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    The Best Sniper Rifles In Fallout 3

    29 days ago

    Sniper rifles play an important role in the world of Fallout 3. Playing as the Lone Wanderer, players must choose carefully to fight in close quarters or from long distances. Otherwise, they will meet a fatal end with their resources getting stolen. A sniper rifle offers good damage from afar and scopes different areas to observe enemy behavior. Here are the best ones you can find for your next playthrough.
    Photo byTotal Apex Gaming

    Honorable Mention: The Victory

    The Victory is a unique sniper rifle in Fallout 3. It has the advantage of taking down targets with critical hits. Victory also has a five-time chance of critical strike, an estimated power of 40, and a 5-round magazine capacity. However, to achieve its optimal firing rate, the bullet loading in the chamber should ideally be only 3, so that the attack changes to x3 could deliver a great critical hit to the target. Regretfully if compared to some other sniper rifles, it has low damage output, is not guaranteed it has the chance of taking down an enemy on a critical hit, and is hard to acquire it locked in a hard-locked container

    Honorable Mention: The Lincoln's Repeater

    A lever-action sniper rifle classified as a unique variant in Fallout 3. This gun has a high destructive power of around 50, a critical hit chance of x2, and an undeniable level of accuracy. These statistics make Lincoln's Repeater perfect for medium-range shots with a large magazine capacity of 15. However, unfortunately, Lincoln's Repeater has a poor rate of fire and doesn't have scope and ammo scarcity. It consumes 44 magnum rounds which are relatively rare.

    3. The Xuanlong

    The sniper rifle of Xuanlong Assault is a top-tier weapon but difficult to obtain in Fallout 3. A player must first enter the Museum of Technology to complete the Jiggs' Loot mission. This rifle can be found on the body of a Prime in Metro Jury Street. The challenge of acquiring it adds to its appeal, alongside its very low spread, the best critical hit chance of 12, and it deals 140 damages per second to targets, with a short reload time of about 2.2 seconds. It's a pity that Xuanlong has low accuracy at long range, and needs to be repaired often during frequent use and ammo shortage.

    2. The Reservist

    Another great sniper rifle in Fallout 3 is the Reservist Rifle. This unique semi-automatic double-barrel weapon is equipped with 308 caliber AMM ANDO, a 5-round magazine, and is specifically designed for long-range combat. Additionally, the Reservist is quite effective in terms of damage and critical hit rates, with a slightly higher firing rate compared to other sniper rifles. Each magazine holds 3 rounds and consumes 6 AP less when firing with VATS. Low durability, slow rate of fire, and less forgiving for missed shots are the weaknesses of Reservist.

    1. The Gauss

    The weapon is named after Carl Friedrich Gauss. It's a coil sniper rifle used by infantry in Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Fallout 4, Fallout 76, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout Tactics, and Fallout Extreme. This sophisticated gun is included in the Fallout add-on Operation: Anchorage. The Gauss rifle isn't not traditional but it works with a high-powered energy projectile. This sniper rifle is perfect for defeating heavily armored enemies and long-range combat. It does have several weaknesses. For example, the Gauss may have ammunition limits and delayed loading time so the players couldn't shoot, or react instantly in certain situations.

    Snipe Them Out

    A sniper rifle in Fallout 3 is a long-range weapon equipped with a scope that has high destructive power but requires a high level of skill to use; only players who have first mastered the use of small firearms can utilize it. The last thing to be noted for the players who play in Fallout 3 is that weapon choice often depends on the player character's perks and skills, so what works best for one player may not for another. Experimentation is a key to finding the right fit for a player's playstyle.

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    This article was originally written by Endah Wahyuni.

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