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  • Dawn Chappel

    "opinion" Parent's Nightmare: Fighting Corruption in Child Protective Services


    I want to start by pointing out that corruption lies within the individuals who commit the wrongful acts and do so intentionally. It would be completely unfair to say that any entire organisation is corrupt. There are many individuals within these agency's who are innocent and do not fall into the category of corruption. Children's Services does have case workers who work in the field because they genuinely care about children. There are many helpless children all over the world who are in need of being protected. For those individuals the role of a caseworker is nothing short of a challenge, but I commend them for their commitment in doing good for others.

    Some of you may find yourself doubting a parent while being forced to listen to the seemingly repetitive complaints of CPS. To you the claims may seem repetitive, the stories may even seem outrageously blown out of proportion, to some the stories may come across as a parent playing the blame game. To some the stories are deafening. I understand your view but I encourage you to consider that we as humans easily judge the unknown because we do not understand. Some may even unintentionally judge. The mere fact that you have never experienced such a situation or even witnessed one first hand makes those stories hard to believe. Many tend to dismiss things like this quickly.

    The unfortunate flaw in many of us is that we have to experience or witness the abuse before we believe that it happens. We can't say we understand what these families are going through, without experiencing or watching someone we love dearly experience something similar. In life there is a balance to everything like the yin and yang…. Just as good exists, so does the bad. It is very much real to the individuals caught in the line of fire. It's the part of reality we would like to pretend does not exist.

    With that being said, I'm going to provide a scenario for you, but I ask that instead of tapping the back button and exiting this article you actually read it to the end. Please don't dismiss this message as most normally do, because the pain these families are suffering is very much real and it could happen to you or someone you hold dear to your heart next. I want you to imagine being in this parents' shoes.

    You're expecting a little one soon, a new addition to the family. You're excited and ready to meet your child for the first time. You can't wait to hold and snuggle your little one and you're looking forward to a beautiful future. You're ready to face the challenge, the commitment, and the hard work of parenting. You want to provide all of the things to your child that you didn't have growing up, whether it be love and affection, a good education, financial stability etc. You're looking forward to those sleepless nights and watching your precious child get on the bus for their first day of school. You look forward to staying up way past your bedtime wrapping gifts on Christmas eve and sticking presents under the tree just so you can see the excitement in your child's eyes when unwrapping and opening those gifts on Christmas day. You teach your child everything from the language you use to your sleeping habits. This tiny little life is something you created and is brought into this world pure and innocent and knows no wrong or evil in the world until someone comes along and ruins it for them

    The day of delivery has arrived. You welcome this little life into the world. The moment your child is born, your main priority in life becomes protecting your child from the wrong, the evil. You want your child to reach their full potential and be a good person. You want to raise your child in the best environment possible with as little struggle as possible. You'll be there for your child through those unpreventable struggles and support your child through the good and the bad. What matters to you the most is that your child is well and happy. Day one in the hospital is nearing an end and you're still in disbelief of the amazing life you've created and you cant get enough of your child you find yourself staring at your precious little one while they're sleeping so peacefully like a little angel. You're flooded with many thoughts, hopes , dreams and fears. That feeling of happiness is one that cannot be described with words, it is so surreal,

    Day two at the hospital and the reality of finally being a mommy or daddy is setting in. You're anxious to go home with your child and be in the comfort of your own home. You can't wait to show your child off to your friends and family. You start packing things up because your expecting to be released with your child at some point in the day. A nurse comes in and introduces an individual to you as a member of Social Services. You pause in question but dismiss your fleeting thoughts because surely this is routine right???? You finish talking with the social worker. The conversation went well, you thought. You ask the nurse when you're being released. The nurse tells you that your doctor is sending over your release papers.

    Then she suddenly drops the ball on you and informs you that you may not take your child home with you. Suddenly your entire universe is flipped upside down. What?!?! Why?!?! How?!?! Who?!?! What do you mean I cannot take my child home she's healthy and she is mine….. Is there something going on that I don't know about??? Someone then informs you that some judge or magistrate issued a court order for a stranger to take your child into the state's custody. You've prepared for the delivery of your child and dreamed about this day for so long only to find out someone you have never met has the authority to steal it all from you and for what reason?

    You go home while in such a state that it shocks the literal conscious. You are trying to figure out what went wrong. How did you go from celebrating the birth of your child to a state of mourning in less than an hour's time? You go to the court and request a copy of the court order, but the court tells you there is nothing in their system involving you or your significant other or your child. There is no court order to remove your child on file. The order provided to you when the baby was taken turns out to be a fake lacking authenticity and signed by someone who isn't even a judge.

    no court order on file

    You demand answers and contact many people and organisations for help with no success. Everywhere you turn you face a road block. Every conversation you have with someone who's job is to help you ends with an I'm sorry I cannot assist with this matter. There are no answers in sight.

    Then a day or two later you're served with a real court order. As any loving parent would, you prepare for your day in court. You're ready to show the court that this is an obvious mix up. There is no way a judge or magistrate would rule against your favour after you present your evidence and give your testimony. You expect things will be straightened out for you as you've done nothing wrong. Then the day of the hearing arrives. Confident In yourself and the justice system you enter the courtroom expecting to present your evidence and provide your testimony to the court.

    The response you receive from the court is not one that you could have imagined it's so much worse. There is a prosecutor and a social worker already in the courtroom and they've provided false testimony to the court. The testimony is full of false justifications as to why your child should NOT be placed back into your custody. The judge shockingly dismisses or even refuses to hear your testimony or view any of your evidence. How?!?!? The court was not designed to wrongly accuse the innocent. It is the court's duty to ensure due process to the accused. Then the judge, despite being presented with no evidence by the prosecution, rules in the prosecution's favour and denies you of your right to family life and your right to familial association which is guaranteed under the United States Constitution. Once again heart broken, you're lost and confused as you head home once again without your little child.

    Knowing something is wrong but unaware of your rights you immediately start looking up your options. You file complaint after complaint. You contact the children's services ombudsman, you contact the legislature and file a grievance and again you have no success. You've exhausted all resources. It appears your only option now is to file a complaint with the district court against the individuals who wronged you. Of course you lack writing skills or knowledge of the court processes but you draft a lengthy complaint including all the minor details of what took place, how it is wrong, how it has harmed you, and why your child should be returned to you. Then you file the complaint with the District Court

    At home, you've been judged wrongly by others In your community. The false claims made against you have impacted you to the point that you don't feel comfortable stepping out of your front door any longer. Your child has been placed in a foster home in the hands of complete strangers.You cooperate with the juvenile court because you refuse not to fight for your child. The court allows you to visit your child, but you are only permitted one hour a week. The visits are supervised at the child services agency but you'll take what you can get. Everything involving your child is now at the discretion of that agency.

    During a visit you see obvious signs of physical abuse occurring with your infant child. There are two nearly dime sized holes on the back of your child leg near the ankle which appear to you as burns. When you raise your concerns to a social worker, your informed the marks are from your childs blood being drawn. Not once or twice but repeatedly because your child has a very rare type of blood and is considered a universal donor. At another visit while changing your child's diaper you start to panic at the sight of your child's bottom. The skin is so raw that it couldn't have been caused by a diaper rash. The way it appears is indescribable. It looks as if the skin was missing. You're now suspecting your child is being sexually abused.

    After your pleas for help have been ignored, the court's dismiss your claims of innocence and fail to protect you and your child as they should have, and in fear for your child's safety you act on impulse. You take your child from the agency that day and run. Despite your reported concerns of abuse concerning your child, Noone cared to get involved, no news channels would hear your reports no agency would investigate most didn't even respond. Now all of the sudden the entire community is concerned about your child and for all the WRONG REASONS! You're now being hunted by the police, and the news all of the sudden developed an interest.

    parents wanted

    Articles are published all over the internet in the local newspaper and plastered all over social media. The headline is that your child has been kidnapped and needs to be rescued. Not rescued from the abuse the child is suffering in foster care, but rescued from you! You're eventually located and your infant is returned to the abusive environment you attempted to rescue the child from. You, you're hauled off to jail. The state has had enough of your shenanigans. How dare you try to protect your child and HOW DARE YOU TRY AND DEFEND YOURSELF?!?!?

    During one of the hearings with the juvenile court you inform the court of the abuse that is occurring with your infant. The court informs you that they are aware and ignores the rest of your concerns. Your only hope is for the District court to recognize the need for their interference and consider the possibility that your family is experiencing injustice. Before your arrest you had gone from being a successful self employed business owner holding numerous 5 star reviews, to being unemployed and losing everything over while trying to fight for your child. You're now homeless and you've landed yourself a felony charge for attempting to save your helpless child. The child that you devoted your life's mission to protecting.

    You refuse to plead guilty because you're innocent. After spending months in jail you're informed by your court appointed attorney that a release is nowhere in sight unless you accept that plea. You don't think of the effect taking a plea could have on your juvenile court case. Eager to get out and continue fighting you finally give in and take a plea. Your released from jail on a bond and are required to appear in court at a later date. You haven't lost all hope yet

    Then the District court reaches a decision on your case. The decision of the court is to dismiss your complaint in its entirety with prejudice meaning that you cannot revisit the matter. Your heart sinks to the floor. You cannot seek justice from these individuals at any time in your future and your next option is to file an appeal. How could the Federal District court dismiss such actions? The reasons your complaint is dismissed are poor excuses such as failing to state a claim for which relief can be granted…. What does that mean anyways? These officials are supposed to be there to protect individuals like us from injustice, yet refusing to protect you or your child. Maybe the court misunderstood your claims or maybe you did not provide enough evidence. Unwilling to give up you proceed with the appeal.

    At this point you have been harmed by so many legal officials you lack trust in any attorney. You've also lost everything and can no longer afford to pay for one even if trust wasn't an issue. You decide to defend yourself. You start studying so you'll have the knowledge you need to effectively present your claims to the court of appeals. You study the laws and rules of procedure. Things that were unclear in the beginning are now becoming more clear and you're better able to explain the misconduct. Your document drafting improves and your knowledge is getting stronger. Your love for your child should be evident through your persistence and unending devotion to learn the legal ins and outs of the juvenile court processes.

    Eventually a decision is reached with the United States Court of Appeals and this decision too offers no resolution, no justice. Once again your complaint is dismissed. You've intentionally evaded the felony kidnapping case and missed your court date to avoid going back to jail on the bogus charge. You did this so that you could fight for your child because you fear you’ll be unable to fight for your child's from a cell. You've also realised you are your only child's only hope. Your fight for justice has been brought to a halt due to the arrest warrant issued in your name.

    You eventually discover the very social workers in charge of your case lack a licence. The court has been allowing individuals to make decisions that affect your entire life and your child's well-being knowing they do not hold any training or licensing. The everyday average Joe has the authority to do with your life as they Please and it is unacceptable! You're literally stuck and your scared for your child. While seeking assistance for justice you and another person try to look your case up with the federal court's.

    no record

    There doesn't seem to be a record on file any longer. When you were arrested someone went into your home and confiscated all of your evidence. All you've got left is a YouTube channel and what you've uploaded to your laptop.

    Unfortunately folks there is no happy ending to this story. This is literally the present state of this particular parents case. Steven Moose has had two children removed from his custody. I have only informed you about the most recent case. The first case is no better in fact the first case contains errors that even Judge Kristin Culbertson acknowledged but did nothing to correct Steven Moose and of Peoria Arizona have both been wrongfully charged with felony kidnapping. They have both spent months in jail and are waiting to be sentenced to prison time…. As for their children, their whereabouts are unknown. There is no longer any contact between the children and parents Many of the stories parents share do not end well

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