CatholicISM and Christianity Are Two Faiths that Both Claim Christ. What Are the Differences Between the Two? Are Catholics Saved? ROMAN Catholicism started well after Paul preached in ROME and Pentacost Happened Well Before Paul Made it to Rome.

ROMAN Catholicism started well after Paul preached in ROME, so how exactly do they claim to be the first and earliest church born at Pentecost? If you are scratching your head at that simple question you are not alone. It is actually mind-blowing what one finds when researching approved Vatican Books, Dogma/Catechism as well as the Roman Catholic Church's murderous history. Sadly, many believe "Christians" were murdering those who refused conversion. It was not the true Church that did that. It was the CATHOLIC church. Their doctrine is ANTICHRIST. MARY is above God in salvation and Jesus cannot "resist His mother's petitions for your salvation." Their own Dogma states you are damned or "anathema" if you do not honor "Mary as your salvation" and that Mary tells Jesus who to save. If you do not throw down with Mary you will go to hell. The entire reason thousands of true Christians were burned at the stake by the Roman Catholic church was because they did not believe that the bread and wine literally and mystically turned into the Body and Blood of Jesus. Catholics would give the Christian martyrs a chance to recant and if they did not, they were put to death. You see the Roman Catholic church is simply a replica of Judaism. They have their men in long white robes wanting to be called "Father" and revered as Holy and "Christ's on earth." They Literally claim to be Christ on earth. They have their laws or Catechism, thousands of made-up Catholic laws and works one must do to obtain salvation. Much like the Jews, they say only the priests/clergy can decipher scripture and they are not to attempt scripture on their own. They actually admit that all this Mary and purgatory stuff is not Biblical but say the Pope and priests keep "getting continuous revelation from God." Like Joseph Smith did?? So forget the Bible and run with outside demon doctrines that radically oppose scripture? That is Exactly what they have done. If you are stuck in Catholicism please come to Jesus Christ and ask Him to forgive you of your sins and give yourself to HIM. Ask Him to cleanse your heart of all unrighteousness and give you a new heart. Get OUT of the heretical Catholic church and come to the ONLY mediator between men and God, the man Jesus Christ. (1 Timothy). "Beware of men in long robes showing outward holiness," said the LORD. "Do not call anyone Father but your heavenly Father," said Jesus Christ the Lord. Mary is NOT Queen of anything. Mary cannot hear one summoning or one "Hail Mary." You get prescribed 10 Hail Mary"s for a lie?? That lie was never blotted out because MARY cannot hear you. The central most important truth to Christianity is that Jesus Christ is GOD who left heaven, came born a man, and came to die for our sins. He said to Mary, "Woman! What have I to do with you?" when His mother was interfering see? Mary is nothing other than the womb/woman chosen by God to have Messiah from the line of King David. COME OUT OF HER!!!!
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From 1400 to 1800 the Vatican ordered the deaths of 80 million Protestants for " heresy". Heresy is not believing any Catholic doctrine, like , The Pope is God's voice on earth. Another one is reading the Bible for yourself. Did you know it was the death penalty if anyone was caught with even one page of the bible. Bibles were chained to the pulpit back in them days, and only the priest authorized to open it and read it. Also Vatican banned public schools, that was for only kings children and priesthood. It was Protestants who started public schools, that really pissed the Vatican off, and murdering Protestants became law, for Heresy. it wasn't the Vatican that murdered 80 million Protestants It was the catholics living next door, , that killed Protestants. . FOXES BOOK OF MARTYRS BY Mr Fox was written by eyewitness accounts. True storys folks. It's also why America grew so FAST, people fleeing murder from Catholics, their radicalized, crazy, even demon possessed neighbors.
Nathan Barth
is there any evidence
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