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    'I've been on death row for 10 years — tomorrow, Missouri is killing me for a crime I didn't commit'

    By Jeremiah Hassel,


    For the last decade , David Hosier has been on Missouri's death row for a crime he insists he didn't commit. On Tuesday, he'll be executed for it, his life snuffed out by lethal injection drugs.

    In 2013, Hosier, now 69, was convicted of first-degree murder and sentenced to death for the slaying of 45-year-old Angela Gilpin in September 2009. She and her husband, Rodney, 61, were found dead in the hallway of their Jefferson City apartment building.

    According to prosecutors, all clues pointed to Hosier — a veteran who once walked the halls of the Pentagon. When the police caught up with him near Tahlequah, Oklahoma, which is about 310 miles southwest of Jefferson City, they reportedly found around 400 rounds of ammunition and 15 firearms, court records obtained by The Kansas City Star said.

    READ MORE: Death row inmate thought he was 'in the afterlife' during painful botched execution

    READ MORE: Man in Missouri set for execution despite doubts he is guilty of horrifically stabbing woman 43 times

    Angela and Hosier had been in a relationship, which she called off to reconcile with her husband. The two had been separated, and she had an affair with Hosier. He allegedly began stalking her after she called it off, and a neighbor told the police, according to court records, that Hosier had said if he couldn't have Angela, nobody could.

    In Hosier's car, in addition to the guns, the police found a note that read in part, according to the records obtained by the Star, "If you are going with someone do not lie to them. ... Be honest with them and tell them if there is something wrong. If you do not this could happen to YOU!! ... they can go off the deap [sic] end!"

    Hosier was unable to produce an alibi for the day of the crime, but prosecutors were never able to produce more than circumstantial evidence to convict him. He's been denied every appeal for clemency or an overturning of his conviction he's filed, including one last-ditch one to Missouri Gov. Mike Parson, who denied it on Monday afternoon — just over 24 hours before the scheduled execution.

    Now, Hosier is going to die. And he's scared.

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    "Everybody, no matter what, is afraid of death," he told "If they say they're not, something's wrong with them." The only thing that's kept him sane, he said, is his faith and calls with his family and friends. He said they keep him "in touch with reality."

    The other thing that's kept him grounded is his knowledge that he's innocent, that the circumstantial evidence used to convict him was just that and that prosecutors never had any tangible evidence tying him to the crime.

    “I know I’m innocent. I was not there. I did not kill these people. Period. I don’t know who did, but they’re still walking around free," he said, growing a bit heated.

    “I still don’t understand how you can find a person guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and sentence a person to death when you have no witnesses to tie this person to the crime. You have no fingerprints, no DNA, no trace evidence, nothing tangible, no hard, physical evidence to tie me to this crime," he continued. "But yet, I’m sitting here going to die for something they said I did because I have no witnesses and no alibi because I live in a free country and can do what I want and come and go and didn’t know I needed one.”

    A drive to clear the head

    When the murders happened, Hosier said he wasn't in Jefferson City or even in Cole County. In fact, he said he wasn't even in the state. Instead, he was on a long drive to clear his head and think.

    "People don’t understand this, but if you ask a country person, they’ll understand it. When you get things on your mind and you want to think about things, the best way to do it is, I get in my car. If the weather’s good, I roll my windows down, I turn my stereo on, and I go for a drive," Hosier said.

    "I let my mind go and just cure itself. I don’t worry about where I’m going, what I’m doing. I see a road [and] I say, ‘I’ve never been down that road. I’ll take that road just to go down it.’ And I think," he continued. "And that’s what you do — you go out and you cruise and you clear your mind."

    He said people who aren't from the county and who grew up in cities without cars can't wrap their heads around the practice. His own defense attorneys, he said, told him not to use that as an alibi because it wouldn't be believable.

    "I am capable of going when and where I please. I don’t have to report to anyone my comings and goings because we live in a free country," he said. "I chose to exercise my rights as a free person. I don’t have an alibi and I don’t have witnesses."

    "You take somebody that grew up in the country and whatever, that’s one of our ways of just getting out and thinking and communicating," he emphasized. "Well, I was out doing that, so therefore, I don’t have an alibi or witnesses or whatever. I didn’t know I needed one — I wasn’t doing anything wrong."

    HIs defense lawyers kept pestering him about the alibi. "They asked, ‘Did you stop and get gas? Did you stop and get something to eat? Or did you do this? Did anybody see you?’ Yeah, all kinds of people saw me. ‘Well, would they remember you?’ I don’t even remember them. What was I supposed to do, jump up and say, ‘Hey, I may need an alibi. I may need witnesses. You saw me here at this time.’ No, I live in a free country. Who’s going to do that?" he said.

    Hosier continued, "And then they say, ‘Well, you expect people to understand or believe that, oh, you just get in your car and go for a ride and think, and you end up in Oklahoma because you’re thinking?’ Well, maybe it’s hard to believe for city people, but for guys that grew up in the country and grew up in small rural countries, that’s how we do things."

    Prosecutors tried to spin the trip into him fleeing justice, he said. But he immediately poked holes in that theory, stating that, if that were the case, he wouldn't have gone to Oklahoma, of all places.

    "Where would I be fleeing?" he demanded. "I'm not going to Mexico — I don't speak the language. I wouldn't fit in down there. I don't look like the people there." He said he was tasked with going down there during his time in the military to extricate some service members who had gotten arrested in Tijuana.

    "I've seen a Mexican prison, and I don't think I'd want to spend time in a Mexican prison," he said, assuming the Mexican authorities would have arrested him amid the warrants out for his arrest in the U.S. "Plus, Mexico will send you to the United States — they'll extradite you to the United States no matter what."

    Canada, he said, would have been a more reasonable destination for him to flee to, he said, as Canada won't extradite those facing the death penalty.

    "If they caught me somewhere halfway to Canada, I could understand it. But that’s not the case. I wasn’t fleeing anything because I didn’t do anything. There’s just so much that’s wrong," Hosier said.

    No witnesses or trace evidence

    There were no witnesses to the crime, nor did the Jefferson City police find any trace evidence like fingerprints or other DNA that could link Hosier to the scene.

    "They have no physical evidence that ties me to this crime," he said. "And the biggest part of that is the part that the Jefferson City Police Department didn't look for any. They said, 'Well, we already know he's been in her apartment, so that's all that's going to prove is that he's been there.' OK, that's true, but that is not why you look for those types of things."

    He said searching for trace evidence would have allowed the cops to find others who might have been responsible and start narrowing down suspects.

    "But they didn't do that," Hosier said. "And by choosing not to do that, they have taken away my opportunity to question and say, 'OK, why was this person there, or why was this person there?' I can't even do that because there's nothing there. They didn't even look for anything. They didn't do anything."

    A 'junk' gun

    Prosecutors linked the weapon used to kill the Gilpins to Hosier — but he said they weren't even able to match projectiles from it when they test-fired it to those found at the scene.

    "They say ‘may or may not have been fired from,’ ‘may or may not have been extracted from,’ but when they tested this weapon — this piece of junk, is what it is — they could not even get it to work properly," he said. "And I mean it does not work — it jams up. It’s junk."

    The weapon, a British Sten submachine gun, was apparently so difficult to operate that forensics experts had to purchase new ammunition just to fire it — ammunition Hosier didn't possess.

    "When they originally tested the ballistics in the barrel, the first time the gentleman tested it, he came up with the conclusion that the barrel was worn — it was just old and worn out," Hosier, who is an expert in firearms, having grown up around them all his life and working with them in the military, said. "Well, that didn’t fit the prosecutor’s scenario, so he told him to take it back and retest it. But when they retested it, they came up with, ‘Oh, the barrel has been altered.’ They never said how the barrel was altered, in what way the barrel was altered, but that was easier for the prosecutor to explain why they couldn’t match the projectiles that they recovered at the scene with the projectiles that they test-fired from this weapon when they got the weapon to even fire somewhat properly."

    He added, "All they could really say about his weapon is that I had ammunition that was consistent with ammunition that was consistent with ammunition that was used to kill these people, which is like saying, ‘OK, I had 9mm ammunition. They were killed with a 9mm weapon.’ Now, if you realize how many hundreds of hundreds of thousands of 9mm weapons are out there, which would be consistent with the weapon that killed these people…”

    Hosier's father was an Indiana state trooper, he said, and so he grew up around guns. He spent many years in military schools, was a member of rifle teams and then worked with guns when he was in the military. He said the very notion that he would have used a British Sten submachine gun — and one that wasn't even fully constructed, he said — is absurd.

    "If you’re familiar with the British Sten submachine gun, it’s about 3 feet long, maybe a little shorter. It has a magazine that sticks out of the side of it about 18 inches. Not a very easy weapon to conceal if you’re going to go use it to kill two people. It scatters brass, the empty shell casings all over the place, which is not the way you would do things if you’ve got any kind of brains," he explained.

    "I’m not supposed to have [had], but I had a .22-caliber nine-shot revolver. I had a .38-caliber six-shot revolver that are a whole lot easier to conceal, would have been a whole lot quieter than this 9mm and would not have left shell casings laying all over the place and would have been very much easier to conceal than the supposed Sten machine gun that does not work properly. It’s a piece of junk — it really is," he added.

    Hearsay evidence and talks of a second murder

    When Hosier was indicted, he was charged with a single count of first-degree murder — not two. He wasn't charged with Rodney's death, just Angela's. But prosecutors tirelessly brought up accusations of the second murder to the jury, which he said likely impacted the outcome of his trial — and it was something they weren't supposed to do.

    "He kept introducing evidence that there were two people killed. He kept telling the jury, ‘You gotta remember, he killed two people.’ I hadn’t been tried for it. It wasn’t filed for the murder of two people. He should have never done that," he said.

    They also brought in a witness who only provided hearsay arguments, he said, with the man having allegedly overheard a conversation between Hosier and someone else while in a federal holding facility before his trial in which Hosier was detailing how to modify a Sten submachine gun.

    "He didn’t even know it was a Sten. He said it started with an S and thought it was German, which would have been a Schneizer, not a Sten, and you don’t have to modify them — they were originally manufactured to fire a selective fire weapon, which means they were manufactured to fire single shot — every time you pull the trigger, it fires — or fully automatic — you pull the trigger, and it shoots until you release the trigger," Hosier said.

    He continued, "So, there’s no modifications that need to be made. He’s trying to say you modify it by moving the magazine from coming out the bottom of it to coming out the side of it, which is not true — it was manufactured originally with the magazine coming out the side of it. And again, it doesn’t need to be modified because it was made to start with, as a selective fire weapon."

    But, he said the man told the jury he never once heard Hosier talking about killing anyone. "Their whole case is built on innuendo, supposition, congregation, anything and everything but fact. They have no tangible evidence to tie me to this weapon. They have no tangible evidence to tie me to the crime," he said of the prosecutors.

    No apartment key

    At one point in time, Hosier allegedly had a key to Angela's apartment, but when he was arrested, the police found no evidence of such a key. That leads to two possibilities — that he never had one to begin with or that he tossed it.

    Hosier argues that, if he had gotten rid of the key, why wouldn't he have tossed the gun he allegedly used to kill the Gilpins?

    "Think about this — I’ve traveled supposedly from Jefferson City, Missouri, and I’m down in Tahlequah, Oklahoma, and I got rid of a key, but I still have the weapon I used to kill two people? Think about how many thousands of acres of lakes, rivers, streams, ponds, how many thousands of acres of woods, fields, the number of junkyards, scrap piles, trash piles that I would have passed," he said.

    "Had I done that [committed the murders], that gun would have been in 1,000 pieces scattered all over God’s green earth. But yet, they say they found this weapon still in my car? It does not make sense. I’ve never owned a weapon of that type."

    A mysterious note

    The police did, however, find a note in his car, which, as aforementioned, talked about the consequences of someone not being truthful with him.

    "They made a big deal about a note supposedly found in my car," Hosier said. "OK, they’ve never proven that I actually wrote the note." He said his attorneys gave him grief over it.

    "Well, my attorneys go, ‘Well, how many people have notes in their cars that other people wrote?’ Well, OK, I don’t know. People get in my car. I don’t know what they do. Was this note found in the front seat? Was it found in the backseat? Was it in the glove compartment? Was it in the center console? Was it on the floor? Is it even my handwriting? They never had a handwriting expert say, ‘OK, that’s David Hosier’s handwriting,'" he explained. "And yet they’re blaming me for the note, and they have no context to when it was written, under what circumstances or who even wrote it."

    Search warrants dated before the crime

    Two search warrants were issued for Hosier and his property, but, according to Hosier, they were both "signed eight days before a crime was ever committed." He said the judge swore under oath that that's when he signed them, but the prosecutors in his case said it was just a "typo."

    "Wait a minute — are you calling that judge a liar? Are you saying that that judge isn’t paying attention to what he’s doing when he’s signing warrants for somebody’s arrest in a murder trial or in a murder case? Are you saying he’s not paying attention, he’s not reading what he’s supposed to be doing, when, under his oath, he said this is when he did it? Now, you’re saying it’s a typo?" Hosier demanded, flustered and worked up as he recalled the prosecutors' actions.

    Having spent three years working in the Pentagon, Hosier said he frequently had to sign government documents and ensure the date on them was accurate — because if it wasn't, he said that was akin to falsifying government documents, which is a crime.

    He said a level of hypocrisy permeated his entire trial. When prosecutors messed up, their mistakes were brushed under the rug. But when his defense attorneys did the same, they were asked to redo all their paperwork and file it correctly.

    Concerning the warrants, he said the Jefferson City Police Department also failed to do their jobs, saying they served both warrants without properly reading them, because, if they had, they would have noted that they were incorrect. He hoped, after that, that someone would have had them redone before they were executed.

    But that's not how it played out. Instead, he alleges that "they just pulled two back pages off of some other warrants and put them on there and thought nobody would pay any attention."

    Regardless of what happened or exactly how it played out, Hosier is now set to pay the ultimate price.

    A fast-approaching execution

    Hosier's execution date was announced on Feb. 14, just four days after his birthday, and since then, he's been on what's called "death watch," or a suicide watch between the time his date is announced and the actual date — which is June 11 at 6 p.m. CDT (7 p.m. EDT).

    While on death watch, he's been isolated from everyone in the prison, allowed far fewer privileges than before and forced to count down the days until he dies. There's now just one left.

    He's stuck in a 7-foot-wide by 15-foot-long cell for most of the day every day, only allowed out when something special happens, like the phone call he had with on May 30 or his somewhat frequent visits to the prison's medical center — just a couple of weeks before that, he was hospitalized for heart failure and nearly died.

    "Like everybody, I don’t want to die. I don’t want to leave my friends, my family," he said, choking up as he held back tears. "But yet, nobody has ever gotten out of this world yet alive. And I have an advantage by knowing when I’m going to get out of here," he rationalized.

    “Most people worry and wonder and are constantly bothered by, 'What happens if I get up and don’t make it today, what happens if this or what happens if that?', and they seem to worry about death. I have an advantage in the fact that I know when I’m going to go meet my maker," he continued. "I can look forward to saying, ‘If the state murders me, if they execute, I know when I’m going to go meet God and my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and I’m going to be in a far better place than where I am right now.’ Other people have to wonder and worry about that. I’ve got an advantage over them there. I know. It may sound kind of morbid, but it’s what you have to do to keep going."

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