious as fresh.


    Like fruits, vegetable prices are affected by weather conditions and transportation costs. Droughts, floods, and other extreme weather events can damage crops and reduce yields, leading to higher prices. 

    To save money on vegetables, try growing some of your own if you have space. Even a small herb garden can help reduce your grocery bill. 

    Buying frozen vegetables is another good option, they're often cheaper than fresh and can be just as healthy. When you do buy fresh, choose vegetables that are in season for the best prices.


    Sugar prices have climbed due to increased production costs and higher demand. Extreme weather events have affected sugarcane and sugar beet crops in many parts of the world. 

    The rising cost of energy, which is needed to process sugar, has also contributed to price increases. To reduce your sugar expenses, try cutting back on sugary foods and drinks. 

    When baking, you can often reduce the amount of sugar in a recipe without affecting the taste too much. You can also try natural sweeteners like applesauce or mashed bananas in some recipes.

    Nonalcoholic Beverages

    The cost of sodas, juices, and other nonalcoholic drinks has gone up due to several factors. The price of ingredients, including sugar and fruit concentrates, has increased. Packaging costs have also risen, particularly for aluminum cans.

    Transportation and labor costs have added to the final price of these beverages. To save money on drinks, consider making your own at home. You can make flavored water by adding fruit slices or herbs to tap water. 

    Brewing your own iced tea or coffee is also much cheaper than buying pre-made drinks. When you do buy beverages, look for sales and consider store brands, which are often less expensive than name brands.

    Snack Foods

    Snack food prices have climbed due to several factors. The cost of ingredients like corn, wheat, and oils has increased. Packaging materials have also become more expensive. Labor shortages in factories have slowed production, leading to higher costs. 

    To cut down on snack expenses, try making your own snacks at home. Homemade popcorn, trail mix, or baked chips can be much cheaper than store-bought versions. 

    When you do buy snacks, look for sales and consider buying in bulk. Store brands often offer similar quality at lower prices compared to name brands.


    Coffee prices have surged in recent years. Climate change has affected coffee-growing regions, leading to smaller harvests. Transportation issues have made it harder to ship coffee beans around the world. 

    Increased demand for specialty coffees has also driven up prices. To save on coffee, consider buying whole beans in bulk and grinding them at home. This often works out cheaper than pre-ground coffee and stays fresh longer. 

    You might also try less expensive brands or blends. Making coffee at home instead of buying it at cafes can lead to significant savings over time.


    Chocolate has become more expensive due to several reasons. Cocoa farms have faced challenges like disease and changing weather patterns, reducing cocoa bean yields. The demand for chocolate has increased worldwide, especially for dark chocolate. 

    The cost of sugar, another key ingredient, has also risen. To enjoy chocolate without overspending, look for sales and buy in larger quantities when prices are low. 

    You can store chocolate in a cool, dry place for several months. Consider trying less expensive brands or using cocoa powder in baking as a cheaper alternative to chocolate bars.


    Nut prices have climbed steadily. Drought conditions in many nut-growing regions have led to smaller harvests. The demand for nuts has increased as more people adopt plant-based diets. 

    It takes several years for new nut trees to start producing, so supply can't quickly adjust to meet demand. To save money on nuts, buy them in bulk when they're on sale. Store them in the freezer to keep them fresh longer. 

    You can also look for less expensive nut varieties or try seeds like pumpkin or sunflower seeds as alternatives in some recipes.


    Seafood prices have increased due to several factors. Overfishing has reduced the populations of many popular fish species. Pollution and climate change have affected marine ecosystems, impacting fish populations. 

    Stricter fishing regulations, while necessary for conservation, have also contributed to higher prices. To enjoy seafood without breaking the bank, consider buying frozen fish, which is often cheaper than fresh. 

    Look for sales on canned fish like tuna or salmon. You can also try less expensive types of fish or incorporate more plant-based protein sources into your diet.


    Spice prices have gone up in recent years. Climate change has affected spice crops in many regions. Labor shortages and transportation issues have made it harder to harvest and distribute spices. 

    The increased popularity of diverse cuisines has also raised demand for various spices. To save on spices, buy whole spices and grind them yourself, they're often cheaper and stay fresh longer than pre-ground spices. 

    You can also grow some herbs at home, even in small spaces. When you do buy spices, look for bulk options or try ethnic grocery stores, which may offer better prices.

    Specialty Cheeses

    Specialty cheese prices have increased significantly. The cost of milk has gone up, affecting all cheese prices. For specialty cheeses, the time and labor involved in production have become more expensive. 

    Transportation costs for importing cheeses have also risen. To enjoy specialty cheeses without overspending, look for sales and buy smaller quantities as treats rather than everyday items. 

    You can also try making some simple cheeses at home, like ricotta or mozzarella. When serving cheese, pair it with less expensive items like fruits or crackers to make a little go a long way.


    Bread prices have risen due to several factors. The cost of wheat, a key ingredient, has increased. Energy costs for baking have gone up. Labor shortages in bakeries have led to higher wages, which are reflected in bread prices. 

    To save money on bread, consider making your own at home. Basic bread recipes are simple and can be much cheaper than store-bought loaves. 

    When buying bread, look for day-old bread, which is often discounted. You can freeze bread to make it last longer, reducing waste and saving money in the long run.


    Pasta prices have increased steadily over the past few years. The main reason is the rising cost of wheat, the primary ingredient in most pasta. 

    Droughts in major wheat-producing countries have led to smaller harvests and higher prices. Energy costs for producing and drying pasta have also gone up. To save money on pasta, buy in bulk when it's on sale. 

    Consider trying store brands, which often taste similar to name brands but cost less. You can also experiment with alternative pasta made lentils or chickpeas, which might be cheaper and offer more protein. 

    Adding vegetables to your pasta dishes can help you use less pasta per serving while still feeling satisfied.

    Canned Goods

    Canned goods prices have risen due to several factors. The cost of metal for cans has increased, as has the price of the foods inside the cans. 

    Energy costs for the canning process have gone up. Transportation issues have made it more expensive to get canned goods to stores. To cut costs on canned goods, look for sales and stock up when prices are low. 

    Many canned foods last for years, so buying in bulk can lead to long-term savings. Compare prices between canned and frozen options, sometimes frozen vegetables or fruits are cheaper. 

    You can also learn to can your own fruits and vegetables at home, which can save money if you have access to fresh produce in bulk.

    Baby Formula

    Baby formula has seen significant price increases. Supply chain disruptions have made it harder to get ingredients and packaging materials. Strict safety regulations, while necessary, add to production costs. 

    Increased demand has also driven up prices. To save on baby formula, ask your pediatrician for samples or coupons. Some manufacturers offer discounts for buying in bulk or subscribing to regular deliveries. 

    Consider store brand formulas, which must meet the same nutritional standards as name brands but often cost less. If possible, breastfeeding can be a cost-effective alternative, but it's important to make feeding choices based on what's best for you and your baby, not just cost.

    Pet Food

    Pet food prices have climbed due to rising ingredient costs, especially for meat-based products. Packaging and transportation costs have also increased. The growing trend of premium pet foods has led to higher overall prices in the market. 

    To save money on pet food, look for sales and buy in bulk when possible. Consider mixing premium food with less expensive options to stretch your budget. Some pet owners make their own pet food, but it's crucial to consult with a veterinarian first to ensure your pet gets proper nutrition. 

    Buying larger bags of dry food can often save money compared to smaller bags or wet food.

    Organic Products

    Organic product prices have always been higher than conventional ones, but the gap has widened recently. Organic farming practices are often more labor-intensive and yield smaller harvests. 

    The certification process adds to the cost. Increased demand for organic products has also driven up prices. To save on organic items, prioritize organic for the "Dirty Dozen" produce items that tend to have the most pesticide residues when grown conventionally. 

    For other items, conventional might be a more budget-friendly choice. Look for sales on organic products and consider buying seasonal, local organic produce, which might be less expensive.

    Alcoholic Beverages

    Alcoholic beverage prices have increased due to several factors. The cost of ingredients like grains and fruits has gone up. Glass shortages have made bottles more expensive. Labor and transportation costs have also risen. 

    To save money on alcoholic beverages, look for sales at local stores. Buying in bulk, when it makes sense, can lead to savings. Consider less expensive brands or types of alcohol. 

    Making your own beer or wine at home can be a fun hobby that saves money in the long run. Remember, it's always important to drink responsibly and in moderation.

    Fast Food

    Even fast food prices have been on the rise. Increased costs for ingredients, especially meat and vegetables, have forced price hikes. Labor costs have gone up as many fast food chains have had to raise wages to attract workers. 

    Energy costs for cooking and keeping food warm have also increased. To save money on fast food, look for coupons and app deals offered by many chains. 

    Consider sharing larger meals or opting for less expensive menu items. The best way to save money is to cook at home more often, which is usually cheaper and healthier than fast food.

    Meal Kits

    Meal kit prices have increased as these services have gained popularity. The cost of ingredients has gone up, and packaging for individual portions adds to the expense. Transportation costs for delivering meal kits have also risen. 

    To save money on meal kits, look for introductory offers or discounts for new customers. Compare different services to find the best value. Consider using meal kits only occasionally and planning your own meals the rest of the time. 

    You can create your own "meal kit" system at home by planning meals, buying ingredients in bulk, and prepping components in advance.

    Eat Well, Spend Less

    Many foods are becoming more expensive due to a complex mix of factors. While this can make grocery shopping feel challenging, there are always ways to adapt and save money. Some key strategies include buying in bulk when items are on sale, choosing store brands over name brands, and cooking more meals at home.

    It's also worth considering changing some eating habits. Try incorporating more plant-based meals, which are often less expensive than meat-based ones. Seasonal eating can also help you enjoy fresh produce at lower prices. Remember, small changes can add up to big savings over time.

    Stay informed about food prices and be flexible in your shopping habits. With some planning and creativity, you can continue to eat well without overspending, even as food prices fluctuate. The most important thing is to make choices that work for your budget and your nutritional needs.

    Did any of these price increases surprise you? Let us know in the comments!

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    Hollywood-Leslie Moore-Stiltner
    I bet everyone at The White House are all eating the best of the best!
    Kathy Brackett-Mogan
    You just mentioned every food item, I saw eggs today $8 a dozen
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