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    Letters to the editor for Sunday, July 21, 2024

    By Letter writers,

    23 hours ago

    Letters to the editor should be 250 words or less. Include your name and city or community of residence. Guest opinions should be 600 words or less and include a brief summary of the author’s credentials relevant to the topic. Guest opinions may include a head shot of the author. For the Fort Myers News-Press, email submissions to and for the Naples Daily News to

    Candidate forum

    For decades the League of Women Voters of Lee County has been a nonpartisan group that encourages “informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues and influences public policy through education and advocacy.” On July 11 they hosted a combined candidate forum at the Alliance for the Arts for Lee County School Board, Fort Myers City Council and Lee County Commission. The event was well attended by voters. Thank you to Lee County Commissioner candidates Matthew Thornton of District 3 and Amanda Cochran and Kizzie Fowler of District 5 for participating and sharing their thoughts about governing Lee County. However what was most telling is not which candidates attended, but those that didn’t. Especially noticeable was the lack of attendance by Republican candidates for Lee County commissioner in District 3 − Jake Catalado and David Mulicka, and District 5 − Mike Greenwell. From looking at these candidates' social media sites, it appears they only attend gatherings that are guaranteed to support them and don’t challenge their positions. How sad that these candidates are that insecure to not interact with a broad range of voters in a non-biased candidate forum.

    Daniel Becker, Fort Myers

    Closed primary

    We have an election coming up this November, but due to Florida election laws, the primary election on August 20, 2024 will decide which persons are elected to serve on the Lee County Board of Commissioners.

    There are three candidates for both District 3 and District 5. At present, the elections are countywide meaning all voters in the county get to exercise their choice.

    In District 3 there is a write-in candidate, Jake Cataldo, who, in his own words, joined the race to make it a closed primary, to keep the Democrats from voting. It would surprise no one if this candidate drops out. David Scott Mulicka, backed by the power brokers in the county, is one of the candidates. (If the name sounds familiar it is because his father is on the school board and his wife is a state senator.) The third candidate, Matthew R. Thornton, is a grassroots candidate.

    In District 5 there is a Democrat candidate, Kizzie Fowler. Mike Greenwell, backed by the power brokers in the county, is another candidate. The third, Amanda Cochran, is a grassroots candidate.

    The question in my mind is whether you want to continue with the tried and untrue, or, bring in fresh faces with fresh ideas.

    Fortunately, there is a way for Democrats to participate in the primary. If you change your party registration by July 22, you can exercise your choice of candidates in the primary. Remember, the primary will decide the election. They will be unopposed in the general election and thus considered elected. (You will be able to change your registration back after the primary.)

    As an aside, I attended a meet-the-candidates night and both power broker backed candidates were no-shows. To me that is an insult to the voters of Lee County.

    Remember, voting is a privilege, a right, and a duty. But, do it in a responsible manner by educating yourself about the candidates and their positions, not just by name recognition and/or a “pretty face.”

    Norman Cannon, Fort Myers

    Fuel from algae

    The collection of algae and its usage is not new. Algae is very useful as a fish food when concentrated, and an excellent fertilizer when dry. Algae is an excellent source of phosphate (PO4), Kjeldahl nitrogen (NH), potassium (K), and organic carbon (CHO) for feed and fertilizer. Complexes of alginate with calcium are used in food and pharmaceuticals.

    However, when the algae overpopulate a space, they deplete the sunlight and oxygen. When the algae growth becomes anaerobic, cyanobacteria start producing deadly toxins. This generally limits the concentration of collectable algae.

    As a fuel, only the cell wall lipids are useful. These fatty acids can be used to produce biodiesel (FAME, fatty acid methyl esters). Fortunately, the lipid concentration of algae compares favorably with that of corn and soybean. However, this usage has never been commercially successful.

    A quick search of Wikipedia sheds a lot of light on algae for fuel.

    David Williams, PhD, Naples

    Free state of Florida?

    Welcome to the free state of Florida Ron DeSantis style. Has the meaning of free changed? Free by definition means not under the control or power of another.But what about the woman who is raped or has a high-risk pregnancy that is a great risk to her health. Free to leave Florida at her expense and get an abortion in another state. What about free to read books we choose, not Florida? How about gay and trans people? Are they free in Florida? Black History? Not free to study that. And global warming? Free to deny it’s real even though it’s wreaking havoc on Florida and the planet. Free to pretend COVID is a hoax and the medical experts are quacks.Yes we are free to carry guns. Guns are fine but books are dangerous. After all we offer our hopes and prayers to the daily shootings in this country. No need to regulate gun control. Clearly the meaning of free has a different meaning in Florida. How very sad.

    Carolyn Sertich, Bonita Springs

    Hypocrisy at RNC

    The RNC is an exercise in hypocrisy and demagoguery proceeding like a circus starting with the usual hacks like Lee Greenwood on stage to start the sideshow.Call it flip flopping or utter hypocrisy or both, Vance, Haley, Rubio, Cruz and others who early on called Trump a conman, a liar, unfit for office now having had a sniff of power are on his bandwagon and licking his boots ad nauseum.On top of that they paraded a host of people who were related to victims of assorted crimes and their stories were certainly saddening.Unfortunately some seemed to have been coached to connect their tragedies to Joe Biden, blaming him for everything from drug trafficking to world inflation, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Hamas, homelessness among other things.Whoever did the coaching forgot to add that Biden is to be blamed for bad weather and losing one of your socks in the dryer.How can one put stock in a crowd that changes its mind depending on which way the wind is blowing and exploits innocent people's tragedies just to win election points?

    Fred Jodice, North Fort Myers

    Pending autocracy/theocracy

    I just had a text exchange with my cousin who, from his studio in southern Indiana (limestone country) has created sculptures that are major installations in the USA and around the world.

    We were commiserating over Project 2025 and a pending autocracy/theocracy.

    At one point he wrote that he and his wife are giving serious thought to moving to Portugal because, in his words, "Artists and intellectuals are the first to burn.”

    C.A. Farrington, South Fort Myers

    Support fluoridation

    Dumb, dumber and dumbest, only begins to describe eliminating fluorine from our water system. Next change may be chlorine being removed after someone writes an article about the secret benefits of drinking contaminated water. In the proper concentrations, they do infinitely more good than harm. The taxpayers save $126,000, but the people who can least afford dental care will end up with cavities, then an abscess, pain and extractions.

    As a retired orthodontist, I would rather accept information from the accredited groups that support fluoridation: the American Dental Association, AMA, American Academy of Pediatrics, and on and on, rather than listen to the “publish or perish” crowd. Whomever voted to remove it should be ashamed of themselves. May I repeat, dumb, dumber and dumbest!

    Frank Besson DMD, Naples

    Impact fees

    In a recent edition there is an article on impact fees in Collier County. The commissioners have not decided but as in the past it looks like they will push all costs off on us and let developers get off building and profiting off us the taxpayer. This is totally wrong and unfair. The building cost should reflect the true cost. If people don’t like it buy elsewhere.

    Benjamin Glick, Naples

    Vote Trump out

    So, for the better part of 8 years, Trump has been fomenting violence. Back during the 2016 election at his rallies, he encouraged violence among his audience and we saw folks getting assaulted. Then there were the "good people on both sides" at Charlottesville, and of course, who can forget Jan 6th where several people died and many were injured, mostly cops, after he told his followers they had to "fight." Now during the current campaign, it's been all about revenge and "getting" people.

    Did he not think that eventually, someone would say, enough is enough? Of course, the right, being firm believers in the 2nd Amendment, are happy to have anyone who can fog a mirror be armed to the teeth, and in this case, there are two more dead, and two critically injured. The blood from all this death and injury is on the hands of Donald J. Trump, but if anyone thinks coming an inch or so from death would give him pause, I doubt it. I'd bet that he will double down and the rabid members of his MAGA/RINO/CINOS will take it as free rein to let loose. Time will tell.

    This man is a cancer in our country. We had none of this till he came on the political scene. It's time for the voters to say enough is enough and rid us of this cancer at the ballot box.

    Ken Brindle, Cape Coral

    Better under Trump

    Americans, especially Independent voters, must research what America was like during Trump's administration. You will see you are not to worry that Trump will become a dictator (nor could he) and you will see America will not turn into a nation of chaos. What you will be reminded of is the country was economically strong, unemployment was low, taxes reduced, military was being rebuilt, the borders were more secure, Russia/China/N. Korea/Iran were in check. Trump could talk with Putin but remember one of the golden rules: keep your enemies close. Afghanistan after years of bloodshed was calmed. Also we were more energy independent than ever before. Manufacturing at home was at an all-time high. We were not a perfect nation, but when have we been?

    Wake up America, left-minded columnists write with little known facts. Think about your life from 2016-2020 versus the past 3.5 years. When I passed the gas station yesterday the price for low test gas was $4.19 a gallon! When I stopped in the grocery store prices of goods were extremely high! When I got home and turned on the news it was broadcasting the war in Ukraine, Israel and Democrats were telling Joe Biden to step down! There has been more chaos under Joe than ever under Don.

    Donald Trump is a tough love. He should act more presidential but he has proven to the world he knows how to run a country and help keep the world more peaceful than it is now.

    Bob Shea, Naples

    Foolish statements, tragedy

    It looks look the ignorant preaching of Mark Robinson, the Republican Lt. Governor of North Carolina, that some wicked people need killing may have had an unintended effect on Saturday. Doubt that he wanted a Republican to shoot another Republican.

    Just an example of how foolish statements by Democrat and Republican leaders cause needless problems. Now some leaders on each side are blaming the others. Playing politics. The real victims, aside from this country, are the three innocent citizens who were shot. Doubt that any real lessens will be learned from this tragedy.

    Donald Switzer, Naples

    Blame game

    While the attempted assassination of former President Trump is abominable, the post-shooting responses of a number of Republican leaders and acolytes deserve condemnation for blaming the incident on their political rivals.

    Leave it to our Senator Rick, naturally, to be in the vanguard of the blame game.

    Taking his usual path on the low road, the junior senator was in the first wave of the growing GOP tsunami of casting Democrats as the source of political violence, stating that the shooting was attributable to “the rhetoric of the radical left.”

    At least he didn’t go as far as Mike Collins, a Congress member from neighboring Georgia, who called for prosecuting President Biden for “inciting an assassination” due to his criticisms of the former president.

    Never mind that a vast number of Republicans, from the top on down, have engaged in vicious remarks about their political opponents and others who are their preferred political targets like immigrants. Or, how they have referred to the January 6th rioters in heroic terms as “patriots.” Or, their reticence on gun safety issues such as the widespread availability of firearms.

    Shame on Senator Scott.

    Marshall H. Tanick, Naples

    Abysmal failure

    The head of the Secret Service should be fired. It was an abysmal failure that occurred at President Trump's rally Saturday. That the Secret Service allowed a shooter to close to within 150 yards of Mr. Trump with rifle is inexcusable. The Trump campaign should reject the Secret Service for protection of any further events and hire competent private security services, and not allow the Secret Service anywhere near the candidate. I paused this letter in order to listen to President Biden's speech Sunday night. What typical Democratic pap, calling for less rhetoric and unity, after 8 years of attacking Mr. Trump in every manner possible, from impeachment to democratic DA's prosecution of laughable charges and pro-Democratic media bias.

    Kelly Lashley, Fort Myers

    Biden's outrageous statements

    I just read a report that last week President Biden, in a call with donors, said it is time to put Trump in the bullseye. Combine that with the president saying Trump is a threat to democracy among other outrageous statements about a Trump presidency taking away freedoms, being a dictator, putting opponents in prison, it is obvious that the president is promoting violence. If the tables were reversed and Trump had said all these things and there was an attempt on Biden's life, the media and the Left would be full bore blaming Trump.

    Ron Wobbeking, Naples

    Mayorkas inept

    How hard is it to believe that the Secret Service erred in the scale of protection afforded to President Trump. Who is in control of the Secret Service, none other than the dishonorable Secretary Mayorkas. He erred from day one on the border. He knows he will be unemployed in January 2025. Ineptitude is Mayorkas' middle name.

    Michael Zubrow, Naples


    Senator Rick Scott and Congressman Byron Donald’s just ran ads critical of Joe Biden and Senate Bill 1246 and stating that it will cost seniors on Medicare.

    Senate bill 1246 if passed will allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices for Medicare and save seniors on Part D prescription cost, just the opposite of what the ads say.

    Senator Scott is noted in the ad as always being a champion for Medicare. Senator Scott earlier this year proposed sundowning all federal programs every five years, this includes Social Security and Medicare. Sundowning means that they would go away unless Congress acted to restore them.

    Rick Scott founded Columbia Hospital Corporation which grew very large. Columbia was fined $1.7 billion for defrauding Medicare, and Rick Scott took his golden parachute retirement package and was never prosecuted.

    Rick Scott was among a group of Republican senators that tried to put the Social Security fund into the general fund several years ago, this was blocked by Democrats because it would have severely cut Social Security.

    Rick Scott calls Medicare and Social Security entitlements.

    Rick Scott and Byron Donalds are just like the leader of the Republican Party, untrustworthy, ethically and morally corrupt.

    William Ochiltree, Cape Coral

    Marjorie Taylor Greene

    Marjorie Taylor Greene, has become the poster child for everything wrong with the Republican Party of today. She continues to gain sought after notoriety with her comments after the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, "we are in a battle between good and evil" the Democratic Party "the party of violence and flat out evil" etc. Isn't there a Republican in Congress that can shut her up?

    Roger W. Quagliano, Estero

    Morally wrong

    I am voting no on Amendment 4 because killing innocent defenseless human life is morally wrong.

    Bob Raspallo, Bonita Springs

    Presidential immunity

    For over 248 years there has been little, if any, question about the role of the presidency and his authority and responsibilities. Historically, there is a plethora of disagreements involving policies, agenda, decisions, and general performance but never any serious attempt to undermine, expand or redefine his inherent constitutional duties including his use of power or “immunity.” The authors of our Constitution certainly did not imply or grant immunity to losers to exercise vindictive and spiteful retribution by a screwball loser who, after four years, still cannot face the reality that he lost the election despite incontrovertible validation by over 60 court decisions.

    Thus, for 248 years the traditional system worked, with good and bad characters in the Oval Office. But, in 2024, a bunch of rabid conservative justices, three of whom were appointed by this bona fide whacko, felt that they have the authority and sagacity to define and alter presidential immunity using their personal dogmatic conservative views as the frame of reference and justification rather than any legal precedent or outstanding need to rectify a public injustice.

    The Constitution was carefully crafted to preclude unlimited immunity and prohibit anyone being “above the law.” It did not empower the judiciary to expand or emasculate the executive branch and make them subordinate to capricious political rulings. Hasn’t it been firmly established over 248 years that the three branches of the republic have equal power? Remember, the judiciary’s primary focus lies in interpreting and applying laws, not directly making them.

    Your vote this year is not a vote for political party preference – it is a vote for survival of our American democracy and Constitution. It is not a vote on charisma, age, personality and promises – it is a critical step against incipient fascism which begins with a rogue judiciary polluting and enervating your rights and freedom and inadvertently condoning Trump’s publicly declared fascistic objectives.

    Shame on the army of Trump’s lawyers who have rapaciously put lucrative legal fees above their professional integrity and public interest, thus enabling a rich congenital charlatan and convicted felon to continue this reprehensible imbroglio with an abundance of frivolous irrelevant delays endangering our democracy. He is entitled to a robust legal defense, not a camouflaged political advocacy promoting incomprehensible legalese.

    Howard J. Alden, Naples

    Democrats sink themselves

    With Democrats like these who needs Republicans? Adapted from the old familiar adage, “With friends like these, who needs enemies,” this title couldn’t ring more true today, amongst congressional Democrats. Ad nauseam, Democrats continue to mimic the dried up, old phrase, that Donald J. Trump presents an existential threat to American democracy and maybe even to the world. Nonetheless, with the free world teetering in the balance, congressional Democrats waste the precious, remaining time they have before the apocalyptic November election, ardently trying to convince Americans that our current president shouldn’t be re-elected and that he can’t win re-election. In supposedly what’s in America’s “best interest,” they’re annihilating the chances of Democrats remaining in the White House. All the Republicans have to say to their constituents is, “stand back and stand by” as the Democrats sink themselves.

    As Congressional Democrats waste valuable time conjuring up all kinds of events they claim President Biden must attend in order to assuage Americans’ concerns regarding his capabilities, they’re only fomenting greater division and confusion within their party. A congressional Democrat upon leaving a meeting, was asked by a reporter whether the members at the close of their meeting were on the same page, his response was, “we’re not even in the same book!” How’s that for a unified party! The truth is, President Biden could do back somersaults down Pennsylvania Avenue for an entire day and it wouldn’t be close to being enough. In their minds, he’s too old and they already have someone else in mind for president.

    Why continue to torture President Biden with a rigorous gymnastics marathon when he’ll never be able to satisfy congressional Democrats? Like them or not, the Republicans have one thing going for them that the Democrats sorely lack: LOYALTY. They stand and fight for their candidates to their death, literally. Now, I’m not recommending THAT level of commitment, but I do believe Democrats need some lessons on teamwork and how “teamwork can make the dream work.”

    Lance McCormack, Marco Island

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