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    Survivor’s [Spoiler] Calls Out the Teammate Who ‘Didn’t Really Give Me the Time of Day’

    By Nick Caruso,

    2 days ago

    The following contains spoilers from Wednesday’s episode of Survivor 47 .

    A lost immunity challenge led to pandemonium for Survivor’ s Tuku tribe, when the six castaways were forced to show their cards for the very first time in this game.

    TK thought he was in a comfortable majority with Gabe, Kyle and Tiyana. But after his strong reaction to an immunity loss sent waves throughout his tribe, Tiyana found herself second-guessing her working relationship with the marketing manager from Maryland, putting him on the chopping block for the season’s second Tribal Council. After Sue and Gabe pitched a plan to take him out, Tiyana made her choice and flipped, sending TK out of the game in 17th place. ( Read our full recap here .)

    Below, TK explains the reason for his strong reaction at the challenge, plus reveals the one person he almost partnered up with… and the player who wanted nothing to do with him.

    TVLINE | You’re a physically fit guy who was hoping to go far. How are you feeling about your early exit. Are you disappointed?
    Coming into it, I knew exactly what I looked like. I think the moment I saw everybody else in this game, I realized, “Holy s–t. I’m a lot bigger than everybody and this is a lot more of a disparity than I thought it was initially.” But I came into this understanding that there was a very slim chance that I would win, especially coming in behind the eight ball. So I wouldn’t say I’m disappointed. I played the game the way I wanted to play it. I played it on my own terms. I didn’t want to play under anybody else’s. I’m happy with the way that I played. Obviously, there’s a few things I would change if I could, but ultimately, I’m happy with the result. I played one of the greatest games of all time so I can’t be too upset about it.

    TVLINE | Who was more blindsided by this vote, you or Kyle? That dude looked shook!
    To be honest, I think Kyle knew what was happening. They don’t show this, but at one point he came up to me. He was like, “Hey, TK, I just wanna let you know, I feel like the tides might be turning a little bit, bro. Your name’s floating around.” But he never told me Tiyana was floating my name around. If I had known that, then I would have played my Shot in the Dark. But at that point, I was like, “Oh, everybody’s name’s getting floated around.” Tiyana. Gabe’s name was floated. Even Kyle’s name was floated. Everybody’s name was getting thrown out there. So I think I was probably more blindsided just because I had no idea [about] the relationship between Gabe and Sue. It was a weird situation. That was one where I really give Gabe props. He was a huge player because he set that up before anything and that just came to fruition. It played out well for him, so I can’t be mad at that.

    TVLINE | Did you have any doubts going into Tribal as to how Tiyana was going to vote or did you think you guys were entirely locked in?
    I hoped. I explained to her from my perspective that we all essentially needed each other. When it comes to the merge, yes, I’m the strongest guy out there. It was probably between me and Sol. I knew there were gonna be targets on me, but Tiyana is the strongest female and she’s also stronger than a lot of the guys. So I tried to explain to Tiyana. “You’re gonna be next. You’re a player, you’re personable, you talk to everybody, you have a smile that’s just electric. People are gonna gravitate to that and when people see that, they’re gonna be like, ‘We can’t have her in this game.'” “Kyle, you’re a strong guy. You’re like Survivor MacGyver out here. You can live in the worst conditions possible and that’s something else everybody else can’t do. You’re gonna be a target as well.”

    I knew if I had just stayed docile, didn’t rock the boat, teamed up with someone like Sue or teamed up with someone like Caroline, yeah, I would have made it probably to the merge and then I would have been out as soon as the merge hit, right? Because those two won’t be looked at as threats. But if I’m there with Kyle and Tiyana and we get to the merge, now at least we all have somebody to point the finger at. It’s almost like the Spiderman meme when they’re all pointing at each other. [Laughs] So I wanted to have that dynamic because that would help me further my game.

    TVLINE | You had a strong reaction to losing the immunity challenge. In hindsight, do you wish you had tamed that a bit?
    No, because I feel like at that moment, I realized I was in hot water already. Tiyana was already playing the middle. If Tiyana even voted with me at Tribal, she wouldn’t have gone to rocks for me. You saw how quick she turned on me for the smallest thing. She would have just said, “OK, well, TK is going home.” Either way I would have been in that same situation, so I don’t regret saying what I said. And a lot of the reason I said what I said was because the reason we lost that challenge was because Gabe didn’t communicate well with me. We were in the middle of the challenge and we kept falling at the same point. I expressed to Gabe like, “Hey, I know why we’re falling and I know how to get around this point and we can win the game. Just hear me out. This is what we need to do. I have a different vantage point than you, so I can see there’s more space on one side than the other.” And Gabe’s like, “No, only one voice and it’s my voice because I’m in the middle, so we’re listening to me.” Nobody in the tribe checked him. They just let him do it and we lost. So at that point, I realized, “OK, I think people are more worried about their alliances than they are about winning.” I just felt like that was a backwards way to play the game because if we win, we don’t have to worry about Tribal, so we should be putting our efforts into winning and then fall back on our social game.

    I felt like Kyle tried to check Gabe at one point when we were playing [the challenge], but Gabe ignored Kyle as well. They don’t show that. They show me keep saying, “Wait, wait, wait” on certain parts and Gabe keeps pulling anyway, but they didn’t really show the conversation between us. So that’s really what led to me saying what I said. Had we lost because they were better than us, whatever. I wouldn’t have had that type of reaction. But to see that it’s self-destruction and almost a selfish nature behind the game play there, I think that was more what frustrated me. On top of that, I hadn’t been eating for five days and there was a chance to get this fishing gear which I had been talking about for two or three days. With Tiyana being a former D1 athlete and Caroline playing competitive water polo and Kyle playing football and different sports when he was growing up, I figured everybody would understand where I was coming from as an athlete, but it just was not taken that way.

    TVLINE | Were there any other factors that led to your clash with Tiyana?
    That’s the irony of it all is that Tiyana and I maybe had two conversations the entire time we were on that island. We did not talk very much. Everybody assumed we did but Tiyana even says it before she even got to know me. “I don’t know if I like TK.” This is before we’ve ever had a conversation, but she knew she liked Kyle, so I understood that Kyle and her had the relationship. I also understood that it would be beneficial for Kyle and I to have Tiyana in our group because it’s just gonna help us all be strong overall. I don’t think Gabe was looked at as a tremendous threat visually. So I figured we needed to get Tiyana on board, and Kyle and Tiyana already had their thing.

    The two times we did talk, we had really good conversation. One was when I approached her about potentially working together, and then the second time we had a personal conversation where she ended up in tears and I ended up tearing up a little bit. We have a really cool moment. She said, “Oh my God, I didn’t realize you were like this. I didn’t realize you were this type of person. I totally thought you were gonna be something else.” But again, it’s just assumptions that people make sometimes. That’s just what the game brings in from the outside. Sometimes they just look at me and think, “Oh, he’s just a big jock. He’s probably an a–hole. He’s gonna act this way or that way.” But once you get to know me and you understand why I have the confidence that I do and understand what I went through in my life, then you kind of get a look behind the curtain of why I react to things the way I do. I’m a competitor at the end of the day. Don’t take anything I say seriously in a competitive environment because as soon as we get back, you’ll realize like, “Oh, that’s just who he is.”

    TVLINE | Besides the obvious, why’d you want to target Sue?
    She never attempted to talk to me at all. There was a moment when I came back from doing the challenge for us to get the supplies and everybody had already done their intros to each other. So the first night we sat down and I said, “Hey, if you guys don’t mind, can you just tell me your stories? I would love to know about all of you guys and I missed it.” So everybody’s going one by one telling their stories and it comes to Sue and she’s like, “I already told my story.” And I was like, “OK, but I didn’t hear it,” and she’s like, “I don’t feel like telling it right now.” Then I tried to talk to Sue at a separate moment. We’re walking to the water well and I’m like, “Hey, Sue. How are you doing gameplay-wise?” She just shuts the conversation down. And that was really it.

    There was only one other conversation I had with Sue. We talked about her daughter and I just let her know her daughter’s gonna be proud of her either way. And I’m having this real conversation with her and she’s crying and I’m thinking, “OK, maybe that’s gonna add some equity into a relationship we could potentially build,” but it didn’t. She just never had any intention of working with me whatsoever. I don’t know if she just didn’t want to work with me from the beginning or if Gabe had already locked in with her. But even still, that’s not a good way to play the game because she could have led me along and could have been getting information out of me the entire time. She didn’t play that right. So just for me, we didn’t really vibe. She didn’t really give me the time of day.

    TVLINE | What’s something we didn’t see on TV that you wish had aired?
    Caroline and I had a long conversation one morning. She had mentioned she felt like she wasn’t being heard by the tribe. Sometimes in challenges, she felt like her voice was getting drowned out by all the other strong personalities and voices that were on that tribe. She and I sat down at our camp when everybody else went down to the beach at like 6:30 in the morning. I was like, “I just wanted to touch base with you and see how you’re doing. I know you mentioned you felt like you weren’t being heard. Can you just tell me, is it me, is it other people? Is there any way I can help?” We had this big conversation and I felt like we had made a lot of headway. And she even mentions to me like, “TK, I’m so glad we had this conversation. I would just absolutely love to work with you,” and I’m thinking the same thing. In my mind, my head’s already spinning like, “You’re replacing Gabe. Gabe’s outta here.” She’s athletic as well. Caroline’s an amazing swimmer. She’s a little quirky. It does take some getting used to, but overall, if I had talked to her maybe one day prior, I think I had a chance of potentially working with her. The wheels were already in motion at that point, man.

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