Kansas City, MO

Decoration Day

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Shortly after the civil war many began to honor the 20 thousand Confederate and Union soldiers who died in battle. The freed slaves wished to honor and see to a proper burial for the Union soldiers who died for their freedom, thus Decoration Day from the early tradition of decorating graves was first recognized. “We do not know one promise these men made, one pledge they gave, one word they spoke; but we do know they summed up and perfected, by one supreme act, the highest virtues of men and citizens. For love of country they accepted death, and thus resolved all doubts, and made immortal their patriotism and their virtue.” – James A. Garfield, May 30, 1868, Arlington National Cemetery After WW1 it became a nationally recognized holiday to Honor the Fallen. In 1919 in ten short days the money was raised to build The Liberty Memorial in Kansas City Missouri. In 1921 the 5 Supreme allied commanders came together for the first time to dedicate the site and in 1926 the memorial was dedicated by Calvin Coolidge. “It [The Liberty Memorial] has not been raised to commemorate war and victory, but rather the results of war and victory which are embodied in peace and liberty…. Today I return in order that I may place the official sanction of the national government upon one of the most elaborate and impressive memorials that adorn our country. The magnitude of this memorial, and the broad base of popular support on which it rests, can scarcely fail to excite national wonder and admiration.” — Liberty Memorial Dedication Speech, President Calvin Coolidge, November 11, 1926 More than 400 thousand soldiers lost their lives in WW2. The Memorial built in Washington DC was and finished in 2004. “For more than two centuries, Americans have been called to defend the founding ideals of our democracy. On Memorial Day, a grateful Nation remembers the proud patriots who made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of liberty's blessings.” —Prayer for Peace, Memorial Day, 2004 By the President of the United States of America George W Bush A Proclamation In total there have been 12 major wars and several more confrontations. We honor fallen soldiers from all our branches of military who never returned home. In total over 37 million have died fighting for the freedom of their people in the world. Their sacrifice was made in honor of their families and countries; the willingness to look beyond themselves and to give all for another. They Give All. Remember and Honor Always. Memorial Day May 26, 2024.
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