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    Letters to the editor for Sunday, Oct. 6, 2024

    By Letter writers,

    1 days ago

    Learn about climate, wetlands

    It isn’t easy processing the scope of destruction of Hurricane Helene, even for professionals.

    “At some point,” Ryan Truchelut, the Weather Tiger, says (News-Press 10/1) “I’m going to write something to try to put Helene into its proper meteorological and historical context. To be honest, I simply can’t do it right now. I need time and space.”

    Clearly, we are in a new era of supercharged and devastating storms, and we must act on climate, address its impacts, and explore solutions. But when the term “climate change” has been scraped from Florida state laws, when developers continue to destroy wetlands, what meaningful climate action can be undertaken?

    Cape Coral is one of nine cities in the nation most at risk from future storms. We need all the storm and flood protection we can get, which is why residents strongly oppose any changes to the city’s comprehensive plan that allow for the Redfish Pointe development in wetlands directly south of Rotary Park. Such development that ignores climate realities and puts residents at greater risk. After Ian and Helene, this is unthinkable.

    A constitutional “Right to Clean and Healthy Waters” isn’t only about cleaning up our polluted waters. It’s about protecting wetlands, too, and, if other means fail, it could be the only means to protect these vital wetlands that protect us.

    Learn more on October 8, 6 p.m.-7p.m., at the Cape Coral Public Library. Register on Eventbrite for “Climate, wetlands, and the right to clean and healthy waters.”

    Joseph Bonasia, Cape Coral

    Teachable moment

    "Hurricane Ian was a teachable moment for Floridians. But we don't seem to have learned all we should have..." So said Joseph Bonasia in his recent letter to the editor on September 28. At the time of writing that letter, Hurricane Helene had not yet arrived, but those words need to be heard again. We have another teachable moment but are we going to pay attention? This time the destruction wasn't just local, in fact our area fared reasonably well but still the storm surge was significant. The environmental havoc wreaked by Helene is going to be enormous, not to mention loss of lives, and the effect reach far up the eastern coastal region of the U.S. If Ian didn't convince you we need to confront climate change, hopefully Helene will.

    If you would like to learn how taking care of our wetlands and waters can mitigate climate crises, and how the Right to Clean Water amendment can help us protect our waters, please attend the Wetlands and Climate Panel on October 8 at the Cape Coral Library, 921 SW 39th Terrace from 6-7 pm. There will be excellent speakers from four climate/water organizations to help you understand the climate crisis and what we can do.

    Mary Tracy Sigman, Fort Myers

    Martin for fire commissioner

    I am writing to support Wayne J. Martin for Greater Naples fire commissioner East Naples Division.

    My experience of Wayne is that he will responsibly serve the residents and taxpayers of Greater Naples. He supports overseeing the budget with fiscal responsibility and accountability. He will do what is right and is unafraid to ask the hard questions.

    Wayne's experience in the fire service spans decades and he has been an instructor for numerous colleges. His training and experience, second to none, includes: Fire Officer, Fire Instructor, Emergency Medical Technician, Municipal Fire Inspector, and Municipal School Inspector; his education includes a master’s degree in Executive Fire Service Leadership and a bachelor’s in Public Administration as well as Executive Fire Officer from the National Fire Academy.

    You can see these facts on his website:

    Please join me in supporting and voting for Wayne Martin for Greater Naples Fire commissioner.

    Priscilla M. Gray, Collier County Republican precinct committeewoman, Naples

    Intimidation, misinformation

    Governor Ron DeSantis has once again shown disregard for laws protecting voters. Furious that the Florida Supreme Court approved Amendment 4 to appear on the ballot, he is using taxpayer dollars in a campaign of voter intimidation and misinformation to suppress support for Amendment 4.

    His state-funded website spreads unfounded and misleading claims about the amendment, using public resources for political propaganda. He is also intimidating petition signers using his “election police” force to further undermine the democratic process.

    Perhaps the most egregious of his efforts is the deceptive financial impact statement attached to the ballot. This statement falsely claims that Florida will lose revenue due to fewer babies being born if Amendment 4 passes, a baseless and absurd assertion. It also wrongly suggests that the state may be forced to fund abortions and goes so far as to claim that the amendment will take away parents' rights to know if their children are having an abortion. None of these claims are based in fact, and are deliberate attempts to confuse voters and drive them away from supporting the amendment. Learn more at

    Governor DeSantis and his Republican allies are clearly terrified of the power of a citizen-based initiative like Amendment 4. Rather than engage in honest debate, they have chosen to spread lies, use intimidation, and manipulate the system to serve their political interests. The governor's campaign against Amendment 4 is a stark reminder of the lengths to which he will go to maintain power at the expense of the democratic process. Floridians deserve better.

    To safeguard our rights and preserve democracy. We must elect Democrats up and down the ballot. Leaders like Kamala Harris for U.S. President, Debbie Mucarsel-Powell for U.S. Senate, Andrea Doria Kale, Kari Lerner, and Joey Atkins for Congress, and Mitchel Schlayer, Charles Work, and Arthur Oslund for the Florida House of Representatives will stand up for the people, not political games. Together, they can lead the fight for a fair and just Florida.

    Jane Schlechtweg, Marco Island, chair, Collier County Democratic Party

    The true pro-life agenda

    I am pro-life.  I would like to see zero abortions.  I also honor and value the lives of desperate women who find themselves in desperate situations considering abortion.  Those lives matter to me.  Criminalizing their choice is not the best way to help these women.  Public policies that offer help and hope are the best ways to reduce abortion.

    Abortion rates drop under Democratic presidencies due to increased access to contraception preventing unintended pregnancies.  Democratic policies focus on supporting families, health care, immigration reform, criminal justice, economic equality, climate change and clean water, capital punishment — these are all pro-life issues.

    If you say you will vote for Trump because he is pro-life, please look at what he says and tweets.  How does he value life?  His words and actions fly in direct contradiction to Christ.  Don't continue to be fooled.

    The Democratic platform does not find joy in aborting babies, nor do they support murdering babies. Democrats care about babies and mothers, not only before birth but after!

    Vote for candidates who truly value and support pro-life issues.

    Christine Greene Louscher, Algona, IA and North Fort Myers

    A costly lesson

    Republicans deny global warming. Proving them wrong is going to take the lives of many people. Witness the death and destruction of Hurricane Helene. Expect repeats.

    Joe Haack, Naples

    End war by winning it

    As we approach the one-year anniversary of the war in Gaza we need to remember that it began with a basic violation of international law. Hamas is the genocidal, terrorist dictatorship that launched a barbaric cross border aggression against Israel, a recognized sovereign state, with the goal of destroying it. Its charter proclaims that Israel has no right to exist, and it has conducted the war it started in the most brutal fashion, murdering both Israeli and Gazan civilians and callously causing a humanitarian crisis for its own benefit. In its support, Hezbollah has poured 8,000 missiles into Israel, created several hundred thousand refugees, and turned Lebanon into a battleground.Now their sponsor, the Islamic Republic of Iran, has directly joined the war on the Jewish State.Israel is destroying Hamas in Gaza and decimating Hezbollah in Lebanon. Given a chance it might even be able to liberate Iran. It is fighting for its own survival but is also the front line of defense for America and the West. It has not asked for American boots on the ground. It can achieve its military goals with its own soldiers, but only if it receives sufficient supplies of armaments and unambiguous diplomatic support from the United States and our allies.Our assistance cannot be based on a policy of appeasement or conditional on election year politics, and the recent decision by Britain, France and Canada to impose an arms embargo on Israel is short-sighted and a stain on their national honor.The way to end the war in the Middle East is by winning it.

    Allen Menkin, MD, Naples

    Cause of many abortions

    Let’s expose the logically correct reason for the enormous number of abortions that are happening in America. Forty years in IT has taught me that the solution to a problem is first determining the root cause. But, before I expand on the root cause of many abortions, understand that most unwanted pregnancies are the result of women not insisting that men use protection. They either just don’t insist or they are afraid of losing Mr. right.

    The root cause of most unwanted pregnancies is men refusing to use protection. As for Mr. right, if he will not wear protection if asked, he is not Mr. right for you.

    So the only way to return to more moral times is for women to expect, or insist, men to use protection and men to step up to their responsibilities. Planned Parenthood should present this education to women. After all their name is Planned!

    John Piccolo, Estero

    Traitor on the ballot

    As we sleepwalk toward the election, I find it incredible no one is addressing the elephant in the room; right animal for the party. Where is the anger and the incongruity concerning January 6th and the undeniable conclusion, of most, there is a traitor on the ballot? Our part is easy, we don't have to fight and die to defend democracy, we just have to VOTE! If even that is too much to ask, then, sadly, I think what Thomas Jefferson said is true: “The government you elect is the government you deserve.”

    Clayton Jones, Naples

    Trump without guardrails

    Most Republican and many Independent voters preferred the promises and policies of Donald Trump to those of Hilliary Clinton in 2016. However, that political landscape was vastly different than what we find today. Back then, Trump's Cabinet was largely comprised of folks who operated within the confines of constitutional law. When the presidency did veer off course, the judicial system intervened and righted the ship. That was then; 2024 is dramatically different.  Be reminded that Trump's most egregious plans did not materialize due to the guardrails in place, i.e., a Cabinet of character and a Supreme Court that held "no man above the law." Those deterrents to authoritarian rule will be absent in a second Trump term. Aided and abetted by Project 2025, Trump's vision now has a blueprint for implementation. While Trump has claimed no knowledge of said Project, rest assured that his sycophant advisors and future Cabinet members authored it. Perhaps, the strongest argument for choosing Harris/Walz over Trump/Vance is the endorsement of Harris by Trump's former Cabinet members and the 111 national security and foreign policy officials, who served in past Republican administrations, and call Donald Trump "unfit to serve again as president, or indeed in any office of public trust."

    The voting public has been forewarned by the people who know Donald Trump best. Please vote responsibly.

    James L. DeBoy, Fort Myers

    Trump derailed border bill

    We had a bipartisan bill, yes people an honest to goodness, and I mean goodness, deal that both parties agreed on. It was a way to curb illegal immigrants coming into our country.  It was a compromise with both sides agreeing on it. NBC news reported it in February of this year like this. "The agreement — reached by Sens. James Lankford, R-Okla., Chris Murphy, D-Conn., and Kyrsten Sinema, I-Ariz. — would be the most aggressive border security and migration overhaul bill in decades if it passes Congress. It would raise the standard to get asylum, send away those who don't qualify and expedite cases for those who do." So done deal right, both parties agreed, it’s a monumental relief on many fronts to fight this porous border and finally get some teeth with some good immigration laws.  But it didn’t happen.  It failed a procedural vote in the U.S. Senate This happened because of one man, and one man only, Donald Trump. The why is because he wants to run on that issue so he told his minions not to do the deal! Trump said, "The Left needs it so don’t do it" If you don’t believe me, please check it out. It is real, it did happen. So why would someone who has been talking about shutting down the border for ages, when it finally comes to fruition, he stops it? He was president for two years, while the Repubs had control of both houses and they didn’t move on immigration.

    Debra Hodroff, Estero

    Lesson from Mexico

    Recently, Mexico elected a new president, Claudia Sheinbaum, who received almost 60% of the vote. She is the first woman and Jew to be elected president of Mexico and will take office on Oct. 1, 2024. Yet for too many Americans, the idea of voting for a woman, Kamala Harris, of South Asian and Black descent for president, against a convicted criminal, advocate of hateful lies, and inciter of mob violence, is an anathema. We should be learning a lesson from Mexican voters. Are Mexicans more open minded, tolerant, accepting and intelligent than so many American voters? What is wrong with America?

    Barry Fulmer, Fort Myers

    Tsunami of broke seniors

    In this election year, it’s important that voters remember what Sen. Rick Scott said just two short years ago when he outlined in his plan to “sunset” Social Security and other programs. He said if the programs were good, that Congress could then vote to renew them. But his plan provides no guarantee that any programs will be renewed. The GOP has run the least productive Congress in over 150 years. I wouldn’t trust them to renew my Social Security without major cuts and taking months or years to do it while they fight about it in endless committee hearings.

    To the point, which grown kid will you move in with if Scott succeeds at reducing or “sunsetting” senior’s promised Social Security? Whose spaces will millions of suddenly strapped Florida retirees have to invade if they lose their monthly checks? More importantly, who WILL YOU have to move in with?

    Will your kids be able to feed and house you? Your pets? Your mate if they need a place to go too? Can you have their basement? Or will you need their ground floor master without stairs? Can they pay your phone bill? Gas up and maintain your car if you still drive? Cover your car insurance? Pay for your meds, doctors, etc. if Medicare is “sunsetted” too? Do you need special furniture? How about specific senior needs too numerous to mention here? Or will you need to return to work? Are you able to work?

    Sit down and talk to your family NOW about what will happen if you ever lose your current and/or promised Social Security and Medicare retirement benefits. Get answers to those questions above and others that you may need to address. Be prepared.

    Scott’s plan would send a veritable broke senior tsunami crashing up on tens of millions of adult children’s doorsteps across America. To prevent that catastrophe, needed changes to keep the Social Security fund solvent must be made without benefit cuts. Ask Scott to work on that instead of “sunsetting” benefits. See what he says. Also ask Debbie Mucarsel-Powell to see what she says.

    Other Republicans have also advocated cutting “entitlements” as Mitch McConnell puts it. The GOP budget committee recommended Social Security cuts in every budget it has submitted for the past several years. They ignore the fact that many of us paid into that system for 40-50 years.

    Scott and others have publicly zipped it during this election year because cutting grandma’s Social Security isn’t a winning issue for most people. But that doesn’t mean for a second that the GOP and their budget committee have changed their plans.

    So talk to your kids, your parents or whoever you need to talk to. Make your plan NOW. We’ll all need one if Scott and the GOP win.

    Cindy McClure, Iona, Fort Myers

    Consequential election

    It’s not enough to vote for Amendment 4; we also must vote against the politicians who made Amendment 4 necessary.  Rick Scott and Byron Donalds both support Florida’s six-week abortion ban and if given the chance would no doubt support a federal ban.  Donald Trump was the architect behind the overturning of Roe v Wade (he brags about this); Trump says the issue should be decided at the state level, but make no mistake, the anti-abortion forces that support Trump will demand he sign a federal ban if he wins the election.

    The potential consequences of this election cannot be overstated.  According to Project 2025, the far-right plan to remake America according to Christian nationalist ideology, banning abortion is just the first step.  There is a provision in the plan that states a person is created at the moment of conception.  Therefore, under a federal abortion ban, there would be no exceptions for rape or incest.  Contraception and IVF would be next in the crosshairs.

    We have to stand together on this issue and for some voters that’s going to mean crossing party lines where the candidates are concerned.  Rick Scott is truly dangerous, and I don’t know why we keep electing him.  He’s the GOP point man for sunsetting Social Security.  He votes against all bills that would help working families.  But when the election rolls around, he casts himself as a mainstream Republican family values guy and pours millions of his own money into campaign ads.

    It’s not enough to vote for Amendment 4; we have to make sure Project 2025 never comes to fruition.

    Ray Clasen, North Fort Myers

    Longshoremen's strike

    We hear a lot about "corporate greed" from the White House and the left-leaning media when grocery prices rise, even though the average grocery store has a profit margin of 1-2%.

    What would you call a union who has an offer of a 50% wage increase from their employers, but is holding the American public hostage for their desire to get a 77% boost?  It's called The International Longshoremen's Association.

    Our esteemed president won't invoke the Taft-Hartley Act to get them back to work, because he "...doesn't believe" in it.  (Translation:  He is putting the ILA ahead of the country, in order to get union votes on November 5th.)

    Dave Bridgeman, Alva

    Obama's silence

    Am I the only one who is wondering why Obama, the de facto president, has been so silent since congratulating Harris on her nomination? He has not said a word since the DNC. He may not be the man that his fans think he is, but he is the supreme politician.

    Either he feels he made the wrong choice in choosing Harris or he is waiting in the wings for a mass effort as we near election day. I for one think he made the wrong choice and was a conspiring partner in removing Biden and could not come up with a better option.

    Michael Zubrow, Naples

    Trump denigrates vets, police

    It is with great sadness that I write this letter. I am a registered Republican, Marine vet and retired Michigan State Police sergeant. I have no idea how any veteran of our military service or how any current or retired law enforcement officer could possibly support Trump!

    He has denigrated the sacrifices our brothers-in-arms have made, calling them “suckers" and "losers.” He has stated that the Medal of Honor is less important than the Presidential Medal of Freedom, because those awarded the Medal of Honor are either dead or seriously injured. He ridiculed John McCain, a true American hero, for being captured and tortured by the North Vietnamese.

    He has said that the January 6 rioters were “hostages,” “warriors” and “victims.” He has made it very clear that he will pardon these criminals who injured 140 police officers, while attempting to disrupt the mainstay of our democracy, a peaceful transition of power. So much for “Back the Blue.”

    No self-respecting cop or vet can possibly support this man. If you do you are a hypocrite!

    Larry R. Miller, Englewood

    This article originally appeared on Fort Myers News-Press: Letters to the editor for Sunday, Oct. 6, 2024

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