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    Rashida Tlaib hates the West, the United States, and reality

    By Ben Rothove,

    10 days ago

    Far-left Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and socialist keyboard warrior Nina Turner published a piece titled “Black Liberation and Palestinian Liberation Are Interconnected” on Monday, but their argument was ignorant of reality.

    “The collective liberation of oppressed people everywhere is intertwined, and we must come together to fight for justice at home and around the world,” the authors argued.

    Tlaib and Turner wrote, “If our elected leaders will stand by and allow American police to brutalize Black and brown people in our communities, it makes sense that they also excuse the Israeli forces that train many of them ,” linking to a story from Al Jazeera, a propaganda outlet funded by the government of Qatar.

    The authors asserted that the federal government was “built to uphold white supremacy and maintain the status quo” but will respond to the pressure of its citizens, so “we must have the courage to raise our collective voice again on the front lines of justice.”

    They praised the pro-Palestinian protest movement that we have seen on college campuses and beyond, failing to acknowledge the destruction it has caused or the widespread antisemitism of the demonstrators.

    “Why is it that our country always has enough money to bomb people, but never enough to provide people with healthcare, housing, and enough food to feed their families?” they asked.

    “Year after year elected officials tell us that there is no money to invest in our communities, universal healthcare, or reparations, only to turn around and pass yet another record-breaking military budget — this year it topped $886 billion — and send tens of billions more of our tax dollars to Israel to fund this death and destruction,” Tlaib and Turner wrote.

    Using tired, old leftist talking points is not surprising coming from these two. No matter how much the government pumps into the economy, poverty cannot simply be “cured” with domestic spending. We saw this with the failed “war on poverty” in the United States and with every socialist or communist government in history.

    Furthermore, spending money on national security is necessary for a functioning country. Because the U.S. is so great and safe, they have never had to witness the atrocities of war at home. Peace is not free. It comes from ceaseless deterrence of threats from those who wish to harm us. War is the greatest evil on the planet, but it cannot be stopped by a strongly worded op-ed, nor can the appeasement of terrorist forces such as Hamas solve any problems.

    In their article, Turner and Tlaib failed to acknowledge that it was Hamas that attacked first on Oct. 7 and only made a single indirect reference to the hostages detained by the terrorist group when they wrote in support of “ending the genocide in Gaza, lifting the blockade, facilitating the release of hostages and arbitrarily detained Palestinians, ending the occupation, and dismantling the racist apartheid system.”

    While Tlaib and Turner insist there is a “shared struggle” between black people and Palestinians, white supremacists are using similar rhetoric in their messaging. David Duke, a former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, recently spoke out against “Jewish supremacism” and said that white people are “being genocided, just like the Palestinians.” Neo-Nazi Nick Fuentes said people who “support Israel and its genocide of Palestinians” are “freaks.” Communist and Putin superfan Jackson Hinkle has been especially vocal in his criticism of Israel, but even the New York Times said he promotes “false or misleading content.”


    For those keeping track, the pro-Hamas coalition now includes neo-Nazis, Klansmen, communists, Russia apologists, Iran, socialists, anarchists, propagandists for the Chinese government, terrorists, college professors, the far Left, and the far Right. In their article, Tlaib and Turner said that “this moment calls for uncompromising moral clarity,” and they are correct.

    We must stand against terrorist organizations that hate the West and all it stands for. We must stand against the vile antisemitism being propagated by Hamas apologists. We must stand against those who worship the false god of peace through weakness. We must stand against Tlaib, Turner, Duke, Fuentes, and everyone else who propagates evil while benefiting from being in the safety of the U.S.

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