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  • Greg Wilson, CFA

    20 Luxuries the Middle Class Enjoys That the Poor Can’t Afford

    14 hours ago

    This article was originally published on, a site my wife and I own. AI was used for light editing, formatting, and readability. But a human (me!) wrote and edited this.
    Person with glasses holding a blue mug, seated at a table in a café setting.Photo byDepositPhotos

    It might surprise you to learn that many everyday comforts middle-class families consider routine are luxuries for those living in poverty. While the middle class works hard to maintain their lifestyle, the poor often face much harsher realities just to survive. 

    As of 2022, 37.9 million Americans live in poverty. Starting with healthcare and nutritious food to reliable transportation and stable housing, small comforts that feel "normal" to some can be an impossible dream for others. 

    The growing gap between income levels is making these disparities even worse, leaving millions unable to access what many take for granted. 

    In this article, we’ll break down the hidden luxuries that the middle class often overlooks, helping to shine a light on the unseen struggles of those living in poverty. 

    Have you ever stopped to think how different your life would be if you couldn’t afford these basics? Let’s see the "normal" luxuries until the end, you might be surprised by what we find out.

    Access to Healthcare

    Healthcare in many parts of the world is expensive, even with insurance. Middle-class families often have employer-sponsored health plans or can afford out-of-pocket costs when needed. 

    For people in lower-class, even a minor illness or injury can be catastrophic. Without insurance, visiting the doctor, purchasing medication, or undergoing necessary procedures can seem impossible. 

    Poor individuals delay treatment or avoid seeking medical help altogether due to the financial burden, which in turn worsens their health outcomes. These become luxuries that fall by the wayside. 

    The cost of medical co-pays or the inability to afford time off work for appointments creates significant barriers to gaining basic health services.

    Healthy Food Options

    Access to fresh, nutritious food is another overlooked luxury. Many middle-class individuals shop at well-stocked grocery stores, able to buy organic produce, lean meats, and whole grains. For lower-income households, the situation is starkly different. 

    They often live in food deserts where healthy options are either unavailable or too expensive. Fast food or processed options become the default due to their low cost and convenience. The lack of access to healthy food contributes to a cycle of poor nutrition and deteriorating health, further exacerbating existing financial and medical struggles.

    On top of that, many middle-class people don’t realize that healthy eating requires more than just money, it also takes time. Cooking nutritious meals involves time for shopping, meal prep, and clean-up, luxuries that those working multiple jobs simply cannot afford.

    Stable Housing

    One of the most significant luxuries middle-class people might overlook is the ability to afford stable housing. The middle class often takes for granted the comfort of living in homes or apartments with functioning utilities and a reasonable sense of security. 

    Over 21 million renter households spent more than 30% of their income on housing costs in 2023. Rent prices in urban areas can be incredibly high, and even in smaller towns, finding affordable, safe housing can be a challenge. 

    In some cases, poor individuals may be forced to live in overcrowded conditions or in neighborhoods that expose them to crime or poor living conditions. Others face the constant threat of eviction due to fluctuating income or unexpected expenses. 

    The stress associated with insecure housing can take a significant toll on mental and physical health, creating an endless loop of hardship that makes it difficult to escape poverty.


    Transportation is often another luxury that middle-class individuals overlook. Owning a reliable car or having access to public transportation is critical for getting to work, buying groceries, and managing day-to-day responsibilities. 

    Poor people may struggle with unreliable vehicles or lack the funds to afford car repairs, leaving them without dependable transportation. In areas with limited public transit, this can mean lost job opportunities or inability to gain essential services.

    For those without a car, public transportation might not be a viable option either due to cost or availability. Even when buses or trains are accessible, they might require long travel times or offer inconsistent schedules. 

    Education and Career Advancement

    For middle-class families, education is often seen as a stepping stone to career success and upward mobility. College savings plans, tutors, and participation in extracurricular activities are considered standard parts of raising children. 

    A big chunk of undergraduates are from poor families. The cost of college tuition, books, and supplies can be overwhelming, even with financial aid. Many poorer students may also need to balance school with work, leaving little time to focus on their studies.

    Beyond college, career advancement is often tied to opportunities like internships, networking, or job training, which are more accessible to the middle class. Poorer individuals may not have the same access to these resources, leaving them stuck in low-wage jobs without prospects for growth. 

    Savings and Emergency Funds

    Middle-class families often have some form of savings or emergency fund to fall back on in case of an unexpected expense, like a car repair or medical bill. For people living paycheck to paycheck, saving money can be nearly impossible. 

    Living paycheck to paycheck leaves little to no room for setting aside funds, meaning any emergency can lead to financial ruin. This lack of savings also limits their ability to take risks that could improve their situation, like moving to a new city for a better job or investing in education. 

    The absence of a financial cushion creates constant stress, making it hard to plan for the future or feel secure in the present.

    Access to Technology

    In today's world, technology plays a crucial role in daily life, but many poor individuals cannot afford basic tech luxuries. The middle class often takes for granted smartphones, high-speed internet, or even a functional laptop. 

    These devices are critical for everything starting with job searches to keeping in touch with loved ones. For lower class households, the cost of maintaining an internet connection or upgrading outdated devices may be too high. 

    This technological divide further isolates them from opportunities, such as remote work, online education, or even accessing important information. The digital gap creates an additional barrier, reinforcing the cycle of poverty.

    Childcare Services

    Middle-class families may rely on paid childcare to manage the balance between work and family life. For poor families, the cost of childcare is often prohibitively expensive. 

    Many are forced to rely on family members or informal arrangements, which can be unreliable and stressful. The lack of affordable childcare services can prevent parents from pursuing full-time work or education, trapping them in lower-income jobs. 

    This issue is particularly significant for single-parent households, where managing work and childcare responsibilities without support can feel impossible.

    Leisure and Travel

    For middle-class families, taking vacations or engaging in leisure activities may be an annual tradition or a well-earned break from the routine. Poor families, on the other hand, often do not have the financial flexibility to afford travel or leisure. 

    The cost of flights, hotels, and even local excursions can be prohibitive, leaving them with little to no opportunity for relaxation or adventure. The inability to afford leisure time can have broader implications for mental health and family bonding. 

    Simple activities like going to the movies, visiting a theme park, or even enjoying a meal at a restaurant may be luxuries that poor families rarely, if ever, experience.

    Pet Ownership

    Owning a pet is often seen as a normal part of life for middle-class families, but for poorer individuals, the costs associated with pet care can be overwhelming. Pets require food, veterinary care, and other supplies that can quickly add up. 

    When budgets are tight, taking care of an animal becomes a financial strain. For some poor individuals, the emotional companionship of a pet is worth the sacrifice, but it often comes at the expense of other essential needs. 

    The inability to afford proper care for pets can also lead to guilt and stress, further adding to the challenges faced by poorer households.

    Personal Grooming and Hygiene Products

    Middle-class individuals often buy grooming and hygiene products without a second thought. Items like deodorant, shampoo, razors, and skincare products are part of their regular routine. For poor people, even basic hygiene items can be considered a luxury. 

    The cost of these products adds up quickly, and when money is tight, they may need to prioritize other essentials like food or rent. Personal grooming becomes secondary to basic survival, which can lead to poor self-esteem and even social stigma.

    In some cases, the inability to afford proper grooming products can impact employment opportunities. A poor appearance or lack of personal care might make it harder to secure jobs, especially in industries where presentation is crucial. 

    The financial barriers to grooming are a stark reminder of how small expenses that seem manageable to the middle class can create significant challenges for those in poverty.

    Home Maintenance and Repairs

    Owning a home comes with the responsibility of maintenance and repairs, which middle-class families often handle as they arise. They can budget for repairs like fixing a leaky roof, replacing a broken appliance, or even upgrading their living spaces for comfort. 

    Poor people, on the other hand, may struggle with these costs, often leaving small problems to grow into much larger issues. A minor plumbing issue can turn into significant water damage if left untreated, but when funds are scarce, it’s difficult to address such problems early on.

    For renters, the situation can be even worse if landlords neglect maintenance duties. This leaves poor tenants to deal with broken heating systems, faulty wiring, or unsafe conditions without the means to fix them. 

    Living in a deteriorating home contributes to stress, health risks, and a lower quality of life that many middle-class people don’t experience.

    Access to Legal Representation

    Middle-class people often have access to legal representation through employer benefits, legal insurance, or the ability to pay for a lawyer when necessary. For the poor, legal assistance is rarely an option, unless provided through public defenders or legal aid organizations. 

    The cost of legal representation can be prohibitively expensive, leaving those in poverty vulnerable to legal issues without proper defense. This disparity means that poor people are more likely to face negative legal outcomes, be it in civil cases, housing disputes, or criminal matters. 

    Without access to quality legal counsel, they may be forced to accept unfavorable settlements or unfair judgments that further complicate their financial situation.

    Quality Clothing

    Clothing is another area where middle-class individuals have more freedom. They can afford to buy new clothes, keep up with trends, or purchase durable, high-quality items that last longer. For the poor, buying clothes is often about necessity rather than style or quality. 

    Many rely on second-hand stores or donations to clothe themselves and their families. New or brand-name clothing is a luxury that most cannot afford. Poor-quality clothing can wear out quickly, leading to a cycle of constantly needing replacements. 

    This is especially hard on families with children who outgrow clothes quickly. The inability to afford durable clothing can lead to discomfort and embarrassment, further marginalizing those already struggling financially.

    Retirement Savings

    For middle-class families, saving for retirement is a common financial goal. They might benefit from employer-sponsored retirement plans, matching contributions, or personal savings that ensure financial security later in life. 

    Poor individuals, living paycheck to paycheck, often don’t have the luxury of planning for retirement. Every dollar earned is immediately needed for essential expenses, leaving no room for long-term savings.

    This lack of retirement savings forces many poor people to work well into old age, often in physically demanding or low-wage jobs. The inability to retire comfortably creates a stark contrast between the middle class and the poor, highlighting the long-term consequences of income inequality.

    Time for Hobbies and Recreation

    Middle-class people often have the time and financial flexibility to engage in hobbies or recreational activities, which are important for mental and emotional well-being. Be it taking a pottery class, joining a gym, or pursuing a creative outlet, these activities help enrich their lives. 

    As for poor people, free time is often scarce, as they may work multiple jobs or long hours just to make ends meet. Even when they have spare time, the cost of engaging in hobbies or recreational activities can be too high to justify.

    This lack of access to leisure activities can lead to feelings of burnout, isolation, and stress. Hobbies and recreation are not just about relaxation, they offer opportunities for personal growth, community involvement, and self-expression, which are often inaccessible to those struggling financially.

    Home Security

    Security is something many middle-class families take seriously, investing in alarm systems, security cameras, or living in neighborhoods with lower crime rates. These systems and safe environments provide peace of mind, knowing their homes and families are protected. 

    For poorer individuals, the cost of installing a security system is out of reach. They may live in higher-crime neighborhoods where safety is a constant concern, yet they lack the means to invest in measures that could protect them.

    Living without adequate security leads to heightened anxiety, vulnerability to theft or violence, and a general sense of insecurity that can be deeply unsettling. Middle-class people may not realize how much they rely on these protections to maintain their comfort and peace of mind.

    Clean Drinking Water

    Access to clean drinking water is a basic necessity that middle-class individuals often don’t think twice about. They have the option to install water filtration systems, buy bottled water, or live in areas where tap water is safe to drink. 

    Poor individuals, especially those in rural or underserved urban areas, may not have the same access to safe, clean water. They may rely on unsafe water sources, leading to health problems, or they may have to spend limited funds on bottled water.

    In regions where water contamination is a persistent issue, poor people often bear the brunt of its effects. The cost of ensuring safe drinking water adds yet another burden to their already strained resources, while middle-class families rarely have to consider it.

    Safe Outdoor Spaces

    Middle-class families often enjoy parks, playgrounds, and recreational spaces where they can exercise, relax, or spend time with their children. These spaces provide a sense of community and well-being. 

    People barely getting by, especially those living in densely populated urban areas, may lack access to safe and clean outdoor spaces. The parks near their homes may be poorly maintained or unsafe due to crime, discouraging families from using them.

    This disparity in access to green spaces impacts physical health, mental well-being, and the overall quality of life. The lack of safe, accessible outdoor areas makes it difficult for lower class families to enjoy nature, exercise, or have a peaceful place to unwind.

    Financial Literacy and Planning

    Middle-class individuals often have financial advisors, courses, or tools that help them manage their money effectively. They can invest, save, and plan for the future with greater confidence.

    For poor individuals, financial literacy is often lacking, not by choice, but by circumstance. They may not have resources that teach budgeting, saving, or investing, making it harder to escape the cycle of poverty.

    Without the knowledge or means to make informed financial decisions, poor people may fall into predatory lending traps, accumulate debt, or struggle to manage limited income. 

    This lack of financial literacy keeps many from improving their financial situation, creating a barrier to upward mobility that the middle class doesn’t often face.

    The Cost of Comfort: Understanding Poverty’s True Burden

    It’s easy to overlook the invisible costs of poverty when so many comforts come naturally to middle-class households. Starting with healthcare and stable housing to education and even basic technology, the things we often take for granted are completely out of reach for those struggling with limited resources. 

    By recognizing these disparities, we can begin to foster empathy and work toward meaningful change. Understanding the real impact of poverty helps us realize that many of the "normal" luxuries we enjoy are not universal, and it highlights the importance of finding ways to bridge these gaps. 

    What changes could we make if we were more aware of the challenges others face every day? Let us know your opinions below.

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    Clarence Beaks
    7h ago
    The author acts like this is something new.
    7h ago
    Before I read this article I thought I was middle class 😂😂😂
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