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    Letters to the editor for Saturday, August 24, 2024

    By Letter writers,


    Extremists defeated in election

    I’ve been breathing a sigh of relief since 8 p.m. Tuesday night.

    Mr. Oakes and his minions on the Collier County Republican Executive Committee suffered a huge defeat in the local primaries. Most of the candidates they endorsed lost their bids for office.

    Our school board retained a majority of experienced, reasonable leaders. Stephanie Lucarelli and Erik Carter retained their school board seats. They won over two extremists on the CCREC endorsed slate, one who claimed children should “stand for the flag and kneel for the cross” blurring the lines between church and state. With Board Chair Kelly Mason, the Board will continue to work with our Superintendent Dr. Leslie Ricciardelli to provide A-rated high-quality public education to the 50,000+ students of Collier County Public Schools.

    The integrity of the November election and future elections in Collier County is secured. Melissa Blazier won her election as Supervisor of Elections over two unqualified challengers, overcoming a nasty mudslinging campaign and false accusations of corruption by Mr. Oakes after he failed, due to his own filing errors, to qualify to run for Republican state committeeman.

    The mood down here is shifting in the right direction. I have hope for the future.

    Lisa Freund, Naples

    Preserve Picayune Strand

    The Picayune Strand Wildlife Management Area (WMA) is part of the greater Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP) that was authorized by Congress in 2000 to restore, preserve, and protect the south Florida ecosystem and all water-related needs of the region.

    Championed by Governor Ron DeSantis and the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), the WMA project has been among the most successful efforts in the nation and has restored sheet water flow, recharged the aquifer, and restored native habitat and wildlife to an area that is literally in greater Collier County’s backyard. To see this incredible area threatened by relocating the Naples Airport there is incomprehensible.

    The City of Marco Island has a large stake in the Picayune Strand WMA. We currently own 160 acres of land there that lies five miles due east of our Source Water Facility. This land is an undeveloped back-up wellfield for the city’s water utility. In the event of a catastrophic failure or contamination at the Source Water Facility, this wellfield could be tapped to meet some of the city’s demands. It is vital that we do not put this area at risk by allowing the Naples Airport to be located in the Picayune Strand WMA.

    Please write to the Board of Collier County Commissioners and voice your opposition to the proposal to add the Picayune Strand WMA as a 5th site for the relocation of the airport. Marco Island City Councilman Rich Blonna

    Collier Republicans reject MAGA

    My fellow Collier County Republicans voted “no” to the slate of conspiracy theorists, 2020 election deniers and culture warriors fielded by local grocer and Trump cultist Alfred Oakes in last week’s Republican primary. What relief to finally hear our party say “Not in my backyard” to divisive, angry MAGA candidates. We need to purge the cancer of Trumpism from our national party also. This registered Republican will be voting for Kamala Harris in November. Shameful to vote for a Democrat? Far less than it is to sell the soul of the Republican Party to an autocrat for a mere four-year lease on the White House.

    Vaune Davis, Naples

    Oppose chaplains in schools

    All I needed to know about what is wrong with chaplains in public schools in Florida I learned in one word this morning.Chris Young had a report on NPR in which he described the (minimal) requirements for a “clergyman” to be a chaplain in Florida schools. If an educated reporter who is deep into researching a story isn’t aware that clergy come in both male and female types, of which I am the latter, then how can an overworked school administrator who is busy with the real business of running a school be able to make an educated evaluation of the credentials, training, and personality of someone desiring to be a school chaplain? Why would we demand that our public school administrators add church polity to the too-long list of details that they must know already?Additionally, for parents whose free exercise of religion has led them into churches where only a “clergyman” can lead, how will they respond when their child comes home from public school asking why their chaplain is a woman? Please know that I believe utterly in your freedom to worship in whatever way that you choose, and please know that I am pained to think that your child may find your religious beliefs challenged by the presence of a female chaplain in their public school.Whether you are on the left or the right politically, I hope you never have to have your freedom of religion impinged upon by having a chaplain in your child’s public school. Rev. Dr. Sally Haynes, United Methodist Clergy, Retired, Sanibel

    Reject vengeance, fear

    A recent contributor to The News-Press beseeched you to know who you are voting for.Even though the writer seems to be on the wrong side of history the plea is a good one.The more effort you make to know the real unbiased truth about Trump and company the more likely you will realize that they are on the wrong side of history.America doesn’t want vengeance or hatred or fear in its midst.It wants clarity, some of what George Bush used to describe as compassion, real promises kept like Joe Biden did and delivered to all Americans, not just those with big portfolios.It wants decency and respect for its women and real care for its children.It wants tolerance and equality for all the wonderful differences we have as humans.It wants a respected Constitution and law.Yes, you need to know what you are voting for and God willing you will make the choice that will not only save our democracy but make it even stronger.Go for it!

    June Oneill, Portsmouth, NH, and Fort Myers

    Vote the Trump ticket

    Some media has been reporting a surge in popularity for Karmala Harris. She may be popular but America, this is not a popularity contest. You should be voting on who is best to run the country. Sure, vote for Harris if you like open borders, high gas prices, high grocery store prices, high rents, wars, high crime everywhere, but if you don't, vote the Trump ticket.

    Michael Adler, Miromar Lakes

    Choose compassion, respect

    I can’t know how my irritable comments or my kind words spoken at the grocery store actually affect people, but I do know how my thoughts and words affect me. The time I spend wallowing in self-pity, my wants, and my resentments, makes me miserable. In contrast, when my thoughts and actions center on doing things for others, I feel good about myself and my life.

    Throughout the last few weeks, the Democratic campaign seized on joy as a theme, which I saw as positive and fun; certainly something we could all use a bit more of in our lives. But this morning I realized that joy is not a campaign slogan or gimmick meant to move people. Joyful people operate from a place of love and compassion, not fear and resentment.

    Watching the Republican and Democratic national conventions brought this to mind. Democrats spoke about compassion, love of country, and respect for everyone, even those who are different or with whom we disagree. Republicans voiced anger, resentment, and stoked fear of others.

    Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, and people like them, are truly joyful because of how they view life and all people. They are joyful because they love their neighbors and live the family values that some people keep yelling about and fear losing. But we can’t lose our values if we live them. No one can take our values away from us. And if we live them, we live with joy. It’s a choice.

    Diane Schmidt, Bonita Springs

    Hope versus hate

    It's surprising that the LGBTQ community isn't supporting the Trump-Vance ticket.

    After all, there is a photo of J D Vance in drag, Trump dyes his hair and wears more makeup than Kamala.

    Trump's lies are so incessant that it's impossible to keep track. He calls America a third world country, calls cities garbage and tells us crime is out of control. FBI statistics show that crime in 2023-2024 is the lowest in 50 years.

    Trump rails about inflation (inflation is down to 2.9%) but the real runaway inflation is at Mar-a-Lago. Membership fees were $100,000 before Trump became president and now are $700,000.  A 700% increase to buy influence, even worse than Trump's critical tic tac inflation.

    This election should be a simple decision. It's a prosecutor versus a felon. It's a woman of diversity who worked at McDonald's while going to school versus a white privileged millionaire at birth.

    This is an election of hope versus hate. This is a choice between a candidate who believes in the sanctity of the vote versus a man who tried to overthrow the government and called Jan 6 a "beautiful day."

    Bill Linehan, Naples

    Widespread benefits

    The transition from FICA taxes to income taxes, coupled with adopting a Medicare for All health care program, presents significant opportunities for cost savings and economic revitalization, particularly in the U.S. manufacturing sector. By eliminating FICA taxes, businesses would experience a reduction in payroll costs, enabling them to lower the prices of goods and reinvest the savings into innovation and expansion. This shift could make U.S. manufacturing more competitive on a global scale, potentially leading to increased job creation and economic growth.

    A Medicare for All system, modeled after Canada’s health care system, could drastically reduce health care spending in the United States. Current estimates suggest that the U.S. could save approximately $2.17 trillion annually by adopting such a system. These savings stem from reduced administrative costs, lower pharmaceutical prices, and streamlined health care delivery. The funds saved could be redirected to bolster the manufacturing industry, support workforce development, and enhance infrastructure, all of which would contribute to a more robust and competitive economy.

    Furthermore, the broad implementation of Medicare for All would alleviate the health care burden on employers, who currently shoulder significant health care-related expenses. By shifting health care costs to a more efficient, publicly funded system, businesses could focus more on their core operations, improving productivity and profitability. This would benefit businesses and improve workers' financial security and well-being, as they would have access to comprehensive health care without the fear of losing coverage due to job changes or economic downturns.

    In summary, reallocating FICA revenues to income taxes and adopting Medicare for All would result in substantial cost savings, improved business opportunities, and a more robust, more competitive U.S. manufacturing sector. These changes would provide widespread benefits, fostering economic growth and ensuring all Americans have access to quality health care.

    Roy J. Meidinger, Fort Myers

    War in Gaza

    At first glance, the letter to the editor appearing August 21 seems entirely reasonable, until you focus on it calling the war in Gaza genocide. The fighting in Gaza by Israel is not an attempt to wipe out all of the Palestinians there but to root out the terrorists hiding among them, the terrorists who wantonly attacked, raped, captured and killed Israelis in the attack in Israel of October 7.  Hamas started this terrible war.  Hamas hides its terror driven forces among civilians and in schools and hospitals.  And too many Palestinians allow and cheer on the terrorists Israel is trying to root out.This war would be over if Hamas accepted the peace proposals advanced by the United States and Gaza’s neighbors.  Israel has accepted the terms.  Hamas is still refusing to accept terms that they themselves once accepted until Israel agreed.  Hamas is still holding both Israeli and American hostages.  Hamas is still firing rockets into Israel.So yes, talk to your neighbors, persuade your elected officials, push for peace in the Middle East, but don’t forget who started and is still delaying the peace process.  Peace will be good for the Middle East, for us, for the world.  Get Hamas to agree and to release all the still held hostages and it will be over.  Genocide is what Nazi Germany attempted to carry out against the Jewish people.  Israel is trying to wipe out the terror carried out against them and live in peace.

    Peter Weissman, Naples

    Two types of military service

    I served in the U.S. Navy as a Hospital Corpsman during Vietnam. I was NOT in combat. Let me repeat − I did not serve one day in combat. My time was spent in relative safety serving those that did at the Naval Hospital Boston. Serving those that made the ultimate sacrifices with their bodies and minds was difficult for all and yet − never once could anyone compare their time in Boston with the reality of rice paddies in a southeast Asian jungle.Today, we have two types of military. Those that serve and use their service to gain power, rank and privilege. And those that serve for God, family and nation. Never should the two be confused.Attempting to usurp true sacrifice when none was made not only is a lie − it defames and denigrates the true and massive sacrifices of those that did. It denies families of the honor of their loved ones' losses. And it threatens to entire moral fabric of our society and nation.Serving in war is NOT about an election. And it is not about gaining power using it for personal gain.I honor those that sacrificed and could never support or vote for anyone that lies, seeks to use or otherwise gain from a level of service they never were a part of.

    Mark Generales, Fort Myers

    Free markets, not price controls

    The Biden Administration and now Kamala Harris are blaming their failed economic policies on greedy corporations calling it “greedflation,” I find it amusing that apparently mysteriously so-called greedy corporations, grocery stores, oil companies etc, just came into play during their administration after the previous administration had policies to keep inflation under control. Producers of goods and services can rarely set prices. They can only charge what the market will bear. If a buyer won’t buy, the producer must lower the price or forgo the sale. Kamala Harris has stated she would consider implementing price controls if elected. This is a scheme that has failed 100% of the time in every country including in our own country when Richard Nixon tried it in 1971. The results were product shortages and even higher prices. Lesson learned.

    John McWilliams, Fort Myers

    Democratic Party ticket

    Hollywood just produced a world class convention for the Democratic Party, leaving the GOP scrambling, totally unsettled by the new and improved Democratic Party presidential ticket. Why vote for Kamala/Walz? Here are the top 10 reasons.

    1. She had nothing to do with the Biden mental decline coverup.2. She had nothing to do with the disastrous and embarrassing Afghanistan withdrawal.3. She had nothing to do with the border fiasco that ignited crime sprees and fentanyl deaths.4. She had nothing to do with the spending policies that ignited inflation.5. He had nothing to do with Minneapolis being overrun by Antifa.6. You will get free housing.7. You will get free health care.8. You will get free education and have your student debt extinguished.9. She will eliminate fossil fuel and power the world with magic dust.10. You will get a free flying carpet to get around on.

    Oh, if you believe all this, you can purchase the Brooklyn Bridge for $1.

    Michael Mainelli, Estero

    Ruthless Dems, complicit media

    The Left is vicious when their power is at stake. It is not only how they treat anyone from the Right (unless they conform to the Left's positions), but look how they treated RFK, Jr. when he became a threat to their power. They blackballed him and removed him from the potential of being nominated by not allowing him on the ballot. Talk about election integrity. The Left only cares about election integrity when their retention of power is an issue. But the icing on the cake was how they treated President Biden when it became apparent that him staying in the race would diminish their chances of retaining power. They totally destroyed him and demanded he remove himself. And they were ruthless in doing so. The really disgusting part is that the mainstream media is complicit in doing their bidding in trying to destroy opponents.

    Ron Wobbeking, Naples

    This article originally appeared on Fort Myers News-Press: Letters to the editor for Saturday, August 24, 2024

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